01-13-41 Regular
January 13, 1941
rhe Council :':let in r;;'~!.:r-llar session s.t 7:30 P.li. with t~!:
'~itJ' Attorney and members Hill, Jacobs, Miller, Sabath and Scott
It was '1'lov",d by If.r. Hill, seconded by Mr. Scott and unanim-.
onsly c~rrted that the minutes of the meetings of January 6th be approv-
ed as read.
The Mayor declared the appointr!lent of a City Auditor to be
in order under the heading of old business, and it was accordingly
moved by Mr. Scott that W. O. Viinn be awointed auditor for t he year
1941 at a salary of $50.00 per month. Mr. Hill seccnded the motion,
and on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Jacobs
yes, Mr. Miller yes, Mr. Sab,k h yes and Mr. Scott yes. The motion
The Mayor said he considered A. G. Ranson and Paul Nicolls
as holding over under Mr. Baker so it was moved by Mr. 3abath that
these two employees continue under the existent arrangement, and on
the present salary basis. MI'. Scott seconded the motion, which
carried unanimously on roll call.
Upon recomnendqtion of Chairman Sabath of the Parks COllll1i-
ttee, it was moved by Mr. Jacobs that Wm. F. Koch, Jr. be appointed
2nd. Life Guard for the season. Mr. Hill seconded the motion, which
on roll call, carried unanimously.
A. B. Laitin's offer to sell the Cit;y 20 acres of land
adjacent to the garbage dump in Section 17 for $1,000.00 was presented
to the Council for consideration and upon recommendation of tb e Mayor,
and motion of Mr. Jacobs, this matter was referred to the Finance
Committee for investigation and report back to the Council. Mr; ,Hill
seconded the motion and on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr.
Hill Jres, Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. Miller yes, Mr. Sabath yes, Mr. Scott
yes. The motion carried.
It was moved by Mr. Jacoos that bill of $41.24 be paid
L. J. Nichols, covering Policy 30376, to renew fire and theft insurance
with Colonial Fire Underwriters on the City's fleet of trucks and
vehicles, also bon:! with Glens Falls Ind<"lllnity Company on A. F. Nelson,
Chief of Police. Mr. Sabath seconded the motion and on roll call the
vote was as follows: Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. Miller yes,
Mr. Sabath yes, Mr. Scott yes. The motion carried.
In accord with previous recommendation of E. H. Scott, it
wa.s moved by Mr. Jacobs, seconded by Mr. Hill and on roll call carried
unanimously, that Mr. Wylie B. Ewing be appointed the Beach District
member on the Zoning Commission, to fill the vacancy caused by"
January 13, 1941
resigmtion of Mr. Scott.
It was moved by Mr. Jacobs, Chairnan of the Sanitary
Committee, that Frederick Brown be reappointed Plumbing Inspector
for the coming year. ){.r. Hill seconded the mot:bn, and on roll
call the vote was as follows: Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Jacobs yes,
Mr. Miller yes, Mr. Sabath yes, Mr. Scott yes.. The motion
The City Attorney reported having recei~d a two and a
half page letter from Wm. M. Madison, C'ouncil for the League of
Municipalities, from which he gathered that the law was not clear
in regard to tax exemption allowed Masonic and other fraternal
organizations in the State of Florida. In this regard, Mr. Nowlin
further stated that it was his personal opinion, that where proof
had been furrrlshed by such orgllnizations that not over 75% of
their propetty had been rentedd1,1ring.the past'year,they should
be <'!xempt for 1940 taxes. He reported, also, that taxes prior to
that date on the Masonic Temple in Block 69 and the Masonic Lodge
in Block 27, a.ssi?ssed in error, be cancelled and that these
properties be exempt in future under the present interpr<'!tation
of the Law, if affidavits asserting that not over 75% of the
floor space has been rented during the year are filed annually with
the Tax Assessor, Mr. Jacobs secmded the motion and on roll call
the vote was as follows: Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. Miller
yes, Mr. Sabath yes, Mr. Scott yes. The motion carried.
Mr. Wodischek appeared for the American Legion asking
aDDroval of the site chosen by his organization for operation of
a Bingo game, and it was regularly moved, seconded and carried
that said game be permitted to operate at the rear of the P~ly
Wiggly and Florida Power & Light Company's Stores, North of the
alley. This permission being granted with the understanding and
agreement by the Legion that tie game would not be operated dur-
ing the hours of church service. .
Miss Galvin brought up the matter of eliminating truck
traffic on the Ocean Boulevard, stating that County officials
favored the idea but in order to properly restrict the road it
would be necessary for the various towns along the route to pass
ordinances to regulate truck traffic through the precincts of'
the individual to~ns, over which the County has no jurisdiction.
Miss Galvin recommended thdt Delray look into this and if possible
adopt an ordinance thst would keep trucks off the boulevard as
much as Dossible. UDon the City Attorney's recanmendati6n this
matter was referred to th~ Ordinance Com~ttee for further consider-
ation and recommendation. Mr. Scott seconded the motion and on
January 13, 1941
roll call
yes, Mr.
the vote was as follows: Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Jacobs
Mille!' yes, Mr. Sab&th yes, Mr. Scott yes. The motion
A letter was read from the Delrqr Seach Public Library
formally requesting the City Council to allocate from city funds
the sum of $25.00 per month to said Library Association, said
monthly donation to be used exclusively for the purchase of books.
Mr. Foote and Mrs. Vogler both addressed the Council, in behalf
of the Association, outlining its aims and the presdnt mode of
carrying on the library work, stating thct the library was now
open practically 40 hours a week wld in charge of a librarian at
a salary of $60.00 per month paid by the Federal Government, but
that continuance of such government appropriation would probably
be contingent upon the library being more liberally supported by
the City. Mr. Jacobs moved that this matter be referred to the
Finance Committee for consideration and recommendation back to
the Council at its next regular meeting. Mr. Scott seconded the
motion and on roll call the vote was unanimous and the motion ..as
declare d carried.
Discussion PH)n turned to spee d regula tions for trains, and
railroad g.gte protection. Letters were read by the Clerk from the
Ci t:{ of Da~,-tona Beach and West Palm Beach regarding reguiations and
protection provided those cities by the Railroads. Menroers of the
audience were also invited to express opinions on the subject but
none were offered, other than recormendction that a louder signal
tell be used at Delray's downtov,'Tl crossing. The Clerk presented
Ordinance _ regulating the speed of trains, but before placing
this on its second reading it '"I8.S recommended that the entire
matter be held over awaiting a further proposition from Railroad
officials, which Mr. Scott stated he understood they intended to
make. He agreed, in :,he meantime, to contact these officials to
learn what their counter-proposition might be.
The City Clerk submitted, also, Ordinance 382, provid-
ing for the licensing of building contractors and supervisoIJs, and
read the ordinance in full, after which the proposed ordinance
was discussed and various features explained by the Building
Inspector, who had originated and recocunended its passage. Some
of the menbers thought certain features of same should,be clarified
and it was finally moved by ~r. Sabath that the ordinance be
referred to the Ordinance Committee for further consideration and report.
~r. Jacobs seconded the motion and on roll call the vote was as
follows: Mr. Hill ;ires, Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. Miller ;yes, Mr. SabGth
yes, Mr. Scott yes. The motion carried.
A commun:!caticn was read from Mrs. H. J. Sterling, again
recorrmending the passage of an ordinance to regulate the height
of lot line hedges. It was moved by Mr. Scott that this matter
also be referred to the Ordinance Committee for investiggtion and
January 13, 1941
report. Mr. Jacobs seconded the motion and on roll call the
vote was as follows: Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Jacobs yes, A~. Miller
yes, Mr. Sabath yes, Mr. Scott yes. The motion carried.
W. M. Waters requested permission to erect a cabana
for Frederick Duggan on the public beach in front of !'lis property,
being the N! of Ocean Beach Lot 31, similar to that erected by
Mr. La Boitea~x in front of his residence. It was moved by Mr.
Hill that temporary permit be given to erect and maintain such
structure on the beach, ''lith the understanding that it will be
removed at any time, upon request of the City Council, and with
the further understanding that this permit confers no individual
or private rights to said structure. Mr. Scott seconded the
motion and on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Hill yes,
Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. Miller yes, J.:r. Sabath yes, Mr. Scott yes.
The motion carried.
Vi. M. "Iaters also applied for a temporary permit liTo
erect a wall for F. L. Duggan, ~~e to be ~ concrete block wall
across front of No. 412 S. Ocean Boulevard, less than 4 feet
high, same being understood to be a temporary permit, as wall
is to be wilt to conform to present walk to the south, and will
be in the street; said wall to be removed at OWTIer's expense
upon thirty daJ'S' notice from th e Ci ty". It was moved that
said temporary permit be grant8d. Mr. Hill sec:mded the motion,
and on roll call the vote W2.S as follows: Mr. Hill yes, Mr.
Jacobs yes, Mr. Miller yes, Mr. Sab3th yes, Mr. Scott yes, The
motion carried.
Upon recorrc-:enrl3tions of the Building Inspector, it was
moved by MI'. Hill, seconded by 1Ir. Sabath, and on roll call,
unanimously carried, that permit 382 be granted O.D.Preist to com-
plete building on Lot 3, Block 10, Osceola Park, erected under
permit 712 issued January 10, 1938, by adding walls to the roof
and pine post supports already standing.
ApplicAtion to move from the rear to front of lot and
repair wilding located on Lot 6 Block 104, was submitted for
Mrs. Edith B. Beardsl~J' Upon enquiry the Building Inspector
stClted that this house was below Class "B" standards and would
still not comply to such even with the added improvements, but
that it .'ould be c:)nsiderabl;r better than at present and therefore
he rec01u1ended thE"t the rec.;ues-ted pernit be granted. It was
uccordingly mov8d, seconded and Q~anin0usly carried that the
3u=-lding Inspector's reco-mendA.tion be accerted and ~f;nnit be
A co;~nUniCgtl_on was read from J. W. 101erritt offering
to nay the City $25.00 in settlement of taxes on Lots 16 and
17, Bloc:: J05, which he f.&.c: r 'chg,sed under the Murphy Act,
also a communication fran Lillian C. Ha.milton offering $100.00
in settlement of taxes on Lots 3, 19, ~nd 22 in Block 95 and
Lots 19 and 20 in Block 104, also purchased fran the state.
C JUllC IL C HAI.:B rn
Januay 13, 1941
In regard to these cQ'l1ffiunicat ions, it was moved that taxes and
liens nrior to 1937 be cancelled, and tax settlement accepted
for the cash required to pay> on 100% basis, taxes and liens
assessed for the years 1937, 1938, 1939, and 1940, as required
under the City's refunding agreement and Tax Adjustment Ordin-
ances. hlr. Jacobs seconded the :!lotion and on roll call the vote
was as follows: Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. willer yes,
Mr. Sahs:th yes, Mr. Scott yes. The T'lotion carried.
Easement deeds to the City were pres(~nted from ,John
& Ruth Dawson, and from Hal~ey Lockw00d, conveying the South
5 feet of the wi o~ lot 11, Section 20 for utility purposes, and
it was moved by Mr', Jacobs thl'lt said deeds be accepted and the
Clerk authorized to place them on record. Mr. Hill seconded
the motion, which carried unanimously on roll call.
Discussion then ensued in regard to an awlication for
water service received from J.lr. Harvey Lockwood located on Lot
11, Section 20, and question arc se as to the amount of expendi-
ture the City would be ju:stified in making in order to supply
such outlying resid~nts "ath water. The City Engineer asked
that the Council set a limit to such expenditure for this pur-
pose, so that he might have something to be guided by in future.
After further discussion of the application under consideration,
it was moved by Councilman Scott th2t Mr. Lockwood be given
water service and Mr. Scott further recommended that as large
a pipe as necessary be provided to avoid having to later replace
a one-inch line with ]a rger mains. Mr. Scott I s motion was
seconded by Mr. Jacobs, and on roll call, carried unanimously.
The Clerk submitted request of W. O. Boykin Jr. for
special concession in the matter of license charged for solic-
iting advertising and distributing his Surf'& Tide publication,
stating that under the license ordinance a $15.00 fee was required
but that Mr. Boykin did not consider his business warranted that
much. After discussion, however, it was regularly moved,
seconded and carried that ordinance requirements be adhered to
and the $15.00 fee be charged.
Dr. W. C. Williams appeared at the meeting, with the
request that the City extend N. \/. First Avenue and construct an
inlproved street between blocks 49 and 57 for a distance of 350
feet North from N.W. Third Street, stating that he intended to
develop the property and needed access thereto. It was suggested
by the members that he contact other abutting property owners and
see if they also desired said street construction and on what
basis.' It was recommended that he have it done by private contract
which would be less expensive.
Dr. Williams also offered to deed to the City the South 5
feet of Block 140, East of the Canal for sidewalk purposes, and
stated that: he wanted to build a 14-foot private street along the
January 13, 1941
East line of his.property in the South half of Block 140, and
requested that the City give him permit to come in on to Atlantic
Avenue with said proposed drive. Upon recctnmendation of the
City Attorney, it ~~s asked that Dr. Williams first present his
plans as to what and how he intends to develop the property.
He stated that Grover Baker had these and would .submit same
for inspection of the Council.
The Cha.irman of the Parks Committee rec~~ended that a
few more "Dogs Prohibited" signs be erected on the beach and refuse
cans be placed along the beach for, the use of picknickers; also
that a complete First aid kit be provided and uniforms purchased
for the Life Guards. He recommended that anooer opening be made
in the board walk, railing removed and steps put down to beach,
also that additional shelters be erected for the convenience of
It was accordingly moved, seconded and carried that
refuse cans be placed at various spots along the beach, at the
discretion of the City Engineer and that suit able signs with
reference to dogs, be erected at intervals along the beach.
It was also moved by Mr. Sabath that the Life Guards
be supplied with complete First Aid Kit, also uniforms including
sweater or jacket for cold weather and helmet. Mr. Jacobs seconded
the motion and on roll call, it carried unanimously.
Amendment of the Plumbing and Electrical ordinances
was mentioned but it was recommended that this be laid over
until a future meeting.
It was moved by Mr. Jacobs, seconded by Mr. Sabath,
and on roll call unanimously carried, that bills numbered 6398
to 6427, havin" been approved by the Finance Committee, be returned
to the Couric~l, and ordered paid.
Mr. Scott reconunended that the break in the sidewalk at
Gleason Street be remedied, and it was moved by Mr. Sabath that
this matter be referred to Street Committee ~~th authority to
act. Mr. Scott seconded the motion and on roll call the vote was
as follows: Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. Miller yes, Mr.
Sabath yes, Mr. Scott yes. The motion carried.
The Clerl<: was instructed to write Mr. Zook asking his
permi ssion to move., the City's behches from their present location
on City right-of-way between the Sidewalk and Street line of East
Atlantic Avenue, to the South side of the sidewalk on to Mr. Zeok's
Nursery property, with the understanding that the City will remove
same at any time Mr. Zook may so reouest.
It was regularly moved,
that Council adjourn.
seconded and unanimously carried
City Clerk
( Mayor