11-219-43 Special
November 29th, 1943
The Council met in specialse8sion at. 7:30 P.M. upon
call 0 f the Mayor, with the City Attorney and the fOllowing members
present: Mr. Hill, Mr. Jacobs, Mr. Miller, Mr. Mcfee and Mr. Wodischek.
The meeting came to order and the Mayor announced it had
been called principally for the purpose of appointing an Election Board
to serve at the General Election December 7th; also for the transaction
of any other bueineM which the Council deemed desirable at that time.
Mr. Hill IOOved that the same members constituting the
Election Be/ll>rd which served for the Primary Election, November 23rd, be
appointed to serve for the General Election December 7th, 1943; also
that each member serving on the Board be paid five dollars ($5.00) per
day and allowed two (2) meals. Mr. Miller seconded the motion which on
roll call carried unanimously. The members appainted on the Election
Board were as follows:
W.O. Winn -
G.W. Mayberry -
B.F. Sundy
L.P.. Ranson
Dr. C.W. Vogler appeared before the Council and present~
a written .instrument showing ower ship of improved property. He asked the
City Attorney if the instrument verified ownership of the property and if
it would qualify him to sit as Councilman if elected 110 that office. The
C11Iy Attorney replied tha1l 111 showed ownership, however it would n01l qualify
him to sit as Councilman as said instrument did not show having been recorded
at the County Court House for the period of one year. In view of this fact,
-ahe City Attorney said that in hie opinion, Dr. Vogler could not legally sU
as Couneilman. Dr. Vogler then stated that under those conditione, he did
not choose to run.
The matter of placing the candidatee I namee on the ballot
for the General Election was thaldiecuseed. Mr. C.W. Hill's qualification
of improved property ownership was again questioned. Mayor Jacobs seemed
to feel that the majority of the registered voters knew before the Primary
Election of the discrepancy in this particular qualification; while Mr. Wod-
iecOOk felt that some of the voters were not familiar with the matter.
Mr. McFee stated the City Charter provided for the qualification of improved
November 29th, 1943
property ownership and inaSllluch as he promised to uphold the
City Charter when he took the oath of office, he felt that
he should stUl support the provisions of th!! Charter. Upon
being questioned as to the proper procedure in the event
llr. Hill is disqualified, the City Attorney stated that the
Dame of. lIr. John A. Thayer, the opposing candidate of lb.. Hill
in Group "C" of the Primary Election, would be placed on the
ballot f,at' the ~ral Election. lIr. Wod1sch.k moved that the
name of each candidate to be placed on the ballot be voted on
separate17. lIr. lIeF.e seconded the mtion and on roll call the
vote was as follo1lll1 lIr. Hill not voting, llr. Jacobe yes,
JIr. lIiller yes, llr. II oFee yes, lIr. Woci1schek yes. The JllGtion
lIr. lIil1er moved that lIr. W.lI. Waters' n&IlI8 be
placed on the baUot in Group "A". JIr' lIeP'ee secended thB
.tion and on roll.c,all. the vote lll1S as followsl lIr. Hill yes,
JIr.,Jacflbs 11's, lIr..lIiller yes, lIr. lIcFee yes, lIr.Wodischek )'8s.
lIotio.n carried.
lIr.. WcxU..,cllek JllGved that tile names. of JIr. ..A. Jacobs
and lIr. J .lI. .$abath be placed on the ballot lnGroup "B" for the
General Election. lIr.lIUler secended themtio.n and on roll
ull the vote was as follo1lll1 JIr. HUl yell, lIr. Jacflbs yes,
lIr. KU1er )'8s, lIr. lIeFee yes, lIr. Wodischek yes. lIotion carried.
.1.1,ength7.dlscussion again ensUlld as to'lIr. Hill's
quall/ications and. ftnally .lIr. aill .ved that lIr. John A. Thayer'.
nllnlEl ~ placed on. the ballot in Clroup "C" for the General Election.
lIr. lIoFee secended the motio.n and on roll call th6 'VOte was as
foll_.1 .lIr. mil 7es,lIr. Jacflbs yes, lIr. llillel' not voting,
lIr. lIeFeeyes,Mr. Wodlschek not voting. The motion was declared
carried. JIr.lIll1er and JIr. Wodischek explained they did not
vote on the .,tionas th!ly each felt that~tIr. Tha)'8r would not want
his name placecl.en the ballot as a result of thed1squalificat1on
of lIr. . Hill. .
. lIr. Hill th!!n tendered his resignation as Cit7 Council-
man for the balance of his term which he is now serving and stated
that he wished to do so inasllll1ch as the City Attorney did not think
he waeqUl!.l:1fi$d. to sit as Councilman. lIr.lIoF'&e mo~d that JIr.
Hill's. resignation not be accepted. JIr. Wodlschek secended the
motion and ilIA roll cdl the vote was as foilOWllI lIr. HUl not voting,
lIr. Jacobs yes, lIr. lIUler"ye., JIr. lIoFee yes, lIr. Wodi.Chek yes.
rllotion carried.
NOvember 29th, 1943
lIr. Hill stated he wished to go on record as stating
that he docs not intend to change any deeds which are now in his
wife I s name, 'so as to qualify him to hold office on the City Coun-
cil; alee, tlJ3 puson who reported that he (JIr. Hill) had made
plans with two other men to dereat one certain candidate had told
an untruth.
The Clerk was instructed to have the ballots printed
for the General Election December 7th.
A 1etter was read fl'Cllll Gee. S.Brockq;y in regards
to securing the. CouncU's approval on a plat or "The lIoorings"
located in Blook 127. The plat was recentl7 disapproved by the
Council because no easement ..S given for furnishing 'pulUic utili-
ties. He explained in his letter. that all utilities c011ld be fllI'-
nished f1'Cllll either S.E.. 7th Avenue or S.E. SecUld Avenue (St:reet)
and that the owner of the property felt such an ea.sement as re-
quested 'II011ld not be necessary. After a short discussion, it _s
moved by lIr. wodlllohek that the. plat' be referred to the Fire Chief
with the instructions that he aeeerta1si wIIIlther or not 1ll1.ter cllllld
be furnished-easil.y to this prOpe'l:'ty in e*,", of fire and make a
report to the CouncU at the next meeting, lIr. lIU1er secendad
the motion whiehen roll call oarried una_ousl,y.
A tax statement Showing taxes due on Let llil, Block 6,
Osoeola Park 1ll1.lIi presented by the Clerk. 'l'his had bee){1"eQuested
as a res11lt ofllr. Alexander Grenier appearing bef.ore the Council
at a previoulI meeting asking for a reduction m the taxes s~ that
heoould seoure this lot which adjoins his home and imprevetl'llllltl.
It was moved by lIr. lIeFee that the statement showing Seventf
DoUars (t70.00) as being due covering back tlpres through the year
of 1942 and which is a regular adjusted settlement, remain tha same
_ a;l.l..,ing no further adjuetment. llr. Wodischek seoonded the motien
an4 on roll call the vote lll1S as follows: ~ Hill yes, lIr. Jaoobs
yes, lIr. lIU1er yes, lIr. lIcFee yes, lIr. Wodhchek yes. lIotion
The matter of liquor licenses was brought up as it
was stated that the city license is now being charged aocording
to the oensus of 1943 which allows seven hundred and tift,- dollars
(t75O.00) lioense per :rear. It was reported however, that the
Ceun)y charges aocording to the Federal censue of 1940 and it
was dedded that the city should also chal'ge on that ,",-iis, thereby
making the city license six hundred dollars (t600.00) per year.
It was regularl,y moved, seconded and carried that one hundred
and fifty dGllars (tl50.'OO)' be refunded on each liquor lioenlle
November 29th, 1943
which has been procured for the fiscal year of 1943-1944.
It was reported that the matter which was discussed
previous17 regarding the broken sidewalk just south of the Bus
StIltion should be investigated as it is a hazard for pedestrians.
It was rec_nded bl the Chairman of the Street Ccaunittee that
a load of rock be hauled and placed in the broken 'Botien until
negotiations tor further repairs can be made with the nesessary
property owners. 'l'btis ree_ndation was approved by the lIIIlJlIbers
Gf the CouncU.
There being no further business, it 1ll1" regularly
moved, seconded and carried that Council adjeurn.
* I ~ ~/. j c-tD~-r;:
Aoting City Clerk.