03-08-43 Regular 2085 " COUNCIL CHAMBER March 8, 1943 The Ceuncil met in regular session at 7: 30 P. M. with the City Attorney and the following members present: Mr. Hill, Mr. Jacobs, Mr. Mille r, Mr. McFee and Mr. Wedischek. By motion regularly made, seconded and carried the minutes .r the last regula r meeting, held Februazy 22nd, were appr.wed as read. The following communicaticn trem SUpPlrintenden t Cr6lller was read: Mard! 3, 1943 , Honorable City Coumil, Delray Beach, Flori da. Gentlemen : In order tilat we may not in the future be presen ted wi th a jroblem such" as we had last swmner, I W8uld l~ to recemmend tha t at the mxt meter reading period, Mr. Gilbert Davis accompany Mr. Turner and learn the locatioh of our water llJlters. It is my opinion that Mr. DavisshltUld accompany Mr. Turner tor at least three months as it will take that many trips to get the meter lecathns thoroughly in mind. . This questicn has been discussed wi th Fim'e Chief Gregory and he is willing to cooperate. Yours very truly, /s/ HOWARD L. BRCJ.!ER In answer to enquiry by Councilman McFee, Mr. CroJlllr stated this would take about three or four days of Gilbert Davis' tillll, each IIMmth, until he had learned the Nute. The recoJlUJ\endation was therefore approved and Mr. Cremer was authorized to carry it out. The fol101'li.ng communication was also submitted and read: March 3, 1943 Honorable City Council, Delray Beach, Flori da. Gentlemen: In accordance wi th your instructi ens, I have inspected 2086 March 8, 1943 S. w. 7th Avenue and S. W. 3rd Street. Our supply of water gas tar has been completely cut orr fflr' the duration of the war and this was the last surfacing material which I could obtain, therefore the contemplation of any pennanent surface on these streets it out ef question at this time. The holes in these streets can be filled with appreximately 20 cu. yds. of our pit Nck and rolled down with the City reller at a cash out-lay of appreximately $75.00. I W8uld say that the condition of these roads would then remain fair for a period of from six to nine months, depending on the rains. Yours very truly, /s/ HOWARD L. CROMER It was accordingly moved by Mr. Hill that the, streets in question be put into best possible condition, at the estimated cost of $75.00, as recommended by the City Engineer. Mr. Wodischek seconded the motion and on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Jacoos )'I!ls,Mt. )(iller yes, Mr. McFee yes, Mr. Wodischek yes. The motion carried~ Mr. CrollJlr reported that the traffic light authorized at the corner of West 5th Avenue and Atlantic had been installed and was mw in operation. c The Chairman of the Street Committee presented sketch and estimate of costs for the improvslllfUlt of N. W. Eighth Avenue, from N.W. Second Street to the Colored School, reporting that he had conferred with County COIIJIIIissioner Byrd, who had promised to have Eighth Avenue declared an open street all the way to Lake Ida, and also have the County assist in the proposed improvenent of said street, thereby reducing the cost somewhat. The road Was declared to be necessary for the benefit of the white population as well as the colored people, and Mr. Miller recomnended that it be built at the approximate cost of .60' cents per lineal foot. It was accordingly moved by Mr. Wodischekthat the Street Committee be authorized to work out a plan wi th the County, for the improvement of this street, on the best basis and tems possible. Mr. Hill secorxled the motion and on roll call the' vote was as follows: Mr. Hill ~s, Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. Miller yes, Mr. McFee yes, Mr. Wodischek yes. The motion carried. Councilman Miller also presented a Resolution far the abandonment of easements across lots 10,11, 24 and 25 in Seabreeze Park, stating that there was no plat dedication of these easements and since they were of no benefit for public utilities, the abutting property owners 208? March 8, 1943 were asking that they be abandoned. Mr. Miller therefore moved the passage of said resolution. Upon being questioned as to the legality of such abandonment, the City Attorney stated that he saw no reason whey the City should not vacate these easements but had had no oppor- tunity to look into the question and was undecided whether such abandonment should be by resolution or ordinance. It was therefore agreed to lay the matter over until the next meeting of the Council, at which time Mr. Miller moved that it be made a special order of business. Mr. Wodischek seconded the motion, which on roll call, carried unanimously. The Chairman or the Ligtlt COIIJIIIittee recolllllended tlllt a street light be turned on at the oorner of S.E. Second and Canal Street, and one also on Andrews Avenue at Lowry Street. Mr. McFee seconded the motion and on roll call, the vote was as'follows: Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. Miller yew, Mr. McFee yes, Mr. Wodischek yes. The motion carried. Councilman McFee reported having made an inspection, with the City Engineer, or the new garbage ditch which he said was satisfactory. The Mayor reported having conferred wi th nembers of the Garden Club with reference to a project for beautification by their Club this year, stating that it wall the object of said Club to take some par- ticular spot each year and beautify it, and had asked that the City designate one of such. The Mayor promised to make an inspection of the town and bring in some recommendation as to same. Councilman McFee brought up the matter of new location for the Firemen, where they may hold meetings and store their equipllJlnt after the old building is taken over by the U.S.O. No action was taken. The Mayor brought up the question of dockage, stating that the Dockmaster had experienced difficulty in collecting rental from the one and only boat owner down there, who felt the charge was too much, and stated that he had been given permission by the fo:nner Chief of Police to remain there, without charge, Until notified further. Mr. Miller moved that the 6-month's dockage charge of $54.00 be collected. Mr. Hill seconded the motion, and on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Hill yes, Mr. JacoblJ yes, Mr. Miller yee. Mr. McFee yes, Mr. Wodischek yes. The motion carried. Mayor Jacobs stated that an acetylene welding outfit, belonging to Addison Clark, was being used in the shop all the time and was a most valuable pieu" of equipllJlnt for that department and llince )fr. Clark wanted to sell it for $75.00, he recommended that the City buy it. Mr. Wodischek moved that it be purchased. Councilman Miller asked the Fire Chief whether he recommended the purchase of the outfit and Mr. Gregory stated it was something they needed in the shop and that such equipllJlnt cost from $150.00 to $200.00 when new. Upon Mr. Gregory's recommendation, there- fore, Councilman Miller seconded the motion to pura:hase, which motion carried unanimously on roll call. By motion regularly made, seconded and unanimously carried the following ordinance was placed on its second readingr 2088 March 8, 1943 ORDINANCE 465 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, RROHIBITING 'IHE KEEPING OR HARBORING OF A BARKING, WHINING ANDIOR HOI'IING DOG OR DOGS WITHIN THE CITY LIMI'IS OF THE CI TY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA: PROVIDING FOR THE FILING OF WRITTEN OOJECTIONS THERETO BY 'IHREE OR MORE RESIDENTS LIVING WITHIN 300 FEET OF PLACE WHERE ' SUCH DOG OR DOGS ARE KEPT OR HARBOHED: PROVIDING FOR THE DUTIES OF '!HE CHIEF OF POLICE IN NOTIFnNG VIOLATOBS CF THIS rnDINANCE AND OBTAINING WARRANT ~OR ARREST, AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION OF '!HIS rnDINANCE. The ordinance having been read in full, for t ~ sedond time, it was moved by Mr. Wodischek that it be adopted on its second reading and final passage. Mr. Hill seconded the motion and on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. Miller yes, Mr. McFee ye s, Mr. Wodischek yes. The motiollll carried. It was moved by Mr. Millilr that bills numbered 9501 to 9564 having been approved by the Finance Committee, be returned to the Council and ordered paid. It was regularly moved, seconded and carried that Council adjourn. 04A A JZ-(.J, c." 1>4' r Ci ty Clerk , APPROVED: Of'7ib~ 'f ' Mayor.