12-18-44 Special
December 18th, 1944
The Council met in Special session at 8 P.M. on call
of the Mayor, for the purpose of taking action on the Burwell
Smith and Sea gate negotiations: also for any other matters of
business which might need the action of the Council at this
time, with all members of the City Council and the city Attorney
Reai~nation of 1ucile Nichols as a member of the Zoning
Board was r4ad, and was by motion regularly made, seconded, and
carried, accepted with regret.
Councilman "Vaters moved that George pinckney be appointed
Sanitary Inspector pro-tem at the same salary he was receiving
before. Mr. McFee seconded the motion which carried unanimously
on roll call.
The Clerk was instructed to issue occupational license
to rrr. Roy B. Lewis for Health Foods-Fruits store.
The following communication was read:
Delray Beach, Florida
December 14th 1944
Honorable Payor And Council
City of Delray Beach
Delray Beach, ~la.
The zoning Commission has received the application
of f'r. Raymond -'1I1i te for a change from "A" to "B" zone of lots
1 and 2 block 81.
In accordance with Zoning regulations a public meet-
ing was called at 4 P.M. December 13th, 1944, for the purpose
of hearing interested property o~ners on the subject and no
one came before the board to express objections to such ch'mge.
After the public meeting, the Zoning Comoission
voted unanimously to recommend to the ~ity Council that the
change be mgde in accord'mce with f'r. White's request.
Yours truly,
C. '.v. Garner,
By motion regularly made, seconded and carried, the Zoning
Commission's recommendation was accepted by the Council.
December 18th, 1944
The Council instructed the Clerk to hold the improvement
lien certificates on the N.'1. 4th Avenue paving project, until
such time as the rl'lorida State Bank gives her check to the
amount of $526.98 to cover engineers fees, legal fees anr1 adver-
tising. ~hen to turn the certificates over to the bank.
f~ayor Thayer advised the Council the Police car was out
of: commission, and he Ann the Chief had found a 1941 I~ercury
C'lr in -,est Palm Beach which can be bought for ;$1,305.00 He
said the City has an old Chevrolet truck stored at the GOlf
Course whi ch can be trAded in for the Hercury. After discuss-
ing the matter, Hr. Waters moved that inasmuch as the Chief of
Pol ice, anr1 the Hayor who is he ad of the Pol ice Dept. deem it
advisable to purchase the car, the f'ayor be given Authority to
purchase same. "r. Jacobs seconded the motion, "Ind on roll
call the vote WAR as follows: Hr. ,Tacobs yes, J'r. Thayer yes,
I'r. Mcrl'ee no, Hr. "Yaters yes, I'r. Wonis chek yes. Motion carried.
At this time Lt. M. 11'. Riley addressed the Gouncil in
behalf o~ his b~other regarding a quit claim deed from the City
for about two thirds of lot 19 ann a portion of lot 18, Ocean
Park. After discussing the matter, the Mayor ndvised Lt. Riley
the Council woulr'l have to have more time to inves tignte the
matter before giving him a i\efimHe answer.
Next a lengthy (1. tscussion enSu:,e.:~ between the Council,
Mrs. Purwell Smith, ler. ". ';rood, her attorney, and C.Y. Byrd,
attorney representing a number of property owners in 3eagAte.
"'he l'ayor read 'iesolution prepared by the Gj ty Attorney. After.
going into the various angles of the resolution, it was finally
decided that the first half mile, west of Ocean Blvd. of 3mith's
property be taken into the Gity at the next Legislature, Hrs.
Smith to pay the Gity $500.00 per year ~or ten years in lieu
of taxes. . Portions of blocks facing the government spoil area
to the north of the Smith property to be zoned for apartment
houses (not to be over two story buildings) Lot X to be zoned
for business purpoRes. "'he North 390' east of the Boulevard
to be zoned for a beach cabana club. J'rs. Smith to put in WAter
mains, meters,ani\ roads, accor,ling to <'lIt" specifications.
Roads to be mainta~"ned by J..!rs. ,Smith, uritil such time as Mrs.
Smith turns the roads over to the City, then the abutting
property will be assessed at the regular city rate for taxes.
At such time as hOllses are built on the property, the houses
will be assessee at the regular city rate for taxes. The City
agreed to ~urnish f'rs. Smith water for the development of her
property oQe mile south of the 1/2 mile area for a period of
ten years at the regular water rate ch'lrged outside water
consumers, meter to be at the City line. Attorney Nowlin
agreed to draw up an agreement to be acted upon at the next
regul'lr Council meeting, 'vh.tch will be held December 20th at
7:30 P.M.
i /
December 18th, 1944
Attorney "9yrd, and SeagBte property o'mers in the
aud ience were infor'med the Council will rliv ide the property
in Seagate east of the Boulevnrd into two portions, the north
portion which is developed will be taxed at the same rate as
regular city rate for taxes, and the south portion to be taxed
on a special rate, comparable to the rate ?ivEin Mn,. Sr"ith.
IPeginning Jclnuary 1, 194fi,Seagate will l""ece ve all city
services, Ilnn also will be "giverl the regular water rate allowed
inside city consumers. (Seagate, east of the boulevard, to also
come into the (~ity at the next legislature.)
There ~eing no further business to come before the
~ouncil, Council adjourned.
~/!l.n..'.. 'p, <i,
City Clerk.