12-28-44 Regular
J f
December 28th, 1944
The Gouncil met in regular session at 7:30 P.!~. with
all members of the Gity Council and the City ~ttorney present.
l'inutes of meetings held Dee 11th 'md the 18th were
read, corrected, and approved as corrected.
Mayor Thayer was ash'i to compose a letter relative to
securing the release from the service of J. "[elvenston in
order that he might be employed by the city.
The Clerk stated Gracey Bros. wanted a certification
from her shtrwing that the East portion of Block 119 was 1'1
Class "B" zone. Zoning Ordinance did not include this block,
however., the original zoning map shows the east portion in
"Bf~i zone. The Council instructed the Glerk to write a letter
to Gracey Bros. informing them that according to the original
zoning map the property in question is in "B" zone.
By motion regularly made, seconded and carried, check
to the amount of ~lO.OO from R. S. Evans for the old Chev-
rolet truck which was traded in on purchase of police car,
was accepted.
The Council instructed the Glerk to check wi th Assessor
Ogren on personal property taxes charged people who had no
furnishings in their houses, and if this is found to be true,
charges are to be abated.
Two blue prints for two new subdivisions on west
Atlantic Avenue near the Seaboard, were presented by O.D.
priest, Jr. These prints were ordered turned over to the
Planning Board for examination and r~co~~endation.
By motion regularly made, seconded and carried, the
clerk was instructed to refund plumbers examination fees
posted by 'V. '~. Pancoast to the amount of :1\30.00, inasmuch
as the m'm is leaving the city Bnd will not take the Exam-
Bills #20,,3-2064 amounting to $24, 580.84 having been
approved by the Finance Conmittee, were by motion regularly
made, seconded and carried, ordered paid.
Mr. Waters stated that as Ghairman of the Finance
Committee, his Committee recommended the Council to acc~pt
Auditor Winn's Annual Audit Report for the past year.
Councilman :'1od ischek moved that Auditor 'dinn 'a audit report
be accepted by the Council. Hr. HcFee seconded the motion
which carried unanimously on roll call.
December 28th 1944
At this time agreement between Hrs. Burwell Smith
and the City was presented to the Gouncil for study. Hrs.
Smith's Attorney, M. Wood, and the Council, with their
Attorney, Hr. Nowlin took each portion of the agreement,
discussing sume pro and con. After a very lengthy discussion,
the Council informed T'rs. Smith they wouliJ study the agreement
further at a special meeting on December 29th., then after
making additions they deem advisable, they will lUeet '.1Ii th
l'rs. Smith and her flttorney on Dec,omber 30th. at 2 P.!'. with
an agreement satisfactory to the 0ity, for final action.
By motion regularly made, seconded and carried, M.F.
Walker was granted a temporary permit to erect a small concrete
structure which he intenda to occupy as a home until materials
are available for him to build a home, on lot 1 block 91.
Supt. Turner was authorized by the Council to purchase
30 3/4" water meters which will be used for the new housing
project on South Swinton.
Councilman 'yodischek stated he had checked into the
ownerShip of the small water tank, and founiJ it belonged to
the City. Attorney Byrd who was in the audience, verified
this}statihg the tank was in the alley.
Councilman Jacobs moved that a Resolution be drafted
in rememberance of ~ohn H. Adams, Sr., and young Bradley
O'neil. 00uncilman McFee seconded the motion which carried
unanimously on roll call.
The Clerk was instructed to check through the minutes
regarding paid city firemen receiving extra compensation from
attending fires whilE off duty and at night.
Councilman ~acobs informed the Council he had Employed
Mrs. M. Harris as a temporary lifeguard. The Council expressed
themselves as not being in favor of employing a lady lifeguard,
and asked Councilman Jacobs to try to secure a guard from the
Boca Raton Field.
Councilman McFee expressed himself as belng very much
, in favor of the Council building and addition for a garage
at the ''later Plant property. TTe also stated he was in favor
of the Council charging Gulf Stream a flat fee for fire protec-
tion. Mr. HcFee moved that the City offer Gulf Stream fire
protection for one year for .500.00. ~{r. Waters seconded the
motion which carried unanimously on roll call.
December 28th, 1944
the Council, Council adjourned.
There being no further businEss to come before
\l ;.
Jo~.t. ~~i
City Clerk.