12-11-44 Regular 2381 COUNC IL r,)'IAMBER December 11, 1944 , . The Council met in regular session at 7:30 P.D. with all members of the City Council present. City Attorney Nowlin was absent. Hinutes of regular meeting held November 27th were read, corre cted, and approve<J. as corre cted. l'inutes of meetings held December 4th. an<J. 5th. were 8:-,proved. '( ~he Clerk was instructe<J. to invite ^ttorney r,. Y. Byrd, F.r.:. Dewitt and C.J.V'lhite to the Special }'eeting December 18th. By motion regularly made, seconded and tion of Geo. Cushing as plumbing and Samitary accepted. carried, resigna- Inspector was Letter from Fla. power aml Li~ht regarding electric service agreement for Golf Course was ondered filed. communication from Hethodist Church advising their pa"sonage had been sold in }'ay of 1943 WRS reRd. The Clerk was ordered to advise the present owner inasmuch as the Church ,Hd not own the property as of ;ranuary 1, 1944, the full amount of tax as billed is due. r,ollncilman ;racobs reported the lifeguard is back on the job until Dec. loth. At that time the City will have to secure another man. }'ayor Thay..r !l"vised he has written two r'1i"n who had applied for thj.s job but.as yet has not had a reply from them. l'r. ,Tacobs ,Hscussed the conr1ition of the pool Building floors. "ouncil decided it best to wait until after the season is over before doing work on this inasmuch as labor is so hard to secure at this time. Councilman }!c Fee reported a connition exists at the Rubel' property on N.E. 5th Avenue which is causing people in the ne ighborhood considerable niscomfort. .... the keeping of horses and cattle. After discussing the matter the Clerk was instructed to write Mr. Huber a,lvising him his neighbors hesitate to take the necessary legal steps to remedy an un- pleasant condition, therefore the city Council requests that ~~r. Bubel' move all horses and cattle other than a milk cow, to some other location suitable for stAbling them at his very earliest convenience. Councilman Wodischek reported 1158 water meters were on December 1st. During month of November 22,226,000 gallons of water was ];mmped. 2382 December 11th, 1944 The Mayor 3dvised work is progressing on the n.w. 2nd street repairs, and that Grover Baker had said he might on his own, try to remedy the bump in roail on the east side of the tracks on N. 'V. 2nd st. He also ailviseil the "lailroad officials had been in town and were coming b8ck again this week to complete plans for beautification at the W.~.C. station At this time Counciillman 'Vaters read p'lrts of the Annual Audit renort. Councilman ;racobs stated he 'vished to call to the attention of the Council that he has stuilied these reports during the years he has serveil on the Council, which HI' '.Vinn has compiled, and he wished to compl iment Hr. ;Vinn on the fine audits he has made. }~r BcFee moved that the Audit report be received by the Council, to be approved, follow~ng the recommen~ation of the Finance Committee at next regular meeting Mr. ':Vodischek seconded the motion which carrieil unanimously on roll call. The Mayor submitted an amJlys is of the aui! it which he reconn..ndeil be published in the local newspaper, for the benefit of the public. By motion regularly made, seconded and carr ied, ~'ayor Thayer was authorizeil to have this analys is published. r;ouncilman'Voilischek moved that the following bad check accounts be cancelled off the books inasmuch as they are uncollectablll:- Peter Slayton $2.50 Bill Brown $ 15.25 Dr. Geo. H. Nelson ~6.25 }!r. Waters se conded the motion which cflrrled unan-tmously on roll call. I!ayor "'hayer advised our new sanitary truck will be ready for delivery -t!l!iP the first part of next week. TIe also stated he had wired r;annon and Pepper, also Secretary of "far regarding ~'.P. protection for our City. He secured answers from Pepper and Cannon, and a 1'a jor from Atlanta was in town Saturday to investigate illhe situation. He hoped some action would be taken in the very ne ar future. Next Hr. Thayer asked the r:ouncil if they would consider allowing the officers from "3oca 'Raton Field to use our Golf Clubhouse for officers e11tertainment purposes. "'his was discussed, but no action was taken. ~ , At ";his time, Hr. Turner informed the Council that since Hr. Cushing has resigned he is badly in need of another man, ana he recommended that eVEry thine; be done that is possible to try to secure one. ~e stated he ha~ a man in mind, J.L. Helvenston, who is no'.v in the service. '"he Council told Hlr. Turner they thought Hr. Tlelvenston would make him a good man, and for 1'.r. Turner to go ahead and take whateVEr steps are 2383 December 11th, 1944 necessary to have Mr. FIelvenston released from the service. I , Fire Chief Croft was instructed to securE! prices on complete stencil outfits. Chief Croft said he han secured an estimate on converting a portion of glu'age into an office, "nd the price given him was $650.00 After cons iderable d iscllsS ion it was decided to investigate into +'~e possibility of building out at the cYater Plant property, and moving the entire garage equipment out there. T~e Clerk was instructed to abate $11.60 Personal Property tax assessed to 'Tirginia 'Tous ton, "Sandpatch" inasmuch as the "Sandpatch" equi;Jment had been inclucied in George Riley tax bill. She was instructed to rEply to all persons who write in claiming they h"ve no furniturE in houses, em"! owe no personal property tax bill, that inasmuch as the City Assessor advertised in the newspaper, requesting persons to file returns, and inasmuch as they had filed no rEturn with him, the tax is due and payable. The Clerk was instructed to issue occupational liCEnses to the following: 1~. R. Nichols, r'aggie Fair, ~V. C. Greet and "1. M. }'cLaughlin. Greet and Mc Laughlin to furnish business aAdress before issuing their license. r The Clerk reported having collected $78,489.54 during November on the 1944 taxes. Supt. Turner advised he had a machine for clearing out the sewwr linE! being demonstrated in the city, and would like permission to purchaSE! one, at a cost of '300., if it proves satisfactory. No action W9S taken at this time. ) Bills #2004 - 2041 amounting to $3,971.80 having beEn approved by the Finance Committee, were by motion regularly made, seconned and carried, ordered pair. Assessor Ogren advised he had been working on the assessment of acreage East of the canal, outlining various s ubd i v is ions, anr1 tha t he thought $300. per a cre would be a fair valuation on the Smith property which the City is con- sidering incorporating into thE city limits. At the Hayor's request, Mr. Ogren agreed to meet with the members of the Council at 5 P.M. Saturday, December loth. to go into the matter further. I , There being no further business to come beforE the Council, Council adjourned. ~#~ ~""'..,.~. j" \.r'-i City Clerk