04-07-41 Special
Apr il 7, 1941
The Council met in special session at 3:00 P.]~.,
on call of the Mayor, for the purpose of passing upon
the following moving permits:
The City Attorney and Councilmen Jacobs, Miller,
Sabath and Scott were present. Mr. Hill was absent.
The Building Inspector submitted application of
Paul Godwin asking permission to move a garage from Lot 2
Block 2 Del-Ida Park to Lots 18 & 19 Block 4, Dell Park,
where he proposed to connect it to his present garage,
thus enlarging the structure. Discussion ensued regarding
applicant's probable intention as to use of the enlarged
building, the members being favorable to granting the
permit, if used merely as a garage an~ not for living
quarters. It was finally moved by Hr. Sabath tha t permit
be granted to movet~e garage, providing the completed
building is used for a garage, and at such time in the
future as it may be remodelled :for living quarters that
it be demanded that the building comply with the building
code and "B" Zoning requirem.nts. Mr. Jacobs seconded
the motion and on roll call the vote was as :fol~ows:
Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. Miller yes, Mr. Sabath yes, I!r. Scott
yes. The motion carried.
Application o:f H.G. Hager, was also submitted,
asking permit to move garage :from Lot 3 Block 2 Del-Ida
Park to Lot 3 Block 3 Dell Park. The Building Inspector
stated this would be so close to the lot line that any-
thing built on the adjoining Lot 4 would be r,quired to stay
10 feet from the lot line, but Mr. Hager also owned lot
4 and was agreeable to this set back and therefore it was
moved by Mr. Jacobs that the requested permit be granted
provided recorded certificate is supplied by Mr. Hager to
the ef:fect that the adjoining lots, 3 and 28, Block 3 Dell
Park, are one single property, said two lots to be con-
sidered one plot, within the meaning of the zoning ordinances
and building code of the City of Delray Beach. Mr. Scott
seconded the motion and on roll call the vote wss as :follows:
Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. Miller yes, Hr. Sabath yes, Mr. Scott
yes. The motion carried.
April 7, 1941
By mot ion made by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr.
Sabath and unanimously carried, permit was also granted
"'i. Hunter Atha, for permission to move his house at
529 N. Swinton avenue, back 40 feet on his lot, said
permit being recommended by the Building Inspector who
stated there would be no change in the aideline set-backs.
The Build lug Inspector reported having granted
moving permit :for the moving o:f barbeque stand from the
Firestone property in Block 117 to a point outside the
city limits; also :for the moving of Benjamin's old print
shop from the N.W. corner of Block 99 to the rear or
Elliott's new plumbing shop located on Lots 22 and 23 BlocR
98, Which action was discussed, and regularly approved by
the Council.
There b.ing no further business to come before
the meeting, it was regularly moved, seconded and carried
that Council adjourn.
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