07-26-43 Regular 2144 COUNCIL CHAMBER July 26, 1943 The Council met in regular session at 7: 30 wit)I City Attorney Nowlin and the following members present: Mr. Hill, Mr. Jacobs, Mr. Miller, Mr. McFee, and Mr. Wodischek. ., Council Wodischek stated minutes of July 12th omitted two reports which he had made, and that he wished these re~orts inserted in the minutes: 1. He had contacted Mrs. O'Donnell regarding fire hydrant, inside 00 her Las alas Hotel property, He recommended the wall be cut down and the Supt. of Public WOI'ks cut housing for valve and lower it about six inches which would leave the hydrant in perfect order for use by the Fire Department. Mrs; O'Donnell consented to this proposal. 2. Mr. Wodischek recommended that approXimately 500' of two inch pipe be laid in Pine view SiD in order to give better water ser- vice to people living in that section as the pressure at the present time is inadequate. Councilman McFee wished correction made on page 2139, 2nd para- graph, of July 12th minutes to show motion made by him was seconded by liI.r. Wodischek. With these corrections the minutes were declared approved as read. The following letter was read from Mr. O. Helland: Brooklyn, New York July 24, 1943 Hon. W. A. Jacobs, Mayor: Delray Beach, Fla. . Dear !leayor: I have just read the Delray Beach News issue of .,r,t\1y16j:.h.Ipan editol'i.&l py.l4r. Hand he states that you . sugge'sted the removal of the "slgn board at the Post Office. For your information this board is on private property. I would advise that you do nothing about this sign board until I return. I have a written contract with the owners of the \. July 26, 1943 21.45 "1-.. sign; andean domdl1eabout,the removalot' the sign,. than the city can, without any legal entanglements. I expect to arrive in Delray Beach in about a week and will then take the matter up with you. Respectfully yours, O. Helland The letter having been read was ordered filed. The matter of removing the sign will be taken up when Mr. Helland returns. Application of John Baty, Colored, for beer license was presented, to the council, also application for liquor license byMr. Peter J. Floros, who has purchased the tik Tok property on So. Ocean Boulevard. Quite a lengthy discussion ensued regarding ntillIDer of bars allowed in town. Mr. Miller moved that the applications be received arrl the clerk be instructed to advertise them for the required ntillIDer of days. The motion was seconded by Mr. McFee and on roll call carried unanimously. Councilman Miller moved that the Ordinance Comnuttee and City Attorney check on the applicants' characters and report back at next meeting; this in accordance with City Ordinance. Mr. Wodischek seconded the motion, and on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. Miller yes, Mr. McFee yes, Mr. Wodischek yes. The motion carried. The State Board of Health reported the samples of water sent them proved satisfactory. It was requested that in the future, samples be mailed out Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday. Mr. Wodischek instructed Supt. Turner to comply with this request. Councilman Miller moved that Plumbers examination be waived for Smith & Companjjl's work on the new U. S. O. Building;" Motion was seconded by Mr. Wodischek and on roll call carried unanimously. Supt. Turner reported that no permits had as yet peen taken out by contractors on U. S. O. job, and requested that $~id permits be waived. Mr. Hill moved aU permit fees in connection with Old Chamber of Commerce Hall be waived. The motion was seconded by Mr. Wodischek carried unanimously on roll call. Councilman Wodischek reported that about six colored families living in the vicinity of colored school would like to have water service. He said he thought it would be a good idea to have an extension made into that section inasmuch as it would be a big help in case of fire, and then too, the revenue from people consuming water would mn a few years cover cost of this extension. He said it would take approximately 600' of pipe to do this, at an approximate cost of $300. He suggested we put in a stand pipe for fire protection, to which the small truck could hook up to get water. 2146 July 26, 1943 Quite a lengthy discussion followed, and it was finally decided that City Attorney Nowlin contact the War Production Board to see if we can run this line, and to report back to the Council when he hears from them. Councilman McFee stated he had a problem which involved a chicken coop being placed so close to a cottage on N. E. 2nd Avenue as to necessitate the owners keeping one of their bedroom windows closed due to offensive odor. Mr. Miller suggested that Mr. McFee contact the owner of the chicken coop re- garding the moving of it to another place on the lot. Councilman Miller reported he had talked to Mr. A. George, owner of 95 feet of Atlantie Avenue frontage, who said he was perfectly willing to pay one half the cost of putting in new sidewalk from his corner to Mussle's store: which cost would be in the neighborhood of $200. Property owners e, along Atlantic Avenue contacted by him were willing to put in new sidewalk. Mr. Lauren C. Hand stated t he Woman's Club would not have another meeting until August l~th, and could make no decision until then, although he felt they would cooperate with the City, in the matter of the new side- walk. Mr. Miller said he was in favor of going ahead with the work. City Attorney Nowlin suggested the C~erk write the Woman's Club regarding the sidewalk,telling them, that by coming in with the city and agreeing to pa~ half the cost they would save themselves considerable ex- pense. A motion was made by Mr. Miller that the Clerk write the Woman's Club stating that new sidewalk was going to be put in at a cost of approximately 26~ per sq. foot and those who agreed to cooperate by paying half the cost would have no advertising fee to ~ay, but. to those who do not, the sidewalk must be condemned, and the City go through the regular advertising procedure, which will cost the property owner the entire expense of the sidewalk plus the advertising cost. Mr. Wodischek seconded the motion, which carried un- animously. Councilman Hill suggested the sidewalk between 5th Avenue and the Federal, on South side of Atlantic Avenue be fixed. Mr. Miller said he would contact the property owhers and report back to the Council. Mr. Miller was asked to look over the sidewalk on West Atlantic Avenue by the Bedell Building which has sunken badly, and report back to the Council. Drain pipe installed by the city was the cause of sidewalk sinking. The Mayor recommended that it be fixed as economically as possible. Councilman Wodischek made a motion that the sidewalk just west of the Bedell Building be repaired. Motion seconded by Mr. Hill, carried un- animously on roll call. Mr. Wodischek suggested that the street posts be relettered again. Supt. Turner reported Fire Chief Croft has a stencil tp do this work, and the posts could be brought to the shop and painted first, then re-lettered. Chief Croft said the work could be done. Mr. Wodischek moved this work be done. Motion was seconded by Mr. Miller, and carried. July 26, 1943 21.47 Mr. Miller said he thought this was a good time for the City to do some advertising. He suggested having booklets or stationary printed showing Delray Beach scenes, this advertising material to be distributed to the soldiers at the Service Clubs. Mr. Wodischek made a motion that a committee be appointed to lOlbk up the cost of printing booklets etc. and report back at the next meeting. Motion was seconded by Mr. Miller arrl carried unanimously. The Mayor appointed Mr. Miller chairman of the committee, and appointed Mr. McFee and Mr. Hill as co-workers. Mayor Jacobs stated Dr. Farber had said he wanted to compliment Supt. Turner on the cleaning up work done at the Tennis Club. He also said the City had allowed the Tennis Club $30 per month, but have only been paying them $20. so far, as they did not need the $30. Now they need the money and would like the additional $10. per month. Mr. Miller made a motion which was seconded by Mr. McFee, that the Tennis Club be paid $30 per month, and that they also be allowed the additional $10 1'01' eadh"month they only received $20. On roll call the motion carried. Mayor Jacobs instructed Supt. Turner to remove the twenty posts at the Tennis Courts and replace with new ones; also to remove the 2x4' s which are on top of the posts. Mr. Miller made a motion that the Parks Committee be auth- orized to fix up the Tennis Courts. Motion was seconded by Mr. McFee, and on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. Miller yes, Mr. McFee yes, Mr. Wodischek yes. Mayor Jacobs reported that Capt. Barker had hired another man from Boca Raton Field as assistant lifeguard on the beach at a salary of $2 per day, and he recommended that this move be approved. Mr. Hill seconded the motion which carried unanimously. Mayor Jacobs also reported that one of our citizens suggested to him that the City change the coloring on the beach pavilion. Councilman Hill sll:id'he c'd1:ci'noft'l%lifnk:'1:€'fe'nliibl& to paint'tne roof or the building at this time. Councilman Wodischek reported that Miss Ball would like to have the lines and numbers painted back on the pool. Mayor Jacobs suggested that we wai t until we put second coat of paint iim the floor of the pool, at which time this work could be done. City Attorney Nowlin reported that we have forclosed on ten acres of land out by the cemetery, and he had the map and deed from the Master, Mr. Henry F. Lilienthal. He said he also had received a quit claim deed from Minnie Kahn. Attorney Nowlin said he thought the City should allow Mrs. Kahn the $25 for the quit claim deed, also that check be sent Mr. Lilienthal to the amount of $25. which was his Master's fee. Mr. Wodischek seconded the motion which carried unanimously on roll call. .j Attorney Nowlin said the total cost to the City for the ten acres was $225.28. It was regularly moved, seconded and carried that Council adjourn. .-<!> APPROVED: MAYOR. D1JI>'~