04-24-41 Special 1.6S2 COUNCIL CHAMBER April 24, 1941 The Council met in special sess ion, at 7:30 P. M. on call of the Y,{ayor, for the purpose of discussing with the Golf Committee, business pertaining to the municipal cOUl!"se, and thresh ing out certain matters abou t vldl ich there existed differ- ences of 'opinion, between Jrlembers of the Citv Council and the Golf Committee. The City Attorney and the following CouncillJEn were present: Hr. Hill, Mr. Jacobs, Y,,!r. Miller, Mrs. Sabath and Mr. Scott; also Marshall De'Nitt, J. C. Keen, Clint Moore, Jr., Paul Rehr, J. B. Smith arrI E. M. ~Vilson, members of the Golf Committee. The Jfayor explained. tl:Bt the mee'ting had been called in th e hope that the Cou nci 1 and Golf Commit tee might be able to iron ou t their d.ifferences and come to an understanding in regar~ to the affairs of the Golf Course. Member s of the (jolf Corrnnit tee expr essed the opinion that they felt the City Council d cub ted the capability of the ir canmit tee in handling the Course, and the Mayor replied that it was not that the Council doubt6d the Committee's capability, bu t that it was his desire to b/3ve all branches of the City's business handled. in a businesslike manner, witth reports being made to the City Clerk's office regularly. He said he considered records pertaining to the Golf Course's business should be kept at the City Hall, and in discussing this with Al Keeping last month, nr. Keeping had agreed '.vith him that it was a fine idea to have t':Y!se repo;t'ts come in daily to the City Clerk; and also that he, Mr. Keeping, had asked to be checked out on the 15th of April, the date of his Ie aving. Therefore Mr. lliller had the City Auditor I!P out ,to the Course for the purpose of checking his records. The Mayor said as long as Mr. Keeping was in the office, ~ekly or semi-weekly reports vl\J\Jl'~ be satisfactory, but inasmuch as they contemplated having a colored ran attend to the office during the sumner he thought dail'! reports should be made to the City. Much discus sion followed. J'r. E. M. 'Villlon stated that if the City desired more complete re cords the Comittee must be provided Wi th bett~r equipIlEnt to work with, and asked for a cash register and safe. He culmed his Committee desired to cooperate with the City Council in every way possible. Mayor Miller said that in discussing with J. B. Smith the ma tt er of havi ng Mis s Cramp ha ndle the bo okkeeping en d of the Golf Course business, Mr. Smith had. thought this would meet with the ag:>roval of the rest of his Committee since it VII:> uld. rell eve them of a certa in Emlount 0 f work, but When /'.".. he had taken the matter up with J. C. Keen, Mr. Keen had been of the opinion that ually reports were unnecessary during the 16E3 April 24, 1941 summer, and that these should be required to be turned in only as often as bus ine ss warranted it. Hr. Keen said all business of the course was recorded in a little ledger, and copies of receipts turned in to the City. He said he considered. the Golf Course, today, was a credit to the City due to the sUpervision of the Conmittee. The Mayor contended that Resolution 297 gave the Com- mittee too much authority. This resolution was read, after \1d1ich much discusAion ensued. J.~r. Rehr felt the Council shoulill have suff'icient confidence in the Committee to believe that necessary reports would, be made and the business handled as it should be. " I '( ;1 '\ l~r. CJcott said he fe1 t the Committee ought not to have to do any work ou t the r e, to m. ich Clint Moore replied that if they hired sor:eore for the entire period. it would be too costly a proposition, that at the present time Mr. Dick 'Nilson and the colored boy tool( turns in staying in the office. Mr. Sabath asked if Mr. 'Yilson could rot turn in re- ports weekly, along with the weekly payroll, and members of the Golf' Committee thought this could be arranged. Mr. Soott then rIB de a motion tha t the plan of turning in such weekly report with the f!JJlf course payroll be accepted. This motion was not seconded.. It was the opinion of the City Attorney that any large expenditure of money, or contracts for extensive im- provements, should be submitted to the Ccuncil for approval, this practice als 0 applying to any salary raises of City employees of the Course. ,Mr. 1{ill finally moved. that the roatter of turning in reports be left to the discretion of the Committee, these to be turned in to the City, either dai ly or weekly as the Commit tee sees fi t; also that 'lJheChai.rmE!n+o,f' 'tbe'::Parks Committee of the City Council be appointed. on the Golf Committee. ~~r. Scott seconded the motion, and on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. ,Miller no, Mr. Sabath yes, Mr. Soc'tt yes. The motion carried.. J. C. Keen, at this poirrt, withdrew his resignation as 1 1.694 April 24, 1941 member of the Golf" Committee. Mr. Keen then made recommendat ion to the Citv Council tha t Mr. L. S. \lilson's salary be increased $25.00 per month. The City Attorney suggested tlll. t action on this ma tter be deferred until next meeting night, April 28th. It was regularly moved., seconded and carried that Council ad.journ. ~h~ t~ C 1TY CLERK ~' '..). Jv-i) .- MA R.