121-06-43 Special 22:13 COUNCn.. CHAJlBER Decellber 6th, 1943 The Counoil met in special session at 7:30 P.II. upon call ot the lIayor, with City Attorney Adams and the tollowing _bers present: 1Ir. Hill, 1Ir. Jacobs,lIr. Killer, 1Ir. IIcFee and 1Ir. Wodischek., , The meeting callll to order and the Mayor announced it had been called principally tor the PUJ1lOB8 ot preparing the ballot box tor the ~eneral Election to be held December 7th; alsQ tar thetransaotion ot any oilher business which the Council deellllld desirable at that time. Councilman Wodischek brought up the matter ot local citizens who have yachts being allowed the privilege ot using the city ,.oht basin with no dockage tee charged, and doing so only whiletbe yacht basin is not being occlJPied by visiting boats. 1Ir. Samuel ~ren had requested pel'lllission to plaoe his boat in the basin until such time as the space was needed and it was agreed to grant his request. It was turther agreed that any one wishing this privilege in the tuture, also be required to 8Elcure pel'lllission betore using the yacht basin and a record be kept ot such boats by the per- son in charge ot dockage tees. The lIayor reported that E.C. Barker, the lite-guard, has re- quested that a nag and also a pennant be purchased tor use at the beach pavilion. He explained that he wished to raise the nag tor holidaya and use the pennant on the other days. Councilman Hill stated that atlag was purchased recently tor the beach pavilion. Alter a short di sc!ull8ion, . 1Ir. Killer JD:)"Illd that the Parks COIIIIlittee be instruCted to investigate the _l\ter; also in the event they tind there is no suitable flag tor the pavil- ion, they be authorized to purchase one not to exceed the price ot tilteen dollars ($15.00). Ill". Hill Il8cinded the motion and on roll call the vote was as tollo1l8: Ill". Hill yes, 1Ir. Jacobs yes, Ill". Killer yes, 1Ir. VeFee yes, 1Ir. Wodiscbek yes. 1I0tion carried. A plat ot "The lloorings" located in Block 127 was again presented t or the Counoil's 9Proval. At a previous meeting, the Fire Chiet was instructed to investigate this matter and see whether or not all sections ot the property could be tumished with water in case ot tire. The Mayor stated that the Fire Chiet, attar investigating, had intormed him that water could be turnished the property in case ot tire without requiring ths property 0_1" to allow the city more easements. Ill". KelU'l8th lIontgallery presented 1Ir. T.F.W. lIeyer (ownel" ot the property) to the Council so that he oould answer any questions asked by the lIIBIIIbers. Councilman Killer was ot the opinion that an eas8lllllnt should be granted the city .Ue others seemed to teel that it was not Il8cessary. IIr. Hill Jll)ved that the plat be accepted and approved. Ill". Wodischek seconded the motion and on roll call the vote was as tollows: 111". Hill yes, )(1", Jacobs yes, 1Ir. Killer yes, 1Ir. lIeFee yes, ,; j 1 " , ...i, ',-I .~ :t ,:~ 22:14 J Decellber 6th, 1943 , 1Ir. Wodiechek yes. The motiClll\ was declared carried. The Clerk submitted to the Council a list ot the regis- tered voters, l"8quired attidavit torm, duplicate election return sheets, and other parapheranalia necessary tor the holding or the City's General Election, December 7th. AltaI" e:xamination, and. being declared by the Council as being in proper order, it was JIIOwd by 1Ir. Wodischek that these be plaoed in the ballot box and that the bOlt be locksd, sealed, and delivered to the Clerk ot the Election Board, with instructions as to holding ot the General Election, in compliance with the Charter or. the City ot Delray Beaoh and election la- or the State ot Florida. 1Ir. lIcFee seconded the motion and CIIl roll call the vote was as tollows: 1Ir. Hill yell, Kr. Jacobs yes, 111". Killer yes, 1Ir. lIeFee yes, Kr. Wodiechek yes. 1I0tion carriad. The Chief of Police appeared before the Council aw asked that some action be taken regarding the purchase ot machine guns tor the city's protection. This was discussed at a previous meeting but the members at that time stated they wished to give the matter more considera- tion betore taking any aotion on same. Salle ot the members seelllld to feel that this would be a good llIlans of preparedness aw protection while 1Ir. lIilar felt that it would be an unneceseary purchase. Chiet Crott stated the .tact that inasmuch as the other coastal tOllllS in this area have deemed it advisable to buy .such guns, he thought that Delray Beach should do likewise. 1Ir. Hill mo~d that the Chiet of Police be authorized to place an order tor two (2) machine guns which have been quoted at a price ot approximately one hundred and three dollars ($103.00) each. 1Ir. Wotlischek Il8conded the motion and on roll call the vot~\ was as tollowsl 111". Hill yes, 1Ir. Jacobs yes, 1Ir. 1111181" no, 111". Kolee yes, 1Ir. Wodischek yes. The motion was de.clared carried. There being no turther business, it was regularly mo"llld, eeconded and carried that Council adjourn to lIlIlet in adjourned session the tollowing evening (December 7th) t9r the purpose ot canvassing the returns ot t.he General Ele cti on. ;''.- '. I..- ,:p. J 4plJ~. J c:A.~.. .7:. Acting City Clerk. ~, APPROVED : ow~ lIayor. '\ 1