09-27-43 ,1 2:175 COUNCIL CHAWlER September 27, 1943 '!he Council met at 7:30 P.K.withthe City Attorney and the tollowing Councilmen present: Kr. Hill, Kr. Jacobs, Kr. Killer, Kr. KcFee, and Kr. 1fodischek. By motion regularly made, seconded and unanimously carried the minutes ot the regular l\IIleting at September 13th and the adjourned meetings ot September 16th and 20th ~ approved as read. 'lhe C~erlc read a letter trom the Zonirig COIIIIIission in which the CClIIIIIIisslon deplored the granting at special permit by the City Council toJ,,+.B. Zook to build a small tleld ottice on his muck-1Q. property. East of the Canal, the l!>>I'Ilunication further stating: "'l'Il&;'t in view at the obvious misuse ot permits and because at other regulations disregarded, the Zoning C~ssion wishes to mske it publicl;r known that it had no pert whatever in the matter. but that had it been regularly consulted it would positively not have returned a tavorable recommendation ot lilUch structures on our most impOrtant street." Councilman Killer said he considered the Comnission was 100% right. and recolllllended that the Councll send them an apology. It was accord- ingly moved by Yr. lfodischekthat the City Clerk write the Zoning Canrnission, expreslling regret tor the error and advising that in future all such US4:lS will be regularl;r reterred to the Zoning Commission. )(r. Hill S4:lconded the motion and on roll call the 'VOte w.. as tollows: Kr. Hill :ves, )(r. Jacob8 :ves. Kr. )(tller not 'VOting as he had not been presest at the meeting where special permit had been grssted, Ilr. KeFee yes. and Kr. 1fodischek yea. '!he motion carried. II It was turther moved by Kr. Hill that the Building Inspector hencetorth keep a separate tUe ot all epecial building pemts granted in the pest, or that may be iuued in the tuture. so that appllcssts to whCJII they were issued can be notitled when the permit ellPires, and so it can be brought to the attention at the Couneil tor action on each renewal date. )(r. IleFee seconded the motion and on roll call the vote was as tollows: Kr. Hill yes, Kr. Jacobs yes, Kr. Killer yes, Kr. KeFee yes, Ilr. 1fodlschek yes. The motion carried. A letter advising at a meeting in Kiami in the interest at post-war planning and inviting Delray Otticiab to participate therein. .s read. '!he members stated they were UI1able to take part in it and the letter was ordered tUed. Aiterns, Nowlin said he had had ssother letter trOlll the Federal WorkS Agency's attorney stating that inasmuch as the Go~...en.t. cannot 1'Wl 2176 hpt_bar 27th, 1943 the FIremen's Hall property a. a U.S.O. it would be n.c.u&ry to 8llb-at too partin who hlt.nd to ~rate the organization. Kr. liTowlinc..quired wh.ther the I18l11bers Would be willing to sub-l.u. subj.ct to the Councll's approval. lIr. Hill said he would be willing to suo-l.ase it to the U.8.0. Organi.UOR oAl.y, and the otller Counci1llllln al.o agreed to this, theretor. lIr. NowliJl.psaid Ile would m te. the F.deral Worlcs Agency to this .rt.ct. R. C. Crott CIIII. betore the me.ting ad said, "I g\i,jss you know w are Mort one polic..., and I'd like to ~COlllll.nd Jack Jurney tor th. pGsition, begiMing alii. at Ocfober lat". ']h. Councilm.n were .favorabl. to the reco_eadation. In conaee'WloA with male ..p1oyees elltering th. _mea at the City Jlr. Kill.r reCGillllended that they be requir.d to take a phys1cal."'''''rultiCll \:)etore .ntering upon their ciIltiea with th. City. It was th.retore mov.d by.r. .U.... that tl'Oll ROW OR all mal. city ..p1oyees be required to take a physical .xamination, the reault at Wueatobe sublldtted to the City Councll tor its approval or disappronl'OlIr. lief.. s.cond.d the motioo .and on roll call the vote .s as tollOW's: lIr. Hill yea, IIr. Jacobs yes, Kr. Killer yes, Kr. KcFe. yes, Ilr. Wodischek yes. TbB motion carri.d. IIr. tiller mov.d that Jack Jurney be employed temJlfi'&rily and it his phySical .JlllIIIination .e.ts with the CouneU's approval that he be continued on psrman.ntly. )(r. H!iU seconded the IIibtioll and 011 roll call, tile vote was as tollows: Kr. Hill yea, .111'. Jacobs yes, Kr. Klll.r yea, Kr. IIcFee yes, Kr. Wodisch.k yes. The IlIOtii:R carri.d. The. Jlayorc,argu.d this physical examinatiOll. requirement would work a hardship tor Ilr. Turner in hiring laber, but Ilr. lIiller contcded that such labor.rs could give the City a waiv.r at r.sponsibillty until such time as it is possible for them to take the .xamination and be approved by the Council. APJlUcatioa trom P.ter Floros to operate a bar at the Fireston. B1arbequ. was present.d, Kr. Floros' contentiOll being that under the Stat. Cansus taken last llUlIIIler, andul'1il..d as attical, the City .s allow.d 8 liquor locations on the 6450 census shown tor Delray. It was argued by the Council and City Attorn.y that whereas'the County t1gure is acknowl.dg.d aa being correct, yet it is wll known that the D.lray census took jn all outl;ring pr.cincts, th. Town ot Gultstresm and outl;ring subdivisiollll. The City tbllretore retuses to accept it . beiQg copnct. Arter consid.rable argument it... moved, ..cond.d aad carried that the apPlication be laid over tor investigation as to what Delray's true census is. Kr. Floros .nquired what basis would be Ull.d in d.teJ"lll"n"ng this, and attar some turther argument, Kr. Floros agre.d to withdll!l. his application. It was moved, nCOnd.d and carried that the following ordinanc. be placed on it. second reading by caption only. 21'" Septlllllber 27th, 1943 , ORDINANCE li2Q AN aIDINANCE (P '!HE CITY COUNCIL C:F '!HE CITY CF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, TO REGULATE CHARGES 1"00 SERVICES RENDERED IN TIlE PRO- CUIll!XENT OF TICKE'lB, RESllRVATIONS OR PASSENGER ACClJI)(ODATIONS ISSUED BY ANY COIlIIOO CARRIEB INCIlJDING A RAILROAD, SlEEPING CAR ct1IPANY, STlWISHIP CCIlPANY, AIR LINE OR CERTIFICATm BUS LINE, AND LIIUTING THE PRI1IES AT WHICH SUCH TICKE'lB, RESERVA- TIONS AND PASSEIGER ACCOIII4ODATIONS KAY BE SOLD: PROVIDING THAT A VIOLATJ;CtI OF lOCH ORDINANCE SHALL BE UNLAWFUL, DlPCEING A PEIiTALTY FOR VIOLATIONS THEREOF AND PIlOVIDING FOR '!HE PCETING OF A COpy {F".CH ORDINANCE IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE (Ii THE PIlEJ[[SES OF Al'..L 'mA VEL AGENCIES AND HOTElS. . The ordinuc. having been read the second tiIIB by captian only, it was IIIl)ftd by llr. Hill that it be adopted on its seClend reading and final pa.sage. Kr. Wodischek seconded the motIon and on rell call the vete was as tollows: )(r. Hill yes, Mr. Jacobs ~s, Kr. Killer ~., Kr. KcF" yes, Kr. Wodisehek ~s. The motion carried. The Clerk enquired about pe,1lII8nt tor the Atlas "Fit Lath. ameunting to $209.90 and the Apas Electric Kotor It $27.50. Three members ot the Cpcil weremos.d"to the purchase at this llqupnent and the Clerk wa. hlstructed to have llr. Davis come and get the lathe and motor aid haft credit issued tor same, .ince it lIRe contended that Mr. Davis did not get a legitimate order tor it. " The Clerk brought up the IIlI.tter of dillearding the extra $1.50 water charg., mad. where two buildings on the same property are on on. meter. TJ18 members thought this lllatter Should be laid aver until another ...ting to work out the various angles involved. The Fire Chlet reported CIl flushing the paet .ek, stating that it required only 195Il gallans at water the last time whllre.. the tirst time it had required B gallons. The Fire Chiet reported he hall received several request. tor bllt'ning ott property. He enquired where it was ju.t vacant lots with nothing on it b~ grallll whether it would be all right to bul'll it oft without the owner'."permission. He.e told Rot to do this, as he would be liable tar trespass. It was moved by Kr. Hill that the City inftst $5,OOO.OOot its surplus manll7 in War Bonds. He .aid he had talked to llr. Hubbard who recolllllendedc either the "F" or "G" bGnd, both ot which he said were ReIl-negotiable and red.....b.le any tillle after sixt,. dll1's. llr. lfodischek seconded llr. Hill's IIOtiOD 110 purcha88, SlId Qll rell call the nte was as tollows: Ilr. Hill~s, Mr. Jacobs yes, Kr. IlUlei ye.;oIlh'.lleFee ye., Ilr. Wodischek yaa. Tha motiOR carried. 21.78 , September 27th. 1943 , Kr. Wedischak brought lip the matter ot giving the blacksmith, 1ecated back ot the Bedell Building, water. Ha said the IIlllI'I. had autticiut pipe to make the extension, lIlId would be willing to taD the cost ot the pipe eut in 1Illter service. The City Attorney stated that this would be a violatien of war regulations go~ water line extensials lIlId it the City w_ted to buy it atter the war was over it would be all right but it could enter into no agrsement at this tme to do so. The lIayor ntported that Kajor Rebbins of the Civilian Air Patr.:L hed asked permiesiom to ny over the City next Sunday SlId drep le.-tlets. The COUDcll ortered M CIlbjection to this, so the Kayor agreed to write. adttsiag hia De1ray was agreeable to it. TIw Kayor also reported that llr. Holroyd had requested that the City haul SlId plant llhrubbe:q around the nn V.S.O. ground.s. The *,.r ..idtibe City could not Ul'ldertake thepJ..~RI, but enquired et t.he Councilmen it they would be willing tor the City to haul the shrubbery. au agraed to thill. The City Clerk req\l8sted a leave et absence, stating that tlhe _rk llad bec_ too much tor her, SlId she telt she needed a rest it spe .s te cClfttlnue in the posititIB. During her absence she rec_endad the empley- ment at Kis' Lee Bella Prtest to calculate taxes and make out tax bills, etc. at a aalary at $25.00 per week. Kr. KcFee IIIOved that Kiss Cramp's rec_endation be ac~"pted. Kr. Wodbchek MClIII'lded the motillll'l SI1d on rollcall the vote was u tollews: llr. Hill yes, Kr. Jacobs yss, Kr. Killer yes, Ilr. lIeFee yes, Jir. Weliisehek ,.e. The DIlltillll'l earrtad. Victor Crett said hPshop _ehanic bad told him SlId Mveral ethers. that he was l'Jsigning October 1st. Chief Croft theretore reCOBieJllded tha1r. ni. resIgJlStion be accepted. Kr. lIeFee thereupon moved that Add1dca Clark's. rewigna1lioll be accepted. Kr. Killer llScended the _tiClll and .. roll call the 'IlJte 1IllS UllI,niII01ls and the lllltion was dee!ared carried. Chiet Crott said he. had a new IIlllI'I. in view, who had been highly re,CllmIIIuded tor the position. Hell&id he had been in the Coast Guard with Bud c:..k but had recaived hi. discharge; said man being or.lIIIl7 L7JIIU, wile reside. in I,qtana. It was IIDwd by Kr. Klller that the Fire Chilltbe authorized te hire a. man to till the vacancy as he see. tit. Kr. KcFee' Bllcended the _tio. and 011 rel1 call the vete was as tell8Wlll Kr. Hill yes, Ilr. Jacebs yell, Kr. Killer yes, Ilr. McFee yes, lIr. Wodischek yes. The IIIGtiOll carried. Victor Crott stated that he saw lie way of takhlg a ftcatieR, and w011ld leave it up to the Couacil as to reaeulaeratiClll tor IUch eillitted .., 21.79 S"~Nd.er 27th, 1943 < vacation. It was accordingly IIlDved by Kr. Killer that inaUluch all the Fire Chiet eannlilt be spared at this tJme, that he be paid tWit __t~ salar,. in lieu et the _tted vacatio.. llr.. McFee ..coded the IIIIltiOJl Ud IlI1 rell call the vote was ae t.U8lfB:llr. Hill yes, lr. Jacebe ,.s, )lr. Killer yes, Ilr. KeFee yes, llr. 'lfitdischek yes. The metioR carried. The matter It! Kr. Hellie' vacation WIllI then brou.ght up by Supt. .Turner. When asked it it WIllI IlOt peselllle tor him to .take a . vacatien, he 'll!lUd not unle.. they leeked the ettice up. It. was theretere moved by Kr~1fllldischek that Kr. Hollis be paid two weeks' salary in lieu ot emitted vacatiClR. Mr. KeFee seconded the motien and en Nil call the vote 1I'as as tellCl1llll1 llr. Hill yes, Kr. Jaceb. yes, Kr. Killer ;yes, Kr. McFee yes, llr. Wodlschek yes. The IIlDtl0n carried. It was moved by llr. KeFee *hat bills nllll1bered 71 t. 88, having been approvedb,. the Finance CClIlIllittefl, be returned t. the Council and Grdered psid. The City Attorney aaked the Council to appoint members tor the Election B08rd. Said appointments were then made aa tolll!llfll: Woodson Winn - Clerlc )Irs. Ellen Lare,. - Inspector G.W. llayberry - IllBpector B.F. Sundy - Inspector (L.r.) Bunk Ranson - To till in, in case any ot the above are unable to act. adjourn. . It was regularly moved, seeonded and carried that Cauncil City Clerk. APPROVED : ~~--t:~r.