03-19-41 Special 1.667 CITY ITALL March 19, 1941. The Council met in special session at 8:00 P.M. in the Inspection Department orfice at the City Hall, with the City Attorney, the Ci ty Engineer, and all members of the Council present. Hr. R. C. Alley, Mr. Riley, Mr. Edwards, George Brockway and the. Engineer for Bessemer Properties, Inc. were also present at this meeting, called by order of the Ma yor; . The purpose of the meeting was announced by Mayor Miller, who stated these representatives of Bessemer Properties, Inc. had been invited to meet with the City Council to discuss the possibility of Delray Beach acquiring a franchise from the town of Gulfstream for the privilege of furnishing its residents with water, in accord with'a).proposition which the Bessemer Company wished to submit, tentatively, as follows: Mr. Riley of the Bessemer Corporation stated his company was the principal owner of Gulfstream properties, and being desirous of developing its property and selling it off to prospeotive home o\vners, it was necessary that water be provided, and since the Town of Gulfstream did not want to go into the ~ublic utility bus iness, his company would like to enter into some agreement with Delray Beach for furnishing of water to said. territory. Hr. Riley's proposed plan was that the Town of Gulfstream first give to Delray Beach, a franchise for the privilege of furnishing water and maintaining lines within its municipality. Then his company (Bessemer Properties, Inc.) would agree to construot an 8-inch water main to extend from the North ci ty limit line of Delray Beach, through Gulfstream. All installation costs '''~)Uld be assumed by his company, he said, who would be agreement, gi ve the City of Del ray Beach the privilege of purchasing the lines and appurtenances back, at the rate of ?-cente per thousand gallons of water sold to the town of Gulfstream. After a thorough discussion of this tentative proposal, it was agreed, upon the recommendation of the Mayor, that the Bessemer Company, submit a proposition, along these lines in writing, for the extension of water mains, and servicing of this district; and also a copy of a tentative agreement IE rl'litting the To\vn of Gulfstream, for a stipulated consideration, to use Delray Beach's Fire apuaratus and hydrants located within the Town of Gulfstream. The Mayor reported having received complaints from residents in regard to chickens being allowed to run at large and destroy nowers and gardens. He said he thought there Should be some regulation on keeping chickens in town. Mr. Sabath stated he understood there was going to be a request, also, for the enaotment and colleotion of a dog tax. it'HS ub March 19, 1941 Other members recommended that an .ordinance also be passed whereby unlicensed stray dogs might be impounded and des~ troyed when unclaimed. Mr. Sinks submitted for the Council's consideration proposed ordinances regul ating use of gas and liquid fuel oil in Delray Beadh, and regulating the practice of advertising, and bill posting in the City. These ordinances were discussed pro and con by members of the Council, some of the features of same being favored by the members, while others were considered too stringent, and perhaps inadvisable for Delray at the present time. The Hayor said both of the proposed ordinances would require considerable 1'Orking over and amendment to make them acceptable for passage. They ,rere referred to the City Attorney for correction and re-drawing, before submission to the Council Council regularly adjourned. ~~~~. CITY CLERK ~ e'~YO .", "!