12-13-43 Regular 221.7 COUNCIL CHAlIBER DeceDber 13th, 1943 The Council met in regular session at 7130 P.II. with the City Attorney and the following ID!llllbers present: lIr. Hill,lIr. Jacobs, Kr. Killer, .lIr. KcFee and lIr. Wodischek. By motion regularl,y /IIIlde, seconded . and carried, the minutes, of the .laat regular meeting held November 22M, and the other meetings held November 23rd, November 29th, December 6th and December 7th were approved as read. The Clerk read the following letter !'rom the Florida Powr 8< LightCepany. December 3, 1943 City or Delray Beach, Delray Beach, Florida. GentlelD!lnl In accordance with the provisions of Rate Sc!llldule /I X9A, sich is a part of the agreement under lIhich we are now serving you, it has been agreed that a part of the pumping equipment would not operate; during the hours 5:30 pi( to 9:30 pi( ~ December, January, February and Karch each year and tilat these hours and IIIOntha may be d1anged by our gl. ving you 30 day's notice. 'ibis letter is to advise you that the Restricted Service Hours will be the same as last year, follow- ing the establis_nt of WAR TDlE; n~17, 61119 to 9:.30 pi( beginning January 1, 1944 and continuing through Karch 31, 1944. The IIIOnth of DeceDber will again this year be excluded from t!lll restricted period. If, however, any _rgency conditions that are not now foreseeable arise, it may be necessary to illlpose these restrictions during DeceDber. We therefore must expressl,y rBsene t!lll rl8ht to impose the restrictions in accordance with "Restricted Ser- vice During P4nergencies." Should such unusual con- ditions develop, notice of change in limitations woald 221.8 DeceDber 13th, 1943 of necessity be short, therefore, it may not be possll>le for us to gl:'1e you even as much as a three-day notice in the ,event '1ft! must ask you to restrict your pllllping operations during December. / We are glad that conditions again this year make it unnecessary for us to impose restrictions for the full four hours per day four IIIOnths on the operation of your pumping equipnent. Yours very trul,y, FLORIDA POIIER 8< LIGHT OOIlPANY BYI * " (SillPed) CHARLES SENIOR, llANAGER. The letter was ordered !iled. 'ibe matter was brought up regarding the purchsse of a pennant to be used at the beach pavilion. It 11&8 decided to refer the matter to the Parlts CCIIIIlIittee for action on same. ) 'ibeClerk 1'llportedthat Estella Evans lIitchell (colored) had enquired regarding the tax, status of her property (Lot 10, Block 19) whidl 18S advertised in a recent issue of the Delri17 Beach News. It "'8 explained that she intends to apply for Disability Exemption allow- ance on 1944 taxes but there are taxes due for the past seventeen years, which she is unable to pay and does not want any foreclosure on her ho'tae. It 1IIllS decided by the Council not to take action on same until she ascer- tains the st!i.tus of her state and c01ll'lty taxes and lIhether or not the Stat",e has d.reclosed on tlle property. A letter of resignation was read from Kiss Kll.s Cramp, City Clerk, stating that inasmuch as the two months' vacation allowed by the Council ended the 15th, she still felt unable to again take the responsibility of the Clerkship and therefore wished to tendeJ} her resig- nation as City Clerlt. lIrs. Catherine E.StrOng, Deputy Clerk, addreslJlld the Council on behnf of the office personnel and asked t.hat ](1ss Cramp be given every consideration possible. )(rs. Strong stated she felt that inasmuch as lIiss Cramp had been elllployed in the Ci 1\Y Hall tor the past t1lent,.,.,are and worked so many hqurs in the interest of 1;he city, thll.t ahe deserved some compensation. After a short discussion, )((0. Hill_d 22:19 December 13th, 1943 ;/, that Kiss Cramp's resignation not be accepted and that she be paid until her tenD expires. lIr. Killer seconded the motion and .on roll call the wte _s as follows: ~. Hill yes, lIr. Jacobs yes, lIr. Killer yes, Iir. JicFee yes, 1Ir. Wodischek ;}'\!ls. '!he motion carried. ,. Councilman llcFee mentioned the fact that someone should be appointed to worl< in lIiss Cramp's place during the balance of !lllr term. Thereupon lIr. Hill IIIOVIId that Lee Belle Priest be employed for :bile balance or the tam, subject to Kiss Cramp's recClIIIIIlIIndation of same. lIr. IIcFee seconded the IIDtion llhich on roll cell carried unanimously. ~.~ Councilman Wodiechek reported that 1,095 1I&ter meters were in service during the IIIOnth of November. , lIr. Killer reported that there is a cocoanut tree located on city property in front of the Si8!V;.'.~} hOIll!l, North Swinton Avenue, which should be removed. lIr. Jacobs also reported that lIr. Roth, S.E. 5th Avenue, has a cocoanut tree in front of his home which he 1'rould donate to all101'1e who will have the tree removed. The members seelD!ld to think the mes would be worth the cost. of removing and transplanting them at the beach section. Iir. Hili IIDved that the City SuPerintendent be instructed to contact Kr. lWle Blank (or anyone who can remove trees) and have the two trees which were discussed. removed and transplal:lted at the beach, public park or an;ywhere else they are needed. 1Ir. Wodischek seconded the motion and on roll call the 'VOte 1I&S as follmrsl Iir. Hill yes, Kr.. Jacobs yes, lIr. lIiller yes, lIr. KcFee ;}'\!ls, Jlr. Wodischek yes. Motion carried. Kayor Jacobs repllrted that some of the citizens having bests wanted to place them in the yacht basin and pay a sUllll rate for the privilege of doing this, so they would be as.sured of hadng space in the basin. Iir. Wcdisc!lllk am 1Ir. Miller each eJqlressed themselves as not being in favor of reducing t!lll pl'esent rates for anyene. 1Ir. Hill alee stated that he thought every consideration had been given the citizens owning boats and was not in favOr of reducing the rates. Mr. C.Jl.Upthe- grove appeared before the Council stating that he 01tlS a IlIlIIlll C0lllmenflrt.l tililing bcat which he would like to keep tied IlP .t the yacht basin but feels that the present rate is too high. Arter a short dis_salon, Kr. Hill sUggested that the section in t!lll canal at t!lll south city limits which was dredged out at one time, be ueed .s a basin for,fishing bats. He stated thet piling co.old be driven down and lBlka built. 'ibis was approved by the at.!lllr IIIII!lmbers, so Jlr. HilllllOVed that the City Superin- tendent be instructed to make sone arrwement so thet boats can tie up , 2220 December 13th, 1943 " I and construct the necessary walks from t!lll canal at the .Mhhcity .limits, the total expenditure not to exceed the amount of two hun- drid dollars ($200.00). It.s agreed that onl,y fishing boats and craft of a simllAI' type could U811 this Ilectial as the yachts must be placed in the regular city yacht basin. )(r. llcFee seconded the IIIOtion and an roll call the vote was as follow.: lIr. Hill yes, lIr. Ja.cobll yes, )Ir. Jiiller yes, Kr. KcFee yes, IIr. Wodischek yes. The IIIOtion carried. ;J " SuPt. Turner reported that he had contacted Mr. Kirby Kilton who has a bulldozer for clearing property, and IBd enquired as to the appronmate cost or clearing the tract of land kn01ll1 as the celD!ltery addition (Ei of Let 27, Section 20-10 acres). The price quotfd for clearing the ten (10) acres was six hundred and fUty dollars ($650.00) and atter that any grading or other wcrk done would cost extra. After a short discusaion, it was regularly IIlllved, seconded and carried that the Superintendent be authorized to have this work done at the price quoted to the city. .' ,'. The Fire Chief addressed the Council, stating that a few things are needed by the Fire Department. He said that unifo!'llll are needed as t!lll fireman on station duty at night should be dreued in uniform; shirts of a regulation color with the Fire Departmllnt tlmblem on the .leeve, caps and badges are also needed. Inasmuch as sufficient money wss alloll8d in the budget for these necessary items, it .s lIIQVed bJ' Mr. WpdiSChek that the FirS Chief be authori llI8d to /IIIlke the purchases mantioned. lIr. IIcFee seconded the motion which 011 roll call carried unanimoU81y. It 11&6 also reported by the Fire Chief that the 1935 Ford which the Council authorized the puzphal!le of recently, ha. been overhauled and is nOlI' ready for U811 by the various departJlllnta. He stated, however, that seat covers were needed for the csr and recOlllll8nd- ed that a leatherette covering be purchased. A price had been quoted by the Delray Awning Company of appronmately thirty dollars ($.30.00); also t!lll Fire Chief stated that if additionsl material could be pur- chased to cover the doors, a worltman in the shop could do the lIOrk. !Ir. 'Wodischek IIlllved that the Fire Chief be authorized to purchase the .eat covers and additional material for covering the doors. llr. McFee seconded the motion and on roll c8J.l the vote 1IIllS as follliltrll: lIr. Hill yes, lIr. Jacobs yes, Mr. Killer yes, Mr. lIcFee ;yes, lIr. Wod!schek yes. 'ibe motion carried. . I Mr. W.O. 'Winn, the City Auditor, addressed the Council, asking permission to sell a copy or the annual atlllit (Fiscal year ended September 30th, 1943) to ThClllllls II. Cock 8< Company of west Palm Beach. It was Iegularly moved, seconded end carried that 1Ir. Winn be granted permission to sell a copy of the new a udit to ThClllllls II. Cook 8< Cmpany for twenty-five dollars ($25.00). \~ ! l c: , 2221 December 13th, 1943 . The Chief of Police addressed the Council requesting permission to change the north and south trafi'ic lights on the Fed- eral Highway to blink instead of the regular timing now used. He explained that he would like to try this system and see if it Mluld be rore effective in slewing down the Army trucks as well as the other traffic. Ilr. lIiller seemed in favor of having all three lights on the Federal Highway blink while Jolr. IIcFee felt that just the nl!)rth_~nd south lights should be changed. It was J1Dvsd by Yr. W$dis- chek that the Chief of Pelice be authorized to change the north and south lights to blink and report on the results of same at the next Council lD!leting. lIr. KcFee secoilded the motion and on roll call the' vote was as follewa: 1Ir. Hill yes, Mr. Jacobs yes, Ilr. Ililler yes, Mr. JolcFee yes, Mr. Wodillchek yes. 'ibe IIIOtion carried. Ilrs. Alta Koshinz appeared before t!lll members asking instructions in regards to insuring the 1935 Ford whiCh was purchased recently. The Council approved of insuring the car and authorized ~. Koshinz to do so. 'ibere being no further business, it was regularly moved, seconded am carried that Council adjourn. ,*,. ~ ~,.. t'A;. =r:: Act.ing City Clerk. APPROVED: ~"-. . .< ....,