05-26-41 Regular :17:14 COUNCn.. CHAMBER May 26, 1941. The Council met in regular session at 7:30 P. M. with the City Attorney and following members present: Mr. Jacobs, Mr. Miller, Mr. Sabath and Mr. Scott. Mr. Hill was absent. By motion regularly made, seconded and oarried, the minutes of the regular meeting of May 12th and the special meeting of May 19th were approved as read. A request was read from F. Kortenbuetel and F. J. Schrader, asking that the \~ter main be extended and a fire hydrant placed within 500 feet of their residences at 1502 and 1508 N. Swinton Avenue, as they claimed they were compelled to pay excessive fire insurance rates because there was no hydrant inclose proximity to their homes. By motion of Mr. Miller, seconded by Mr. Jacobs and unanimously carried, this matter was referred to the Fire Chief for investigation and report baok to the Council at next meeting. The following letter was read from the City Engineer with reference .to applioation for water service on Lot 26, Section 9, at the Beach. It was explained that this property was within the City limits but that it was the applioant's intention to pipe the water further on for use outside the 'Cityl'imits: May .23, 1941. City Council, Delray Beach, Florida. Gentlemen: Regarding the application of Mr. \Y.m. L. Christenson for water at north City limits. To set this meter as requested, at the northwest corner of Lot 26. and service same from the four inoh Bessemer main at the Slane property, would requite five hundred forty feet of four inch pipe at seventy- five cents ~r foot installed, or a total of four hundred five dollars. This installation is not reoommended. To properly servioe the property in question, a six inch main should be extended from North Ooean 4f$..,~ :ij' I 1.71.5 'May 26, 1941 Boulevard al ong the nor th prope rty line of Lots 26 and 27 a d istan ce of ap proximately seven hundred feet at a dol1Br twenty per foot, or total of eight hundred four dol1B rs. Wi th this installa- tion a fire hydrant could be set at the end of the main, giving 'proper water service and f ire protection. From the average revenue to be ex~ cted from residences in this district, a capital investment of two hundred dollars per house for pipe lines \\Uuld seem to be the maximum investrrent advisable. On this basis, if Mr. Christenson wishes to pay for the installation of the six inch main, it would seem good business for the City to refund his money at the rate of two hundred dollars for each connection to the main, which represented a bona fide consumer. Very truly yours, Isl HOWARD L. CROMER Mr. Sabath stated he was not in favor of extending water outs ide the City limi ts, and Mr. Mille r re commended that no action be taken until there :is a definite settlement 'of the question of supplying water to out-of-to\vu consumers. It was finally moved by Mr. Sabath that the City Engineer's recommenda- tion be referred to the Water Committee to bring in report and recommendation, as a special order of business, at the next meeting Mr. Jacobs seconded the mtion, and on roll call the vote was as ,.J follows: Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. Miller yes, Mr. Sabath yes, Mr. Scotf >> yes. The motion oarried. w t A request was received from residents in Blook 72,. on S. E. First Avenue, asking that a street lamp be placed at the corner of S. E. First Avenue and Third street. It was stated that there was already a light at the Gorner of S. E. First Avenue and Second Street, al so one a t the corne r 0 f Swinton and Third Street. It was finally moved by Mr. Miller that this matter be referred to the Chairman of the Light Committee for recomrrendation at next meeting. Mr. Sabath seconded tre motion I'fuich carried unanimously on roll call. The following letter was read from the Recreation Club: May 16, 1941. To the Honorable Mayor and City Counoil, Delray Beach, Florida. Gentlemen: At there~est of the members of the Recreation Club , 1'1':16 May 26, 1941 I want to submit for your consideration the following estimate of necessary repairs at the Recreation Park. Canopies to be rebuilt or repaired with permanent roofs. New lighting system, Florescent light over the courts. Estimated cost, $335.00. ThESe improvements are necessary for the benefit of the Recreation Center. Soliciting your favorable consideration I am, Respectfully yours, Is! PETER EIMHORN Club Manager, Delray Beach Recreation Club. ^, It was moved by Mr. Miller that the communication be filed until such time as the budget is made up for the qoming year, and that the Association be notified of this action. Mr. Sabath seconded the motion, which carried unanimously on roll call. The Clerk submitted and read the following rEoommendation of the Zoning-Planning Commission in regard to re-classification of Lots 1 to 13, lying East of the Boulevard, ~n Block "E" . Palm Beach ShorE Acres: "It was not the intention of this Commission to change the zoning of the property lying East of the Boulevard and. we considEr that its zone "AlJ classifi- cation was not affected by our recownendation. We do reconunend, however, that that yortion of' said property described as Lots 6 to 13 lying East of the Boulevard in sa id Block "E" Palm Beach Shore Acres be restrickd to the extent that structures thoTeon shall be in the nature of babanas or for bath house purposes only, ano that no continuous shrubbery planting or wall in that area shall be permitted of a height of more than five feet above tho grade of the Boulevard. That Lots 1 to 5 in said Block "E" Palm Beach Shore Acres shal.l remain in 'Class "A" Zone. It is further recommende~.. t hat cabanas or such appurtenant buildings shall np.~. exceed a height of five feet above the grade of \;hI! Ocean Boullllvard". 1717 May 26, 1941 It was moved by Mr. Sabath that the Zoning-Planning Commission's recommendation be referred to the City Attorney to draw up the necessary amendment covering recOl!ll'1ended zoning changes, said amendment to be submitted, on its first reading, at next regular meeting of the CounciL Mr. Miller seeonded the motion, remarkinC! that he might reverse his de- cision at next meeting. On roll call, the vote was as follows: Hr. Jacobs yes, Mr. Miller yes, Mr. Sabath yes, Mr. Scott yl;lS. The motion carried. The hour of 8:00 O'clock having arrived, bids werE opEned as follows for the purchase, by the City, of approximately 700 feet of Class B-10" Standard Cast Iron Pipe. BIDDER TYPE OF PD'E COST PER FOOT $ 1. 7528 net 1.73 2.11 1.95 1.90 1. 76. 1.91 1.8875 Central Foundry McWane Cast Iron Pipe Co. U.S. Pipe & Foundry Co. Am. Cast Iron Pipe Co. E. Harold Johnson Delray Plumbing & Special ty Universal Type "T" McWane B&S B&S Cas t Iron Supe r-deLavaud B&S B&S Mono-cast centrifugal B&S' Cas t Iron mos Cast Iron After discussing tbe various bids and conferring with the City Engineer thereon it 1vas moved by Mr. Miller that contract be awarded to The Central Foundry Company, said concern being recommended by the City Engineer and Mr. Baker, as the best bidder. Mr. Sabath seconded the motion and on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. Miller yes, Mr. Sabath yes, Mr. Scott ~s. The motion carried. The follo'~ng recommendation was read from t~ Building Inspector. City Council, Delray Beach, Fla. Gentlemen: Owing to the irregularities of property linES on the ;rest side of Swinton Avenue, from Fourth street North to the City limits, it seems advisable that the Council establish a bUilding set-back line from the oEnter of the street. It is recommended that the set-back linE on the West side be set at 68 feet from the center of the street. :1718 May 25, 1941 Del-Ida Park property line is 35 fe&t from center line of Swinton Avenue, and Dell Park property line is 25 feet. This condition makes the property line on the East side very unsatisfactory toward having a uniform street width. Yours very truly, IRWIN J. SINKS. After considerable discussion, in which it was suggested that the City attempt to establish uniform set-backs for both sides of the street and also acquire additional right-of-\~y for widening Swinton Avenue to the full 55-foot width maintained along some sections of said street, tt was finally moved by Mr. Jacobs that an,ordinance be drawn establishing a set-back of 58-feet from the center of the street, on all property lying ','lest of Swinton Avenue, and that no permits be issued on said property unless such set-back is maintained. Mr. Sabath seConded the motion and on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. Miller yes, Mr. Sabath yes, Mr. Scott yes. The mo~ion carried. A comnunication from the Florida State Board of Heslth, enclos inB a copy of' Chapter VI of thli FLORIDA STATE SANITARY CODE, entitled "Sewagti Disposal in Unsewered Areas," together with sketoh of approved type of septic tank, was read and it was recollllJl!lnded tre t the City adopt these requiren:ents in its local ordinance regulating septic tank construction. It was moved by Mr. Sabath that s aIll!' be referred to the Special . Plumbing Committee all' ointed to draw up a llilW plumbing ordinanoe for the City. Mr. Miller seconded the motion, am on roll oall ;the vote was as follows: Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. Miller yes, Mr. Sabath yes, Mr. Scott yes. The motion oarried. The Clerk repOTted having han no wCX'd from A. F. Baggett in regard to his delinquent water bill, a m it was therefore ordered tha t the watlOr be shut off. It was moved by Mr. Miller that the follo\nng resolution be adop ted: RESOLUTION 395. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCn.. OF THE CITY CF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, ORDERING THE CONSTRUCTION OF CERTJl.IN STREET ThIPROVEM1<;NTilORK ON S. \'1. 2ND STREET (S. W. SECOND STREET). 1719 May 25, 1941 and that same be advertised for two consecutiVE! weeks, together with a notice to interested property owners, advising that the City Council will sit at 7:30 P. M. on JuIJ! 15th. to hear ob jllctions on said propoo ed improv<llllllnt. Mr. Sabath seconded the motion, am on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. Miller yes, Mr. Sabath yes, Mr. Scott yes. The motion carried. The Ohairman of the Street Committee reported that N. W. Third Avenue and N. W. First street were in very bad condition and should be repaired if th! s tree t was to be 5 aved. It was accordingly mov ed by Mr. Mill er that Mr. Cromer be ins tructed to ins:pe ct thm paving, and prepare specifications and estimate of co sts for repa:lr of N. W. Third Avenue (between Atlantio Avenue and Seconi street) anI of N. W. First Strut (between Third Avenue and Fif th Avenue, Sou 1:h W!lst) for presentation at next meeting. Mr. Sabath secondE!d the motion, and on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. Mill er yes, Mr. Sabath yes, Mr. Scott yes. The motion oarried. Councilman Sabath stated that N. E. Seventh Avenue was badly cut up by trucks turning the corner at Ramona Oourt Apart- ments, and using Seventh Avenue to avoid traffic on the Federal Highway: He said he felt it would be wiSE! to find out what it would cost to put in header and fix up the East side of said street before it deteriorates further. The Clerk submitted Photographers Ordinance 391 for passage on its second reading. Councilman Miller stated he would have to give same a little more thought before he would be Willing to vote on it. It was therefore recommended that final passage be postponed to enable the Council to give the Ordinance morE! study. Ordinance 392 regulating the practioE! soliciting was also submitted for passage. felt unprepared to act on same, so this was for action at a future meeting. of peddling and Some of the members also ordered tabled The.Chairman of the Sanitary Committee reported that R. E. MoIntyre had complained regarding the badly overgrffivu condition of the street right-of-way, and property directly south of his home, which condition, he claimed, constituted a firE! hazard to his property. He had therefore made a proposition that if the City would clear its right-@r~way he would hire necessary labor, at his O\VU expense, to clear an additional portion of the adjoining property, thereby removing the hazard complained of. Mr. Jacobs recommended that the City cooperate with Mr. McIntyre to the extent requested, and it was moved by Mr. Mill~r, seconded by Mr. Sabath, and on roll call unanimOUSly oarried, th~t his recommendation be approved and acted upon. Councilman dacobs also reported having investigated Mr. Newbury's complaint and said he believed the people down 1720 May 25, 1941 there were entitled to some relief, but since they were unwilling to bear any of the expense, or buy the improvement liens for such work he knew of no way to finance such clearing. He thought, ho\~ver, that if the streets and alleys were cleared this would probably permit passage 0 f some a IT through"".the wooded area. Mr. 8abath said he understood there was a sum set up in the budget for beautification and planting, North of the Beach Pavilion. After discussion, it was moved by Mr. Sabath that an appropriation of $250.00 be made for extension of beautifica- tion, additional sprinklers, grading, top soil and plaDtingof grass for a minimum distance of 200 feet North of the Beach Pavilion. Mr. Miller seconded the motion, which on roll call, carr~ed unanimously. It was moved by Mr. Jacobs that the City clear out Thomas Street right-of-way betweEn Andrews Avenue and the Ocean Boule- vard for a width of twenty feet. Mr. Sabath seconded the motion, which carried unanimous ly, on roll call. Mr. ;3abath reported that the swimming :pool was in bad condition and would definitely need \IDrk done on it this summer. He said the concrete walks were cracked as well as the pool, and that it needed a thorough going over to determine the cause of this. Mr. Sinks suggested that before it is painted, the walls of the pool be ground smooth with an electric grinder. It was further recommended that the upper west porch be repaired. After a discussion of these various needed repairs and improve- ments it was moved by Mr. Miller that Mr. Sinks be instructed to inspect the building and pool am report back as to necessary repairs and estimated cost of same, at next meeting of the CounciL Mr. Sabath seconded the motion, and on roll call the vote \~s as follows: Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. Miller yes, Mr. Sabath yes, Mr. Scott yes. The motion carried. Mr. Scott reported that John Gregory recommended the purchase of a Black Hawk jack, SUfficiently heavy to lift the fire engine and other heavy trucks being worked on in the garage. It was accordingly moved by Mr. Sabath, seconded by Mr. Miller, and on roll call, unanimously carried that said purchase, amounting to approximately $80.00, be authorized. On motion of Mr. Miller, seconded by Mr. Sabath, and on roll call unanimously carried, the purchase of a new filing oabinet with lock, for Building Inspector's office was authorized, with the understanding that the one at present in use in this offioe be transferred to the office of the Fire Department. Mr". Sabath reported that Victor Croft needed about ten additional lockers on the ladies side of the private bath house; also that Mr. Croft had agreed to paint the inside if the City would provide the necessary paint. ~ 1";'21 May 26, 1941 It was moved by Mr. Sabath, seconded by 1~. Miller, and on roll call unanimously carried that bills numbered 5911 to 5957, having been approved by the Finance Committee, be returned to the Council and ordered paid. It was regularly moved, seconded and carried, that Council adjourn. Cjh-/AJ fA) . 0;.MNI1J C1 ty Cler . APPROVED: ~~ Mayor. I