01-25-43 Regular
January 25, 1943
The Council met in regular session
Attorney and the following rrenbers present:
and Mr. Wodischek. .
at 7:30 P.M. with the City
Mr. Jacobs, Mr. McFee
Councilmen Hill and Miller were absent at the beginning of the
meeting but arrived immediately after the approval of the minutes.
By motion regularly made, seconded and carried, the minutes
of the last regular meeting of January 4th were approved as read.
A communication was read from Wm. C. Hitchcock, Dire ctor of
Physical Training at the Boca Raton Field, advising that two life
guards would be sent to Delray Beach on Sundays and holidays. This
was ordered filed.
The following comnunication from the Flamingo Service Station
was read:
January 16, 19!.3
Honorable Mayor and Members of the Council,
Delray Beach
Dear Sirs:
Due tD the transportation problem at this time, we,
the Flamingo Taxi Service, wish your approval to operate
transportation service from post office to pavilion--also
permission to have marked off stopping spaces at post office
corner, bank corner, Federal Highway corner, and pavilion.
Thank your for your attention.
Yours truly,
/s/ Paul Sanderson
J. L.'Croft
It was moved by Mr. Wodischek that the Chief of Police be
instructed to make off the areas designated. Mr. McFee seconded the
moti on and on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Hill yes, Mr.
Jacobs yes, Mr. McFee yes, Mr. Miller yes, Mr. Wodischek yes. The
motion carried.
A petition sli>mitted by Paul Dawson and signed by' thirty other
Federal Highway property owners was presented, requesting that music boxes
in Delray Beach be turned off at 10:00 P oM. the complaint being that.
tenants were ca, cking aut of hotels alll apartrrents in the vicinity due.
to the disturbance caused by these boxes opera.i:ing full blast until 1:30
in the moming.
January 25, 1943
In discussing the request, Councilll!l.n Miller I!eJlll.rked that since
it was just the two music boxes on the Federal Highway that were objectionable
he thought it unnecessary to WIlrk a hardship on other locations by requiring
all of then to be turned off at 10:00 P.M. therefore moved that the Mayor
and Police Department be authorized to see if the nuisance could not be
abated through voluntary cooperation of these restaurant owners without
the passage of an ordinance. Mr. Hill seconded the motion and roll call
the vote was as follows: Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. McFee yes,
Mr. Miller ;yes, Mr. Wodischek yes. The motion carried.
Mr. George Pi~kney came before the meeting with a recommendation
that Dave Williams (colored) be granted a temporary permit for the durallltion,
to do sll!l.ll plumbing repair jobs, stating that there was need of someone
to do this work as V. A. Gen tD n was the only one holding a Master Plumber's
License at the present time, and he was unable to take care of all the work.
Question as to the legality of departing from the terms of the plumbing
ordinance, to meet emergency conditions was brought up, am after
discussing it briefly, Mr. Miller m::>ved that the matter be referred to the
City Attorney and the Ordinance Conmittee. for investigation, and reconmen-
dation back to the Council at next meeting. Mr. Wodischek seconded the
motion and on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Jacobs
yes, Mr. McFee yes, Mr. Miller yes, Mr. Wodischek yes. The motion carried.
Mr. Onni E. Puotinen, representing Hardware Mutuals Casualty
Company came before the Council with a workman's compensation insurance
proposition covering City Employees. He explained tha t !!lis canpany
being a mutual organization, was able to pay an annual dividend to its
policy holders of approxirrntely twenty percent of the policy cost. This,
he estiJlll.ted wOlld amount to between ~80.oo and $100.00 on the City's
insurance. Mr. Miller sta ted that as he saw it, this merely eliminated
ta, profit of our local agents who !BY taxes and licenses in the town am
for that reason, even though the Hardware Mutuals policy might be cheaper,
he moved that the insurance be awarded to ta, same local agency that
carried it last year. Mr. Wodi schek said if $100.00 could be saved for
the City he was in favor oil doing it and felt that the locally represented
coapanies should be able to give the City just as good a proposition.
After some further discussion, Mr. Hill secouded Councilman Miller's
motion and on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Mill yes, Mr.
Jacobs yes, Mr. McFee yes, Mr. Miller yes, Mr. Wodischek yes. The
motion carried.
City Supt. Cromer stated that due tD present working conditions,
and the shortage of labor, he believed it wise to try to retain the
efficient colored help tre City has, and therefore recomnended that an
increase of five cents an hour be granted the colored laborers beginning
this week. Mr. Hill moved that the City Engineer's reconmendation be
approved and put into effect. Mr. Wodischek seconded the motion and on
roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr.
McFee yes, Mr. Miller yes, Mr. Wodischek yes. 'n1e motion carried.
Applications from Marvin C. Goss fer a position as police
patrolman, and from Alva H. Walker as policeman were read:. the the Clerk.
.January 25, 1943
Upon enquiry, as to hi s re coomendation in the matte r. Police Chief Croft
recommended the appointment of Mr. Goss. Councilman Wodischek argued
that the City did not need four policemen and said the department had
cost too much last year. The Chief of Police said the town had had
four and .:rive policemen even during l!Iornal times in the past few years,
and he felt that with the adjoining amy camp am the present influx
of civilian worll:ers, the town could not be efficiently policed by
three men. Councilman Miller said the expense of tre Police Department
was not due tD the cost of personell and that he felt the City couldn I t
~fford to cut 4!llIIl its force but th~t he thought the expense should be
cut in other ways, especially in the patrol. He also said eight .hotme
a day was a short day for light work and in these times he felt the
police should be willing to put in longer hours. Mr. Wodischek also
argued that police applicants shauld be required to stand some sort
of examination in order to judge of treir qualifications for this kind
of work. The Mayor said he was inclined to believe it best to hire
another policeman, and so recorrmended. Mr. Miller moved that the Mayor')s
recommendation be accepted and Marvin C. .Goss be employed as' reconmended
by the Chief of Police. Mr. McFee seconded the motion and on roll call
the vote was as follows: Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. McFee yes,
Mr. Miller yes, Mr. Wodischek no. The motion carried.
The Fire Chief recommended the appointment of Gilbert Davis
as City mechanic and Fire Departmmt Engineer to .till the 9acancy left
by V. A. Genton's reSignation. A great deal of discussion ensued in
regat'd to the police and fire departments cooperating in the answering
of police and fire calls during the day and night 8e as to eliminate
extra clerks employed for this purpose. It was finally moved by Mr.
Miller that Gilbert Davis be hired temporarily for two weeks under the
present plan, until some othersatisfac~ry arrangement can be worked
out. Mr. McFee seconded the motion. This was discussed, and it was
pointed out that Mr. Davis probably would not consider the position on
what aweared to be a temporary basis. Therefore with the consent of
Mr. McFee, Councilman Miller withdrew his motion, and after some
further discussion, it was moved by Mr. McFee that Gilbert Davis be
hired with the un::lerstandingthat some satisfactory plan of cooperation,
aloQS the lines suggested, be worked out between the Fire and Police
Departmen ts .
Applications for the position of Tax Assessor were received
from the follcwing:
Rowland G. Bird,
Samllal Ogren
George Hollman
J os Gwym
Mr. Hill said re wculd like to know something a bout th4 qualifications
of applica1lts. Upon tre Mayor's recommendation it was mutually agreed
that this matter be laid owr for another meeting of the Ccuncil, in
order that it may be given the necessary considerEition.
January 25, 1943
The Mayor Slhmi tted "County Order No.2" setting forth coastal
dimout regulations adopted November 30, 1942 by the Palm Beach County
Defense Council, which Chairman Paul E. Twitty :Is requesting municipalities
to adopt, locally, as an aid in the enforeement of said :l'egulations.
Councilman Miller said he would not want io adopt these without hav ing
an apportunity to study and look them over, and moved that same be talilcld
and made a special order of business at the next meting of the Council.
Mr. Wodischek seconded the motion and DD roll call the vote was as follows:
Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. Mcfee yes, Mr. Miller yes, Mr. Wodischek
yes. The motion carried.
The Council approved dlf the purchase Jlrom E. C. Barker of two
nets and one volley ball at five dollars fnr use on the beach.
1he Council also authorized the purchase of necessary hardware
for the new 10Cke rs being constructed in the bath hause.
Upon the Mayor's recomnendation the City Engineer was authorized
to extend water line am install sprinklers for the beautification of a
small park area surrounding the honor roll which has been recenUy erected
in colored town, the Mayor stating that he was donating the shrubbery for
this purpose.
It was moved by Mr. Wodischek that the City Clerk be authorized
to remove from the City Registration Book the names of all registrants Iio;r,'
deceased or moved away, after having the list of such registrants du~
awroved by tl1e Council and posted publicly for the necessary length of
time. Mr. Miller seconded the motion and on roll call the vote was as
follows: Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Jacoos yes, Mr. McFee yes, Mr. Miller yes,
Mr. Wodischek yes. The !lOtion carried.
Councilman Hill re conmended tha t ta, City register a protest in
regard to the drai~g of Lake Ida by the Lake Worth Drainage District.
He stated that it was nothing but a mud-hole at the present time and
a breeding place for mosquitoes. Upon his recOllll1endation, the Chairman
of the Sanitary Conmittee instnucted the Ci~ Clerk to communic!l;te
with the State Board of Health requesting that they make an insPection of
the Lake and advise what can be done aboo tit.
It was moved by Mr. Miller that bills numbered 9366 to 9412, having
been approved by the Finance Conmittee, be retumed to the Council and
ordered paid.
By motion regularly made, seconded and carried, Council regularly
. adjourned.o
. 1M r, L.A./1), (1 fMI,,// :J
City Clerk 1
Mayor. ~