10-25-43 Regular 21.84 COUNCIL CIIAl4BER Oct-ber 25th, 1943 '!be Cooncil met in regular llellsion at 7:30 P.ll. with the City Attorney and the following mmberll pre5ent: Mr. Ja cob II, llr. lliller, Mr. McFee and Mr. Wodillchek. B.r motion regularly made, llecooded and carried the min- utell of the lallt regular meeting held October 11th were approved all read. A letter from the Delra;r Beach Public Library Allllociation wall read in which the Board of Directorll exprellsed their appreciation and thankll to tbiI City Council for allotting fundll to the. Library for the coming year. '!be letter was ordered filed. At thill point :in the meeting, Councilman Hill arrived and llat throughout the remainder of the llellllion. A letter from the Clerk of the Water Department wall read prellenting the water account of one Jamell Monroe (colored) together with an application for free water for the month of November. The Clerk etat.ed that he had a delinquent water bill of sijJ: dollarll and thirty centll ($6.30) and allked authority to abate llame on the Water Department bookll, inallJ!luch aa he could not pay aame. Thereupon Mr. Miller moved that the delinquent bill be abated on the bookll and the application for free water for the month of NOVember be allowed. It wae lleconded by Mr. Hill and on roll call the vote wall ae followll: Mr. Hill yea, Mr. Jacobe yell, Mr. Miller yell, Mr. l.!c:Fee yell, Mr: Wodie- whek yell. Motion carried. It wall moved, seconded and carried that the following ordinance be placed on Hll llecond readi~:, ORDINANCE NO. 493 AN ORDINANCE CONFImHNG AND EQUALIZING ASSllSSMENTS FCB THE CONS TRlJCTION <F A SEWER IN ALIEY IN BLOCK 104 OF TIlE CITY <F DELRAY BEACH, FLCBIDA, AND LEVYING SPECIAL IMPROVEIlENT ASSBSS- MENTS AS SH~ BY THE ASSESSMENT ROllI. FOR SAID SPECIAL IKPROVE- MENTS; PROVIDING 1HE :uE'lHOD SAID SPECIAL ASSllSSMENTS SHALL BE llADE; TIlE TIllE ~ 'lHE SAME SHALL BECllIE PAYABLE; THAT SAID ASSESSMENTS TO BE IEVIED SHALL BE A LIEN FRO( TIlE DATE OF THE ASSESSMENT UPON THE RESPECTIVE LOTS DllSCRIBED IN SAID ASSESSMENT ROLL ~D SET FORTH HEREIN; TIlE MANNER IN WHICH SAID ASSllSS.I.lENTS. ARE TO BE COLlECTED AND PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE <F SPECIAL CERTIFICATES <F INDEBTJ!DNESS FOR THE A:uOONT SO ASSESSED AGAINST THE ASSESSABLE PROPERTY. '(, 2J.B5 October 25th, 1943 The ordinance having been read the second time iA f1d1,tit was moved by Mr. Wodischek that it be ad~pted on itll llecond reading and final j:allllage. Mr. McFee seconded the motion and on roll 'call the vote was aa followll: Mr. Hill yell, Mr. Jacooll yell, Mr. l.!iller yell, 14r. McFee yell, Mr. Wodillchek yes. The motion carried. The matter of allowing Miss l(ae Cramp, the City Clerlj:, another month'll leave of abllenae was discussed. It 'IIIlll moved by Mr. Miller that she be I!-llowed another month 'a leave of ablleoce and that Lee Belle Priest continue to be employed during the Clerk' a absence. Mr. Wodillchek lleoonded the motion and on roll call the vote WIlli all follOWll: Mr. Hill yes, l.!r. Jacobll yes, l.!r. Miller yea, Mr. lIcFee "'$~Jlr.."<1Jodischek7"a. Motioo carrie d. The Mayor brought up the matter of the lathe which Farquhar Machinery COllpany had deliverM to the city garage. Previoullly thill matter had been .discullsed at the Council meeting and at that time aev- eral of the melllb"ers stated they had not been call1Ulted about purchaaing the lathe. No action waa taken at that time, however, and the llayor willhed to have llomething definite decided by the members regarding the purchase of same. After llome discusaion, it Wall moved by lIr. M:lJ.ler " that the Clerk be inatructed to write Mr. Davill of the larquhar Machinery Company aelvilling him that the City does not wish to purchalle the lathe and to please remove same fran the city shop. Mr. Wodischek aeconded the motion and on roll call the vote '/faa as followa: Mr. Hill yell, lI:r. Jacoba no, lIr. l.!Uler yell, lI:r. Mcfee yee, lI:r. Wodillchek yes. The motion carried. Mr. Jacobll stated that hia vote of "no" on the motion wall made becaulle previoualy when aaked byllr. Davia about the purchaae of the lathe, he had given his consent to the purchase. Varioull itemll pertaining to the operation of the lI:unicipal Pool for the ensuing year were discussed. Mr. Jacoba reported that the six-inch drain fran the pool hall become clogged ao that it takell more hours to empty the pool than it previously required. Thia condition ia caulled by a coating of rullt and copper inllide the pipe made by the varioull chemicalll used in cleaning the pool. A lengthy diacW!lllion ensued.,.as to different waYll of cleaning out the drain. It waa stated by the Fire Chief that a chemical named "Tink" and llold by the C.B. Dolge Company of Weatport, Conn. is recanmended for the pUrpose of cleaning out pipes and lluggested that it be used at the pool. He explained further that thill meanll of cleaning the drain might prove auccessful and would probably not entail muci expenlle. '!hereupon a IIIOtion was made by Mr. Wodillchek :lnlltracting the Clerk to contact the C.B. Dolge Company and qnquire about the cost of the chemical llalution to be used in cleaning the six-inch drain for a diataroe of approximately :200 ill' 250 feet. The motion was lleconded by lIr. Hill and carried unarillnoullly on roll call. ", , .. 2J.86 October 25th, 1943 The ratea charged for rental on lockerll at the pool were also discullaed and Mr. McFee moved that the following ratea be adopted to becOllle effective aa of November lllt, 1943: ..,. )4 ., ,; ~, .. ' Firat three (3) hourll, $.15; additional .. ">' hourll or any fraction thereof, $.05 each; .l'i' $.50 depollit on key. -<""y It was suggeated that each cuatomer be required to lligp a lllip indi- cating the time the locker waa rented ao that the charges may be cal- culated when the locker is vacated. Mr. Miller lleconded the motion and on roll eall the vote was as follows: lIr. Hill yes, Yr. Jacobll yell, .Ilr. Miller yell, Mr. Mcfee yea, Mr. Wodillchek yea. The IllOtion carried. Mr. lIcFee reported that the alley directly south of the Post Office (Block 69) running between S.E. Firat Avenue and South Swinton Avenue has be come quite a hazard beca\llle of the blind. comer at Swinton Avenue. He thought that if the alley WIlli changed to a one-way atreet, it lfOUld perhapll lellllen the danger of accidentll. After a llhort diacullaion, Mr. Hill moved that new linell be painted &8l'OSIl the alley at Swinton Avenue forming a crollawalk for pedestrianll and the "Stop" llign on the alle;r be repainted; also that lluch aign and lines be kept ~ painted. 14r. Miller lleconded the motion and on roll call the vote wall all ImUQWal Ilr. Hill yell, lit. Jacobll ye., llr. Itlller yell, Mr. l(cFee yea, ldr. Wodischek Yell. Motion carried. In connection with repairs needed at the Municipal Pool the matter of llecuring bida on the construction of lockera Wall dill- cue sed. The Parlat CoJlllLittee was authorized to receive bidll and order the construction of the lockera provided the price doe II not exceed five dollara ($5.00) per locker. The Mayor reported that six new plate glaallea were needed in the City Clerk'll office and the Water Department for the purpose of placing at the balle of the windows to prevent papera from blowing off the dellkll. The Mayor recolllllended the plate glallses be purchalled and all the members approved of llame. The Fire Chief reported en atterxling the Fire College at Miami lallt week. He told the Council about a new kind of fire hoze nozzle which waw demonstratfd and expllained that it not only extinguished the fire much quicker but caulled loss water damage. He recoumended, the Ulle of same and allked permission to purchalle nozzlea of this t~ for the Fire Department equipment. l.!r. Miller moved that the Fire Chief be authorized to place an order for two nozzles (lk" and 2k"). Mr. .IlcFe.. lleconded the motion which en roll call carried unanimoualy. 21.87 October 25th, 1943 Fire Chief Croft alao lltated that hia sxpensell at the Fire College were approximately t.wenty-five .dollars ($25.00) and inaa- much aa the Council had previously voted to pay the expenllell of one man frcm the Fire Department, he uked that the City reimburlle him this amount. Mr. Wodillchek moved that twenty-five dollars ($25.00) be paid the Fire Chief to cover hill expensea to the Fire College. llr. Mcfee lleconded the motion and on roll call the vote was Qa follows: Yr. Hill yes, Yr. Jacobll yea, Mr. Miller yea, Mr. l.!cFee yell, l.!r. Wodiachek yell. Yotion carried. The City Attorney presented a lease on the Firemen'll Hall property which is to be occupied by the United Service Organization. l(r. Wodillchek Ill0vsd that the following reaolution be adopted authorizing the execution of the lealle. RE8OLUTION NO. 495 _OLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY <F DELRAY BEACH, FLCBIBA, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECum A m.w lEASE A~T TO THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, COVERING LOTS 7 iND THE NORTH 14 FEET OF LOT 8, BLOOK 101, OF TIlE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA. Mr. Hill seconded the motion and on roll call the vote WIla as follows: 1oIr. Hill yes, Mr. JacObll yell, Mr. Willer yell, Yr. YcFee yes, Mr. Wodia- chek yes. The motion carried. By motion regularly made, lleconded and carried, billa nUlllbered 5/'1 through 14'4 , having been approved by the Finance Comnlttee were returned to the Council and ordered paid. adjourn. It waa regularlYllloved, aeconded and c,rried that Council Approved: 4'1#11.. J m..;';r.- Acting City Clerk. ~~. t: