10-25-44 Special 2369 COUNCIL cmmBER October 25, 1944 . I The Council met in Special Session at 5 P.M. for the purpose of taking emergency action in regard to road repairs to N.W. 2nd St., arid for any bther matters that might need the Council~s aotion, with all members of the Council and the City Attorney present. By mo,tion regularly made, seconded and carried, Resolution No. 514 was passed on its first reading. RESOLUTION No. 514 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCn. OF THE: C We OF DELRA Y BEACH',' FLORIDA-, OroERING THE ACTING CIrTY ENGJNEER TO PREPARE PLANS AND S.PECIFICATIONS FOR STREET D.UOROVEHENI' WORK ON N.E. 2m'!' STREET FROH THE FLORIDA EAST COAST RAILWAY TO N. E. 2nd AVENUE. By motion regularly made seconded and carried, Resolution No. 51E\ was passed on its first reading. A RESOLUTION OF 'I'm CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, ACCEPTnm PLANS AND SPECIFICAT IONS OF THE ACTlliG CITY ENGmEER FOR CERTAIN STREET D.lPROVEHENT vl}!lK TO BE CONSTRUCTED ON N. W. 2nd STREET FRCN THE FLORIDA EAST COAST RAILWAY TO n.E. 2nd AVENUE AND ALSO THE: ESTDMTED COST OF THE PROPOBED D.U'ROm,rnnT1 WBIm IS SET FORTH IN SAID PLANS AND SPECIBICA'l'rONS. j BY motion regularly made, seconded and carried,Resolution No. 516 was passed on its first reading. . 236'8 ,RES 0I.U'l~9N ,,NO,, 51& A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCn. OF THE: CITY OF DELRAT BEACH, F.tORIDA, ORDERING THE: OONSTRUCTION OF CERTAm STBEET D.[I>ROVEMENT WORK on N.E. 2nd STREET FROM' THE: FLOR IDA EAST COAST RAn.WAY TO N.E. 2nd AVENUE FROM S IDEW'ALK TO SIDEWALK. CounoillllB!!l J"aoobs reoommended that Superintendent Turner have the pools in the looker rooms at the pool thDooughly cleaned. There be ing no further business to come before the Counoiw, Council adjourned. ~~,,,....:..~ M-.y city Cle Attest: } /