09-16-436 Adjourned Regular 21.72 COUNCIL a1AMBER September 16th, 1943 The Council met in adjourned regular session at 7:30 P.Il. to proceed With the work of setting up the 1943-1944 budget. Kr. Nowlin and all members of the Council were pre.nt, and worked steadi1;y until an air raid warning was gi yen. It _s therefore regularly moved, seconded and carried that the Council adjourn to meet in final adjourned session at 7: 30 P. II. Monday, September 20th to complete the work of the budget. ~r.tU;). (l~ Cit-y Co/arK. . APPROVED: , Ilayor ()v-zr L-d t7 2173 COUNCIL CHAMBER September 20, 1943 The Council met in adjourned final session as a Budget CoJlllllittee, at 7:30 P.Il. to complete the work of the 1943-1944 budget. > 1Ihen estimate of anticipated expenditures had been completed, also tbs estimate of anticipated revenue, it slDwed the amount necessar,y to be raised by taxation for operating purposes to be $30,800.00. 1Ihere- upon it Was regularly moved, seconded and carried that tbs follo~ resolution be adopted: RRSOLtlTION 492 A RESOLtlTlDlf l3Y TIlE CITY COUNCn. OF THE CITY OF DEIRAY BEAaI, PALIl BEACH COUNTY, FLaUDA, ADCPTING ITS ANNUAL BUDGET OF ES TlIlA TED EXPENSES FOR THE FISCAL YEARL'~1944, AND LEVYING A TAX ON ALL PR<PERTIES WITHIN THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH FOR llAINTENANCE AND OPERATION, AND LEVYING A TAX FOR PAll!ENT OF PRINCIPAL AND IN'lEREST 00' BOO'DED INDEBTEDNESS AGIINST THE PR<J>ERTY LOCATED IN THE FOOIER CITY OF DEIRAY, AND ALLOCATmG AND APPROPRIATING SAID COLLECTIONS THEREUNDER. '!be 1943 Real and Personal Tax Rolls, as prepared by Ilr. Ogren, Tax Assessor, having been finally reviewed and passed upon by tbs Council as a Board of Equalization, it was also moved, seconded and carried that the following resolution, accepting the rolls, be adopted: A RESOLUTION OF TIE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION OF TAXES WHEREAS, The Assessor of Taxes of the City of Delray Beach has prepared the 1943 Assessment Roll of both Real and Peraonal property located within the City, subject to taxation and has passed said assessDllnt roll to the City Council, sitting as a Board or Equalization of taxes to be equalbed and revised; AND WHEREAS, due notice ot said DIletings has been given in three publications of the ~lral Beach News, a newspaper published wl.thin said City, AND WHEREAS, said Board or Equalhation or Taxes did DIlet and sit on Ilonday July 12th, Tu8sday 21.74 September 20, 1943 July 13th, lfednesda,y July 14th, Ilondal August 16th, and finally on '!bursday August 19th, and did carefully exam1l1e, revise and equalize the valuations shown on said assessment rolls, as prepared by i.bIt Assessor of Taxes for the City, and did also hear all persons who appea1'8d betore it, 'jJith complaints, and did cause the Clerk ,"0 note alllllich complaints and revisions, or action ot the Board in reference thereto, as attested by the !llinutes of the Equalization Board, on the afore-mentioned dates, lNtl RHEAS, this Board did hold its meetings open from day to day to hear all persons desiring to be heard, and said Board does not deem it necessary to hold any further metings, in view of the fact that there are no other persons who desire to file c c:mplaints, NOW THEREFalE BE IT RESOLVED, ~:t the Tax Rolls, as prepared and completed by tih.eTax Assessor, Samuel Ogren, am checked and equalized by the City Council, be approved am certified to by the City Council, and attested by the Clerk of said Council, and copies of said certifications, affidavits, and warrants tor collection are ordered attached and made part or the 1943 rolls, which rolls are hereby approved and made the permanent 1943 Tax Assessent Rolls of the City .of Ddray Beach, and that valuations fi:xJId on said rolls shall be final and shall not be changed. There _s some disclIssion in regard to a method of financing the Citl' s expensive trash collection service. It was also recOlllDlended that the City put away in a Sinking Fund the amount un-expended in the 1942 Fire Department's operating budget to help buy equipment which will probably be needed in the future. No action was taken, it being suggested that these matters be taken lip at next regular meeting. '!be work or the Council as a Budget Committee, having been completed, it was moved that meting adjourn. tk-~A)'&~f2 City Clerk APPROVED: )layor ~~ 2174-1 . STATE CF FLORIDl ) PAll( BEACH COUNTY ) CITY CF DEllUY BElCH ) . TO: IlAE If.CRAIlP, Tax Cellecter in and rer the City er Delral Beach, Flerida: Yeu are hereby ceumanded te cellect eut .r the .!:!!.!!! estate and llersenal prepert:\", and frem each er its persens and cllrperatiens named in the annexed assesSllll!lnt rell the _eunt .r tax set dawn eppesite the name .r each persen or cerperatien, at' let, ,.rcel lIr traot er land ,~ described therein, and in case the taxes lmpesed are net paid at the time presoribed by law, y~ are t. oelJJlct the sam!l by levy am sale ef the ge.ds and Chattels, lands and tenements, and all _neys cellected Wl. behalr etthe City .r Delray Bsach ~u are te pay wer te the City Treasurer, andyeu are further required te IIIlke all cellectiens en lIr berere the let day .r J.pril, 1944 er else held all unpaid taxes as delinquent. Tax Assesser Given under my hand and seal tllis the 20th day .r Septenber in the ;year A.D. 1943. Assesser ef Taxes Delray B-.ch, Fla. ~