05-20-43 Sspecial COUNCIL (]{AlIBER May 20th, 1943 The Council met in special session at 7:30 P.Il. upon call of the Mayor, with the following members present: Ilr. Hill, Mr. Jacobs, Ilr. IlcFee and Mr. Wodischek, Mr. Ililler was absent. The meeting came to order and the Mayor announced it had been called principa11;y for the purpose of taking necessary action towards illlllediately furnishing the Federal Works Agency with certain data, survey prints, and property lease to the Fireman's Hall property (as per attached letter from its acting Regional Attorney) in order that the renovation and remodeling of the property. as a U.S.O. Building may be commended, as sche<l1led on ~ 25th. Attorney Nowlin presented regularly drawn lease-agreement, which he aubmi. tted tor the Council's approval, and llr. Hill moved that the following resolution, approving the execution of said lease, be adopted: . RESOLUTION 479 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF 'mE CITY CF DEmAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORmNG AND DIRECTING TIlE MAYOR AND. CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE A !:EASE AGREEllENT TO THE UNITED STATES OF AIlERICA COVERING LOT 7 AND THE NORTH 14 FEET OF LOT B, Bi.OCK 101 (J' 'lHE CITY.OF DEWY BEACH. Mr.Wodischek seconded the motion for adoption, and on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Hill ;yes, Mr. Jacobs ;yes, Ilr. McFee )'ea, Mr. Wodiachek yes. The motion carried. It was. further moved by Mr. Wodischek that the property in question be surveyed and abstract brought down to date, for the purpose of complying lIlth the requirements of the Federal Works Agency. Mr. Hill seconded the motion and on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Hill ;yes, Mr. Jacobs ;yes, Mr. Wodischek yes, Mr. Mcfee ;yes. '!he motion was declared carried. The Ci 1;y Attorney agreed to look after these details, and report at next meeting. The Clerf was instructed to reply to the Florida East Coast Railway Company WorDdng said company why. its proposed agreement for the opening up of N.W. First Street liS a pedestrain crosaing, was rejected by the Council. The following oonmunication was read: I ' ~-,---' TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR & CI'IY COUNCIL, DEIRAY BEACH, FLORIDA. Ma.v 14, 1943 Gentlemen: . I~_bas been called to my attention that the sewage is "'-~ ~~~~~~- -.. .....-.-------.---. .. _._. "- '" _.. .... ..........-,_. _.,_......,t~.,."'.-."'.~:....,~:~.~,..._._.. 2tl6:; ,~ ., 'Ii io,', ~ t ;.~ II ,. ~'1 ~ ~:l ~1 .', I " :i, ';,1 ;; i'. ~ t , i t [i ',.,', h~ t}? J:' ~;~ A I ~ ' j: !. :; .:1 'l " ';1 ~~ -,'~i-"~ 2tl, Ma.v 20th, 1943 passing into the canal just as it comes from the toilete and it is necessary that this condition be corrected at once. . , Yours truly, /s/ K.M. DAVIS, MD City Health Officer. The Chairman of the Sanitary Conmi ttee reported tha t this complaint had been investiga tad and that work was being proceeded With a t the City I S disposal plant towards the clearing of this sewer line. In reply to a letter from B. J. Van Ingen & Co. offering $5,000. Delray Bonds at a price of 77 and interest, the City Clerk was instructed to offer 72 and interest advising that this was the highest price the City was pelUlitted to pay without re-advertising far bids. '!here being no further busiress to come before the meeting, it waw regularly moved, seconded and carried that Council adjourn. ~'~f2 Ci'tif Clerk . APPROVED: . Ma;yor. L_: