04-28-41 Regular 1695 COUNCIL C!V>H"lER April 29, 1941 Tbs Council met in reGular s'ession at 7:30 P. M. with the City Attorney and all rrembers present. Mr. Hill askE d tha t the minutes of' the S}J ecial meeting of' April 24th, Page 1693, be corrected to show that he had moven that the Chairman of the Parks Committee be appointed on the Golf Comittee. With said ,oorrection, it was moved by Hr. Sabath that the minutes of the regular meeting of April 14th, the adjourned meeting of the 16th, and the special meetings or April 21st and 24th stand approved as read. Hr. Hill seconded the motion which carried unanimously. A delegation of V\tlmen, representing the Animal Rescue League of the Palm Beaches was present, an~. addressed the meet- ing, asking that the Council rooke a small monthly finanoial appropriation towards the wo rk they do in Del I'8 y. They sa id Lake.'lorth, Belle Glade and Palm Beach were making such donations, and since Del ray received much benefit and service from t'le League they felt a smAll contribution from the City would only be fair. ( It was moved by Ilr. Sabath tha t this request be re- ferred to' the Finance Comit tee for report, to be taken up as a special order of businec;s at next meeting. Fr. Soott seconded the motic:n, and on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Hill yes, Hr. Jacobs yes, I'r. ~iller yes, Er. Sabath yes, Hr. Soott yes. The motion carried. ' An a~)lication was received from Dr. IT. S. Deming, asking that lots 1,2, and part of 3 Block 3, Ocean Park having and 85- foot Atlantic Avenue frontage, be re-zoned for local business, instead of for hotels ann apartments as it now is. It was moved by I'r. Hill, seconded by Hr. Scott, and on roll call unanimously carried, that this re-zoning application be referred to the Zoning Commis s:ion for recommendation back to the Council. j:>ermit was requested by Orlo Billings to move house from location in Sunset Park, South of' the Gerrrantown Road to Lot 15, Block 67. Upon the apDroval and recoI'lmenc1ation of the Building Inspector, it was moved by Mr. Hill, seconded by Mr. Sabath, an.i on roll call unanimously carried, that permit be granted. A corrrnunication was read fro!'] the BUilding Inspector, in Which the following recommendations as to contractors' licenses were made by the ContractorS' Examining Board. General Buildine Contractors First year's license $100 .00 200.00 General Contractors, excep t building First year's license 50 .00 100.00 1696 Apr 11 28, 1941 Sub-Contractors First year's license 25.00 50.00 He explained that the Contractors Exaninirg Board had met with local contractors on April 21st, at v.hich meeting tbs above change of license fees had been approved and recommended for adopt :ion, by thes e contractors on a 17 to 2 vote. The Mayor stated he was in favor of protecting the local man as much as possible, but that these fees seemed unreasonably high and he thought tb= matter should be well weighed before taking any defini te action thereon. He askE d R. C. Laws on vttat he thought about it and Hr. Lawson and other contractors then spoke in regard to the recommended change, all of them sta ting that other towns denanded a license of like alllount and required out-of-town contractors taking on' jobs in their towns to first pass an examination; therefore it was felt that Delray Beach should have the same protection against outsiders. After considerable r1.iscussion along these lines it was moved by Mr. Sabath that the recommenda tion of the Contractors Examining Board, in regard to change of license fees, be accepted and the Ordinance Committee be authorized to draw an ordinance setting forth these new reg- ulations and lioense fees. Mr. Hill seconded the motion and on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Hill Yl's, I~r. Jacob's yes, Mr. Miller yes, Mr. Sabath Yl's, llr. Scott yes. 'rhe motion carriec A communication was read from J. H. Adams, Attorney, stating he had a cl ient who wmld like to purchase Lot 7 Block 2 Ocean Park; and ask ing tha t she be given first ppportuni ty to buy if at any future time the Ci ty sees fit to sell the property. It was therefore moved by Hr. Soot1; that the. City Clerk advise I~r. Adams that his client will be given this privilege should the City decide to s ell the lot. Mr. Hill seconded tre motion, \'Vh ich carried linen imously. L. J. Nichols, agent for a Thomas Street property owner, requested permission to cut a small foot-pa th through from Andrews Avenue to the Ocean Boulevard, for the convenience of pedestrians. It was moved that this permission be granted with the proviso that it be doIlO under the sliperVlision of the City Engineer. lcr. Hill se(X)nded the motion ann. on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. Miller yes, llr. Sabath yes, Hr. Boo tt Yl's. The motion carried. The following City Engineers estimate for street im- provement Vlork, reool1Irtended at last meeting, was submi tted and read by the Clerk: ESTr"ATED COST 1i'm HE-CONSTRUCTIOn OF S. ',i. SECOND srn-:':ET F'lm: SOUTH S,VIN'])ON AVENUE TO S. 'N. FIFTH AVE. This eS1;irmt e an ti cipates the widening of the existing Nine(9) foot paverrent of Eighteen (18) feet. (Approximately :1697 . April 2G, 1941 1620 L.F.) and construction of' necessary intersection returns. Grading Headerboards Rock 'Vaterbinding Oiling-Prime & Seal Coat Re-surfacing old pavement 600 au. yds @ 401t' 3240 B.F.M. (Set) 408 au. yds (] 1.00 3660 s~. yds @.051t' 3660.s~. yds G.10~ 16m s~. yds (!l.m~ $240.00 195.00 408.00 183.00 366.00 324.00 $:1.716.00 3660 sq. ytds. @ - .468\i 2718 front feet @ .63\i Legal, advertis ing and En@. neering are absorbed in all of the above items, and the use 0 l' xoc al rock is anti cipated. Respe ctfully submitted, HOWARD CROHNl Ci ty Engineer /s/ Some members ~uestioned whether the property abutting on this street warranted the ass essrrent of a street lien for such improvement, as the Clerk stated much of it was tax delinquent property. After discussion, it was moved by Mr. H1:11 tha t t:he matter be referred to the Finance Committee for report back to Council, to be made a :regular order of' business at n€ xt meeting. Mr. Boo tt seconded the motion, which carried unanimously on roll call. .. The Clerk reported tha t an invitation had been extended City officials, by Col. Brown of the 'Var Department, to attend a meeting at 8:00 o'clock 'Vednesday evening at the Town Hall in Palm Bee ch, where Col. Dent, official recorder for the Beach Erosion Board in 'ilashington, wculd speak in regard to beaoh erosion problem. Recommenda tion frcrn the Chairman of the Golf Commi ttlle that the salary of Dick Nilson be raised fran $150.00 to $175.00 per month, was by motion of ~~r. Hill, secmmded by Mr. Sabath, and on roll call unanimously carried, approved and authorized. 'v. A. Jacobs moved that the Clerk write Dr. Brainard asking him to have his lOO-foot lot in Block 57 cleared, since property owners had compla ire d about its condi tion. rr. Sabath seconded the motion, which c&ried unanimously on roll call. Tbs Chairman of the Sanitary Committee also repcr ted that he had inspected ttE land of Hr. :?ook, South of town, and tha t it was in goo d shape and no un:fill ed holes r EIl1ained, as: had been contended in the letter received from the Chamber of Commerce at 1 as t meeting. :1698 . April 29, 1941 Mr. Jacobs also reported tha t t~ sewage disposal system ha d been pu t into goo d \\tlrkine co ndi t ion, and t tfl t the Ci ty wCll1d have a good :plant for a number of years. He said, however, that a better method s'1ould be provided for removing the sludge from the basin as the present one of hauling it off be' truck vms slOl'r. He said, elso, tha t the garbage ditch, recS1 tly dug, had r<J.et the City's present need and that it had tended to make for a sanitary condition heretofo rEi lacking, and had almost entirely eliminated the flies recently complained of. Mr. Scott, Chairman of the Light Committee, recommended the iIUltallation of a street light, in Colored Town, on IT. '.',. 4th Avenue, between 1st and 2nd str(3et, and it was lIDved by l'r. Hill, seoonded b7 l~r. EJabath and unanimOUSly carried that Mr. Scott.s recomr<Fndation-- be approved and said installation be made. A request V'ias received fro!'11~r. .T. M. .Cromer that the taxes, on the follOl'ring properties, which were payable on an adjusted basis, for ~287.52 Be further reduced to $215.65, in full settlerrent: Block 95 Lots 8 and 9 Block 4 Lots 9,10,11,12 Bloc k [3 Lot 1 Osceola Block 13 Lot 23 Osceola Osceola Park Park Park After discussion, it was moved by Hr. Sabath that this matter he referren to th€' Finance Committee for report back to the Council at next meeti.nG. l'r. C1cott seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. A proposed :photograp~r's ordinance, defining itinerant photographers, and establishing license fees for such, also an ordinance regulat ing solici ti~ and peddling within the city limits, were outlined by the City Attorney, who stated that local photo graphers urged the pass a'se of such an ordina nce in Delr8 y. It was accordi ngly moved by Hr. Hill tha t these two ordinances be incorporated into one ordinance and presented for T,Hl.SS age on it s first reading. l~r. C1abath second ed the motion, which on roll call carried urranimously. An or d in an ce re gu lat ing the bus ines s of term i te control was presented, "and read. It beirg citer1 that an emergency exis- ted, it was moved by Mr. Rill tl1S. t said ordinance, as follows, be adopted finally, on it s first reading: 1699 April 28, 1941 ORDllTANCE 390 A,'i EM3R'iENCY ORDmANCZ OF THE CITY OOUNC IL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORmA, REGULATING FUNGUS AND/OR nmECT CONTROL, PROVmmG FO~ PERr'IT TO CONDUCT SUCR OCCUPATION OR BUSmJ1})S IN SAm CITY, PROVIDING FOR LICENSE FEE THERE- FOR A~m 0 crrTER REGULA TrONS TIT REH'.c;.'{ENCE THERETO. Mr. Sabath seconded the motion, and on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. Miller yes, Mr. Sabath yes. Mr. Scott yes. '!he motion carried. A bill presen ted by the Good Samaritan Hospital cower- ing laboratory tests and ro om expense for A. L. Jurney, amounting to ~14.30, was presented to the Council ror pay- lD.'!nt. It was explained tha t the illness contractad by this boy was probably partly due to lead poisoning from paint used in pai!1ting city streets, therefore Hr. Sabath said he felt that the City was morally obligated to pay the bill and moved that the City Clerk be authorized to do this. Mr. Scott seconded the motion, which carried unanimously on roll call. It was moved by Mr. Hill, seconded by Mr. Sabath and unanimously carried tha t dockage fees be not charged d1ll.ring the summer months. It was moved by Mr. Sabath that bill s numbered 6807 to 6861, having been approved by the Finance Corrmittee, be returned to the Council and ordered paid. The followirg communicat ion was the n s ubrni tted and read by the clerk: April 24th, 1941 " Members of the City Ccuncil, Delray Beach, Flori da. Gentlemen : I find it inconvcnien t to continue my of fi ce of J~ayor. Kindly accept my resignation of said office. I will hO';l'ever re tain my off'ice as City Councilman 170 which the citizens have elected me, to the close of my term. /s/ ReSIlE ctfUlly yours, A. L. HILLER 1.700 April 28, 1941 After some little discussion, in which Hr. Miller ass ured the rnembllI's tha t he definitely desired acceptance of his resignation, it was moved by l.\r. Jacobs that the resignation be accepted. Ijr. Hill seconded the motion, V'fuich carried unanimously on roll ca 11. ~ After this Council regularly adjourned. ~~. ~ d'YHr- CITY CLERK APPROVED: ,.. " ''.