03-22-43 Regular 2089 COUNCIL (}!AMBER March 22, 1943 The Council met in regular session at 7:30 P.M. With the Ci1:iY Attorney and Councilmen Jacobs, McFee and Wodischek present. Mr. Hill was absent, Councilman Miller came in soon after the l1leeting convened and remained until the end of the session. By motion regularly made, seconded and carried the minutes of the last regular meeting held March 3th were approved as read. A letter from Samuel S. Sanforo was read, in wh ich he recommended the passage of an ordinance to regu1a te improper apparel and the weari~ of bathing suits on streets ald public places in the business section of town. It was stated this matter had previously been taken up by the Council but the Ordinance Committee had never prepared an ordinance governi~ the practife. The Ci 1:iY Attorney the reupon agreed to obtain a copy of a simi1ar ordinance from Miani Beach, an d the matter way therefore laid over to be taken up again at a later meeting. The follewing letter from the Building Inspector wax submitted and read: Debay Beach, Florida. March 16th, 1943 To Honorable Mayor and City Council. Gentleman: I have a request from Mr. Marion Walker as to the type of roof tha t he may install on the Mrs. R.A. Butler house which is Lot 21 Block 95, Delray Beach. This building has wood shingles on it now and is leaking very bad aOO must be recovered soon to protest the house. 'lhis being outer Fire Zone, I woold like the opinion of the City Council if it will be pemissible to recover this with wood shingles. Yours very truly, lei C. C. 'lURNER Building Inspector It was moved by Mr. McFee t.ha t inasmuch as the roof needed imnediate repair and had originally been covered with wooden shingles, that the request for wood shi~les be granted, but that this permission be not considered as setting a precedent for future requests; each of which shall be considered on its own distinlll> and separate lIB ri ts. Mr. Wodischek seconded the moticn and on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. McFee yes, Mr. Wodischek yes. The motion carried. " 2000 Mareh 22, 1943 Emil Mussle came before the Council with a sketch of a proposed construction for which he requested special pemit to add a ~tore room at the eear of his restaurant on Lot 2 Block 101. He explained that with his present wartime rueh of busine ss he was badly over-crowded and lacked working and storage space in his kitchen. He desired to build said addition, approximately 10 x 12 feet in dimensions, of frame and screen construction, covered with a fire-proof roof. 'lhis location being in the First Fire Zone, it was moved by Mr. Wodischek tha t due to the present war emergency, the requested construction be allowed with the understanding tlR t only a temporary permit for same be granted, subject to annual renewal, and that the addition will be removed at any time after suitable -notification by the City Council. Mr. McFee seconded the motioo and on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Jacoos yes, Mr. McFee yes, Mr. Wodischek yes, The motion carried. At this point Mr. Miller arrived aOO took his place with the Councilmen . Upon recommendati on of the City Attorney, and the writ ten request of David A. Shirk for the abandonment of the easement running across his property in Seabreeze Park, it wasrmoved by Mr. Wodischek, seconded by Mr. Miller and unanimously carried that the followint resoluticn be adopted. RESOLUTION 466 Book 5 RESOLUTION ABANDONING AND V ACA TING EASEMENTS ACROSS LOTS, 10,11, 24 am 25, Block 156, SEABREEZE PARK, DElRAY BEACH, FLORIDA. Mr. C. Y. Byrd, Attorney for Ward C. & Dorothy A. Pearl, recen t purchasers of Lots 13 and 14 Delray Beach Esplanade, came before the Council with request for similar abando!Ullllllll$ 615 a 5-foot easement along and across the South five feet of said Lot 13 and the North five feet of Lot 14. A 'II letter from Mr. Byrd as representative far the propertvlowners, requesting such abandoOllll3l'\t, was presented and upon the approve.l "& the City Attorney, it was moved by Mr. Wodischek that the following resolution be adopted. RESOLUTION 467 Book 5 RESOLUTION ABANDOOING AND VACATING EASEMENTS ACROSS LOTS - 13 and 14, DELRAY BEACH ESPLANADE, DEIR.AY BEACH, FLORIDA. Mr. Miller seconded the motion 1ror adoption, which carried unanimously on roll call. On motion regularly made, seconded and carried the follewing resolution was adopted: RESOLUTION 463 Book 5 A RESOLUTION CF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DEIR.AY BEACH, FIDRIDA, ORDERING TIE CITY ENGINEER TO PREPARE 20M March 22, 1943 PLANS AND SPECIFICAfIONS FOR STREET IMPROVEMENT IDRK ( N.W. Eighth Avenue) ----.... On motion regu1arly made, seconded and carried the following resolution was adopted. RESOLUTION 469 Book 5 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING PIANS AND SPECIFICATIONS OF THE CITY ENGINEER FCR CERTAIN STREET IMPROVEMENT WORK TO BE CONSTRUCTED AND AISO 'lEE ESTIMATED COST OF TIE PROPOSED IMPROiillYlEN TS WHICH IS SET F<R TH IN SAID PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. (N.W. Eighth AveJI) It was moved by Mr. Wa:lischek tha t the follewi~ resolution be adopted. RESOLUTION 470 Book 5 A RESOLUTION OF '!HE CITY OOUNCIL CF '!HE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, ORDERING 'mE CONSTRUCTION OF CERTAIN STREET IMPROVEMENT WORK (N.W. Eighth Ave.) Mr. Miller seconded the moticn for adoption and on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Jalrobs yes, Mr. Miller yes, Mr. McFee yes, Mr. Wodischek yes, The motion carried. The Ci1:iY Engineer presented a proposition for rock digging, which he reomnended as being mjltually beneficial to the City as well as to the County, stating that while its equipnent '!9-s being used on the N.W. Eighth Avenue work, the County was willing to lend such equipment to dig approxine.tely l500 yards of rock from the City's pit, the City to retain half 06 said rock am the County to get the other half in paynent for the labor and rock-digging equiprrent used on the job. It was moved by Mr. Wodischek th at this proposition of t he County be accepted on this basis. The Ci1:iY Engineer reported that he was waiting for this Coun1:iY equipnent before proceeding with the street repairs on S.W. Third Street and in Rosemont !'lark, as authorized at last meeting of the Council. Mr. W. O. Swain, \\hose 32-foot boat had been moor$d at the Ci 1:iY docks since November last., cane before the Council with a plea for re- duction in the dockage rental to a half-a-cent per day for the SUIllllleT months, beginning Aprillst. The merrberB advised Mr. Swain tlRt no provi,jion had been made fo r summer rates in the schedule of dockage fees set up. The mfmeers objected to making any reduction or change in same therefore no action was taken in the matter. A question as to the disciplining of children on the Public Beach, .2092 March 22, 1943 by the Life-Guard, was discussed and in connel:tion therewith the City Superintenden t reconmended super vi sed play, stating tha. t children tlere hard to control and frequently were a problem, to City worknen employed on l\;he beach. A bill for $2.00 for changing location of telephone at the Swinming Pool was ap proved by ttB Council. The supplyi~ of gasoline to the Tax Assessor, for ttB purpose of making n;!cessary inspections cl prope rti. es in his assessment work, was also approved by the Council. Councilman Wodisch ek brought up the matter of taxi fares in the City, aOO quoted instances of e:xlorbitant charges made, stating that con- siderable complaint was being voiced in regard to same, and that he had been requested to bring the matter before the Council. He therefore reconnlended the passage of an ordinance to regula te taxi fares. After some di scussion it was moved by Mr. Wodischek that the Council 8u:bhorize the Ordinance Committee and the City Attorney to draw an ordinance covering taxi-cab rates, to be presented at next meeting. Mr. McFee seconded the motion and on roll call the vote was as follows,; Mr. Jacoos yes, Mr. Miller yes, Mr. McFee yes, Mr. Wodischek yes. The motion carried. Cha:i1:man Miller of the Light Committee moved that the white way light in front of Mrs. Jacob Davis' property on S.E. Fifth Avenue be put into service, statine that a jog in the sidewalk, in this dark spot, made it dangerous for pedestrians. Mr. Wodischek seconded the motion aOO on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. llacobs yes, Mr. Miller yes, Mr. McFee yes, Mr. Wodischek yes. The motion carried. The City Clerk was instructed to notify the Power Company of this turn-on. Along the line of sanitation, Mr. Miller brought up the matter of trash scattered around town, stating that there is considerably more paper and trash being thrown about than in the past, most of whicjl is blown on to private property abutting down-town streets, which the street cleaners do not pick up in their regular sweeping, therefore he moved that the City Superintendent be authorized to put on an extra man for the purpose of cleaning up private proper1:iY for a distance of five ar six feet back from the sidewalk, of paper and rubbish thrown down by the public, in the area extending for one block Ncrth and South of Atlantic AvenlEl. Mr. McFee secoOOed the motion and on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Jacoos yes, Mr. Mille r yes, Mr. McFee ye s, Mr. Wodischek yes. The mati on carried. The Chief of Police came befare the meeting, wit h a request that he be permitted to turn over approximately $7.00 fingerprinting fees, collected in the police office, to the Fire Dejn rtment, towaros the expense of the monthly al]:pers participated in by the police and fire departnents. It was ag:beed that this mORey should be diverted to said fund and the Police Chief was authorized to turn it over to the Firemen, as suggested. TNt matter of new quarters for the firemen to hold their meetings in 2093 March 22, 1943 and move their club equiplll'lnt to, again came up for discussion. The old fi lling station prope rty at the cor ner of S .E. Fifth Aven IE am Frrst Street, now owned by A. B. Gawler, was suggested, and the Fire Chief was authorized to make enquiriej of Mr. Gawler as to the possibilitY., of renting same for the use of the Firelll'ln. It was moved by Mr. Mil1lilr that bills numbered 9565 to 960l, lRving been approved by the Finance Committee, be returned to the Council and ordered paid. It was regularly moved, seconded and uffinimously carried Mat Co unci 1 adJourn. ~ e..r~ City Clerk APPROVED: May(J['......~