01-11-43 Regular 2065 COUNCIL CHAMBER January il, 1943 The Council met in regular session at 7: 30 P.M. Vii th the City Attorney and all members of the Council present. With mfunor corrections, as to membership of the Finance and Golf Comnittee, the minutes of the last meeting of January 4, were approved as read. 'lbe first item taken up under the heading of communications was a letter from the Golf Committee, as follows: Delray Beach, Florida. January 11th, 1943 Ci t;y Counci 1, Delray Beach, Florida. Gentlemen: Since our appointment last Monday night, the Gall Comnittee has given serious thought and con- sideration to the problem facing it this season and we Viish to submit the following recommendations which have been unanimously approved by the Committee. > The services of Mr. Lewis E. Wilson be re- tained until February 15th for the purpose of closing the Golf club house building, putting the machinery in order, barricading roads, and posting the property. The present employee, Joe Johnson, to be re tai IE d, and li ve in the bu ilding, IE ar the cl ubhouse, and a schedule be arranged by Mr. Wilson for cutting the fairways, greens, shrubbery and necessary care as required, which will include watering on a restricted plB.n. Our further recommendation is that this plan be followed for a perio d of ten months, cost not to exceed $250.00 per month. These recommendations are based on an estimate that if the golf course is abandoned it would cost ih, the neighborhood of $10,000.00 to restore tl:e course to good plB.ying condition. The comnittee feels that the investment of the tax payers in the property fully warrants the expenditure above recomnended. They how- ever, Viill reconsider the entire recommendations at a future date should general conditions call for a furtl:er revision or justify opening the course. Respectfully submitted, /s/ J.C. Keen Chairman, Golf Comnittee 2066 January 11, 1943 . Asked when the recommended plB.n of operation at a cost of $2:0.00 per month wculd comnence, Mr. Keen, Chairman of the Golf Committee, replied that it was proposed to start this as of January 15, 1943, extending it over the following le-month period, unless development s warranted a re-conaideration of the whole gelf course si tuation. Too members of the Golf Comnittee as well as the Council considered it would be cheaper to maintain the Course, on this basis, than to abandon it enti rely and ha ve to go through a complete rebuilding program wl:en re-opened. It was therefore moved by Mr. Hiil that the recomnendation of Golf Conmittee be accepted and compled with, in accord with the terms of the conmittee's letter. Mr. McFee secomed the motion arxl on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. Mcfee yes, Mr. Miller yes, Mr. Wodischek yes. The motion carried. ~ A petition from colored town citizens was read, in \\hich they asked that SOlll! street lighting be pr/1lVided in their section of town. Councilman Miller, Chairman of the Light Committee reported that ~~is had already been dom, and along this same line, reported that by the following night street lights would be restcred on Swinton Avenue, and a few added on Eastward to the Beach, each week, as fast as the Florich Powllr & Light Company could get them back on; that the Council wCl.lld view them, in sections, as they are put back into service and those comliaered objectionable would ei ther be turned oft' or hooded sufficilently teneemply with defense regulations. c, Resignation of Frank W. Seely as Tax Assessor was then read. Mr. Wodischek moved that it be accepted. Mr. Miller stated he fUt it was a mistake tel let Mr. Seely go, but since he had already resigned, the City WIlluld have to find another Tax Assessor, and therefore seconded the motion. There was some further discussion between the MaYOlr and Councilman Hill; and Mr. Seely, who was present, further stated his reasons fer leaving, and his objections to working on a month-to-month basis. 'lbe motion accepting his resignation was carried, the vote being as follows: Mr. Hill yes, with regret, Mr. Jacobs yes, with regret, Mr. McFee yes, Mr. Miller yes, Mr. Wodischek yes. The motion carried. , A letter from the Daytona Chanber of Conrnerce was read, in- quiring whether the City of Delray Beach would calsider sending a delegation to Jacksonville for a propesed meeting of the East Coast Chamber of Comnerce in the interest of too re cently approved project J3er deepening the IntracGstal Waterway to twelve feet. With the consent of the Council, the Mayor ordered the comnunicat.ion to ee turned over to President of Chamber of Comnerce for the consideration of that body. A letter was received from the Delray VictEll'Y Associat:lon amwncing Sunday, January 24th, 3:00 P.M. as the time am date for the next community ooncert, and inviting the Ceuncil tal be present. The Cfllllllunicatan was ordered filed. 2067 January 11, 1943 'lhe Chairman prefl3nted a letter frem J. M. Berg, in which he asked that the Council maklil a public statelIl8nt, giving Us reasons for the re cent change in the City I s police departlll!nt. It was IlE>ved by Mr. Miller that tlB Clerk at least, be autherized to write Mr. Berg, telling him the reasons given by the Mayor at the last meeting of the Council. Mr. Wodischek seoonded the moti.0n, and on roll call the wte was as follows: Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. McFee yes, Mr. Miller yes, Mr. Wodischek yes. 'lbe motion carried. 'lbe City Clerk presented a proposition to the Council, made verbally by Albert A. Lewis, whereby he agteed to purchase all the City I s <1>utstanding tax sale certificated an property which waseonce within the City, b'lt which has since been excluded, for which certificates he effered 5% of their original value, agreetmgt; tepprchase up to $l,OOO.oo worth (er approximately $33,300. in princlJHll ameunt ef certificates) payment to be made at the rate of lO% pel'ffilllonth ever a lO-JIIClnth period. After consideration, it was moved by Councilman Hill that Mr. Lewis be required to put his propositiiln into writing, and that it then be referred to the Finance C<IIlmittee and City Attorney to consider and to make recommendation back to tl:e Council. Mr. Wodischek seconded the motion, and on reil call the "",te was as follows: Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. McFee yes, Mr. Miller yes, Mr. l'Iodischek yes. The motion carried. , The Clerk asked the Council's pleasure in regard to paylll!nt of a month I s salary to Roy Baker, recently resigned police officer, it was explB.ined that a recent law required the payment of a month's salary to an employee going from reserve status into active dut;y in the arlll!d services and inasmuch as members of the Council felt all employees going into the armed services sh0uld be treated aliklil regardless of their previous status, it was JIIClved by Mr. Miller that all employees leaving the Cit.Y to join the armed Urces be given one month's salary. Mr. Hill seccmEled the motion, which carrieEl unanimously on roll call. ,,1 The Clerk enquired regarding payment of January salary to A. F. Nelson and Frederick Brown who had b0th worklild during the f.irst salary period of January. After discussion, it was moved by Mr. Mcfee that these men be paid tWI'l week's salary, as of January t5th. Mr. Hill seconded the motion and on rell call the vete was as fellows: Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. Mcfee yes, Mr. Miller yes, Mr. Wexlischek yes. The motion carried. " , 'lbe Clerk reported tha t Frederick Brown claimed he had I'll vel' been paid for his first two week's employment with the City, and that Mr. C. A. Baksr, Supt. at that tilll!, cC!)uld prove this; that he had not asked fer this first two weeks' pay befoIe because he was under the impression that two weeks' pay was held back on all employees. It was suggested that the Cit.Y Clerk comnunicate with C.A. Baker to see if he had any recollection of this. 2068 January 11, 1943 By motion regularly made, seconded and carried free water was granted Mattie Stringer and Mrs. John Grant for the month of January, under the provisions of the City I s charity water consumers' ordinance. An amended letter-agreetment from the Florida Products 60mpany was submitted by the Clerk, and Councilman Miiler reported having further investigated this company's proposition for the removal and sale of cocoanuts in the Cil:lf' s streets am parks. He said thi s had cleared up the doobt he had entertained as to tl:e Company really being able to keep too trees stripped of the repening nuts so that they would not fall and continue to be a public mzard. He said their representative had assured him that it was him company's desire to obtain the nuts before they had reached tl:e ripened state, therefore they were picked green. Inasmuch as a clause had also been inserted in the contract,pennitting the City to withdraw at such time or whenever it could be shown that harvesting operations had been neglected for as long as a sixtyeday period, he felt the City was taking no risk in entering into the agreement and therefore moved that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to affix thei r signature s thereto. Mr. Hill seconded the motion and on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. McFee yes, Mr. Miller yes, Mr. Wodischek yes. The motion carried. It was moved by Mr. Wodischek that the City C:e rk be authorized to purchase a 5xB-foot flag, Of best quality, for the beach pavilion. Mr. Hill seconded the motion, which carried unanimously on roll call. , 'lbe Mayor reported that he had contacted George Pickney who had agreed to take over the plumbing inspection work and had offered three propositions as follows: lst. 'lbat he l'iOuld rrake the plumbing inspections for the fees only providing permits were taken '"to him and he was not required to call at the Cit;9' Hail every day. " 2nd That he would act as a bona fide Inspector calling each day at the city hll1l, at a salary of $50.00 per month, the City to re- tain the plumbing permit fees. 3rd. Also to act as Sanitary Inspector if the City wiil provide him with 5 gals. of gaw a week for his car to use in his inspection work. 'lbe Mayor recommended tha t the Council accept one of these propositions, stating that he believed this would be much better than to abolish any part of the plumbing ordinance. 'lbe Council also approved, and it was moved by Mr. Miller that the Ci ty accept the 2nd and 3rd proposition, and Mr. George Pickrey be employed as Plumbing and Sanitary Inspector at a salary of $50.00 per month, plus 5 gals. of gas a week for his auoomobile. Mr. Wodischek secorded the mbtion and on roll call the 2069 January 11, 1943 vote was as follows: Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. lWFee yes, Mr. Miller yes, Mr. Wodischek yes. 'lbe motion carried. It was moved, seconded and carried that the following ordinance be placed on it s first reading: CRDIlIANCE 462 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY CF DELRAY BElCH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CRDINANCE NO. 376, EN- TITIED - "AN ORDINANCE OF 'lHE CITY CF DELRAY BEACH, FLanDA, DESIGNATING CERTAIN DISTRICTS AS DEFINED BY THE CITY ZONING ORDINANCES, AND REIlEALIllX ALL ORDINANCES, OR PARTS CF ORDINANCES, INSCFAR AS THE SAME ARE IN CONFLICT HEREWITH". Mr. Jacoos was of the opinion tte.tthe people owning prcperty on West Atlantic Avenue affected by this zoning amendment, should be consulted, stating it\was unfair to work a hardship on the)ll by reason of these re strict ioris. It was pointed out that the se owners could be infonned of the proposed ordiname and be allowed to express tl:emselves on too matter, between the passage of the ordinance on its first reading and its final adoption. The Mayor agreed to this and the ordinaree, having been read in full, it was accordingly llDved by Mr. J.liiler that it be passed on its first re ading. Mr. Hill sefonded the motion, and on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. MdFee yes, Mr. Miller yes, Mr. Wodischek yes. The motion carried. Upon the re conmendation of the Police Chief R. C. Croft, Bruce Wheeler was appointed Patrolman of the Police Department, by motion of Mr. Wodischek seconded by Mr. McFee, and carried unanimOUSly on roil call. Upon reconmendation of the City Clerk, Mr$. Catherine Strong by motion regularly made, seconded and unanimously carried was appointed Deputy-Clerk in charge of the Water Department and Alta Pittman am Mar jorie Winn Deputy-Clerks in the tax office, Water Department and MuniCipal Court. Councilman Hill brooght up the ma tter of a railroad crossing at N.E. First Street, stating that this crossing should be opened up and made passable, at least for pedestrians. He said a number of school children used it even now in its present condition. Other Councilman expressed themselves as objecting to its being opened unless protected by a signal, which could not be procured during the present war emergency. It was finally moved by Mr. Hill tte. t the City Clerk write too F. E.C. Railway asking that the Canpany smooth off thd fix up this crossin g so that pedestrians may cross the tracks without stumbling over rocks and tie s. Mr.. McFee seconded the motion :O:=U'7U January 11, 1943 and on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Hiil yes, Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. McFee yes, Mr. Miller no, as he believed it would be unsale without adequate protection, Mr. Wodischek no, stating he would not vote for a crossing but was in favor of nrquesting a walkway only. The motion carried. Mr. J. T. Griest appeared asking permission to make a suggestion in regard to the beach. He reconmended that the Council adopt a ruling prohibiting anyone but the Guard, himself, from going up into the life- guard'S tower during his hours of duty. He further recomnended that some sign to thi. s effect be placed on the tower. 'lbe Mayor sta ted he was in sympathy with this sl.\ggestion, and with the Council'S consent would in- fonn the life-guard of thi s new ruling. Mr. Ganson, omer of the Kentucky House, complained of the darkness of the street in front of his hotel, stating that there was no', light between 7th Avenu.e and the shuffle-board courts, although, there were two light standards in front of his place \\hich had never been on since he had owned the prcperty. It was agreed to give him lieht if the Light Comni ttee considered it advisable to turn the lights.back on, after investigation. The Council approVed a recommendatioo of the Chairman of the Parks Committee that several benches from the far em of the beach promenade be brought over to town and placed along Atlantic Avenue for the convenience of the walking public. It was also agreed to maitlt the curb or place a dillllled light. at the corners of Seabreeze and of Andrews Avenue s so that motorists rNiY readily see these street corners on dark nights. It was moved by Mr. Miller that bills nu.nt>ered 9312 to 9365, having been approved by the Finance Committee, be returned to the Council and ordered paid. Mr. McFee seconded the IIDtion, \\hich carried unanimously on roll call. It was regulB.rly r.Dved, seconded am c~rried that Council adjourn. ~Q~. City Clerk APPROVED: Of-a~~ MAYCR. nf '