06-18-41 Adjourned Regular I, r 1 .. , :1741 INSPECTION CFFICE City Hall. Jure 18, 1941 Thl Council met in regular adjenrned session at 1i':30 P.lI. with the City Attorney and au _bers of the Council prellllnt. At the hOl1r of 7:?IJ, bids were opeued on furnishing of ntllJ dump truck for the street department, in accord wiib speciricationa submitted to bidders by the City Engineer, which bids lIlIIl"e as follOlfs: Delray Beach JIotoN $1,187.00 Delray Service Garage l,4~.75 or Allowing for trade-in on old tl'l1ck l,?lJ9.75 Arter discussion, it 11'&8 moved l:v )fro )(iUe. that the larest bid be accepted. 1Ir. Hill IlIlconded the motion am on roll call the vote was as. follOlf8: Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Jacobs yea, Mr. lIiUer yee, Mr. Sabath ;78s, 11I". Scott yes. 'l'bl Dl)tion carried. In regard to the 3O-inch wid8n~ each side of N.E. Seventh Avenue, eJCtending two blocks North of 1.tlant1.c 1.vlllllll, question as to uecassary removalM 'Irl.n~;bJ1.st1es<itl front of JIr. Troup's hOIlse call1ll up, and the CiV Engineer enquired wbe ther:' or not tlB Council intenlll.lid to order:' their relllOval from tlB City street to allow for the proposed widening. IrlalllDl1ch as Mr. TroIIp had been so ppposed, in the past, to having ibese bushes disturbed,llr. )(iller and other cOl1ncilmen stated thsJr hated to order their removal, and rec_nded that the City offer to transplant thees bushes to e:ny place on 1Ir. Troup'S property that he f/lIq desire. It was thought that bt lIOuld probably be agreeable to the wide~ under these conditions, and it was regularly Dl)ved, seconded and darri.ed that the City Clerk write and ask Mr. Troup ir he was willinc\ to do this. Mr. R.G. Bird appeared in behalf or the Sons or the Iagion, organization, eta ting that the Iagion was spollBormg the 4th of July celebration and asked pe1'llli seion to use the Park and beach and possibly the pool for a COI1ple of hours for a lire aavilll demonstration snd children's divmg and !l1I'1nw1llg exhibition. The Sons of tile Legion, he said, lIOuld haw charge of menta from noon until 6:00 P.ll. at llbich tiDll the Legionnaries would take over. They intended to put llables darn on the BEach and serve liUppBr, to which all. of the t01l'llllpeople were invited. In order to carry out this progmm, a donation or arc:nnd $50.00 fraa the City, he said would be appreciated by the Sons of the legion, for purcIBse of prizes &c. Quite a discussion foUo1l'8d in mgard to this, it being advocated by eoDe membllrs that the celebration be liUpported by various civic organizations rather than financed by the City. Mr. Bird said his organization did not favor the solicitation of donations from the business Den, IIIlli felt that a donation from the City 1I'OI1ld result in a more equitable distribution at the cost among the citizens. It was stated the CitQ"' s publicitQ" fund was exhausted and there was no other:' fund from which this donation COI1ld justifiablT be mads. Mr. llillar felt that tbt City shOl1ld not be called upon to ~ the f'ull lIIIlCW1t. therefore IIIOwd that $25.00 be donated fmm the Geueral Fund as the City's mare towards the celsbration. Mr. Jacobs seconded the IIDUon, which carried ......ni"""1lllT on roll. :17",,2 June 18, 1941 By motion regularly mads, escomed am carried the Clerk 1I'&S authorized to accept $100.00 in run ssttleuent or taxes and iJaprovelllllnt liens autstanding against lots 10 &: ll, IX>1I' in the n/JJIIl of O.R. Jledlln, or Gatlinburg, Tennessee. , At this point COI1ncilman )(iller left the meeting. The Fire Chief then proceeded to show a couple or reele or mcrri;e fUms protraying Delrey scenes, for the purpose of determining whether SlIIlIl were liUitable to use for publicity purposes at the Florida state Exhibit ill Atlantic City. It 1I'&S decided, however, that this would be too costl,y a 'proposition and that it 1I'IlUld be impossible to cut and caption the fi11tl far use this seaaon. The Clerk broaght up the lIB tter of tax aseeBlIIIIIlnts for 19U, enquiring &8 to whether the members wished her to r we the valuations to a full 100%, and after discussion, it 11'&8 moved by' Ilr. Hill that the City Clerk be authorized to change her assellSuent roll to CCIIlp~ with the recent act or LegisJature calling far a 100% valuation, said 100% to be arrived at tv the doubling of present valuations. )fro Jacobs sedomed the motion, snd on roll call the vote was as foUOlf8: Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Jacobs yes, JIr. Sabath ~, Mr. Scott yes. The IIDtion carried. r t APPROVED: r... j -~~'\ ~A~'(!,~ CITY CLERK .