05-10-43 Regular 2101 COUNCIL CHAMBER llaY' 10, 1943 The Council met in regular session at 7:30 P .Il. wi th the CitY' Attorney and the following JlIlImbers present: Mr. Hill, Ilr. Jacobs, Mr. lliller, Mr. IlcFee snd Mr. Wodischek. By motion regularly made, seconded and carried the minutes of the regular meeting of April 26th were approved as read. The following communication was submitted and read: To the Members of the City Council, De1ray Beach, Florida. Gentlemen: Several months ago I noticed in the paper that the Council authorized one month's payment for all City employees entering ths anned services, or had been employed by the City and entered ths service before tha t time. Therefore, I would like to make application for above mentioned money as I have not as yet received check for same. Yours very truly, 1s/ J. L. HELVENSTON After a discussion in which it was stated that the intention had been . to treat all men alike who had left the City's employ to enter the armed forces of the United States, Councilmsn McFee lIlOved that Mr. He1venston be paid a month's salary just as had been done in the case of Roy Baler and Harold Cook. Ilr. Wodischek seconded the motico and on roll call the vote W!lJ[ as follows: Ilr. Hill yes, Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. lli11eryes, Mr. Mcfee yes, Mr. Wodischek ;yes. The motion carried. A letter was read from L. E. Hagen in which inquiry was madd as to the policy of the Council regarding payment of occupational 1hense by painters in tOllll. Mr. Hagen stated tll!lt he had taken out a license fa!- several years as a contractor and was being forced to compete with other unlicensed painters mo he contended were actually contracting. He requested tblt his license be refunded if the Council's policy was one of non-enforceDllnt. Councilmsn Mcfee contended tha t Ilr. Hagen Should pay a license inasmuch as he advertised as a contractor whereas no proof ll!ld been furnished tha t other painters were such. After some little debate it was moved by Mr. Hill that the license fee of L. E. Hagen be returned. Mr. Wodischek seconded the motl.on and on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Jaccbs no, ., Mr. 1li1ler no, Mr. lIcF-ee no, Mr. Wodischek yes. The motion was declared lost. Mr. Ulller suggested tha t the definition of "contractor" as interpreted by the license ordinsnce be amended so as to exclude the little fellow who works on 8IlIS11 jobs using only his own labor. The Mayor therefore ordered tha t this be made a special order of busine ss at the next meeting of the Council. 2108 May 10, 1943 The matter of liquor license transfer from Mrs. Neil to Jas. F. Whalen and S. G. Cosby came up, ths Clerk reporting that said application had not been signed by applicant in time for advertising in the previous weeks paper, It was therefore recamnended that it be laid over for another two weeks pending the required publication. A communication from Ilrs. L. C. Hand was read in which it was requested tll!l t the City assist the Library Association by loaning trucks to haul soil for the yaEd' of the Woman I s Club Building, which the Association planned to beautify and make into an attractive patio for ths benefit of soldiers and citizens of the town. Mayor Jacobs reported tha t Mr. Foote had also spoken to him in regard to this and had informed him that there was about 30 yards of DDlck to be hauled for this purpose. . The members favored the lOaning of the trucks providing this could be done without neglecting regular city work, and Mr. Wodischek moved that the trucks be used for such purpose whenever available and not in use on city work. Mr. Mcfee seconded the motion and on Roll 6a11 the vote ....as as follows: Mr. 1li11 yes, Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. Ul11er no, stating that this was tco indefinite; Mr. McFee yes, Mr. Wodischek yes. The motion carried. The following letter of resignation from Supt. Cromer was read: May 7th, 1943 To the lIembers of the City Council, Delray BeaCh, Florida. Gentlemen: On June lat, 1942, I was employed by the City as City Engineer and Superintendent of Public Works at an increase of $40.00 per month oveT my old salary, yet saving the City $135.00 per monthLover the old set-up. This monthe'ends a year of what in my opinion has proven this combining of the two jobs to be very successful. In spite of. war conditions and a terrific turnover in persone1 I have engineered considerable in public 1I>rks such as sewers, water work, and street construction. Due to my efforts in making a few inexpensive tie-ins in ths water distribution system, complaints of low water pressure have practically ceased. Regardless of the trials and tribulations of pri~rities and labor shortage our inventories are at a satisfactory level and improveDllnts have been made in the routine works of the Ci 1;y. I particularly refer to the cleaning of streets and alleys and trash collections. N_, as the first year dralfS to a successful close snd by all rights I Should expect and receive a raise in pay, I am giVE!n ~3equivalent of a cut in salary. This,. gentlemen, I cannot accept with very good graces and therefore herewith tender my resignation effective June 1st, 1943. 2109 .' May 10, 1943 According to established precedent, I am entitled to two weeks vacation with pay, having completed a year without time off, so I am requesting this facation between May 15th and June lat. Very Pl'U1y TOurs HOWARD L. CRCJmi Clty Engineer Mr. Hill mcmtd that said resignation be accepted as of June 1st, and necessary release be granted Mr. Cromer. In discussing the rellignation, Councilman Miller said he thought the Council was making a great mistake in letting Mr. Cromer go as h-e considsred him the most valuable man the City had. Mr. McFee seconded Councilmsn Hill's motion, however, and on roll call the vote was as fo110lfS: Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Jacobs ;yes, Mr. Miller no, Mr. McFee yes, Mr. llodischek yes. The motion carried. The Sanitary Inspector reported that JiDm\y Love wanted to build a trash bin in between the Red Cross Drug And Moe Weinerman's store, mich would necessitate the garbage men going back about 60 feet from the alley to pick up the trash, but since Mr. Love had no other available space for such trash disposal, the Chalrman of ths Sanitary CoDllli.ttee had recommended this. It was thsrefore moved by Mr. Wodishcek that the recommendation of the Sanitary Chainnan be accepted and Mr. Love be pennitted to build the bin as suggested. Mr. Hill seconded the motion and Ill) roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Hl11 yes, Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. Miller yes, Mr. McFee ~s, Mr. Wodischek yes. The motion carried. The City Clerk reported tha t Engineer Cromer had surveyed the W25' of Lot 13 and all of Lot 14, Vista Del Mar, to ascertain the front footage thereof and had found that the full 75 feet was thsre, the West 17 feet of which the City desired to retain as AndrelfS Street right-of-way, and 33 feet adjacent thereto to which the City now has tlt1e through a recent foreclosure, snd still snother fl5 tliet on which ths City holds tax sale certificates, which may be foreclosed after June 2nd, thls year. It was therefore moved by Mr. Hill that the City Clerk infonn Mrs. Marie Hill, that the City does not at this t1me hold title to the 25 feet immedlately adjo1ning her, home, and inquire whether she would be interested in ths purchase of the entire 58 feet if the City doe s forec1.oee and acquire ti t1e to this additional 25 feet of Lot 13. Mr. Wodischek seconded 1he motlon and DIl roll call ths vote was as follows: Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. Miller ;yes, Mr. Mcfee yes, Mr. Wodischek 11Js. The motion carried. Mr. Wodischek moved the adoption of the following reso1utlon: RESOLUTIOO 478 A RESOLUTION CF THE CITY COUNCIL CF THE CITY OF DElRAY HEArn, FLORIDA, APPROVING REPCRT cF CCS'l'S AND ASSESSMENT ROLL FCR STREET IIlPROVl!llENT WORK 00 N.W. 8th AVENUE, FROM N.W. 2nd STREET TO NORTH CF N.W. 3rd STREET. Mr. llI:Fee secoRl.ed the mot;lon far adoption and on roll call the vote llllS as follolfS: Mr. Hl11 yes, Mr. Jacobs ;yes, Mr. Miller ;yes, Mr. McFee yes. Mr. Wodlschek ;yes. The motion carried. 21.10 May 16, 1943 By motl.oo regularly made, seconded and Clrrled the following ordinsnce was placed on its second reading: CRDINANCE 477 AN ORDINANCE OF 'lEE CITY COUNCIL OF TIlE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, REGULATING THE CHARGES 'ro BE MADE BY TAXI-CABS AND FCR-HIRE IlOT<R VEHICIES, PROVIDING FCR INSURANCE CR BONDING CF SAID VEHICIES FOR TIlE PROTECTION CF TIlE PUBLIC, AND PROVIDIOO A PENALTY FOR VIOLATION OF '!HIS CRDINANCE. The ordinance, having been read in full the second time, lt was moved by Mr. Hill that it be adopted on Us second reading, and final passa~e. Mr. McFee seconded the motlon and on roll call the vote was as fo110lfS: Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. Mlller yes, Yr. IlcFee yes, Mr. Wodischek yes. The motion carrled. The Chainnan of the Sanitary Committee reported having investlgatedthe dOlllp1aint that hogs were being kept inside the Clty limits snd said he had found four cases where colored people were keeping them but that these people were unaware that it was not permissible, and had agreed to move them out West of town where they would not be objected to. In regard to the complaint about outsidle toilets, Mr. Mcfee reported having .made an investigation of these also, and sald he ~d found some such places that Et'S unsanitary, but since present was restrictions prevented these colored people from building the regularly approved toilets and septlc tanks, he recommended an mnexpensive type being at present used throughout the defense areas of F10rlda and Georgia. He explained its constructlon and said he thought it had been approved by the State Board of Health, and could be bullt for less than ten do.1lars. He suggested that the Council consider the matter and be prepared to make a recommendatio at the next meeting of the Council. . Fire Chief Gregory came before the Council, requesting that he be allowed two weeks' vacation compensation upon hls resignation, Yay 15th, stating he felt he was entitled to this just as other employees who have served the past year. After conslderation, Councilman Hill moved that Mr. Gregory be alllwed for said vacation. Ur. MdFee seconded the motion and on rUl call the vote was as follows: Mr. H1ll yes, Mr. McFee yes, Mr. Jacobs yes, Hr. Ml11er yes, Mr. Wodischek yes. The motion carrled. I Mr. IlcFee stated that he had had requeste that a street markBir be placed ~t the the Corner of Dlxie Blvd. and South Swinton Avenue for ths benefit of resldents l:hring in Southrldge. The Clerk reported alao ha'Wing rece1ved a request that the name of Said steeet be changed since it was constantly being confused with Dixie Blvd. in Del-Ida Park. The name of Swinton B1ve.. was suggested. Question arose as to how a change of name should be made, whether by ordinance or resolution, and the matter was therefore deferred, to ba taken up as a special order of business at the next meeting of the Councl1. . 2J.:I.i. May 10, 1943 Mayor Jacobs reported that the Eife-Guard had called his attentlon to a recent Government regulation which prohibited small private boats being beached and left along the ocesn front. He said the Life-Guard had been using the private dinghy of Mr. Scherer, and rathsr than take it off the beach to his own property, the oWIlllr was willing to sell the beat, which had cost around $100.00, to the City for a life-boat, in 1ilich event lt would be allowed to remain. It was thsrefore moved by Mr. Hill that the Ci1;y purch~se the boat for $25.00 and have painted thereon "Life-Guard, City of De1ray Beach", said boat to be lift on the beach for the use of the Life-Guard. Mr. McFee seconded the motien, and on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Jaccbs yes, Mr. M1ller yes, Mr. McFee ;yes, Mr. Wodischek yes. The motl.on carried. The Mayer then brought up the !DBtter c€ filling the vacancy caused by the reslgna,lt;lon of Fire Chief Gregory, stating that Assistant Chief, W. v. Croft 1'Ould accept the position at a salary of $200.00. )fr. Mc~ee IIOved that W. V. Croft be appointed as F:lre Chief, at sald salary of $200.00 per month. Mr .Wodi schek seconded the moti en, whic h ca rried unanimously on roll call. Since this appointmEnt left a vacancy for a pool attendant at the Municipal Pool, the questlon of filling thls position ~s next considered. The Mayor reported that m had had two applications for this, one from Betty Ball and one from Margaret Harris, and since women were filling positions nowadays, wherever posslble, he considered either one of theBe applicants acceptable, since they bld passed the required life-saving tests. Councilman Miller suggested that other applicants might want to apply, bIt the Mayor stated that inquiry had been pretty thoroughly made through Vlctor Croft, who had recolllllended said two applleaJllllls. It was therefore maved by Mr. Wodischek that Betty Ball be given the positlon at a salary of $loo.()() per month, It being undernood that her family would move int<>'libe bundi~ also, and take over the concessions and help manage the pool. Mr. Mcfee seconded the motiOD, and on r 011 call the vote was as follolfSl Mr. Hi.ll;,18~, Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. Miller yes, Mr. IlcFee yes, Mr. Tfo:iischek yes. Themotion carried. Next the appointment of a new Superintendent of Public Werks and Utillt1ss was taken up, and for this posltion ths Mayor recommended Mr. C. C. Turner, at a salary of $200.00 per month. Mr. Wodischek moved that the Mayor's recolllllendatlon be acdepted and Mr. Turner be appointed at the salary stated. Mr. Hill seconded the motion and on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. . Hill yes, Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. M11ler yes, Mr. )fcFee yes, Mr. Wodischek yell, The motl.on carrled. In accJlPting the position, Mr. furIllr brOught up the matter of colored labor which he said was one of the ~b1ims in keeping the City's services functloning. He stated that the City of West Palm Beach 18 paying its colored labor 55 cents an hour, whereas Delray is paylng cnly 40 cents. He recommended that the J18n be ralsed to 50 cents, stating that he believed they could be lnduced to stay fer this wage. Mr. McFee suggested that Mr. TUrner talk to the men to see if they will continue to work for 40 cents; 1f not, that the Ci ty agree to pay them 50 cents. After further discussion it was moved by Mr. Hill tha t the Supt. of Public Works be authorized to pay up to fifty cents an hour to those laborers he cchnsiders worthy of it. Mr. Mcfee seconded 2U2 May 10, 1943 the motion and on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Hill Jacobs yes, Mr. Miller yelll, Mr. McFee yes, Mr. Wodischek yes. carried. yes, Mr. The motion Upon the Ilsyor's recOlllD.endation, it was m:>ved by Mr. Hill that the Chlef of Police be paid $200.00 ~r month, the same as the heads of the oths r departlmnts. Mr. McFee seconded the motl.on and on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. Miller ;yes, Mr. lleFee yes, Mr. Wodischek ;yes. The motion was declared carried. It was moved by Mr. Hill that the patrolmen be raised to $165.00 per month. Mr. McFee seconded the motion and on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Hlll yes, Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. Ililler yes, Mr. Mcfee yes, Mr. Wodischek yes. The motion carried. It was lWVed by Mr. Wodiwchek tha t the Shop Mechanic, Addison Clark, be raised to $145.00 ~r month, plus $20.00 per month for n:lght duty on the Fire Department. Ilr. McFee seconded the motion, which carried unanimously on roll call. The Mayor reported that Mr. CrOlIBr had been able to get a promise of from fifty to seventy-five yards of cold patch from T. D. Giles of Boca Raton, and he recommended ths purchase of same, while aval1ab1e. It was accordingly moved by Mr. Hill that the Clty purchase fifty yards of cold patch and as much Imre up to 75 yards as U obtainable, at a price of $6.00 per yard. Mr. Wodischek secorxled the mdltion and on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Hi11;ye s, Mr. Jacobs ;ye s, Mr. Miller ;ye s, Mr. Mcfee:: yes, Mr. Wodisdhek yes. The motion carried. The Mayor reported that the City alsc had the opportunity to buy a 12-foot Latour Lathe, worth $3,000. for $1,500, which would be of use in the Shop. The Council did not favor the purchase, however, being of the opinion tha t the work taken care of by the Clty's shop, did not warrant the purchase of this expenslve equlpment. Mr. Wodischek therefore moved that the matter be laid over. Mr. McFee seconded the motion, whlch carried unsnimously on roll call. . o. E. Harvel, Jr. came befcre the meeting with an inqu.lry as to hls employment status. He said he had been' employed under City Engineer Cromer to make water-pipe 10catlons throughout town, and asked :it it was the desire of the Council that he continue with this work. Mr. Turner recommended that he be retained and the Council agreed till t he should continue his work as long as hecou1d be of service to the City. 'lhereupon he requested a raise from 60 cents to 80 cents an hour, stating tillt he believed he l'Ias worth this to the Ci ty on his plpe location work. It was m:>ved that his salary be raised to 70 cents an hour. Mr. Wodischek seconded the motion and on. roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. 1li11e~ ;yes, Mr. McFee yes, Mr. Wodischek yes. The motion carried. Upon recommendation of the City Clerk, Councllmsn McFee moved that the salary of Ulss Alta Pittman be ralsed to $85.00 per month and that of lllss llarjorie Wino to $75.00 per month, whlch ralses, together with all preceding salary increases shall become effective on !lay 16th. Mr. Wodischek seconded the motion and on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Jacobs Yo"~. May 10, 1943 yti., Mr. 1li11er yes, Yr. McFee yes, Mr. Wodischek yes. The motion carried. The question of salary to be pald Mr. Hollis, heretofore employed in the Clty Engineer's offlce, was then taken up, and it was mared by Mr. Wodischek that if Mr. Hollls lIOuld take on additional worl<:, by asslsting with meter reading and other du t1es of tilt water office, tren that he be pald a salary of $125.00 per D1Ob.llh. Mr. McFee s&condedthe motion and on roll call the \Vote lfBl[ as follows: Ilr. Hill yes, Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. Ililler yes, Mr. IlcFee yes, Mr. Wodlschek yes. The motion carried. Mr. Wodischek moved illhat bills numbered 9695 to 9747, having been approved by the Finsnce Conmittee, be returned to ths Council and ordered paid. It was regularly moved, seconded and carried that Council adjourn. ~/1~AJ;, (1~ City Clerk \ . APPROVED: Mayor. ~ , 'J'~?T'. 2113." ,,~. .,.' i ,t\, '>j ':;~{ '~ ,1 ....i~ A~ .~ i~ j~ :i,l! <0' ~;\\ ;:, ;'\ , , " " '{'if ,:~ ,4 "~ , ,<:J :'l , if ,41 "', , FEDERAL WORKS AGENCY ~. , REGIONAL DIRECTOR Region No.3 20 Fifth street, N. W. Atlanta, Georgia " f;', IN REPLY PLEASE REFER TO :u:q 18. 1943 LEGAL: JLHlmgm Project No. Fla. 8-251 ,(F Recreation Center Delray Beach, Florida AIR JW:L . ~ Bon. E. H. Soott :Mayor Delrq Bea.oh. Florida .' ., Dear Mayor Soott. this offioe is in receipt 01' a request from Public Build- ings Adl.aillistrationthat :l:mmediate action be t&kento cons1DlllDate neoessary transactions in makiDg available a oerts.1nbuilding in Delrq Beaoh known as the Firemen's Hall for renoVll.tion and altera- tion as a Service Men's Recreation Center. Iii; We are advised ,that the City 01' Delrq Beach owns this, property and that approprilLtii of:f'iold.. have prev.l.ously assured the Govermll'Jnt that the building ....ould be made avallllble for this projeot without coilt to the Gover1llllSnt either bY' deed oonvey1Dg fee simple title to 1;he tJnited states 01' .AJlIer1ea or by lease tor a term of years contemplated to be the est1Dated, lii'e of the projeotconstruoted. It is also our understaJldi:og that a suitable bid has been reoeived for the work required to make the faoiliv avall&iille tor use and that CO_lICeDlent of work is soheduled for Mq 25. 1943, d,ePl'ndent upon the Ci V's prompt action ill. making the building available to the Govel'lllDltnt. : We. therefore, request that you furnish 1lh1s office as prlllllpt4:". ly as possible the followillg. , .,_ , (1) !hree execu1;ed copies of a generalwarranv deed OOJl.'ge7iDg the existing buildiDg and land to the Uni tad states of .America. (2) Six prints oi' a property line survey _p ooveriDg the property. . (3) Three oertified cop1es of appropriate resolution of the governing body of the City author1zi%lg lIZld directing the execution of the af'oresald deed. Abstract of !i tle certified to date oovllring the' subject property. ;" tt',. . '(4) Hon. E. H. Scctt -2- ~ 18. 1943 A search of our files indioates that the City.s wil1iJlgness to donate the property in fee 8imp1e title to the Govel'Dlllllnt_s contingent upon the City stipulating a reversioJ!. of title to the property in the City upon the termination of the use of the build- ing as a recreation center. Such 8tipulation in the deed. or e:rr:r restrictive language therein. would DOt be aooeptab1e to t he Govern- ment because of the unwillingD8B1 of the UDi ted States Attorney General to approve title of property acquired. by the Government UDder suoh cOllVllyanoe. In the event that the City is unwilling to UDreserved1y and UDrestrictively convey fee simple title to the Govermnent as out- lined above, you are requested to !'urnlsh this office as promptly . as possible w.l.th the followingt (1) 'Three executed counterparts of a lease agree- ~nt conveying a leasehold interest in the subject property to 1:he Uldted states of America for a term of five years and renewable thereafter at the option of the Gover!llllent for an aggl'e&ate term llDt to exceed 't1venty years. or the duration of the war and six months there- at:1;er, whichever first occurs. (2) Three oertified copies of appropriate resolution authorizl. ng and directing the execution of said lease agreement. (3) Abstract of Title covering the subject propert)<' (whioh Abstraot will be returned to you. if de- sired, after 8DID1IlBtioll). .. " (4) Six print8 of property line survey map oovering the subject pro~erty. For your i1Iformation lI'ep.re also advised that the origl.na1 allotment of $12.000 for tbis project has been iDOreased to $20,400. Also a8 stated above, we cannot urge upon you too 8trongly the neces- sity for ilIlmediate aoticm. it being our keen desire that you t:ur:aish necessary doouments of oonveyanoe to thls offi,ce by Alr lfail DOt later than the end of tbis week. i i i ~ , i I: . Very truly yours, t ~.~~ , Aoting RegioJl&lAttonuty