05-25-43 Regular 2118 COUNCIL CHAMBER lfayt25, 1943. The Council met in regular session at 7:30 P.lL. with the' City Attorney and the following members present: Hr. Hill, Hr. Jacobs, Hr. McFee and Mr. Wcidischek. Mr. Miller arrived later. , , By motion regularly made, seconded and carried the minutes of the regular meeting of May 10 and the special meeting held May 20th, were approved as read. Upon enquiry by the Clerk as to charge to be made for fire fighting service rendered by the City when a fire occurred recently at the Coast Guard Station oA the boulevard, the Clerk was instructed to render bill, covering said fire call, to the Town of Gulfstream. The Clerk reported that application for transfer of bar license from Mrs. R. R. Neil to Jas. F. Wlalen & S. &. Cosby for the operation of "Bob's Bar" had been regularly advertised, and that she had received no objections thereto; and no other objections being made to said transfer, it was moved by Mr. Hill that the license (expiring Sept. 30, 1943) be assigned to the aforesaid applicants. Mr. Wodischek seconded the motion and on roll call the vote was as follows 1 Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Jacobs,yes, Mr. McFee yes, Mr. Wodischek yes. The motion carried. Councilman Miller arrived at this point in the meeting. A letter was read from Fairbanks, Morse & Co., calling the City'S attention to House Bill No. 4~-proposed Utility Legislation-- which bill has been passed on its first reading, and Which, if finally enacjed by the Legislature, the Fairbanks people consider may prove objectionable to municipalities, inasmuch as it restricts cities' jurisdiction over utilities located in their precincts, and places regulation of such in the hands of the Railroad-Commission. The Fair- banks Company's letter recommended, if the City considers such legis- lationobjectionable, that the Council voice protest by writing its Senators and Representatives. Councilman Miller said he was unfamiliar with the bill, therefore moved that the matter be 'l'81'erred to the Ordinance Committee for study and recommendation back to the Council. There was no second to his motion, however, it being pointed out that immediate action was necessary if such protests were to reach Talla- hassee before close of the Legislature. It was finally moved by Mr. Hill that the City eQter a protest against passage. of said Bill no. 436, and send copies of the following resoluticgn to our Senators and State Representatives. RESOLUTION 480 A RESOLttTIQN CF 'IHE CITY COUNCIL CF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACIt, FLORIDA; OPPffiING 'IRE PASSAGE DE" HOUSE BILL 435. 2tl9 May 25, 1943. Mr. Wodischek seconded the motion for adoption and on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. lLiller no, adding that he knew nothing about it and was therefore unpre- pared to vote on the question, Mr. McFee yes, Mr. Wodischek yes. The motion carried. , A telegram was read from Richard M. Maxwell, Regional Attorney for the Federal Works Agency, urging the immediate deli- very of land documents required in final negotiations and the letting of contract for remodeling of the Fireman's Hall property as a U.S"O. Building. The City Attorney reported that George Brockway had pro- mised to make property line survey that day, but that this had not yet been done. He said the required resolutions, lease-agreellllnt and abstract, to date, were ready and had been delivered to the Clerk. It was therefore moved by Mr. McFee that the City Clerk forward im- mediately, by air mail, such data as she has, advising the Agency that the survey prints would follow immediately as soon as procured. Mr. Wodischek seconded the motion and on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. lLiller yes, Mr. McFee yes, Mr. Wodischek yes. The motion carried. Mr. L. E. Hagen appeared at the meeting enquiring what decision the Council had reached wi th regard to licensing of painting contractors. The Chairman, of the Ordinance COlIllIlittee stated that so far as he was concerned, he thought the ordinance should remain un- changed, as he considered it absolutely clear, and should be enforced on that basis. Councilman Miller said he thought it would be a good thing for both the conbacting painter and the City to consider contractors only those persons who do work on a large enough scale to hire helpers, and that a man working alone Should not be classed as a contractor even though he might gi ve estimates, or bid on jobs. After much discussion, pro and con, as to pow such cases Should be handled it was finally iigreed, and the Mayor ruled, that when a charge is made against anyone for contracting, that a warrant be sworn out by the Chief of Police or any individual who has knowledge or proof as to such contracting, and that the offender by brought into court and be dealt with by the Municipal Judge. Superintendent Turner reported that the sewerage complaint recently received had been dealt with, and that the line had been satisfactorily cleared and the agitator shaft finally welded by Mr. Geiger & Mr. Jurney. The Mayor brought up the matter of the Atlantic Avenue Railway crossing, recolIllIlending that the Railroad Company be requested to have the watchman's hours lengthened. Mr. Miller did not favor additional hours of duty, stating that he thought it made little difference, with the automatic signal system which is now being used. Nevertheless, the Mayor recommended that the City Clerk request.. that the watchman put in two more hours of duty, but no action~'Was taken on this recommendation. 2120 May 25, 1943. Councilman McFee brought up the matter of regulating the wearing of shorts and bathing suits in public places and on city streets, reporting that several people had requested that the Council proceed to regulate this practice and not allow the matter to drop. After discussion, therefore, it was finally moved by Mr. Miller that the following ordinance be placed on its first reading: " , ORDINANCE ijc. 481 AN ORDINANCE OF 'IHE CITY COUNCIL OF 'IHE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, PROHIBITING THE APPEARANCE ON 'IHE PUBLIC STREETS, SIDEWALKS AND ALLEYS OF THAT PORTION OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, LYING WEST OF THE FLORIDA INTRACOASTAL CANAL OF ANY PERSON CLAD IN A BATHING SUIT OR TRUNKS, UN~S SUCH PERSON SHALL ALSO WEAR ADDITIONAL CLOTHING; AND PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE. The ordinance having been read in full the first time, it was moved by Mr. Miller that it be passed on its first reading. Mr. McFee seconded the motion and on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. Miller yes, Mi'. lLcFee yes. Mr. Wodischllk yes. The motion carried. The Mayor reported that the Life-guard expected to enter the hospital for an operation Shortly, and that Samual Ogren, Jr. was to be employed to take Mr. Barker's p:Lace, during his absence. The Chief of Police was directed to stgp the practice of parking bicycles o~ sidewalks, Which Mr. McFee reported was being complained of by pedestrians. r The Mayor brought up the matter of employing a third man for the Fire Department, explaining that this was necessary to retain the City'S present insurance classifications. For this position, the Fire Chief recommended Mark Johnson, stating that he was a willing worker and co~ld do much of the mechanical and shop work as well. as alternate as Fire Department night-man. He said he could be hired for $145.00 or $150.00 a month. Hr. Hill moved that the Mayor's recommendation be approved and the Mr. Johnson be employed to fill the position of assistant shop mechanic and fir_no There was no second to this motion, the other councilmen stating that they would like to give the matter more consideration in order to determine whether the additional, man was necessary. In answer to an enquiry by Mr. Turner, the Council advised him that the cleaning of the sWimming pool was an item to be paid' for by the Pool Attendant, as in the past. 2121 May 25, 1943. . r The Chief of Police requested that the police force be allowed to adopt a cool, short-sleeved, open-neck type of shirt for summer wear, complaining that the regulation shirt was too warm for the aummer. It wE\s accordingly moved by Mr. Wodischek that the 6bi$f-'ClfcPolice be authorized to purchase the necessary shirts, cost of same to Pe charged to each man's $50.00 clothes allowance.' Mr. McFee seconded the motion and on roll call the vote was as follows: lLr. H~ll yes, Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. Miller yes, Mr. McFee yes, lLr. Wodischek yes. The motion carried. " r It W/lS moved by lLr. Miller, seconded by Mr. McFee, and on roll call unanimously carried, that bills numbered 9748 to 9783, having been approved by the Finance Committee be returned to the Council and ordered paid. adjourn. It was regularly moved, seconded and carried that Council \ ~_jl-U) , t ~~f2 City Clerk APPROVED: lLayor D1'-a-r~ I I I ! , -