03-05-41 Special
March 5, 1941
The Council met in adjourned speoial
with the following 'members present:
Mr. Miller, Ilr. Sabath and Mr. Scott.
The Mayor announoed the meeting had been called for the
purpose of oontinuing the disoussion of purohase of pump
for the water plant.
session at 7:30 P.M.
Mr. Hill, Mr. Jaoobs,
Upon being asked for a report as to the pump reoommended, City
Engineer Cromer stated that after oonsiderable study he had
oome to the oonolusion that what the City had asked for bids
on was not just the type of pump needed, therefore he reo-
ommended that all bids be rejeoted, and that the City ask
for new bids on a vertioal instead of the horizontal type
pump. On the vertical type oentrifugal pump whioh he
reoommended the motor would be plaoed at' the ground level
instead of down in the pit ,of the plant, thus giving
assurance of oontinued operation even if the pit should be
flooded from leakage or storm damage at any time.
Mr. Bradley and Mr. Thompson, representing Fairbanks Morse,
and the ~orthington Pump Company both spoke in regard to this
type pump, stating that in their opinion it was the mos,;
suitable unit for the City's present need. It was finall~
moved by Mr. Soott that bids on the horizontal type, as
perviously sub~itted, be held in abeyanoe, and that the City
call for new bids on the vertical type reoommended. Mr. Sabath
seoonded the motion and on roll oall the vote was as follsws:
Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. Miller yes, Mr. Sabath
yes, Mr. Soott yes. The motion carried. 'rhe City Engineer.
agreed to prepare specifications on said vertioal type'if! time
to submit for Council's approval at its next regular meeting
on the 10th of March.
The Mayor stated that another special order of business'; for
oonsideration at this meeting, was the setting up of a City
Insuranoe Fund to take oare of accident and oompensation
insurance on City firemen and employees, in lieu of the
polioies new being carried with the Great American Indemnity
Company. The Chairman of the Finance Committee reported
having looked into the advisability 9f the City beooming
a self insurer, for the insuring of City employees, and
stated that wIthin a very short time a fund could be
aooumulated out of the moneys \~ich are paid out annually on
these insuranoe polioies, against which very few claims for
payment have been made during the past years. He said the
only big risk was loss of life for the first year or so. 'rhe
March 5, 1941
matter was disoussed thoroughly by the Council, after which
Mr. Hill moved that the City became a self insurer, under
the requirements of the State.lOrkmen's Compensation law,
and that the cost of carrying the Standard Norkmen's Compen-
sation and Employers' Liability polioy and the Volunteer Fire
Company Elanket Accident policy, viz approximately $800.00
per year, which amount shall be raised proportionabl~ as
the City's payroll increases, 1t be set aside in an interest-
bearing fund known as the ~mployees' Insuranoe Fund, and that
this aotion be covered by an ordinance with the recommendation
that each future Counoil oomply with the intent of the
ordinanoe by maintaining this special insurance fund. Mr.
Sabath seconded the moti on and on roll call the vote was
as follows: Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. l.1iller yes,
Mr. Sabath yes, Mr. Scott yes. The motion carried. It was
agreed that the City Attorney draw the required ordinance
as an emergenoy measure at next regular meeting of the
Council, Monday, Maroh lOth.
It was regularly moved, seconded and carried that Counoil
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