04-02-41 Special 1678 COUNCn. CHAMBER April 2, 1941 The Council met in special session at 8:00 F.M., on oall of the Mayor, for the purpose of discussing, further, a proposal for supplying GEAGA~~ with water and fire proteotion. The City Attorney and all ~embers of the Council '~er~ present. <,~ Hr. B.W. Mitchell and his Attorney, Harshall B.'Wood, also met with the members, and entered into the discussion of insurance rates \~th the Fire Chief and Council. Fire Chief Cook informed l'r. Mitchell that a $100.00 premium would cost the residents of SEAGATE :~130.00, if the Delray Beach Fire Department was not 'available to that seotion. He also stated tha t the average cost of a fire call was $64.00, a !Xl at the present time, SEAGA'l'E was paying only $50.00 per fire. , " '" The Mayor said he had called the meeting to see if some agfeement could be reached ,dth SEAGATE oovering servioes to be rendered by the City, such as water, garbage oolleotion, and polioe and fire protection. He said that in order to give this a.'ditional service to out-of-town consumers, it would be necessary to add to the water plant, and to er..t a sub fire station at the Beach to serve that area. The oost of'such sub station was estimated at $20,000.00, and the proposition, tentatively made to Mr. Mitchell, was that SEAGATE pear one-fourth, the Town of Gulfstream one-fourth, and the City one-half of the cost of such construotion, and also that Seagate and the Town of Gulfstream thereafter pay the city $100.00 per month for fire, pOlice and garbage service. Water would then be sold to Seagate at the rate of 28 cents per thousand gallons, as it is now, on condition that the subdivision install its own water distribution system, and that this distribution system be given to the City. J~r. Jlitchell contended that the cost of $100.00 per month for these services was too high for the benefit derived, and that the charge should be based on the im- proved properties to be served. He also stated that other property owners in Seagate \rould have to be consulted before making any agreement or counter-proposl;ll to the City. Afte~ a lengthy discussion, of the various angles of the situation, affecting both the City and the Mitchell Apr il 2, 1941 interests, the proposition was left with Hr. Mitchell and his attorney for further cdmsideration, and they agreed to discuss it with other interested parties and advise the Counoil as to their decision in the matter. Counoil regularly adjourned. ~/1~ U), C ~r> CITY CLERK ~ MAYOR. .... . 1611'9