02-22-43 Regular 2081. COUNCIL CHAMBER February 22, 1943 '!he Ceuncillllilt in regular session at 7:30 P.M. With the City Atterney and the felllilWing members present: Mr. Hill, Mr. Jacobs,-MD. Mcfee and Mr. Wodischek. Mr. Mill2r CaJlll in later during the meeting. By metion regularly made, seconded and carried the minutes of the last regular meeting on Febrmry 8th were approved as read. /'/ A clllllllllunication was read from Frank Neafie, advising that because of his present service in the U.S. Coast Guard he w0uld be unable te carry en the Beach Service business he has been conduting in Delr~ duriIll past winters and he asked that the Council before censidenIll the granting of a license to anyone else for such business, give him first preference. Attorney Nowlin pointed out tllit the City could grant no one exclusive license to operate any business. It was alse stated that the re had been some dissatisfaction last season in reg~rd to the operation of thts Beach Service business. '!he City Clerk was therefore instructed te notify Mr. Neafie that the Council CGlUld make no premises in regard te the granting of license and that the matter would haVe te be censidered and acted upon when and at such tilm as license is again applied fer. A request was received from two Rosement Park residents asking that the Ceuncil do something about the condition of S.W. Seventh Avenue, which they stated was a sand trap, pitted with deep holes and rough spots, that _s gradually becoming impassable. The Mayer stated he had received a smiliar complaint regarding the condition ef S.W. '!hird Street, running West frem Swinton Avenue. The possibility of dumping in SOIllil rock and packing it down fer a sm.ether surface was suggested. Some thought this might run into teo much expense, therefore it was recommended and moved by Mr.Wedlschek that the City Engineer inspect the twe streets ahd report back lIith recemmendatlon te the Council at its next meeting. Mr. Mcfee secended the motion and Clll roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Jacebs yes, Mr, McFee yes, Mr. Wedischek yes. The motion carried. '!he Clerk submitted Mr. M.C. Naylon's application fflr liquor license, to be finally appreved by the Council, advising that same had been regularly advertised and laid over fGI' the required 14 days. No objections to - had been received, therefore it was moved by Mr. Wodischek thSt license be finally approved and issueld by the City Clerk. Mr. McFee seconded the motion and en roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. McFee yes, Mr. Wedischek yes. The motion carried. The follolling recommendation from illhe Superintendent of Public Works was read: February 22, 1943 To the Mayor & City Council, City. Gentlelllen: I would like to recolllllend the purchase of the fi ve- acre tract of land lying directly West of the Water Plant 2082 February 22, 1943 Property. This property will be needed for future exp&nsien flf the Plant and much of it is now being used by the City for storage and materials. Yours respectfully, Isl Heward Cromer City Engineer The Mayor recemmended that the City procure this and the adjoining 5-acre tract, pr0viding said land nlilW belengs to the State of Florida. In the event that it still belengs to J. A. Zeder the City Engineer had ,l!!uggested that the C0Uncil 0f1'er to cancel City ta:xes on one of the 5-acre tracts in exchange for a deed to the 0ther five acres, lying directly West of the Plant property. The City Clerk was instructed to ascertain the status of the County taxes on said property befGI'e preceeding further. The City Clerk requested the Ceuncil to establish a basis for charging outside cellllllunities (having no fire department of theiw own) for answering fire calls. On the recommendatiGn of the Fire Chief, and after discussion and agreetment of the Council members, it was moved by Mr. Wodischek that the City adept the following charges. Answering call with Ford Truck $5.00 for 1 hr. or less, plus 5.00 for each additional hour Answering c~ll with Dodge Truck 10.00 f0r 1 hr. or less, plus 10.00 for each additional heur Answering call with LaFrance Pumper 25.00 for 1 hr. or less, plus 25.00 for each additillnal hour Plus $1.00 an hour for each man answering such calls. It was ti!mthit.llgreed'Jthatfno charge would be made to neighboring towns who maintain a Fire Department of their ewn, and that emergency fire calls from such tewns would be answered upon a reciprecal basis. Mr. McFee l!8conded the motion and en roll call the wte was as f.llns: Mr. Hill yes, ~. Jacebs yes, Mr. McFee yes, Yr. 'Wodischek yes. '!he motion carried. Councilman Miller arrived and sat with the Council for the remliinder 0f the session. By motion regularly made, seconded and unanimously carried, the folluwing 0rdinance was placed on its first reading: ORDINANCE NO. 41>5 AN ORDINANCE OF 'IRE CITY COUNCIL OF 'IRE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORmDA, PROHIBITING nIE KEEPING ' OR HARBORING (Ii' A BARKING, WHINING AND/at ImWLING Doo OR DOOS WITHINl THE CITY LIMITS OF nIE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, PROVIDING FOR 'IRE FILING OF WRITTEN OBJECTIONS THERETO BY THREE OR MORE 2OS3 February 22, 1943 USIDEN'IS LIVING WITIUN 300 FEET ~ PLACE WHERE SUCH DOG OR DOCS ARE KEPT OR HARllORED, PROVIDING FOR '!HE DUTIES OF 'l'HE CHIEF OF POLICE IN NOTIFYING JlIOLATORS OF THIS ORDINANCE AND OBTAINING WARRANT :tOR ARIlFST, AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE. " '!he ordinance having been read in full, for the first time, it was I118ved by Mr. Hill that it be passed en its first reading. Mr. Mc Fee seconded the _tion and on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Hill yes, Yr. Jacobs yes, Mr. McFee yes, Yr. Miller yes, Mr. Wodischek yes. The motion carried. '!he Building Inspecter came before the Council stating that some objection had been voiced in regard to the buildings being constructed by R.M. Fletcher in' Blick 18, and remainded the Council that the Zoning Cemmissien had passed up0n the pr0posed construction last summer, making recoJ1Dllendation to the Council at that time in regard te same, and the Council had auth0rlzed the issuance of permit to Mr. Fletcher 0n the basis af the C8IlIDlission's recollllllendation. The Building Inspector stated that Mr. Fletcher had complied with all the requirements of the permit, the only objection being that he ahd not cleared the lafld befere ppuring foundations, but that he had since cleared it satisfactorily and the houses would be built accerding to the City's building Code. Mr. Fletcher asked if there would be any objection to his burning the g1I'owth he had cleared 0ff the prepsrty. The Fire Chief agreed tit issue permit for same provided it was safe to do so. Councilman Wadischek reported having celrllerred with Mr. L'Engle .f the Lake WGrth Drainage District, in regard t. the water level out at Lake Ida, and hatl been infermed that the Drainage Diatrict had no money appropriated that could be used for c0nstruction 0f gates as requested by the Ceuncil, but said these would be beneficial to the City of Delr~ Beach, and had asked if the City Wlluld not financially assist in the installation of gates and locks, which he estimated Wlluld cost around $3,000.00. Ne action was taken on the matter. '!he Mayor stated he had received a request for the turning on of a white-way light on the E:!st enc\ of Second Street adjacent t. the yacht basin, and the Chairman of the Light CCllIlIIli ttee agreed tEl leek into it and instruct the Power Cempany accordingly. Chairman Miller of the Light Committee also reported that practically all lights had been put back int. service and were bting equipped with cone-shaped hoods regularly approved by the Defense Celimcil. The light18" thus hooded, still give a pretty geed light, he said, but he reclllllllllended that SOlllll 01' the other CounciJ.Jnen make an inspection 0f same and pass judgement en them. Councilman Wodischek enquired whether anything had been dene about the tralfic light to be installed on West ~lantic at the Corner of Fifth Avenue. The Mayor stated he believed Mr. Cr_r was waiting for the Fewer Company to assist him in the installation. '!he City Cl2rk was instructed to notify the Florida Power & Light Company of the Council's request.