11-17-43 Special 21.99 I I i 'I COUNCIL CHAJ.lBER November 17th, 1943 The Council met in special session at 7:30 P.M. upon call of tho Mayor, with the City Attorney and the following members present: Mr. Hill, Mr. Jacobs, Mr. Millor, Mr. McFee and Mr. Wodischek. The meeting came to order and t~ Mayor announced it had be.n called principally for the purpose of ~ aring explanations of ,c ertain candidates on their qualifications for the primary .l.ction Novomber 23rd; also for the purpose of discussing the ordinance on water rates which ie now pending. Councilman Hill stated that his deed showing ownership of improved property in Delmy Beach which he pres.nted to the City Council as a quaUfication for the primary election and which was approved and accepted by the Council Nov.mber 9th, has b..n found to be invalid. H. stat.d that a later d..d has been recorded at the Court House in West Palm Beach, which of course, would supersede the on. pnv:iously pres.nted to the Council. He explained further that he had not noticed this matter until he rememb.red tbat sevoral of his pap.rs had b.en fil.d in Mr. C.Y. Byrd's offic. sinc. 1935 and upon investigating, found the discrepancy which had occurred. It was not his intention, h. maintainlld, to mi8):l8pres.nt his qualifications and h. did not want the members ot the Council or the citizens of D.lray Beach to f..l that he was serving on the Council under fals. pretens.s. Atter a short discussion, llr. lIill.r IIIOved that the quaUfications cL Mr. Hill be accepted and his name plac.d on the ballot for the primary .lection. The motion was lost for want ot a s.cond. Mr. J{!ldi.sch.k askod the City Attorney to render his opinion on 'I' the supposit:l.on that if a candidate was not, l.gally qualified, aaeord:\.ng /....;; to our City Charter, but r.ceived a majority of votes, would h. be l.ga~-:/,......."" " 'lualified to serve in the offic.. - The City Attorney stat.d that, in his. ~ ~ . opinion, if a candidate was not legally qualifi.d to run in the primary ",~ el.ction, then h. would not be qualifi.d to hold offic. if elect.d._ . . llr. John A. ThSiYer, who is qualified in GrQup"ItC" to run against llr. Hill, address.d the Council, stating that he thought Mr. Hill had mad. an .xc.nent Councilman for the city; also that if Mr. Hill roc.i~d a majority ot votes in the primary el.ction he did not 1Irlnk anyone should question his qualiti- cation,'to hold office and that no on. .hould want to profit by such a mistake as.c was made in the presentation of the de.ds. The City Attorney cited 2200 November 17th, 1943 the following definitions rogarding prop.rty ownership: American Jurisprudence, Volume 42, page 216, Section 39 und.r title property. "One spouse is not tho owner of real estat. belonging to the other even though such spouse will be enti tl.d by law to an intftrost th.re- in if he or she shall survive or al- though the property is a homestead." ConsUtution of State of Florida. Article n, Section 1. "All property, roal and personal of a wife owned by her before marriage, or lawfully acquired afterward by gift, devise, b.qu.st, de.c.nt, or purchase, shall b. her separate property, and the _ shall not be liable for tho debts of h.r huSband and without her coo- sent given by sane instrument in writing eX8cuted according to tho law resp.cting conv.yances by married wanen." He stated that in his opinion, llr. Hill was not qualified to run in the primary el.ction, under the present conditions. Jlayor Jacobs said he felt that the City Attorney's opinion should b. upheld. Mr. Miller moved that tho new evidence presented by 14r.Hill (namely, the new deed) be accepted by the Council. The motion was lost as no one seconded it. There being no action aken on Mr. Hill's qualifications as a candidate, the decision made by the Council November 9th, accepting the qualifications of all the candidates, remained the same. Dr. C.W. .ogler addressed the Council, aSking that November .17th, 1943 his name be reconsidered as a candidate for the primary election. He was informed that not having filed as a candidate, no action would be taken by the Council. He asked the City Attomey if there was any way in which he could have his name placed on the ballot. The City Attorney replied that he could get twenty per cent (20%) cL the regis- ~red voters to sign a petition asking that his name be placed on lIlhe ballot for the general election; or the City Council could pass an emergency ordinance changing the time limit for the tiling of aandidatfts. No action was taken by the Council on this matter. The Clerk reported that Mr. John Adams had requested that eDmption for 1943 taDs be allowed on the Methodist Church parsonage located in Block 4, Del Ida Park and the new ownor of tho former parsonage located in Block 61 be taxed. 'lhe Clerk was instructed to write Mr. Adams and explain that no adjustment or chango could be made on the 1943 tax roll. The matter of the new water ordinance now pending, which changes the rates for consumers having two or more houlillls on one meter, wa. discussed. It was decided to give the matter more consideration and report on saJll!! at the next regular meeting. It was regularly mowd, seconded and carried that Council adjourn. Approved: --dfr J ~ ~~.. J d~.'AI:. Acting City Clerk. ?/~ . Jlayor. 2201