09-13-43 Regular 21.67 COUNCIL CHA1IBER September 13, 1943 The Council met in regular session at 7:30 P.M. with the City Attorney and the tollowing members present: Kr. Hill, Mr. Jacobs, Mr. WJ.ler, Kr. YcFee, and)(r. Wodischek. By motion regularly made, seconded and carried, the minutes ot the reg11lar meeting ot August 23rd were approved as read. A letter was read trom )(rs. Ruth Y. Riddell regarding a lot adjoining her home wbl.ch .needed cleaning very badly. Upon IIIOtion made by)(r. KcFee, seconded by )(r. Wodischek, ani unanimously carried, the City Clerk was instructed to write the O1ll1er ot said property asking hiJll to have it cleaned ott. A cOllllluilication trom )(rs. W. J. Snow pertaining to lote near her home was read. She also requested that the City do something ab~t having these lot..s cleared oft.Kr. Wodischsk made a motion that the City Clerk also write the owners ot the lots mentioned, requesting them to clear them ott. Motion was seconded by)(r. Killer ani voted on as tollows: Kr. Hill yes, Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. Miller yes, Yr. KcFee yes, and Mr. Wodischek yes. The motion carried. A letter trom Yr. Louis P. Teuscher was read, calling the Council's attention to the hezard caused by' over-loaded coconut trees, on Cit.y property along-the Canal at S. E. First street. Yr. llUler made a motion that the Supt. ot Public Works_ be instructed to reDlOw large bunches ot coconuts troin said trees. Motion was seconded by Mr. Hill and carried unanimously. The t<>llowing coumuilication trom W. B. Wheeler was presented to the C<>uncil: Delray Beach, Florida September 3, 1943 Honorable City Council Delray Beach, Florida Gentlemen: I hereby tender JaY resigna tion as Pollce Ofticer tor the City ot Delray Beach, ettective as or September 5, 1943. , Respecttully, W. B.Wheeler It was moved by Mr. Wodischsk that Yr. Wheeler' s l'Ilsig~'U<>n 2168 September 13, 1943 be accepted. The motion was seconded by Yr. McFee and carried unanimously on roll call. A letter trolll Kr. C. Y. Byrd was read, regarding assessed valuation ot properties tor the coming year. Atter discussing s8Jlle, the letter was ordered filed. The matter ot water rates was brought up, ani the Deputy Clerk in the WaterDepartal!Jnt aSked the Council to try to work out some way in 1Ihich the charge tor a multiple nUmber ot consumers on one meter, can be adjusted to work more smoothly, and tairly, stating that at the present time not all persons having IIlore than one consumer ()n their IIlIlter are paying tor the additional buildings. Kr. Wodischek moved that this matter be tabled until next regular meeting at whiJ:h time the Water Coumittee wUlbring in a reccmm.endation. Mr. Hill seconded the motion.and on roll caU tilt vote was as toll01lS:Kr. Hill yes, Yr. Jacobs yes, Yr. lliller yes, Mr. YcPee yes, Yr. Wod1schek yes. A communication trom the Neptune lleter Company was ordered turnf,ld over to Mr. Wodischekand the City Attorney tor investigation. )(r. E. B. Foote, representing the Delray Beach Library, addressed thill Council;. requesting tmt in setting up the new budget an appropriatiOn ot$125.00 per 1Il0nth be made tor the Library to pay tor a competenttull-time Librarian. Quite a discussion tollowd, and tbe COWlcilexpreseed themselves as being in tavor ot assillting the Library it at all p()ssible. They advisedtb! Library COIIIIIlittee that when the new budget iIi - set up every possible effort will be made to comply with their request. Estimate or costs and Assessment Roll amounting to $892.80 coveringconst.r\lction ot - the new o;"inch sewer line through Block 104 was sllbllli tted tor the Council's approval. Kr. lI'od1schek moved tha t SSlllll be accepted. )(to. Hill seconded the motion ani on roll call tb! vote was as tollClll's: Kr. Hill yes, Yr. Jacobs yes, Kr. Yiller yes, Mr. IlcFee yes. )(r. 1I'0dischek ye s. Fire Chiet Crott submitted bids he had received on a new tire truck. Quite a lengthy discussion ensued in which Yr. Killer, Ilr. 1I'0discb!k and lIr. YcFee stated they were definitely not in tavor ot purchasing said truck at the present t:l.ms. Yr. Jacobs maintained he considered it very Il8cessary that some sort ot tire protection be turn1shed the property CllI'ners east or the bridge tor it at SOlllll time a tire breaks out-()ver there and the bridge is inaccessible, great damage would result. Mr. Ililler said he thOUght the City should wait un.til such time as Gulf' Stream and SElIigate c6u1dbe brought in to cooperate with us in setting up a decent tire station tor the beach, Fire Chief Crott then requested that the money lett over trom lallt year's tire department budget be placed in a sinking tund tor the Fire Department. and used whenever the C1ty dec1des to purchase a new truck. The bide on new tire trucks were ordered tiled. 21:69 Septembl3r 13, 1943 ~'odisclwk reported-that as yet h8 has been unable to secure someone to paint thll water tanks, but that he is still WCll'king on it, and hopes to have sOlllllthing definite to present at next regular meeting. llayer Jacobs said several citizens had requested use of Cit.y- o1ll1ed property to plant gardens. No objections were made, neither waS permission granted. He also said bicycle racks in t01ll1 needed repair and requested that the Superintendent of Public Works be instructed to make said repairs. Mayor. Jacobll i'ep()rted tb! City could buy a mowing machine for the s1lm of $750.00. Mr. Hill IIIlde a motion that said machine be purchased. Yr. McFee seconded the motion 1Ihich carried unanimous~ on roll call. The Superintendent or Public Works was instrocted by the Council to have grass JIIOwed at the. Col()red Ball Park as well as the White Ball Pari< when such work is being donll. llayer Jacobs- Wormed the Council that the new lathe had alTived and was -ill use; Several memers stated they had not- been con- sulted about purchasings8lllll. Tbll llayor stated Yr. Davis of Farquhar Yach1neryC6mpany had Warmed him that he had contacted the members of the Council and that they had approved of purchasing it. Quite a discussion follOlfed, but no action was taken. Councilman Wodischek brought to the - attention or the Council the fact thlit Addison Clark is due a vacation, but inasmuch as he camot get a-man to take -h1Splace; was willing to continue working, ani be paid his regUlar salary, plus two weeks vacation salary. Mr. Wodischek moved that Yr. ClIirk -be allowed two weeks' extra salary in lieu of his vacation. Motion was seconded by Mr. Hill and carried unanimously on roll call. City Attorney Nowlin presented the following ResOlution to the Council for adoption:- ~t.-~ RESOLUTION 1..89 ../ \.~.} RESOLUTION OF '!HE CITY COUNCIL OF 'llfE CITY OF ~4.'" "t)o ~X. DEmAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING -., ,,- _J- THE MAYOR AR) CITY CLERK 'ID EXECUTE A lEASE -\....' "^~tp'~ . AGREEMENT TO '!'HE UNITED smVICE ORGANIZATIONS, INC., COmING LOT 8 LESS THE NCRTH 14 FEET THEREOF, OF BLOCK 101 OF THE CITY OF DEmAY BEACH, FLORIDA. . Kr. llUler moVed that the Resolution be adopted and regularly signed and executed-by the llayorani City C+erk. Yr. HiU seconded tbe motion; and on roll call the vote was-as follows: Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. Ililler yes, Kr. McFee yes, Mr. Wodischek yes. 'lbe motion carried. City Attorney Nowlin presented a Lease from the GoverDlll8nt pertaining to the ne.. U.S.O. Building, in which the Gvvernment requested 21.70 September 13, 1943 the City to give them tb! right to assign the lease. All members of the Council objected st~uoUBly against this. Kr. Nowlin was instructed to so report to the Government. The following Ordinance prepared by the attorneys of the two railroads wailpresented by the City Attorney, and ordered placed on its first reading. , , CllD~ANCE 490. AN CllDINANCE OF '!HE CITY COUNCIL OF '!HE CITY OF DEmAY BEACH,FLCRIDA, TO REGULAm CHARGES FCR . SERVICES RENUJSMI!iU IN TIE PROCOREllENT OF TICKE'l'S, RBSJ!aVATIONS 00 PASSENGER ACCCAllLODATIONS ISSUED BY ANTCOlIIlON CARRIER INCLUDING A RAIIROAD, SlKEPING. CAli COllPANY, S'l'EAIflHIP COllPANY, Am LUB CR Clill.WICATED BUS LINE, AND LnIITING 'llIE PRICES AT WHICH SUCH TICKE'l'S, RFSERVATIOllS AND PASSENGER ACCOJI(CDATIONS YAY BE SOUl; PROVIDING THAT A VIOLATION OF SUCH ORDINANCE SHALL BE UNLAW- FUL, IIIPooING A PENALTY FOR VIOLATION '!HEREOF AND PROVIDING Fm '!HE POOTING OF A ropy OF SUCH ORDI- NANCE IN A COllSPICUOUS PlACE ON THE PREIllBFS OF ALL TRA'IlBL AGENCIES AND HO'lELS. I l Arter discussing silllll, Yr. Wodischek moved that it be passed on its first readiIig. Kr. Hill secoo.ded the motion which carried unanimously on roll call. > City-Attorney Nowlin presented the following ordinance whieh was regularly ordered placed on its first reading:- CllDINANCE NO. 491. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DEIBAYBEACH, FWl.IDA, - CALLING Fen A PRDlARY l!:LBCTION TO NCll:INAm CANDIDATIiS FOR THE OFFICE OF CITY COONCIL- KAN.]JJ GnOUP$ ~ B AND C, PROVIDING H~ CANDIDAT1lS THEREIN SHAILQUALIFY Fen SUCH PRDlARY ELECTION, AND APPOINTING A CIERK AND INSPECTCIlS TO HOUl SAID EIECTION. . The ordinance having been read in full the first t., it was moved by Kr. Miller that it be passed on its first reading. - On roll call the vote was as folloWs: Ilr. Hill yes, llr. Jacobs yes, Yr. Jliller yes, Kr. YcFee yf,ls, Mr. Wodischek yes. The motion carried. . Supt.. Turner reported that the U.S.O. Director had requested thsttheCity do sOlllllthingto drain the water fran the street in front of the new U.S;O. bIlilding. llr. Hill made a motion that llr. Turnsr proceed with necessary work to drain the water from the alley by the IT.S.O. building into the Atlantic Avenue stonn sewer, on recolllllendl!;tion of the Chairman of the Street.s Committee. Mr. YcFee seconded the mtion which carried. -.. ~