12-27-43 Regular
December 27th, 1943
~e Council met in regular session at 7:30 P.U. with
the City Attorney and the following ml!lllbers present: Mr. Hill, Yr. Jacobe,
Mr. Mcfee and Mr. Wodischek. Mr. Miller was absent because of 11....
By !mtion regularly made, seconcad and carried, the
minutes of the last regular meeting held December 13th, were approved as
A letter was read from the Palm Beach Count)' Rnourcee
Development Board calling the Council's attention to the fact that the
Directe1'll of the Board would be officially installed tor tM currentYAlllr
on Janua.J'7 14th, 1944. The City was xequested to advisetM Beardllbether
or not any change was desired regarding the xepresentative tl'Glll De1rqBsach~
and tG have the repr..entative attend the meeting on January 14th. Yr. Hill
moved tlB t the cOlllllunication be filed. Ilr. Mcfee secooded theJOOtionand
on roll call the vote was as follows: Yr. Hill yes, Mr. Jacobs yes, 14r. McFee
yes, Mr. Wodischek yes. Motion carried.
The Clerk reported that enquiry had been made in the
ef'fice 1:>ya Mr. T.E. Rowe at Lake Worth, as to securing permission tel pick
up cocoanuts around town to be used tor the purpose at food and oil. The
Mayor stated he had also talked with Mr. RoM and that the. cocoanuts fallen
fran .the trees were the only ones Mr. Rowe desired. Yr. YCFee moved that
the Clerk be instructed to notify Mr. RoWll that he has permission to piCk
up the cocoanuts fallen on the s1:.lHl4ts and sidewalks. Mr. Wodischek secGllded
the !mtion which <;n rolJ,. call varried unanimoualy.
Councilman Wod!schek repo~d that. the booklets advertising
Delray Beach and lbich wexe orderedrecentJ.y, have been ccmplet.ed. He stated
that they wGUld be placed in the City Hall and theUSO cGUld get them along
when they are needed as they are ta be used by the service men.
,I.. !
SuPt. Turner reported that he had gatten Yr. Kike Blank
to remove the two cocoanut trees to the beach whi:ch was authorized at a
previous meeting. He also stated thne is space for about four (4) lOOre
treUjWh1ch cQUld be placecj at the beach section if the city could secUl'e
theJl. Mr. Mcfee moved that Mr. Turner lie instructed to have four (4)
IIIllre ~rees placed at the beach previded he could get them donated S8 the
cit)' 1II9uld only be required to have the expense of removing tllem. Yr.Wodis-
chek seconded the motion which on roll call carried unanimously.
Councilman Hill aSDd that a correction be made in the
D.lmy Beach ......,..,:. a recent isslllll,in printing a report at the annual
city audit, erroneausly stated that. the Water Departllllnt. owed theJ aeneJ'l11
December 27th, 1943
Fund, whereas the General Fup.d actually owes the Water Depart.motnt
A discussion then ensued as to setting aside a certain amoot of ill
water revenues regularly which would constitute a Water Plant Sinking
Fund. At the Cauncil .oting, May 4th, 1942, a Jl\()tion was passed which
requixed that 10% of all water revenues throughout the City, (beginning
Apr111st, 1942) be regularl)' set aside to be known as the "Water Plant
Sinking Fund"., Thereupen Mr. w.o. Wino, the City Auditor, was authorized
to ascertain if th.. percentage of rewnlles has been set aside each lIlDnth
en the City Clerk's books, and if this has not been done, then to mag
provision for this in accordance with the !mtian passed in 1942. Mr. Hill
mowd that the annual city audit report submitted b)' Mr. Wino for the year
ended September 30th, 1943, be accepted. Mr. Wodischek seconded the motion
and an roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Hill yes, Yr. Jacebs yes,
Mr. IlcFee yes, Mr. Wodischek ;nts. lletion carried.
Councilman Hill lltated that at a pxeviOllS meeting when ques-
tions Cl1 candidates' qualifications WlIre being discussed, Mr. Miller
asked the City Attorney if he had ever been instruotld to check the County
Records and report on the deells pxesented by th!l cand1~:tes, at Which
time Ilr. Nowlin had replied "No". Mr. Hill wished to call Mr. Nowlin's
attention ta tho following excerpt of th!l minutes iat4d Newmber 10th, 1941f
"Upon it being moved that the deeds be referred ta the City
Attorney far verifi~ation, Mr. Newlin stated that such deeds
were net necessarilf a proof of ownership since it wall possible
that later deeds existed; that the status as ta the real awner-
ship could anly be determine4 freman <<Xamination of Court
House Records. Thill was deellllld unnecessary since the erdinance
requirements had pej,ln complied with and the Clerk etated she
believed the candtdlltes were all qualified under same. It wae
therefsre moved by ~r. Jacobs that the submitted qualifications
be approved and accepted and the names ot these qualified cll!fdi-
dates be placed 0/1 ~he ballet in alphabetical order, in accord
with sample submitted by the City Attorney. Mr. Sibath seconded
the motion, and on roll call the vote WIle as fellows: Mr, Hill
yes, Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. Ililler yes, Mr. Sabath yes, Mr. Scett
yes. 'lbe motion carried".
Yr. NQlflin, in anllWl'lring Mr.. Hill, stated that the Cooncil had discussed
referring the deeds to him but they had never actually don!l so until this
~e City Att,orney brought up the III!ltter in regaNs 'to copies
of the City Charter net having new amendments included an:! which is very
confuSing to anyone having only the original copy without the_dments.
H!I explained that copiesot thl amend/llltnts could be printed and pasted in
the charters now on hand. Thereupon Mr. Wodischek moved that one hund~d
December 27th, 1943
(100) "copies of the amerxlments be ordered for the purpese of pasting
them :In copies of the City Charter. Ilr. Hill seccnded the motion
which on roll call carried unani.meusly.
It was JDi)wd by Yr. Wodischek: that billsmabered \~""
through I~I:>' , having been approved by tM Finance Committee, be.
returned to the Council and ardered paid. Mr. Hill seconded thelOOtil!lh
and en l'IDll call the vote was as fellowl Ilr. Hill yes, Mr. Jallillbs yes,
Yr. McFee yes, Ilr. WQllisch!lk yes. Ilation carried.
It was regularl)' IIBved, seCllDnded arxI carried that Councll
adjeurn t. lIIIIet in adjourned sessien Monday night, January Sri, 1944, for
the purpose af concluding busiaess of the old Council.
. ){aYllr.
'* . ~n. J dA~.;h ..
Acting City Clerk.