04-21-41 Special 1691-A BUILDIID INSPECTO R '3 OFFICE ~ CITY HALL Apr 11 2l, 1941 The Council rret in special session at 7:';'/J P.M. on call of the Mayor, with the City Attorney and all members of the Council present. The Mayor states he had called the meeting prin- cipally for the p.upose of' discussing a couple of letters received from Mr. J. C. Keen, Chairman o.f the Golf Com- mittee, and he asked the Clerk to read these to the Council. The first was a res:lgnation f'rcrn:J'. C. Keen, as Chairman of said. committee, to 1take effect as of April 17th. After thiaa general discussion of the affairs of' the golf' course took place, and it was reccrnnended beT the members that the Council meet with the Golf Committee for the purpose 61' ironing out any misunderstandings which may exist between the Council and the Cornnittee and to establish rules for the future guidance of the Council and Cormnittee in the operat ion and management of the Course. It was finally moved by Mr. Hill and seconded by Mr. Scott that Mr. Keen's resignation be not accepted, at this time. But wi th Mr. Scott's consent Councilman Hill la.ter withdrew his motton and no action was taken in regard to said res:lgnation. Mr. Hill then moved that the Council and. the Golf Committee hold a joint meeting to thresh out a ny differences of op inion that may have ar is en, at earliest convenience. Mr. Sabath seconded the mo1tion, which carried unanimously on roll call. The Mayor thereupon asked that such meetirg be called for Thursday evening, April 24th, at 7:30 P. M. It was moved by Mr. Sabath, seconded by Mr. Hill, and on roll call carried unanimously, that a vote of confidence be extended to r/Iayor Miller am tha t his actionS relative to the Golf Course, up to the present time, be approved. . The Clerk then submitted and read the following le tter : April 17, 1941 Mr. Jess Sabath, Oity. Dear Jess: At the mee t ing of the Golf Commit te e t 110 firs t of l69l-B April 21, 1941 April, tre committee granted Dick '.V1lson a raise of $25.00 per month ];8yable from the first of April. We feel tre. t Mr. Wilson is due this and well worth the increase to the city fer his services to t''1e golf c Olrse. Kindly pass this information on through the proper channels so that Miss Mae will take care of this on the next ];8 y day. /s/ Yours very truly, J. C. KEEN No action was taken on the letter however, as it was agreed to defer all action on golf course matters until after the scheduled meeting on April 24th. councilman Sco tt, Chairman of the 'Vater Committee, reported that Mrs. C. A. Womack had complained about being required to pay a back maintenance charge of $3.00 on the Chisholm house, on S. E. 4th Avenue, which was cut of.f , several years ago, and v.hich maintenance charge is un- collectibiJ.e from the owner. He therefore made a motion that, on account of sickness in the family, Mrs. Womack be allcJV1ed a water conreotion at 206 S. E. 4th Avenue without payil'\g the usual maintenance cmrge, accrued sinoe the first of the fiscal year. Mr. Hill seconded the motion, whioh carried unanimously on roll call. The City Attorney reported that Seagate and Bessemer Properties representatives had recently advertised their intention to apply to the Legislature far' passage of a local bill, crea ting a wet er district, extend ing from .Delray Oi ty limits to Boca Raton. 4i Mr. Nowlin stated tha~ Adolph Hofman had raised ob- jection to the City'S move to incorporate his muck land, East of the Canal, into the city limits, inasmuoh as he said he was una ble to ];8y taxes on any more non-revenue producing property. 'l'he possibility of taking in this land, and in consideration of certain street right- of-ways, which the city will need, to allow tax exemption for a certain number of ye ars was discussed. No action was taken however. Upon the City Clerk's recoIlIllenda tion speoial tax adjustment was given to Eliza pryor, as follows: * All of Block 21, less N. 110' and S 190' OOlounting to $1,293.91 at an adjusted basis of $267.78, s aJre to be fu rther r educed to $217. '78. l691-C ( :April 21, 1941 Mr. Hill called the street Committee's attention to the rapid deterioration of the p:lving on S. W. Second Street running '.Vest to fifth avenue and recOl1ID1ended that it be repaired am. widened if possible. Mr. Mille!' reoommended the t the new streets in Dell and Del-Ida Park be taken care of as re said the oil was being picked up by passing vehicles and wOlld soon be gone if something wasn't done to save them. It was regularly moved, seoonded, and carried that Council ad journ. ~o-f'A~ &-,0 CTIY CLERK APPROVED; ~~ lA~ JiAya-. .. - .