11-14-44 Special
November 14, 1944
The Council met in Special session at 5 O'clock
on call of the Mayor, for the purpose of taking action
regarding N~W. 2nd Street repairs. The following members
were present: Mr. Jacobs, Mr. Thayer, Mr. Waters and
Mr. Wodischek. Mr. McFee and Attorney Nowlin were absent.
Arter viewing the road, Councilman Waters
moved that the City go ahead with repairing this road,
according to specifications, from the railroad to the
west side' of the alley west of the ice house, accepting
Mr. Andrews orfer of paying $400. towards the work, and
accepting 1'1". Waters offer to pay cost of repairs on
road abutting his property. IIr. Wodischek seconded the
motion which carried unanimously on roll call.
There being no further busineas 1:ocr:ome
before the Council, Council adjourned.
City Clerk