10-23-44 Regular 2358 COUNClL CHAMBER October 23, 1944 The Council met in regular session at 7:30 P.M. wi th all meml!ers of the city Counoil and the City Attor- ney present. Minutes of regular meeting held Ootober 9th. were read by the Clerk and approved as read. The following oommun!oation from Mr. E.N.Dndrews was read and d isoussed: Southeastern Ioe Co.,Ino. Delray Beaoh, Fla. Honorable Mayor and Counoilman, City or Delray Beaoh Delray Beaoh, Fla. Gentlemen: , On behalf of Southaastern Ioe Co., Ino., we agree to pay $400.00 towards the oost of re- pairing the street in front of the ioe plant on NQrth East second Street if the repairs are d one in the following manner: 1. The Grade to start at the F.E.C.R.R. orossing and be installed in suoh mamer that the water will d:ra.1n from the front of the ioe plant build ing. 2. Amiorete topping not less than one inoh in thiokness is to be used from t he No rth Eas t Corner of t.l-te building to the side walk on the Nortl-t s ide of the street. 3. A suffioient thiokness of good road rook to be used which will not break under traffio from heavy truoks. / /s/ Sincerely, Southeastern Ioe Co., Inc. E. N. Andrews, Vioe-Pres. Application from party in West palm Beach for employment as Polioe Offioer was read, and ordered turned over to Chief pf Polioe Croft for investigation. 2.359 Oot. 23, 19&4 Next, a oommunioation from Elsa C. Aokerman, agreeing to have her property inoorporated into the Oity was read and ordered filed. Applioation from Former fity Tax Assessor Harry C. Blank, for his old position, was presented. The CleIk was instruoted to reply to same, advising Mr. Blank that inasmUoh as the City had employed another man, after his resignation as assessor, who has proven ent irely satis- faotory, they would not oons ider Mr. Blank's applioation at this time, however, they would keep him in mind should a vaDancy ooour at a later date, intthe Assossor's offioe. A petition signed by R.C. Lawson and C.\'I. Garner for oonstruotion of road on S. W.1st Ave., between S. W. 3rd street and S.W. 4th street, was read. After disoussion, the City Attorney advised Mr. Garner who was in the aud ienoe, that it was oustomary to first dedioate the land upon which the road is to be oonstruoted. Mr. Garner stated he was willing to dedicate trheir portion of land, but did not desire to pay any of the oost of oonstruotion of said road. Attorney Nowlin agreed to oontatot Mrs. Boyd, owner of llalanoe of land affecteQ, to find out her desire in the matter. , The hour of eight o'olook having arrived, bids for repairing Seoond Street from the F.E.C. Railway to a point West 342', aooording to City speoifioations, were read. ~hey were as follows: El ton Harve I . . . . . . . Gulf Stream Engineers . . . $l,268.00 l,l50.75 After disoussing the matter thODoughly, the Council agreed to go over the road in question, at 5 P.M' october 24th. to determine just whw muoh of this work they think it is neoessary to proceed with. No bids \~re aooepted at this time. Counoilman ~aoobs reported the painting at the pool had cost more than he had at first antioipated, but that a good job had been done. He presented estimate from E. E. Hagerman for painting inside o~ downstairs foam at the pool..Amount of estimate being $398.45. After disoussion, theCounoil deoided to wait until a later date to have this work done when labor is more plentiful. Mr. ~acobs also reported a new lifeguard was now on duty at the Beaoh, from Boca Raton Field, and he bas instruoted the man to bring along another lifeguard as the number of bathers required two guards. Councilma n \'{odischek reported ~ had pumped 'l'O60 Oot. 23, 1944 29,973,000 gallons of water during September. He also reported having reoeived bid from ~aok Sharpe for repairs to reserve water tank, amounting to $3,500. This bid was ordered filed for future referenoe. Mr. \1bdischek stated he had estj~ates from tw~ road construotion oontraotors sent to the F.E.C. for repairs to Railroad Avenue. Mayor Thayer stated that inasmuoh as the preference seemed to be for printed ballots, they would be used in the ooming oity eleotions. City Attorney Nowlin informed the Counoil he had written Burwell Smith telling him the Council was willing to live up to their o~iginal &enSative agreement which they had discussed with him. At Attorney NoWlin's request, the Clerk was instruoted to send mimeograph oopies of R@solutions per- taining to inoorporating Hofman Village and seagate into the City, to property owners affeoted, by motion regularly made, seoonded and oarried. Next, Attorney Nowlin brought up the matter of Seestedt-Stevens Subdivision zoning. After considerable discussion, he was instruoted by the Counoil to place all lots in Seestedt-Stevens Subdivision faoing NorthEast 7th Avenue in apartment house zone, all other lots in "A" zone, vdth 30' set-baoks. Application from Mrs. Peter Koster far gift shop lioense in Boyd Building was approved by the Council. Next a disoussion ensued regafding lioensing of pin-ball maohines, and conso~ machines. The Clerk was instruoted to issue lioenses for pin-ball maohines, writing on the faoe of the l~eense the requirements for operation of same. Attorney Nowlin agreed to draft an ordinance permitting the licensing of all maohines whioh the state licenses. Assessment roll for improvement to N.W. Fourth Avenue, prepared by Howard Cromer, was by motion regularly made, seoonded and oarried, aooepted. Attorney NoWlin agreed to prepare same for publication in the newspap er. bills paid, By motion regularly made, seoonded numbered 1905-l93l totaling $16,274.62 subjeot to the approval of the Finance and oarried, were ordered Committee. There being no further business to come before ~...."'n , I the Counoi~, Council adjourned. Attest: , ' , " , Oot. 23, 1944 jrv\ r\- OR h': 0 ,9". ~ "". i city Clerk 2361;'