10-09-44 Regular
october 9, 1944
The Council met in-regular session at 7:30 P.M. with
all members of the Cd~y Council, and the City Attorney present.
Minutes of regular meeting held S,ptember 25th. were
read by the Clerk and approved as read.
A letter pertaining to letters sent the city Counoil,
signed anonymously. from Margaret E. Barker was read and
ordered f Ued.
ResignatJon of E.C. Barker as lifeguard, effeotive
Ootober 15, 1944 was next presented. By motion regularly made,
seconded and oarried, Mr. Barker's resignation was aooepted.
A communicat ion from Atw4l1 I1e Company regarding
nelray Refunding Bonds, also letter from E.C. Hall pertaining
to cemetery road, were read and ordered filed.
Next a ~tter from the U.S.O. regarding athletio
oarnival was read. The Council was unanimous in wanting to
assist in this oarnival; however, tbey instructed the Clerk to-
inform the U.S.O. that trere are no funds available at this
time whereby theycobld assist in a finamoial way.
:tetter from Gaynon Iron Works regarding load packer.
was read and ordered filed.
Itemized statement totalling $4,473.83 for oonstruction
of N.\V. Fourth Avenue from N.W. 2nd st. toN.IV. 4th st. from
Howard L. cromer was read. After discussing the matter, Mr.
McFee moved that the bill be approved, subject to the checking
of the Clerk and the street committee. Mr. Wodischek seoonded
the motion which carried unanimously on roll call.
A communication from Gracey Bros. relative to
Seestedt Stevens sin zoning was read. Attorney Nowlin informed
the Council that after cfnecking with the Clerk he found the
original zoning ordinanoe placed this sin in Residence "B"
zone also in Apartment House mne. Members of the Counoil
said they intended to have the 7th Avenue lots placed in
apartment house zone, and instruoted the City Attorney to
proceed to take the neoessary steps to place the 7th Avenue
lots in apartment house zone.
The following Ie tter was read:
October 9, 1944
Delray Beach, Fla.
October 9, 1944
Mr. IV.M. Waters
Chairman Finance Committee
Ci ty Council
Delray Beach, Fla.
Dear Mr. \llaters:
The Florida State Bank of Delray Beach, Florida
is desirous of being designated as the sole de-
pository for all the funds of the City of Delray
We wish to submit the following in connection with
t'1e handling of the moneys belonging to the City:
First, the Florida state Bank will place in the
hands of the proper authorities of the City,
United states government bands or trust receipts
covering United States governcment bonds of a
sufficient amount to fully cover all moneys of the
City at all times on deposit in the Florida State
The bank will handle the account of the city
Without any charge for checks drawn by the City
and without any charge for checks deposited by
the City dra\v.o on out of town banks.
In handling the account in this manner the municipal
funds will be fully oovered by government bands at
all times and no charge will accrue to the City in
the routine handling of checks drawn or checks
We feel that by designating the Florida State Bank
as sole depository will facilitate the handling
of the City's banking business in one locality and
at the same time save the City money from the stand-
point of postage necessary to send their deposits
Thanking you for your (xrnsideration, we remain
Yours very truly,
H. A. Hubbard,
Vice-president Cashier
October 9, 1944
After this letter \ms discussed it was decided by the Council
that it would be desirable to have the $5~~00. Worth of
bonds which are now at the Vlest Palm ,Beach Bank brought to
the local bank together with the rest of the funds.
Bl motion regularly made, seconded and carried,
Resolutdon '5l3 was passed on its first reading.
Councilman ~acobs reported the swimming pool-is now
painted and looms beautiful.
Mayor Thayer stated the ins ide of the locker rooms
r at the pool looked shabby and were badly in need of be ing
I paiilted. He said it would cost approximately $300 to have
i , the downstairs rooms painted. By motion regularly made,
seconded and carried, the Parks Committee was asked to secure
bids for painting interior of dm~stairs of pool building,
with power to act in acoeptance of bid to have the work done.
Councilman McFee stated that after checking on
trailers within the City he finds they are not being used
for regular housekeepi~, no cooking is being done,just
being used for sleeping quarters.
, :!
On Counoilrnan'McFee's request the Council authorized
him to have forms printed whereby the Sanitary Inspector can
keep a record on each and every business establishment in town.
Councilman Wodisohek reported l122 water meters
on at the first of October. He stated the tank repairs were
comins a1 ong in good shape, ann when t'1e job is completed
it will be first class.
The Mayor said he had written the Railroad officials
regarding Railroad Avenue, also han sent date regarding
beautification of the Railroad property to them. He also
reporten the Street Committee had met with Hr. E. Andrews
and discussed wlith him repairs to road in front of the
Boutheas~ern Ice company. Mr. Andrews has offered to pay
$400 toward the cost of making necessary repairs.
October 9, 1944
Above Ordinance named B.F. Sundy as Clerk, and the following
as inspectors; L. F. Ranson, Geo. Mayberry, A. J. Caraker,
and set November Zlst as date of Pr llnary election. The
Colony Hotel, Fashion Mart Store, was designated as location
for election.
By motion regularly made, seconded and carried,
Fire Chief Croft was given permission to attend the fire
college in Miami, taking another man with him if he so
The Clerk was instructed to issue occupation licenses
to Twyla B. O'Hara, also to Catherine Murray.
Bills # 1859 through' 1904 which totaled $34,973.75
having been approved by the Finance Committee, were by motion
regularly made, seconded and carried, ordered paid.
A letter to City Attorney NoWLin from Marshall
Wood, Attorney for Burwell Smi th was read and discussed.
The City Attorney was asked to reply to same, makin~ the
same proposition the City made to Mr. Smith when he was
present at a special meeting of the Council.
There being no further business to come before the
Council, Council adjourned.
City clerk