03-03-41 Special .:165:1 COUNCIL CHAMBER March 3, 1941 The Council met in special session at 7:30 P.M. on call of the Mayor, for the purpose of receiving bids on the new water pump, and to take up the matter of insurance and the possibility of establishing a City Insurance Fund. Mr. Hill, Mr. Jacobs, Mr. Sabath and .Mr. Scott were present. Mayor Miller was absent on account of illness. Vice-Mayor Scott presided in the Mayor's absence. Before the hour of 8:00 o'clock a discussion of the proposed changes to be made in the City's water ordinance was entered into. The City Engineer asked the members to consider a sliding scale commeroial rate, of less than lP-cents per thousand gallons, for very large users of water, stating that he believed it would be well to inoorporate something of that kind in the new ordinance, while it is up for amendment. The hour of 8:00 0' clook having arrived bids were opened on the proposed new pump, as follows: Fairbanks Jl10rse 10" 1150 Hl'M comple te 'il'1012.00 .l!'.O.B. DelJ " " 8" 1750 BJ?M " 718.00 " " J. ./:'. Carroll 10" 1150 RPM Weinman 946.00 F.O.B. Dell " " 8" 1750 RPM " 753.00 " " Dayton-Dowd Co. 10" 1150 RPM complete 753.33 F.O.B. , Qutncy, nJ Worthington ./:'ump Company Type 8 pump 1150 RPM oomp. 887.50 F.O.B. Dell After discussion, it was moved by Mr. Hill that the submitted bids be referred to.the Water Committee, for careful comparison and study and report back to Council, with recommendation. Mr. Jacobs seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. It was agreed to hold an adjourned meeting WedneSday night, March 5th, for further action in the matter. After this, the members entered into a informal discussion of the sewer disposal situation and the plant located in the City rark. ~he chairman of the ~anitary 00mmittee recommended that the 0ity's old water wagon be repaired and put into shape so it could be used to haul off the sludge in the disposaJ plant at the ./:'ark. lt waS suggested that this be removed and spread on the golf oourse property, to be dried and used for fertilizer. In accord with this reoommendation Mr. Jacobs moved tha t the Ci ty Engineer wo rk out a plan for di sposing of this sludge in th e City' s septic tank, and tha t he be authorized to have the City water wagon repaired for the purpose of hauling off this residue waSte material to be treated and ultimately used for fertilizer on city properties. :1652 COUNCIL CHil.lffiER Malll'ch 3, 1941 Mr. Hill seconded the motion, and on roll call, the vote was as follows: Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. Sabath yes, Mr. Scott yes. fhe motion carried. The need of painting and lubricating the machinery in the ./:'ark Disposal plant was stressed, but it was stated tr~t no motion was necessary in this regard, as it was a matter for the City Engineer to see that such machinery was kept in good oondition. The matter of purchasing a light-weight truck for the water department was presented by Mr. Oromer for the Council's consideration. He reoommended a 16-Horsepower demonstrator truck which Delray Beach Motors was offering at $650.00, and which he said would run about 30 miles on a gallon of gas and was a very suitable truck for the City's requirements. It was moved by Mr. Sabath that bills numbered 6594 and 6595, having been approved by the J!'inance Committee, be returned to the Counoil and ordered paid. Mr. Hill seconded the motion, which on roll call, carried unanimously. It was regularly moved, seconded and oarried that Council adjourn to meet in speoial session at 7:30 P.M. Wednesday, March 5th for further consideration of the water pump purchase and oity insuranoe policies. -~~~~. City v.Lerk ...