06-28-43 Regular 2J.31 COUNCIL CHAMBER June 28, 1943. The C01UlCil met in regular session at 7:30 P.M. with the City Attorney Adams and the following members present: Mr. Hill, Mr. Jacobs, Mr. McFee and Mr. Wodischek. Mr. Miller arrived after the meeting convened. By motion regularly made, seconded and carried, the minutes of the last regular meeting, held June 14th were approved as reaa. The following communication was read, and ordered filed without comment: June 15th, 1943. Miss Mae Cramp, City Clerk, City of Delray Beach, Florida. Dear Miss Cramp: I enclose our Town Check for $40.00 in payment of services rendered by your Fire Department at the Coast Guard Camp in this Town. As you told me the Coast Guard Camp would not pay this bill, the Town of Gulf Stream will not be responsible for any future charges for calls made to this base. . The Town of Gulf St1'eam will continue to appreciate your Fire Department answering fire calls at any other p~ace in Town and will see that any charge in connection with such call, shall be paid. The property owners in this Town have always appreciated the service rendered by your Fire Department. Very truly yours, /s/ ViM. J. BAUER Town Clerk for Town of Gulf Stream The following request was submitted and read to the Council: June 28, 1943. The Honorable W. A. Jacobs, Mayor, City of Delray Beach, Florida. 2132 June 28th, 1943. My dear Mr. Mayor: The writer requests the City Council to approve the extension of the existing 2 inch water main on North West 9th Street so that the writer may have adequate supply and pressure of water at his home. It is my belief that the project was approved last year, but, for some reason or other was not exe- cuted. This request is made because of the fact that existing water pressure in my house is feeble at all times and in slimmer months is almost non-existent. Thanking you for your co-operation in this matter, I am Very respectfully yours, /s/ JOHN ALDEN THAYER Before taking action on said request, Mr. Wodischek asked that he be given an opportunity to look into the situation with the Supt. of Public Works, stating that he would then be prepared to make a recommendation on same at the next meeting of the Council. Mr. Turner estimated it would cost approximately $200.00 for material and labor to make the neRessary extension to the Thayer property. It was agreed to lay the matter over until the next meeting. Mr. Wodischek suggested that a representative attend the Landowner's Meeting of the Lake Worth Drainage District on July 14th next, to cast a vote for the City, at the election to be held at that time. After disc1lssion, it was decided to wait until the next meeting of the Council to act on the matter, if it is then considered advisable to do so. The Council discussed briefly the proposed Anti-wood-shingle roof ordinance. Councilman Miller was opposed to passing further legis- lation of this kind, stating that the City had previously had a similar ordinance which the ~ouncil has permitted to be violated from time to time. A question was raised as to what extent the passage of such an ordinance would tend to reduce insurance rates. No one could give this information however, therefore Mr. Wodischek moved that the ordinance be t;abled until another meeting of the Council in order that more inforrnation might be obtained in this regard. The motion was seconded by Mr. McFee and unanimously carried. 2133 JUne 28" 1943.. By motion regularly made, seconded and carried the following ordinance was placed on its second reading: ORDINANCE 1..81 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, PROHIBITING THE APPEmtANCE ON THE PUBLIC STREETS, SIDEWALKS, AND ALLEYS OF THAT PORTION OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, LYING WEST OF THE FLORIDA INTRACOASTAL CANAL OF ANY PERSONS OVER THE AGE OF TWELVE YEARS, CLAD IN A BATH- ING SUIT OR TRUNKS, UNLESS SUCH PERSON SHALL ALSO WEAR ADDITIONAL CLOTHING: AND PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE. The Mayor stated he was opposed to the ordinance in its present form, and could not vote for it. Councilman Miller was of the opinion that it would serve to regulate the conditions complained of and said .it could be amended later if ne<<essary. He moved that it be passed on its second reading and final passage. Mr. McFee seconded the motion and on roll call, the vote was as follows: Mr. Hill no, Mr. Jacobs no, Mr. Miller yes, Mr. McFee yes, Mr. Wodischek yes. The motion carried. The matter of proceeding with the construction of a sewer line through Block 104 came up, the Clerk reporting that Mr. Howard Cromer had offered to do the engineering on said project for a price of $75.00. The members enquired of Earl Harvel whether he could run the lines for this project and he said he could do so, but did not believe .70 cents an hour (his present wage) enough for that kind of work. He offered to do such engineering for a price of $1.20 an hour, and.estimated it would take about two days and require the labor of one extra man. It was accwdingly moved by Mr. McFee that the City pay Mr. Harvel an additional .50 cents an hour for this sewer engineering work. Mr. Hill seconded the motion and on roll call. the vote was as follows: Mr. Hill ye~, Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. Miller,yes, Mr. McFee yes, Mr. Wodischek yes. The motion carried. It was stated that the City had on hand, sufficient 6-inch sewer tile to do the job, but Mr. Harvel pointed out that the lines and estimated had all been prepared for the running of an 8-inch line, this o ... being the size of the present existing sewer system. Since the City had 'l- 't- " no 8-inch pipe on hand, it was moved by Mr. Wodischek that the Supt. of .... . Public Works be authorized to place an order far'sa!d pipe wherever he ~ ~ .... - can get it, at the cheapest pri~e available. Mr. Hill seconded the ~~ motion and on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Hillyyes, Mr. Jacobs E!' yes, Mr. Miller yes, Mr. McFee yes, Mr. Wodischek yes. The motion carried. ... '" '" . - ... " 2:134 June 28; 1943: Mr. Wodischek reported having received a request from Mrs. O'Donnell for the removal of the fire hydrant on the lawn of. her Las Olas Hotel property. It was pointed out that this hydrant actually was on public right-of-way, and because of the wall which has been constructed around the hotel, the fire-plug had been rendered useless for the Fire Department. The Fire Chief recommended that the hydrant be made available for fire fighting use or else removed, stating that it was more of a hazard than a help, under present conditions, since valuable time might be lost by his men, should they try to hook up to it in an emergency. He said it was impossible to do this unless a portion of the hotel wall is removed. The consensus of opinion, after discussing the situation, was that the hydrant be allowed to remain where it is, and that the hotel owners be requested to cut down the wa~1 sufficiently to permit of its use. Councilman Wodischek was authorized to megotiate with Mrs. O'Donnell towards having this ,done. Mr. McFee reported that the complaint about the Simon Building roof had been taken care of satisfactorily. Inspector Pinckney stated it had dried up and had been swept off and that Mr. Simon had promised to cover the roof so that there would be no future complaints about it. Supt. Turner called the Council's attention to a leak in the City Hall roof, over the Council table, and it was agreed that a roofer be employed immediately to make the necessary repairs. Councilman McFee brought up the matter of vacations, stating that it was about time for Mr. Turner to take his, but since there seemed no one to take his place, and Mr. Turner was willing to stay on without a vacation this year, he recollllllended that the City Superintendent be paid. his two weeks' vacation salary in lieu of time off. It was agreed that vacations this year, be taken care of in this maimer, all employees who have been with the City a year or more, being allowed two weeks, but where their duties do not permit of them to take time off; that they then be paid two week!' salary instead, upon approval of the Council. It was ac- cordingly moved by Mr. Miller that Supt. Turner be paid two weeks' salary in lieu of his forfeited vacation. Mr. McFee seconded the motion and on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Hill.~es, Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. Miller yes, Mr. IIcFee ues, Mr. Wodischek yes. The motion carried. Supt. Turner reported that he had Joe lfohnson from the Golf Course cutting weeds on the City Streets with the large mower, and ex- pected to cover the Whole town in this way. The Mayor requested instruction from the Council in regard to compensation::to be paid the Life-Guard, who had recently undergone an operation which had been necessitat.d because of an ~njury sustained while on duty. He explained that the City was not legally bound to pay such an employee more than is provided for under the compensation law, which compensation is taken care of by the insurance company, but it had been the policy in most cases in the past, to pay such an employee full-time ~ges, and then have him endorse his compensation check back to the City when it is paid. The Mayor said the City Clerk would like instructions 2136 tune 2'S, 1943-_ from the Council in regard to the handling of E. C. Barker's disability case. It was mutually agll'eed by the members that the City pay Mr. Barker his full salary .and retain the compensation check when paid by the insurance company, as partial reimbursement for such salary payment. The Mayor reported that Sammy Ogren, the temporary Life-Guard was leaving for Army School on July 1st, and that arrangements had therefore been made with Lieut. Brannin, for the supply bY Boca Raton Field of an additional life-guard for week-day duty on the beach, for the next two weeks until Mr. Barker's return, at a salary of $2.00 per day, the same as that pa~d to the boys from the field who serve on Sundays and holidays. This action of the Mayor was approved by the other members. Mr. Miller said there was need of some sidewalk repairs on Atlantic Avenue from the Arcade Building on down to the corner. He siad he was not prepared to make a recommendation on same, however, but would try to do so at the next meeting, if he is able to be present. Fire Chief Cfoft reported that Mr. Addison Clark had requested a salary raise to $175.00 per month, stating that he would quit unless he received this amount. The members were unwilling to take any action in the matter. Mr. J. L. Croft came before the meeting with a problem regarding transportation of soldiers to and from the camp, by his taXis, stating that the Railroad Commission, at the instigation-of their local inspector and a Lake Worth transportation concern, was attempting to prevent the operation of his Delray Taxi Service between here and the Camp. ,Mr. John Adams, attorney for the local Flamingo Taxi line also explained the situa- tion, stating that a railroad commission hearing on the matter was to be held at 10:00 o'clock on the morning of the 30th, and if the City felt any concern in regard to same, and felt urged to take action in the matter, it would be necessary to do so at that time. It was finally moved by Mr. Miller that incompliance with the requests of Mr. Cf~ft and Attorney Adams the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION 485 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA"IN REGULAR SESSION SITTING, REQUESTING THE RAILROAD COMMISSION OF FLORIDA TO ISSUE PERMIT TO THE FLAMINGO TAXI SERVICE TO TRANSPORT PASSENGERS TO AND FROM BE'IWEEN BOCA RATON FIELD AND DELRAY BEACH WITHIN THE COUNTY OF PALM BEACH AND STATE OF FLORIDA. Mr. Wodischek seconded the motion for adoption, and on roll call, it carried unanimously. 2136 June 28, 1943 It was further moved by Mr. Miller that the Mayor be authorized to attend the hearing, with the City Attorney, to make protest in person, the expense of said trip to be paid by the City. Mr. Wodischek seconded the motion and on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. Miller, yes, Mr. McFee ;yes, Mr. Wodischek yes. The motion carried. It was moved by Mr. Miller that bills numbered 9839 to 9869, having been approved by the Finance 60mrnittee, be returned to the Council and ordered paid. It was regularly moved, seconded and carried that Oouncil adjourn. ..r ~ -...' \. ~~~A) ~- CITY CIERK . 1[. ''I,.... ," t: ~j APPROVED: '. MAYOR 00a: a__~ tf" ( >,< .