01-06-41 Regular 1609 . Co.UNCIL CHAMBER January 6, 1941. The Council met in regular adjourned session at 7:30. P. M. with the City Attorney and the follOWing members present t Mr. Bradshaw, Mr. Crego, Mr. Jacobs, Mr. Hill and Mr. Miller. The minutes 01' the regular meeting 01' December 23rd were approved as read. Under the heading 01' old business the Clerk reported having received a reply from A. B. Lattin offering to sell the City his 2o.-acre tract in Section 17 for a price 01' $1, Upon Counoilman Miller'S . suggestion, action on this matter was deferred for further consideration and study and by the request 01' Mr. Bradshaw, Mayor Jaoobs reoommended that it be taken up as a first order 01' business by the neWly organized council. Upon motion made by Counoilman Bradshaw. seconded, by Councilman Miller, and unanimously oarried .th~*follbWing' Resolution was duly passed and adopted l. . . RESo.LUTIo.N 384. APPROVING A PROPOSED SERVllJE AGREEMENT WITH FLORIDA Po.WER & LIGHT Co.MPANY,PROVIDING THAT SAID COMPANY SHALL SUPPLY AND THECrI'Y o.F DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, SHALL Rl!:CElVE AND PAY FOR ALL Po.WER AND ENERGY R:$QU!RED FOR, AND IN CONNECTION WITH THE CIWYlmLL LOCA.':Mm o.N S. E. 5th AVENUE, D:ELRAY BEACH,FLOR,mA., AND SETTING OUT TIm TE_ ,A.m:>' OONDITIONS ' UNDER WHICH THE FOREGO_ S!'IW1 BE EJ!'J!'EQTED;; AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING TIm MAYOR AND THE CITY CLERK OF AND ON BEHALF OF THE CITY 0.11' DELRAY BEACH, FLo. RIDA , TO. EXEOUT! AND EN'.t'l!:R INTO. THE SAID P R)POSED SERVICE AGREEMENT w:rmr FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY. j~ 'I, I ~- The Clerk read to the Counoil the foll~ing recommendation 01' the Zoning Commission in regard to the request 01' C. A. B. Zook for are-classification 01' his muck lot property East 01' the Canal: "With reference to the petition presented by Mr. Zook for re-classi1'ication 01' Lots "A" and "1 to 7" 01' the Nursery property on Atlantio Avenue, the Zoning Oommission teels that a re- olassifioation ot this property 'A'Ould So seriously affe01l the Wb.ole aJ;"ea On, both sides 01' Atlflntio Ava-nue.frOmllhe Canal to the Ooean, that,th1s~ntire,area sho!l3.,d,be '.,., considered tor re-olassiticatlon at the same time as the " j ".~ ""...:,,~i1 1610 COUNCIL CHAMBER - January 6, 1941. Zook property; therefore it is suggested that all property fronting on Atlantic Avenue, from the Canal to the Ocean be considered at this time, for re-zoning into Local Business Zone; and the Commission requests the Counoil's permission to notify affected property owners in that area and call the required public hearing for suoh re-zoning." In this regard, it was moved by Mr. crego that the reoommendation 01' the Zoning Commission be aocepted and the Commission authorized to prooeed as outlined, in recommendation. Mr. BradShaw seconded the motion, Wb.ioh oarried unanimously on roll oal1. The City Clerk was authorized to pay bills 01' the American-LaFrance-Foamite COJ;"poration, for hose and repair parts recently purchased, on which a oredit 01' $20.0..0.0. is to be returned to the City, in acoord with agreement made with the LaFranoe Company's salesman on November 14, 1940.. Mayor Jacobs then called for the auditor's annual report Whioh was submitted by W. O. Winn who read oomments and portions 01' the financial statements there- from. It was moved by Mr. Crego that the report be , received and the recommendations therein be given oon- sideration by the inooming Counoil. Mr. Bradshaw seoonded the motion and on 1'011 oa11 the vote was as follows l Mr. Bradshaw yes, Mr. Crego yes, Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Jaoob's yes, Mr. Miller yes. The motion oarried. . Oounci1man Crego expressed appreoiation for the report, stating it reflected a very satisfaotory tinancial status for the City. Mayor Jacobs also addressed the Oounoil, thanking his fellow-members individually and 001lective1y for their cooperation during his past year's term 01' MayorShip, and stating that he was proud to have been Mayor during this most suooessfu1 period of the Oity. He thanked the public for the vote 01' confidence extended and the courtesies shown him during his tenure 01' office. It was then moved by Mr. Crego that bills numbered 6354 to 6397, having been approved by the Finanoe Committee, be returned to the Council and ordered paid. Mr. Miller seconded the motion, Which carried unanim~uslY. The business of the old council having been con- cluded, it was moved by Mr. Bradshaw, seconded by Mr. Crego, and unanimously oarried that Council adjourn sine die. "j .j 'i ~ J APPRo.~d.e Mayor. ~~~~ _,' ~Jl, ';Oi_ 1611 Co.UNCIL CHAMBER January 6, 1941 The Council-Elect assembled at 8:15 P.M. for annual organization meeting, as provided by Section 12 of the City Charter. The City Attorney and the following members were present: . Mr. Hill, Mr. oacobs, Mr. Miller, Mr. Sabath and Mr. Soott. The Clerk administered the oath 01' office to newly elected Counoilmen Sabath and Scott before the regular order of business was proceeded with. It was then moved by Mr. Rill that A. L. Miller be nominated Mayor for the suooee~!ng year. Mr. Sabath moved that nominations be closed. Mr. Jacobs seconded Mr. Hill's motion, and on roll call, the vote was as follows: Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. Miller not voting, Mr. Sabath yes, Mr. Scott yes. The motion carried and Mr. Miller W8a ele cted Mayor for th e year 1941. Mr. Miller thanked the Council for his election, promising to do his very. best and to exert every eftort towards the betterment and for the best interests of the City during his administration. Mr. Sabath moved tha t Mr. Scott be nominated Vioe-Mayor for the ensuing year. Mr. Jacobs seconded the motion. It was moved by Mr. Hill that nominations be closed. Mr. Jacobs seconded the motion, and on roll oa11, the vote was af! follows: Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Jaoobs yes, Mr. Miller yes, Mr. Sabath yes, Mr. Scott yes. The motion carried, It was regUlarly moved, seconded and oarried that RESOLUTIo.N 386 be adopted, authorizing the signatures of A. L. Miller, Mayor, and E. H. Scott, Vice-Mayor, to all checkB issued on the Florida State Bank, also Jlll'ROLUTTOH 387, tor all che cks issued on the West Palm Beach Atlan'tlc National Bank, by the City of De1ray Beach. Mr. Sabath submitted the following resolution, and on motion 01' Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Hill, and on roll call unanimously carried, it was adopted: f, } " Co.UNCIL CHAMBER January 6, 1941 :t612 RESo.LUTIo.N 385. A RESo.LUTIo.N o.F 'IRE CITY Co.UNCIL o.F THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLo.R IDA , PRJilSCRffiING CERTAm POWERS AND ~TIES o.F THE MAyo.R o.F THE CITY o.F DELRAY BEACH IN ADDITION TO. THOSE PROVIDED BY THE CITY CHARTER. The Mayor announced the next order of business to be the appointment of City officials and employees designated in the City Charter. It was accordingly moved by Mr. Jacobs, seconded by Mr. Hill and on roll oall unanimously carried, that Mae W. Cramp be appointed City Clerk, Treasurer, Tax Assessor and Tax Collector. .' It was moved by Mr. Sabath, seconded by Mr. Scott, and on roll call, unanimously carried that W. E. Wi100x be appointed Munioipal Judge. The Mayor stated he contemplated some changes in the Department of Pub1io Works operation and therefore was unprepared to make recommendation at this meeting. He recommended, further,' the appointment of A. F. Nelson as Chief of Police and L. ~. Cook as Chief 01' the Fire Department. It was moved by Mr. Hill, seconded by Mr. Jacobs and unanimously carried that the Mayor's .reCODDllen- dations be approved and said appointments be made. Upon the Mayor'S recommendation, I. J. Sinks was appointed Building Inapector and Superintendent 01' the Inspection Department and L. W. Cook was appointed Electrical Inspe ctor. The Mayor stated he was leaving 01'1' the Plumb- ing Inspection at this time unless the Council had some recommendation to make on same. Roward Cromer, on the Mayor'S recommendation, was appointed City Engineer, Mr. C. A. Baker, Superin- tendent 01' Maintenanoe, and John Gregory, Superintendent 01' Repair Depa rtment. Upon recommendation of the City Clerk, Miss Lee Belle Priest was appointed Deputy Clerk and Clerk of the MuniCipal Court, and Mrs. Cstherine Strong Deputy Clerk in the Tax Colle ctorts office" It was m;lwed by Mr. Hill the t these various reoommendations of the Mayor be approved. Mr. Sabath , 16.13 COUNCIL CHAMBER January 6, 1941 seconded the motion, and on roll call the vote was as fo110wa: Mr. Hill, M~. Jacobs, Mr. Miller, Mr. S~bath and A~. Soott, yes. The motion carried. Committee appointments for the ensuing year, were made by the Mayor as follows: FINANCE AND o.RDINANCE Co.MMITTEE (Finance and Real Estate) C. W. Hill, Chairman A. L. Miller E. N. Scott STREET COMM1TT~~ A. L. Miller, Chairman E. H. Scott IV. A. Jacobs LIGHT & WATER COMMITTEE E. H. Soott, Chairman A. L. Miller J. M. Sabath PARKS. R:ECRE,ATION &. GOLF. COMMITTEE J. M. Sabath, Chairman C. W. Hill W. A. Jacobs ( SANITATIo.N COMMITTEE (Pub1io Health &. Sanitation) W. A. Jaoobs, Chairman C. W. Hill J. M. Sabath The Mayor said he was unprepared to make any recommendation in regard to the GolfComm1~tee at the present time, as he bel ieved the Parks Oommittee should be given an opportunity to look int 0 this, with a view to ma king re c cmmend at ions. He recommended that the Barber and Beautioians' Board remain as is, but sta ted he believed the Plumbing Board should be composed of plumbers alone and that oounci1men should not be appointed on any board unless specifically required by ordinsnoes or charter. 1614 Co.UNCIL CHAMBER January 6, 1941 ;: j At this point the Clerk read the resignation from the Zoning Commission, 01' Mr. E. R. Scott, and it was moved by Mr. Hill that Mr. Scott's resignstion be acoepted, \'tlich motion was se'conded by Mr. Sabath, and on roll call unanimously carried. In Mr. Soott's resignation, he reoommended the appointment of Mr. Wylie B. Ewing to fill the vaoanoy. No action was taken on this reoommendation, however.' The Mayor stated the Tax Adjustment Board composed 01' E. M. Wilson, H. A. Hubbard and John Berg had not functioned during the past year, therefore he would not reappoint this oommittee. He further suggested tha t the Oi tizens Advi sory Committee be dissolved but Mr. Soott moved that the members oontinue as a Board, available to serve the Coun- cil at any time their advice might be deemed desirable, said standing committee of citizens being composed 01' the following members: IV. o.. Jelks, Chairman Chas. D. Boughton E. M. ',Vi1son <1, W. Hubbard Paul Rehr. The Clerk read captions of ord inances 382 and 383, for the benefit 01' the newly elected Councilmen, stating that these Qrdinances had been passed on first reading but were still to come up for second reading and final passage, and that copies of same were available in the Clerk's oftice for perusal if de8ired. The Clerk submi tted the following request fo'r zoning re-olassification, which was aooompanied by the required $15.0.0 fee. PETITION. We the undersigned are the sole owners of all the prop erty facing on the North East First Court of the Seestedt and Stevens sub-division and do herepy petition the Common Counoi1 and Zoning Board to ohange the Building restriotions to Class "A". Lots described as: Lots 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17,:'2l';'~a, 23)23:, 25, ,26, 27 and Lots 28 "and. ::l9', 'tac ing the canal, in the Seestedt-Stevena Subdivifl ion. Co.RNELIA B. S'l'EVl!;~ o.TTo. A. SEESTEDT LUCILE SEESTEDT COUNCIL CHAMBER J'anuary 6, 1941 1615 It was moved by Mr. Hill that the request be referred to the Zoning Oommiss ion for recoImllendation back to the Council. Mr. Scott seconded the mot ion, which on roll oa1l carried unanimously. It was moved by Mr. Sabath, seoonded by Mr. Scott and on roll call carried unanimously, that Counoil adjourn. ~.Q~ City Cle:rll: APPRo.:v:EIl t ~.