10-11-43 Regular 2:180 COUNCIL CHAlIBER October 11th, 1943 < The Council met inxegu:Lar seS$ion at. 7:30 P.Il. with the City Attorney and the following members preeent: Mr. Hill, lll'. Jacobs, Mr. Killer, Mr. IlcFee alX! Jlr. Wodi&cMk. By motion regularly malie, seconded and carried, the min- utes of ,the regular meeting of SepteldJer 27th were awroved as read. A letter from Mr. C.A.B., Zook was read which stated that IJe understood there. $anePPl'OsitlClfl to the issuance ~ a permit tor the er.ction or a fidd office Clfl pie tlUJ'sery proper~ in Blocll: 341 which had been granted by the Council this past sumner. He said it the Ci~ Council objected to thebuild~he, lrOUld remove _ il' the Coon- cil 80 desired. After sane discussil1n, it wu moved by Yr. McFee, and seconded by Mr. Illlle-r that this lette~ be referred to the Zoning COlDllission for recomnendation back to the Ci~ COllncil. On roll call the vote was as follows: "'r. Hill y,s, Ilr. Jacobs yes, Mr. Jq.ller ,es, Mr.llcFee yes, Ilr. Wodischek yes. The mtion carried. ' The laerk read a letter from Yr. Il.F. Dollard, Jr. of Selkirk, W.Y. in which he eB:juired it :there were any restrictions or fees cl:arged .(D~ the use of horse dra1lJl surries in Dlllray. He stated that he had two Victorias and two te.. or ponies which he would like to bring to Delray Beach for rental \'l1X'POses provided there were no restrictions on same. The meldJers of the Council were not in favor of allClfing the use or horses to any extent. on our streets as such a prac- tice ~ould prove detrillll'otal to the f&1rement. A motion was made by Ilr. Miller and seccnded by II!". Hill that the Clem be :Instructed to write Yr. Dmllardinforming him that.. have never encOllraged the use of horses en our streets here and do ~t wish to do so. On roll call the vote was unanimous and the motion -liI lieclared carried. , A letter from the Florida State Firemem's Association was read urging the Councill to send lllSfIbers ~ the Fire Department to the aroual Fire College to be held :In liiami October 18th to 22nd. It Qplalned that this is to be an uaccl'etlited college" and there 1f01.1ld be no expense except for trallllportation, meals and lodging. The IIIlm- bel'S seemed to feel that the Fire Chie f was the proper member to send. However, they did not think he could be spared at. this time. It 1I8S f'ina117 moved by Ilr. Wodischek and seconded by Yr. Mcfee that the Fire Chief be given the authority to designate ene man to attend the college. On roll cill the vote was as follows: Mr. 8111 yes, Ilr. Jacobs yes, Ilr. Il!uer yes, Ilr. IlcFee yes, Mr. Wodischek yes. Ilotion carried. 2:18:1 ... October llth, 1943 A. re-plat or the old Voorheis proper'liY on S.E. 7th Avenus was presented from George S. Brockway, of West ,Palm Beach, for the approval or the Council. After examining same carefully, it was moved by Ilr. Illller and seconded by Ilr. Hill that the plat be disapproved as it did not allow for easements or allllYS through the property. On roll call the vote was unanimous and the motion was declared carried. TbS hour of 8:00 Q' clock having arrived, call was made for objections to the assessnent roll, levied for the ccnstruction of sewer improvements in Block 104. There being no objections thereto, it was moved, secmded and carried that the following ordinance be placed on its first reading: ORDINANCE 493 AN CRPINANCE CONFImlING AND EQUALIZING .ASSESSMENTS FOR THE CCNSTRUCTION CF A SEWER IN AILEY IN BroCK 104 OF THE CITY CF DELRAY BElCH, FLCRIDA, AND !BVYING SPECIAL IIlPROVEllENT ASSESSlIENTS AS SIDWN BY '!HE ASSESS- IlENT ROLL FCR SAID SFECIAL IlIPROVllmNTS; PROVIDING TIlE METHOD SAID SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS SHALL BE !lADE; THE TIME WHEN THE SAllE SHALL llBCCIlE PAYABIE; THAT SAID ASSESSlIENTS TO BE !BVIED SHALL BE A. LIEN FRW THE DATa CF THE ASSESSMENT UPON '1H!: RESPECTIVE LO'?S DESCRIBED IN SAID ASSESSMENT ROLL AND SET FORTH HEREIN; TIlE lWINER IN WHICH SAID ASSESSMENTS ARE TO BE COLLEC'Ml AND PROVIDING FCR '!HE ISSUANCE OF SPECIAL CERTIFIC'Am3 OF INDEBTEDNESS FOR THE AIlOUNT SO ASSESSED AGAINST '!HE ASSESSJBLg PROPERTY. The ord:lnance having been read in full, the first time, it was moved by Yr. Wodischek, seccnded by Ilr. KIller and. unanimously carried that the ordinance be passed an its fIrs>> rSllding. Ilr. Jacobs reported various locations in tl'a City from which to select a voting place for the primary election to be held Tuesday, NOvember 23rd. It was decided that the Teen-Age Center which !:ad been atfered, would be the best location for said voting plaCll. llr. tills r reported that s:lnce the dim-out re strict ions have been in effect, the section in front of the Kentucky House has been a very dark area' and stated he was:ln favor of requesting that a light be turned on in t!:at vic:lnity. Thereupon Mr. lleFee moved that the second light east of the corner or N.E. 7th Avenue and Atlantic~Avenue be turnedai. Ilr; Hill Seccnded the motion and on roll call the vote was as'ollows: llF. H!1J. yes, Mr. Jacobs yes, Ilr. Illller yes, Ilr. IlcFee ..:" , 2:182 Ocilober 11th, 1943 yes, Kr. lfodischelc yes. The motion carried. The Chief of Police also reported that a light was needed very badly en N.E. 2nd Avenue di~ctly west of the Florida Power &, Light Company plant. He said thefts of articles fran the Blacksmith's shop had bun reported to him, and he thought that if a light was turned on there, it would lessen the possllillity oj: oiher th:lngs being stolen. It was moved, seconded and carried th~t the firat street light located on N.E. 2nd Avenus, east side, be ordered turned al also. Mr. Wodischek reported that he is endeavoring to secure bids on painting the water tank but as yet has received none. He also stated that the AJIl!lrican Legion wishes to cperate a Bingo game this winter in ths CrUJDbliss building, S.E.. 5th Avenue. No objectionsWllre made to this and the lIl!llIlbers expressed ccnsent. to same. The Mayor brcught up the matter or selecting a mn con- nected with the City personnel to serve on the Pa1m Beach County Resources Development Board. He explained that the various civic organizations of the City WIlre each select:lng me person to serve on this Board arxl he had been asked about the City Council designating a representative also. The JIIIldJers expressed their disapproval of having the Council cenlWcted :In ~7 way wl.th the Board and stated they felt that the Council should not select a representative. R.C. Croft reported that a lIhite center line on the Ocean Boulevard WIIS very much needed, and that he had discussed the matter with Ilr. C.Y. Byrd. He stated that if this line was marked it would simplify the matter of patrolling the beach road at night. Whereupon a motion was made by Ilr. Hill and 8lIccnded by llr. Wodischek that the following resalution be adcpted. Im3CLUTION NO. 494. A RESOLUTION CF THE CITY CXXJNCIL OF 'lHE CITY CF IlELRAY BEACH, FLOOIDA, REQUESTING '!HE WARD CIl' COUNTY CCIIlI5SIONERS OF PAW BEACH COUNTY, FLCRIDA TO CAUSE" BE PAIN'mD A WHITE cmm LINE ON 'lllE OCEANBClJlJWARD 'lHROOGH llElllAY BEACH, FLORIDA. em roll call the vote was as follClfs: Kr. Hill yes, Iolr. Jacobs yes, Ilr. llilJllr yes, Hr. McFee yes, Mr. Wodischek yes. Ilotion carried. The Fire Chief brought up the matter of hiring a third man to wom :In the shop and usist the Fire Department. He explained 2:183 Octobe~ llth, 1943 that he had a mecllanic in mind that is new IIIIIplayed by the Civil Air Patrol at Lantana and who has a fllllily but is subject to being drafted. The matter of employing someone who woold later wish to ask tor deferment on account or essential work was diacusBed. Jlr. , Jacobs upressed himselt as beill!l :In favor cL asking for defennent on any or the Citjy 's essen~al -.ployees while lIr. lleFee and )(r. Wodiachek nre not in tavor ot hir:lng a man arxl later asking defer- ment tor him. Fire Chief Croft alBO stated that. this man could come here to work, only provid:lng he coold obtain a releaBe from his present employer. Finally)(r. Wodischek mowd that this man be employed with the understanding that the CiV will not ask for any draft deferJlll!lnt. later; also that he is to be ..played by the Ci ~ if. and when he can obtain ndis reles.., and is to be paid the ai\llle.. salary the other mechanic is ntceivingC$345.00 per lIDnth plus $~.OO per IlIOnth for ni/#1t duty at the fire station). lie is to be employed 88 a finonan but. it ia understood that he will serve in any capacity in the other deplrtments when needed. Ilr. lleFee seconded the motion and on roll call the vote was as followll: 14r. Hill Yll8, Ilr. Jacobs yes, Mr. Miller yes, Ilr. ~c.. ye,s, lIr. Wodischek yell. llotion carried. Fire Chief Croft reported that he had located the O1fller of a car which had been picked up and hlil.d at the Fire Station. He stated that the owmr was willing to Bell the car for $65.00 and there were two good tires included. The Fire Olief said the car had been checked over by the mechanic and they beliewd the car llould be bought and put into good ccndition for appraximately $125.00. He stated that one was needed around the station which would save taking the small Ford out on so many trips and the Chief of Police said that it would also e1imtn"te the need for the Police t;o use their private cars for police duty. It was mowd by Ilr. llcFee, seconded by Mr. Wodischek and unanimously carried that 1;he car be purchased and used by the different departments Yohen needed. By motion regularly made, seconded and carried, Fire Department payrolls numbered 95, having been approved bJl the Finance COIIIIIlitteewere returned to the Council and ordereli paid. ,; ,-., adjourn. It was regularly moved, secoodedand carried that Council APPROVED: ~. ~, ffl1'oJ ci;.~ Acting City Cl8rk.