11-27-44 Regular 2377 November 27th, 1944 '. At this time, Mrs. Burwell smith and her attorney Marshall 'Vood, came before the Council to discuss the advisability of their property, "'Seagate" being incorporated into the City. After a lengthy discussion, the r:ouncil Agreed to work out some plan regarding tax rate, zoning, water, etc., Bnd meet ~1th these people on December 18th. to complete the details. By,motion regularly made, seconded and carried, date for discontinu'lnce 0" water serv~,ce to outsirle consumers was extended to January 15th, 1945. '.... It was regularly moved, seconded and carried that the fol1o'ving Ordinance be passed. on its i'i"st reading:- ORT)TNilW~~ {I 519 -A AN ORDIN~NCE COR7B?~ING AND EQUALIZING ASSESSHEN'r'S T"0'1 T!1'i: GRilD:':'TG AND :P',"T~TG 0" '1"H1\'" PORTION OF N. ''1. '7C1TTRTR ATh'NTrE, FRm' N. ilV. SECOND S",REET ",0 H. W. FOnDTT,!, STREET IN 'l'HS CIT" 0" D'ELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA AN') LEVYING SPECII\L TIPROYE1'ENT ~S.,)ESS''ENTS AS ST1:0'I'N BY ".'1))<: A~3SESm!Q'NT ROLL '70'1 SAID SPECIAL TIP?OV"~"};:NTS; PROVIDING THE l'ETIto;) ,JAID ~3P1CCIAL ASS};:Sm'ENTS SHALL BE MADE; THE TTIill "lHEN THE S/I1'!E ;V,ALL BECOME PAYABLE; THAT SAID !\cjSESS~''ENTS 'PO BE LEVPD SHAI,L BE A LIEN FRmt TIrE DATE 0"' THE ASSFSSM"m ROLL AND SET "'0!lTf[ HEREIH; TII" T'..\mmR IN'lfUCH SAID ASSESSUEHTS ARE TO BE COLLECTI::D ~N) PRO'TIDTIJG FaT) THE ISSTJANCE OF SPECIAL CERTIFIc:A'!'FS 0"' TN'.JE'R'!'EDNESS 1<'on THE MfOTTN~ SO ASSESSED AGAINS'!' 'r'HTI: ASSSSSll.BLE PROPERTY. ~ Attorney Nowlin informed the Council he would prepare the certificates covering this '~ork, whi_ch will be dated Nov. 27th, 1944. The Clerk was instructed. to issue occupational licenses to l,ee An-1rews and .Tesse Nelson. She; waS also instructed to allow L. N. Q,uince Tfqmestead Exemption on his home property ($5.95) abating same on tax roll, by mttion regular1:r made, seconded and carried. (quince applied for ''!'omestead Exemption on III vacant lot in error.) , personal property tax bill for "sandpatch" Bnd K1ear Water Co., were ordered turned over to Assessor ogten for investigation. If any rebate is due Klear ',Vater, the Clerk shall allow same upon r~r. Ogren's advice. . , '. ". '. 'v 2378 NoveMber 27th, 1944 Letter from PalM Beach County Resourses Development Board was ordered answered. Other letters requesting financial information were ordered turned over to Auditor "linn with the instructions that if he desires to furnish this information, he may do so. Bills #1982 - 1988 and. 1990 2003, amounting to $5,376.92 having been approved by the ~inance Committee, were by motion regularly, made, seconded and carried, ordered paid. , Attorney c. v. Byrd informed the Council the property owners in Bofman Village were desill'OUs of having their property incorporated into the City. 7~ayor Thayer advised the M.P. 's have been withdrawn from this area. Horrison Field is to furnish the City with some protection at a later date; however; there were considerable disturbances in t01~ last Saturday night. After discussing the matter, the Couuci1 expressed themselves as being in favor of locking offenders up in the City dai1 and trying them be~ore our local judge, until such time as we are furnished Hili tary Police protection. 'Fire Chief Croft requested permission to use his office for rEcreation room for his firemen, inasmuch as the one they now use is to be torn down by the owner. Be recommen4ed building a new office just west of the police office, in the garage building. "'he Council instructed the Chief to get prices, etc, to submit ~o them, which he agreed to do. COhere being no further business to COMe beforr- the Counci1~ Council adjourned. ~~-,.:... ~ ~,,~ . Ci ty Clerk. Attest: