11-08-43 Regular 2188 COUNCIL CIlAl4BER November 8th, 1943 The Council met in regular session at 7:30 P.ll. with the City Attorney and the following members present: Mr. Hill, llr. Jacobs, Mr. McFee and Mr. Wodischek. By motion regularly made, seconded and carried, the minutes of the last regular meeting, held October 25th were approved as read. A letter was read from Miss Uae Cramp, City Clerk, thanking the City Council for their consideration in extending her leave of absence to two months. The letter was ordered filed. A letter was read from the Plastridge Insurance Agency enclosing the Great American polley 1/ 10 353558 being renewal of our Public Liability insurance for one year. It was moved by llr. llcFee that the policy be renewed and the premium paid on same. Yr. Wodischek seconded the motion and on roll call t.he vote was as follows: Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. McFee yes, Yr. Wod- ischek yes. llotion carried. A reply was read from the C.B. Dolge Company of Westport, Conn. in answer to our enquiry regarding the advisibillty of using a drain solvent called "Tink" for cleaning the six-inch drain from the Municipal Pool. The letter explained that if the clogging was due to oils, grease or fat, Tink would be.satisfactory; however, for the removal of rust and copper coatings" in the drain, such a solution would not clean out the pipe. It was suggested that if the City wished to experiment with the solution, that approximately 8 ounces of TJnk is used to one gallon _<:)1,' water and may be purchased at $6.80 for 40 pounds. After a short discussion, Mr. Wodischllk moved that the City purchase 40 pounds of Tink to be used at the :l4unicipal Pool according to directions. Mr. McFee aeconded the motion and on roll call the vote vas as follows: )(r. Hill yes, Mr. Jacobs yes, llr. McFee yes, Mr. Wodischek yes. :l4otion carrilld. The names of candidates running in groups "A" ,;!lB" and "CIt in Delray Beach's primary election to be held on Novembet- 23rd were then submitted by the Clerk, together with said candidates' affi- davits aa to their qualifications. The Clerk also presented deeds from the various candidates as proof of property ownership in Delrey Beach. Whereupon the Citf Attorney was instructed by the members t.o examine aatd deeds amd rep9n Ol!l S8IJ;llS later in the meeUng. 2~89 November 8th, 1943 The Chail'lllan of the Sanitation Committee reported that collecting cocoanut fronds and garbage at the beach section has be- CQllle quite a problem. He stated that Yr. A. Hofman owns sClllle property at the north end of Andrews Avenue just outside the city limit" and if agreeable with Yr. Hofman, garltage could be deposited on this property and later be disposed of by burning saJllll. It was moved by Yr. Worl1schek that the Superintendent be instructed to make necessary arra~nts and contact Jlr. Hofman to secure permission tor deposit- ing garbage on his property; also that he endeavor to make .dnrllar arrangements on various properties west of the canal. Yr. Hill seconded the motion which on roll call carried 11lIllnimously. At this point in tbe meeting, Jlr. tiller arrived and sat throllihout the remainder of the sellBiQli. llr. Wodischek brought up the matter ot .ter rates which are charged the consUlllers b!irr.ing two or more houses on one meter. After a short discussion, it was moved, seconlled and carried that the follow- ing Ordinance be placed on its first reading. Q!U)INANCE NO. 496 . AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TIlE CITY OF DEmAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AllENDING ORDINANCE NO. 152, ENTITLED, "AN ORDINANCE REGULATING TIlE SAlE AND DISTRmUTION OF WATER FURNISHED, PROVIDING FOR A lLUNTENANCE AND SERVICE CHARGE FOR SERVICE RENDER- ED TO OWNERS AND CONSUIIEllS BY TIlE CITY OF DEmAY BEACH, FLORIDA; REGULATING TIlE RATES TIlE1lEFOR, AND REGULATING TIlE IWlNER IN WHICH WATER CCfiNECTlOO'S AND l&ETEIlS SHALL BE FURNISHED AND PROVIDING PENALT- IES FOR VIOLATION THEREOF; ~TION OF LIENS FOR PIST AND UNPAID ACCOUNTS; AND REPEALING ALL (01)1- NANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN COIFLICT IlEREWI'm." The Ordinance, having been read in full, the first t:ime, it was 1Il0ved by Yr. Hill, Seconded by :l4r. lI1ller and unanimously carried that the ordinance be passed on its first reading. Yr. Al Ball appeared before the Council, in behalt of Jliss Betty Ball, the Pool Yanager, protesting against the charges ,. 2190 November 8th;. 1943 on locker rental which were adopted at the last meeting of the Council. He explained that if the new rates and regulations nre enforced, it liOuld cause a congestion during their bWlY hours at the pool, and asked that the rates pre.vious:Qr used be re-adopted. A lengthy discussion ensued during which it was agreed to discontinue all weekly and monthly rates for the pool and lockers. It was moved by lIr. Wodischek that tile follow:l.ng rates be adopted: $.15 locker rental for one person; $.10 for each additional person using same locker; $.25 deposit on key; Also the tickets costing $1.00 for 15 swillls be continued as previously. Yr. lliller seconded the motion and on roll call the vote was as follo1f8: Yr. Hill yes, Yr. Jacobs yes, llr. Yiller yes, Yr. llcFee no, Yr. Wodischek yes. The motion carried. The Mayor repotted that the Police and Fire DeP!lrtments ~ requested Ethyl gasoline be purchased for use in the equipment and vehicles owned by the City. He stated that the Fire Chief and the Police Chief both felt the,t using better gasoline would mean longer service for the present equipment and more mileage per gallon. Some of the members felt that the Ethyl ga.oline should be purchased and used as a meanS of preserving the eqw.pment. others seemed to teel that if the Govemment asked civilians not to buy the better grade of gasoline because it is used .0 extensively tor war purpo.... that the City should comply with the reque.t. Finally Yr. Wodischek moved that the City purchase Ethyl gasoline in the tuture for City owned vehicles. The motion was lost as no one seconded it. The llayor also brought up the matter ot guns for the nieIIlbers of the Police Department. He suggested that the City purchase gun. used by the department, register the serial numbers and keep the equipment to be used for the ser:f'1ce of the City. The Chief of Police stated that it has been the practise in the past for the police to own the guns used and when they left the employment of the City, it was not easy to secure a gun .for the new police. Yr. Wodischek moved that the City purchase guns for the _inbnsof the Police Ilepart- ment, making the Chief of Police responsible for same and that he be instructed to work out a sptem whereby the gun is to be returned to the Police Department in first class condition when a member is no longer employed on the Department. Yr. YcP'ee . seconded the motion 2191 November 8th, 1943 which on roll call carried unanimously. , The Chief of Police reported that coastal towns in this area have purchased at least one machine gun as a means of preparedness and protection. He stated that the guns cost one hundred and three dollars ($103.00) each and recommended that the City purchase two (2) of them. The members decided to give the matter more consideration and report on same at a future meeting. The Fire Chief reported that i-he battery charger in the City shop is inadequate as there are frem twenty-five to thirty batteries to be kept charged all the time. He steted that the one new in use is only a small portable charger and a new one is needed very badly. lolr. )(iller moved that the Fire Chief be authorized to place an order for a new battery charger which will cost twenty-seven dollars and fifty cents ($27. 50}. Kr. Wodischek seconded the motion and on roll call the vote wsw as follows: )(r. Hill yes, llr. Jacobs yes, llr. Killer yes, l4r. :lI:cFee yes, l4r. Wodischek yes. Yotion carried. '. It was also reported by the Fire Chief that a new grease gun is needed in the shop as the old one needs repairing very badly. l4r. )(iller moved that the Fire Chief be authorized to purchase a new grease gun and in the meantime have the old gun repaired. Mr. l4cFee seconded the motion and on roll call the vote was as follows: Kr. Hill yes, )(r. Jacobs yes, Kr. Killer Yell, llr. l4cFee yes, Mr. Wodischek yes. Motion carried. lolr. Hugo Kreitzberg CamI before the Council and protested against the taxes levied this year against his pro- perty in BlOck 104, stating that they were COIUlt...b:J.y 1II0re than the levy for 1942 taxes. llr. l4iller lIlO".d tha:t this matter be referred to the Finance CQIIlIIl1ttee for investigation to deter- mine if an error has been made and report at the next meeting; also that Kr. Kreitzberg be notified of any action taken on same by the Council. Kr. YcFee seconded the motion and on roll call the vote was aa follows: )(r. Hill yes, lolr. Jacob. yea, lolr. lliller yes, lolr. Mcfee yes, l4r. Wodischek yes. Kotion carried.' ,/' The City Attorney infonned the Council that one of his cllents is to be tried in Municipal Court Wednesday, November lOth. He nplained that he, being Attorney for the City is disqualified as such, inasmuch as the Defendant in the use is his cllent. It was decided not to employ another Attorney to rep.-sent the City in the case. 2:192 November 8th, 1943 The Chief of Police reported that the traffic light in colored town at the intersection of Fiftq Avenue and West Atlantic Avenue is out of order and has been repaired, several times. He also stated that the timing of the light is too slow for that particular intersection and rec_nded that a flasher, (flashing red on FifUx Avenue and yellow on West Atlantic Avenue) be purchased. It was explained by the Fil" Chief that the traffic light could not be repaired unless nn parts are-puz:ilha.ed and it was suggested that he contact the manufacturer and endeavor to get the needed parts so thet the light may be used at the beach inteneetiill'l this winter. lIr. lLiller moved that the Chief of Police be authorized to pur- chase a flasher, costing thirty-seven dollars and fifty cents ($37.50). Ilr. Hill seconded the motion which 00 roll call carried unanimously. The City Attorney, having ex,amined the deeds showing ownership of Delray Beach property by the candidates running in group. "A", "B" and "C", reported that he found the deed. for Ilr. Willard Waters, )(r. W.A. Jacobs, )(r. J.K. Gwynn, llr. J.Il. Sabath, l4r. C. W. Hill and Ilr. John Thprer to be in proper order. However, he stated that the deed which lIr. A.L. Ililler presented on property in Block 98, shows the property listed in the name of "Clara C. )(iller" (his wife) and the other deed presented for real ntste in Pine View Subdivision would not, in his opinion, show ownership for what is tergd "improved" property. Considerable discussion followed as to the legality of Ilr. )(iller's qualification of improved real ..tate.-ership and finally Ilr. HilllllOVed that qualifications of all the candidates be accepted and their names placed on the ballot for the primary election. The motion. was lOllt 58 no one ll8cooded it. It was then decided that the Council should have an adjourned meeting to go into the matter more thoroughly and Ilr. Wodiachek moved that the Council mset Tuesday November 9th, at 7:30 P.Il. for the purpose of consid.ring the qualifications of each candidate. lLr. Hill seconded the motion and on roll call the vote was as follows: )(r. Hill )'lis, )(r. Jacobs yes, llr. Il1ller not voting, Ilr. )(cFee )'lis, lIr. Wodiachek yes. The motion carried. There being no further busine.., it was regularly moved, secQllded and carried that Council adjourn to meet in adjourned ~ November 8th, 1943 union the following evening at 7:30 P.II. Approved: P0z~ )(ayor. ~, ~.N. , e~;.."h . Acting City Clerk. :C=1.~3