04-12-43 2094 COUNCIL CHAMBER April 12, 1943 The Council met at 7:30 P.M. with Acting-City-Attorney Adams, and the following Councilmen present: Mr. Hill, Mr. Jacobs, Mr. IlcFee, and Mr. Wodischek. Mr. Miller was absent. By motion regularly made, seconded an:l carried the minutes of the last meeting held February 22nd, were approved as read. The Clerk submitted and read the following petition. We, the undersigned property owners in Block 104, in the City of Delray Beach, Florida, hereby petition the City Council to construct a sanitary sewer in the alley in this Block and assess the same to the adjoining property owners. Lot 11 Ada E. Martin Lot 5 Abbie McNally Lot 9 E. A. Halstead Lot 8 R. B. Jenkin Lot 4 H. W. Turnbull Lot B Marie D. Carver Lots 16,17, 18 Marme W. Kreitzberg Lot 10 Fred F. Hoeft Lot 14 Carrie Ericson Lot 19 am 20 Lillian C. Hamilton The advisability of extending the sewer line through said block and the possibility of getting materials at this time was discussed, it being finally moved by Mr. Wodischek thl t the request be referred to thlt City Engineer for a tenative estimate of the co st and a recommendation back to the Council at its next meeting. Application of Rd>ert Titus for special permit to build a 10xl2 frame am stucco storage house, four feet East of his present restaurant building on Lots 4 and 5, Block 117, was submitted to the Council. It was stated tha t war tims goverrurent restri. cti ons prevented the owner from using the type of fire-proof constructi on required in thl First Fire Zone, since such conc..ete block construction would run the cos t over the permitted $200.00. Far this reason, and because the extra storage space was badly needed and \\\Juld make a tidier a 00 more sanitary condi ti on around the place, it was moved by Mr. Wodischek thl t due to the emergency the requested temporary permit be allowed, subject to annual renewal and with the understanding thl t said storage room will be removed any time at the discretion of the City Council after due notit'icatlon tlb owner. Mr. L1cFee seconded the motion and on roll call the vote was as follows: llr. Hill yes, Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr.McFee yes, Mr. Wodisbhek yes. The motion carried. 2095 April 12, 1943 The following letter of resignation was nad: April 12, 1943 To the Honorable Mayor and members of the City Council, Gentlemen: I hereby tender my resignation as Patrolman for the purpose of accepting another position which will be more profitable to me. Ellective April 15th, 1943. Respectfully, /s/ Marvin G. Goss It was moved by Councilman Hill tha t the resignaticn be accepted. Mr. Wodischek seconded the motion and on roll call th9 vote was as follows: Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. McFee yes, Mr. Wcdiscnek J"i s. The IIlDtion carried. The City Clerk read a communication from Marie F. Hil-l, owner of Lots 12 and the E25' of Lot 13, Vista Del Mar Subdivision, in which she made an offer of $700.00 for a portion of the Vista Del Mar pro[ilrty being at present foreclosed by the City for unpaid street improvement liens. The of fer was discussed briefly by the City Council, an:l upon advice of the Attorney, it was ordered referred to the Finance COlllllittee to make enquiries as to realty prices, and the City Clerk was instructed to advise Mrs. Hill that the Council is taking the matter under advisement and will notify her as soon as possible as to thi members' decision. April 7th, 1943 City of Delray Beach, Delray Beach, Florida. Gentlem!ln: I have been requested by several of the farmers owning lands wi thin the Lake Worth Drainage District to prepare proxies and to represent them at the annual landowners meeting of the district to be held in July at Boynton, Florida. All of the farmers who have asked me to represent them, request thl t Fred B. McNeece be elected at said annual meeting as a member of the Beard of Supervisors of the Lake Worth Drainage District, and have instructed me to vote their proxies for Mr. Me Neece. 2096 April 12, 1943 Enclosed is a proxy for your signature in tlInlt event you wish to join with these fa:rmers in haviilg,)DBG 'rep;n>sent you at said meeting and vote your proxy for the election of Mr. McNeece as a member of the Board of Supervisors. Your immediate attention to this matter will be greatly apprecia ted am you can return your proxy to me in the enclosed envelope addressed and stamped. Yours very truly, /s/ C. Y. BYRD Since the landowners meeting would not be held until July, it was considered advisable to defer action for the time being and tbe matter was therefore laid over until the next meeting of the Council. A letter from Floyd T. Whitfield, 11295 Biscayne Blvd. Miami, was read, in which he offered to submit an estimate on the cost of repainting the City's water tanks. The City Engineer advised that these tanks had been given a complete overhauling and paint job in January 1942 and were therefore in first class condition and needed no repairs at this time. It was moved by Mr. Wodischek that tbe City Clsrk so inform The 'Whitfield Company, advising that the City may call on them for bids at SOIlll later time when in need of such service. Mr. McFee seconded thl motion whi ch carried unanimously. 1he Mayor recommended tha t th!! memer s read a letter he had received, written by Walter G. Wal~r,Volusia County Representative, and peruse the attached summary of a proposed act providing for a uniform system of municipal government, so thl t he might get their reaction in regard to the passage of said bill and decide what acticn j1;he City shall take in the matter, if any. , Upon recommendation of the Swimming Pool Manager, it was moved by Mr. Wodisheck that the City Clsrk be authorized to order two 14-foot cocoa matting-covered diving beards to replace the old ones which are wuring out. Mr. Hill seconded the motion, which carried unanimously on roll call. The hour of 8:00 0' clock having arrived, call was made fer obje ctions to tbe proposed improvllJllilnt of N.W. Eighth AvenUl), lying between N.W. 2nd Street to a point approximately 357 feet North of the ' North property lire of N.W. 3rd Street. '!here billigg no objections to said improvlilll1ent, it was regularly moved, seconded and carried tba t the work be proceeded with as &utli.ned and authorized in previously adopted resolutions. The Clerk presented a request for tax adjustJlllllnt on a house biing moved frcm the Sundy-Tenbrook addition to colored town, statinl'l tha t this house has supposedly been built on Lot 47 but was actually 2097 April 12, 1943 , t on Lot 54, and that When the owner discovered this mistake he c.'ased paying taxes because of _the mix-up and also for this reason had never applied for Hamestead Exemption on the house although he had lived in it and made it his home, and would therefore have been entitled to such exemption. For this Nil-son he requested that the operating portion of the taxes due at this time be cancelled and that he be permitted to settle for the bond taxes only, which aiilounted to $25.30. Under the alleged circumstances, it was moved by Mr. McFee tha t tax settlement of $25.30 be accepted and the house moving be permitted upon payment of said amount by Dupont Deese, the owner. Mr. Hill seconded the motion and on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. McFee yes, Mr. Wodischek yes. The motion carried. Considerable conversation then ensued regarding taxi-cab rates and what ths proposed ordinance should cover in the way of regulations and fares to be established. Mr. Paul Sanderson was present and explained his company's IIIIthod of operation and fares clJl.rged. Mr. Wodisbhek finally 'IIlDved that the matter of taxi-,cab operators be laid over until next meeting to allow the Ordinance COIllIIlittee and taxi-cab operators to get together and decide on the type of ordinance to be drawn by the City Attorney, to meet present condi tions. Mr. Hill secon.ded the motion and on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Hill ye s, Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. McFee yes, Mr. Wodisch~k yes. The motion carried. The Mayor reported that Fire Chief Gregory and Gilbert Davis had left today for the Firemen's convention in Orlando, and recolll!lllilnded th9t the City appropriate money as has beenddone in the past, to partially defray the expense of the trip. Upon the Mayor's recommendation it was accordingly moved by Mr. Wodischek tha t $25.00 be paid out of the City treasury, towards the expense of the Orlando trip and $25.00 for firemen attending Fire College later in the Season. Mr. McFee seconded the motion and on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. McFee yes, Mr. Wodischek yes. 'l'he motion carried. \ The Mayor asked that the Gouncil proposed to do about the boat "Sunbeam" Which had been operating a passenger service fram the City wharf for the past two months, and recommended that inasmuch as no dockage was being ch9rged that the Counnil set up a license fee covering the operation of such a business. Upon recommendation of the City Clerk, it was moved by Mr. Hill that the salary of Miss Alta Pittman be increased to $75.00 per month and Miss Marjorie Winn to $65.00 per month, as of April 1st. Mr. McFee se/londed ths motion and on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. McFee yes, Mr. Wodischek yes. The motion carriell.. April 12, 1943 It was regularly moved, seconded and carried that bills numbered 9602 to 9658 hav ing been approved by the Finance Committee, be returned to the Colincil and ordered paid. It was regularly moved, seconded and carried that Council adjourn. ~~ ~AJ- City Clerk -----v APRROVED : Mayor. .~ , , )- 2098