08-09-43 Regular 21.48 COUNCIL CHAMBER August 9, 1943 The COlIDcil net in regular session at 7:30 P.M. with the City Attorney and following members present: Mr. Jacobs, Mr. Miller, Mr. Mcfee and Mr. Wodischek. iil> " ,:::'t By motion regularly made, seconded and carried, the minutes of the last regular meeting held July 26th were approved as read. Because df his impending induction into the Navy Earl Harvel, Jr. tendered his resignation effective as of August 8th. Mr. WocUschek moved that the resignation be accepted and the Mayor was authorized to sign an employment release for Mr. Harvel. Mr. McFee seconded the motion and on roll call, the vote was as follows: Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. Miller 'Fs, Mr. McFee yes, Mr. Wodischek yes. The motion carried. It was further moved by Mr. Miller that the Mayor be. authorized to write a recommendation from the City for Mr. Harvel. Mr. Wodischek seconded the motion and on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. Miller yes, Mr. McFee yes, Mr. Wodischek yes. '!he motion carried. .. was read: The following letter, from Sidney J. Catts, Jr., State Attorney, West Palm Beach, Fla., August 4, 1943 Hon. E. H. Scott Mayor of Delray Beach Delray Beach, Florida Dear Sir: In connection with the appeals to the Circuit COUrt from the Mayor's or Municipal Courts, it is my duty to represent the State of Florida in the, prosecution of such appeals to their final conclusion. If there. are any appeals pending at the. present time from your Mayor's or Municipal Courts, I will appreciate it if you will have your clerk advise me the style of the case and the date on which the appeal was sued out and in all future appeals from your court, I will appreciate it if you will have your clerk advise rre upon such appeals being sued out. 2:149 I wish to offer you my full cooperation in all matters pertaining to law enforcement and such other services as I may at any time be able to render to you. Wit~ my best personal wishes, I remain, Yours very truly, Sidney J. Catts, Jr. State Attorney It was moved by Mr. Wodischek that a letter of acknowledgment be forwarded the State Attorney, and the Clerk be instructed to follow out said instructions. Mr. Miller seconded the motion and on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. Miller yes, Mr. McFee yes, Mr. Wodischek yes. The motion carried. A letter from the McAteer Directory Service was read, with reference to the bringing un to date of the bulletin board at the post office. It was reported that the panel, containing the names of the City officials, had been corrected and changed by Mr. Helland. At this point in the meeting, Councilman Hill arrived and sat throughout the remainder of the session. A letter was read from the Florida Products Company, advising that they were soon to start their fall harvesti~g of cocoanuts and would be working in the Palm Beach area thia week. Members of the Council expressed the opinion that all matured nuts should be removed, and unless said Company made a clean picking of these, the City should have them taken down. A lengthy communication from Mr. C. Y. Byrd was read in which he filed protest against"'IDwarranted increases in valuations on his beach n property as follows: - Lot 12, Block E, Shore Acres N~ lots 28 & 29, Sec. 9 S. 27.5' of Beach Lot 12 2:150 N! of Beach Lot 13 (home place) N~ blk 140, East of Canal E. 70' of Lots 7 to 9 Blk. 4, Ocean Park E. 70' of lots 10 to 12 Blk 4, Ocean Park Mr. Byrd, himself, was present, and made verbal protest against the raising of valuations on the Beach, stating that in his particular case, the raise hall been over $9,800.00 on the above named parcels. The Council agreed to investigate his comolaint and act upon same, along with other objections to be disposed of at the final meeting of the Equalization Board, scheduled for August 16th. Estella Evans, colored, appeared before the Council stating that she had broken her leg in 1939, which had rendered her a cripple since that time, and that she was so disabled by neuritis as to be unable to work. For this reason she requested some relief on delinquent taxes owing on her hone located on lots 9 & 10, Block 19. The City Attorney informed the Council the only concession tha t could legally be given would be a retro- active disability exemption, making same effective as of the date of her injury. The members accordingly advised Estella Evans to submit to the Clerk a Doctor's certificate or other pvoof that she had been disabled and unable to earn a Ii vllihood since the date clailOOd, which proof the CJuncil would then consider and act upon. A communication from the War Pro~uction Board, Miami, was read, which advised that it would be necessary for a pe:brolew:t cornoany making installation of a new gas pump for the City, to apply on W.P.B. form P0-215 to the Petroleum Distribution Facilities Unit, at Washington, D.C. Fire Chief Croft said he had talked to one of the Oil Company's local agents who believed it would probably be possible for the City to buy a used Electrically-Metered pump for about $60.00. The Council favored the idea of the City owning itw own pump, and Mr. Miller accordingly moved that the matter be deferred until next meeting to allow the Fire Chief an opportunity to contact the different oil companies in an effort to purchase a neW pump. Mr. Hill seconded the motion and on roll ca~l the vote was as follows: Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. Miller yes, Mr. McFee yes, Mr. Wodischek yes. The motion carried. The following letter was read frorn the South-Eastern Underwriters Association, at Atlanta, in answer +0 an enquiry sent to them by Councilman Hill, with reference to the City's present reduced Fire Department fersonnel. Ie Mr. R. P. Goodloe, Manager, Florida Inspection and Rating Bureau, in Jacksonville, has furnished us copy of ~151 your letter to him dated June 16 and carbon copy of his reply of July 18. According to our latest inspection report of fire defenses in Delray Beach prepared in 1941, the fire department organization consisted of total of 26 members, with a paid chief, three paid men and remainder volunteers. At the time of this inspection the department operated with two paid men on duty during day and two paid men and two volunteers sleeping in the station at night. The reduction proposed in your letter represents a rather substantial cut in the manpower and requirements, at a time when the maintenance of adeol1ate public fire defenses is such an important item. It iff well recognized that one of the principal War dangers is from.incendiary bombs, and to combat fires started by these, public fire defenses are of vital importance. A well manned, equipped and properly trained fire department is most essential in providing the safeguards needed under conditions prevailing today. , I j In answer to the specific question raised in your letter, a reduction in the paid personnel as outlined will not add a sufficient number of points under application of National Board Grading Schedule to change the classi- fication; provided additional protection is not needed on account of increase in population or other causes. However, this will bring your municipality perilously near the diViding line between the present classification and the next pOorer class, and if there is any way to avoid the proposed reduction, we suggest that this be dine. . We realize that other municipalities are facing the same problem; but a majority of theseLhave been able to obtain additional recruits and providerh adequate program of instructions and training for the new men. With kindest regards and assuring you of our co- operation, we are 1\ Sincerely yours, H. N. Pye, Chii:lf Engineer Wi th reterell'Ce to an additional man on the Fire Departrrent, Victor Croft reported having located a f(ood mechanic who wEjs willing to 2:1.52 accept the ,job of fireman-mechanic with the City, providing applicant, (D. lmNally,) was acceptable to the members. The Council accordingly agreed to check into applicant's references and the Fire Underwriters' letter was ordered filed pending the Countil' e decision as to whether another fireman should be hired or not. Delray Beacp, Fla. July 31st, 1943 j J I J I The folloWing letter was also read and ordered filed by motion regularly made, seconded and carried. Miss Mae Cramp City Clc rk: I have been instructed by the Womans Club to inform the City Council that the Womans Club will be pleased to pay their share of the expense of a new sidewalk in front of their building. Clara V. Foote Rec. Sec. The Clerk submitted John Baty's application for beer license to operate on N. W. Fifth Avenue, first door south of the Picture Show, for final approval of the Council, which application had been ~gularly ad- vertised and allowed to layover for the required 14 days. No objections had been received to the granting of said license, and it was therefore moved by Mr. Miller that the City Clerk be authorized to issue said license. Mr. Hill seconded the motion and on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. Miller yes, Mr. McFee yes, Mr. Wodischek yes. The motion carried. It was further moved by Mr. Miller that the Clerk be authorized to make an assignment of license for the balance of the fiscal year to John Baty from the previous Licensee at this location. Mr. Hill seconded the motion, Which carried unanimously on roll call. The Cllierk also submitted application of Peter J. Floros for liquor license to operate at the Tik-Tok location on Lot 1 Block 1, Ocean Park, whiCh anplication had also been advertised and laid over fourteen days for final actj,Qn of the Council at this meeting, the Clerk stated. She further advised that application was being made for license to issue as of October 1, 1943, said license being r~qllired in advance by applicant, to enable him to place his order for liquors immediately. Councilman Wodischek stated he had received satfsfactory reports on the reputation of the applicant, insofar as he had investigated. Council- man Miller thought the matter should be Checked into a little more thoroughly, and moved that action on the license be deferred until next regular meeting to permit the Ordinance Committee and City Attorney to investigate further and report back to the Council. Mr. Hill seconded the motion and on roll .2153 ~1 I call the vote was as follows: Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. Miller yes, Mr. McFee yes, Mr. Wodischek yes. The motion carried. '.. Councilman llodischek reoorted the completion of the water-main tie-in for Mr. Thayer, in Lakeview Heights. He also reported 1053 water meters in service at the present time, and further that Mr. Croft was making a systematic flushing of water mains, whiCh he hoped would eliminate some of the complaints received about ciUscolored water. In this connection, Fire Chief Croft reported having flushed for the first time about seven weeks ago, which had taken about 3 days and required over 393 M gallons of water, where- as his most:.rec~nt 'c. flushings had taken only l! days and used a little over 138 M. gallons. It had been arranged to make such flushings every six weeks, 1~. Wodischek advised. Councilman McFee said there should be no further complaint re- garding the chicken coop on N.E. Second Avenue since it had been removed 10 feet distant' from the neighboring house and he considered it was n09iin a satisfactory and sanitary condition. , l!:c. McFee claimed there were two water stand-pipes on First lI:venUEl'.. and First Street, which were a hazatd to traffic, and should be protected in some way to prevent cars from running into them. Mr. Miller recommended that these pioes be taken off and capped. It was stated that these stand- pipes had been installed at various locations about town, some of which were used by the Fire Department and so located as to be no hazard to traffic. It was therefore sugge sted that the City Superintendent and Fire Chief make an inspection of the town and remove any stand-pipes considered superfluous or a hazard in any way. Supt. Turner stated his crew had been employed during the past few weeks on the new sewer line in Blovk 104 and the water-main tie-in for Mr. Thayer and was now working on the tennis courts, and for that reason had not kept up with the usual',grubbing and weeding along the city sidewalks, but that his men Would proceed with this work as fast as possible using hand tools, it being impossible to get the golf Course mower for this work now. It was moved by Mr. Miller that bills numbered 9921 to 9980, having been approved by the Finance Committee, be. returned to the Council and ordered paid. 1~. McFee seconded the motion and on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. Miller yes, Mr. McFee yes, Mr. Wodischek yes. The motion carried. Councilman Wodischek brought up the matter of additional lockers at the bath house, which Miss Ball had requested, he said. He recommended that 32 more lockers be built in the space originally used for la<ilies dressing rooms. Mr. Miller said he Would like to investigate the need for them first and thought that bids should be called for if these lockers were to be built. Mr. Jacobs and Mr. Wodischek claimed the lockers were needed immediately and asked the Council's authorization for construction of same. It was therefore moved by Mr. Wodischek that these 32 additional lockers be 2154 installed. Mr. McFee seconded the motion, provided the cost did not exceed $5.00 per locker, complete. On roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Jacobs Yes, Mr. Miller left before the vote was taken on this motion, Mr. McFee yes, Mr. Wodischek yes. The motion carried. The Fire Chief reported that Addison Clark, shop mechanic, had requested his vacation int the early part of the month, but because of pre- sent conditions ~d lack of help Mr. Croft had been unable to let him off, just at that time. Therefore Mr. Clark had asked that his vacation be de- clared as from August 1st to the 15th and that he be paid double during that period in lieu of the time off. The Council was not agreeable to this ar!l'angement, statir.g that Mr. Clark was entitled to a vacation after August 5th if it could be arranged, but otherwise they were IIDfavorable to paying for omitted vacations. It was regularly moved, seconded and carried that Council adjourn. 0/J/L./J. fl--fJ. CITY CLERK ~~ APPROVED: OJ-dr~ ,). MAYOR