06-23-41 Regular :1743 COUNCn. CHAMBER o. June 23, 1941 r H, I I The Council met in regular session at 7:30 P.M. with the City Attorney and all members of the council present. By motion regularly made, seconded and carried the minutes of the regular meeting of June 9th and the special meetings of June 16th and 18th were approved as read. A letter was read from Arthur L. Noble, of Stuart, quoting a price of 85st per fooi!; on 1000 feet of 8" cast iron pipe and 70st on 600 feet of' 6", also .05st per lb. on fittings and tees. This quotation was discussed, sorre of the members thinking the price too high for second-hand pipe. It was therefore moved by If.r. Miller that the City Engineer be authorized to offer a prioe of 70st on 1000 feet of 8" and .50st for the 6". Mr. Hill seconded the motion and on roll oa11 the vote was as follows: tf.r. Hill yes, Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. Miller yes, Mr. Sabath yes, Mr. Scott yes. The motion carried. Estimate was submitted by the City Engineer covering cost 01' constructing a new 18' pavement on N.W. 4th Avenue (from Atlantic Avenue to N.W. 2nd street). After discussing the desirability of this paving and the probability 01' collecting on the liens asc:essed therefor, it was moved by Mr. Miller that the following resolution be adopted: ,-' ... RESOLUTION. 403 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNClL OF THE CITY OF DEIRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS OF THE CITY ENGTImER FOR CER'I'ATIl STREET TI1PROVEllENT WORK TO BE CONSTRUCTED ON N. W. FOURTH AVlThTUE (FROM ATLANTIC AVENUE TO N. W. SECOND STREET) - Colored Town. . Mr. Hill seconded the motion, which carried unanimously on roll call. o It was further moved by Mr. Miller, seconded by Mr. Hill and unanimously. carried that the 1'ollowing resolution be adopted. ~ .,.., RESOLUTION 404 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCn. OF THE CITY OF DEL RAY BEACH, FLORIDA, ORDERTIJG THE CONSTRUCTION OF CERTAJN STREET IMPROVE'- MENT WORK ON NORTHWEST FOURTH AVENUE FROM ATLANTIC AVENUE TO NORTHWEi3T SECOND STREET. It .~s moved by Mr. Hill, seconded by ~tr. Miller and on roll call carried unanimously that the 1'ollowing resolution be also adopted. :1744 June 23, 1941 RESOLUTION 407 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCn. OF THE CITY OF DEIRAY m,ACH, FLORmA, ORDERING THE CONSTRUCTION OF CERTATIJ STREET DIPROVE- MENT W'ORK ON NORTIf.\lEST THIRD AVElTUE FROI\ ATLANTIC AVENUE TO NORTHWEST SECOND STRE"T AND NORTHWEST FIRST STREET FROM NOR TH- 'llEST THIRD AV3:J'WE TO NORTII.'rEST FIFTH Avm-nm TO A,lmTH OF EIGHT'EEN FEET. The following communication was submitted and read: June 23/41 To The HOllo Mayor and City Counc i1 Delray Beach, Florida. Gentlemen: In regard to the City Board 01' BeautioiQns, I have decided not to resign until we get better organized. ~ 1it,h best wishes I beg to remain r Isl Yours Viery truly, I'JW. J. H. CROlIER It was accordingly moved by Hr. J:iller that Hrs. Ruth Hering be appointecl to fill thl vacancy caused by Lois Kilgore's res- ignation, to serve on the Beautician"s Board together wit h E.B. Nichols and Mrs. J.M. cromer, incumb€nt r~mbers of the Board. I:r. Sabath seconded the mo"tion vmich carried unanimously on roll call. , , The Clerk asked if the Council had 60me to any decision in regard to donating to the Animal Rescue League, stating she had reoeived further ~nquiries BE to the Council's aotion in the matter. After disoussion as to the legality of the City contrib- uting to this organization, in which Mr. Nowlin stated he was of the opinion the City was legally justified in doing so in return for the service rendered to the City, it was moved by Mr. Hill that the 1'ollowing resolution be adopted, appropriating $25.00 to the League on the 1st of October 1941. RESOLUTION 405 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNClL OF THE CITY OF DEL'U\Y BEACH, FLORIDA l\PPROPRIATING AND DONA'rmG A SU' OF ']",fENTY-FlVE DOLLARS TO TH3 ANDf.AL RESCUE LEAGUE OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA. Mr. S:i:1:ath seconded the motion, and on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Hill yes, ),tr. Jacobs yes, ),ll'. Miller yes, litr. Sabath :1745 . June 23, 1941 yes, Mr. Scott yes. The motion carried. . Hr.. J"oim Adams appeared at the !'leeting making further request for water conne ct ion in Block 4. TIe stated it was estimated about 300 feet of pipe would be required to run from Atlan tic Avenue nor th to the location desired, and asked that the Council re-consider the question of running water out to the house in course of construction, where 'the installatinn 01' bathroom :facilities is contemplated. It was accordingly moved by Mr. Miller tha t the Engineering Departm~nt, and C.A. Baker check into the matter again with lf1r. AdamS: and make recommendation back to the Council at its next meeting. ~tt. Hill seconded the motion, and on roll call, the vote was as follmvll: Mr. Hill yes, Hr. JaccDs yes, Mr. Miller yes, Mr. Sabath yes, Mr. Scott yes. The motion carried. Mr. ;r.M. Cromer also ap1peared before the members, in the interest of the Chamber of Commerce asking that the City go ahead with its proposed yacht basin improvement, so that a greater number of boats may be accommodated next season. He stated the Chamber of Commerce was also working on a scheme for a new basin but it would not be in readiness for next winter, therefore it was requested.that the Council proceed with its proposed improvement of the present yacht basin. Members stated the matter had been given consideration but no method of" financ ing had been arrived at. It was l!lx:plained that th:ls could be done by issuing liens against potential revenue to be derived :from dockage fellS. The City Engineer thereupon presented plans for t he proposed improvement with estimate of costs amounting to $l,lOO.OO, whioh estimate, he Said, was based on rates gotten from a number of towns starting a 3 cents a foot to lr, cents :per foot. A1'ter discussion, it was moved by Mr. Hill tha~ the City Engineer be authorized to go ahead and prepare necessary plans and specifica- tions and apply for a government pera'it to go ahead with this work. It was stated th at such permit was good fur two ye ars, in oase the City decided to postpone work on the proposed improvement. Mr. Miller seoonded the motion, and on roll oall the vote was as follows: Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. Miller, yes, Mr. Sabath yes, Mr. Scott yes. The motion carried. The City Engineer said he muld need a draftsman for about a week -on these plans and he was authorized to employ help necessary to carry ou t the instructions of the Counc li. Mr. H.A. Hubbard \!f8S asked .his opinion of the proposed yacht basin improvement, and stated he was in favor of the City enlarging its dockage famili ties, as he considered the improvement could be financed through revenue-bearing certificates, and he believed it would attract a very desirable class of tourists who \~uld be a definite asset to Delray. r It was regularly moved, seconded and carried that the following ordinance be placed on its second readiD@;: 1746 JuM~ 23. 1941 ORDINANCE 399 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, CREATnm A SPECIAL BUILDING ZONE IN BLOCK E OF PALM BEACH SHORE ACRES, PROVID:rnG ]OR '!HE BUILDING REQ.UIREMENll'S THEREIN AND PROVlillNG CERTAIN OTHER PROV:rs IONS IN REFERENCE TO CONSTRUCTION WORK THEREIN. Councilman Miller enquired whether this ordinance permitted the issuance of special :permits, a nd the City Attorney stated it did. The ordinance having been read in full the second time, it was moved by 1~. Hill, seconded by Mr. Sabath, and on roll oall unanimously carried, that it be adopted on its second reading and final passage. , It was regularly moved, seconded and carried that the follo\~ng ordinance be :pIa oed on its second reading: ORD INANCE NO. 400 f AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCn. OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORmA', DEFINING THE OCCUPATION OF GENERAL BUn.DING CONTRACTCR " GENERAL CONTRACTOIl AND SUB-CONTRACTOR, DEFINING THE TERM CON- TRACTOR AND PROVm:rnG FOR A LICENSE FEE FOR ALL CONTRACTCRS DOING BUSINESS IN THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA. , l _/ .( ~. The ordinance having been read in full for the second time, it was moved by Mr. Miller t~t it be adopted on its second reading and final passage. Mr. Hill seconded the motion and on roll call the vote was as follO'1s: l,~. Hill yes, Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. Miller yes, Mr. Sabath yes, ~. Scott yes. The motion carried. It \~s regularly moved, seconded and carried that the followin@ ordinance be placed on its second reading: ORDINANCE NO. 401 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCn. OF THE CITY OF DEL RAY BEACH, FLORIDA, ESTABLISHING A SET-BACK REQUIREMENT ON THE PORTION OF NORTH S'r'/INTON AVENUE LOCATED BET'.'ffiEN NORTH 4th STREET AND THE NORTH CITY LDUTS. The ordinance having been read in full the second time, it was moved by Mr. Sabath, seconded by l~. Hill, and on roll call unan- imously carried, that the ordinance be ad~pted, on its second reading and 1'inal passage. r'~'" \ '1 ( I .j,i -. ~ , 1.'747 J~r 23, 1941 It was regularly moved, seconded and carried that the following ordinance be placed on its second reading: ORDINANCE No. 402 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCn OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, REG11IATING THE CONSTRUCTIOn, INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE OF APPARATUS AND :!!)qpm.lENT HOLDING, CONTAIN- ING AND/OR USTIJG LIQ.UIFIED PETROLEUM GAS, PROVIDING FOR FEES TO BE PAID FOR TIETAILATION THEREOF AND PROVmDm :roB PENALTIN3 FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF. Mr. Sabath thought one of th!! sections, speci1'ying the lioense fee, conflioted with the Contractor"s License ordinance No. 400, and asked that this ~ection be amended so as to exempt from additional license, under ordinance 402, those holding "General Building Contractors", "General Con tractors" and "Plumbing Contractors" Licenses. The ordinance having been read the second time, in its amended form, it was moved by lillr. Hill that it be adopted on its second reading and final passage. Mr. Miller seconded the ~otion, and on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Hill yes, l~r. ~acobs yes, Mr. Miller yes, l!.r. Sabath yes, lIT. Scott yes. The motion carried and the ordinance was declared adopted. It was regularly moved, seconded and carried that the following ordinance be placed on its second reading: ORDTI1ANCE 391 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY commn. OF THE CITY OF D:E;EFlfi BEACH, FLORIDA, REGULATTIJG THE BUSIKR3S, OCCUPATION AND/OR :mOFESSION OF PHOTOGRAPHY IN THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, DEFINING DDFERENT CLASSIFICATIONS OF PHOTOGRAPHY, PROVmmG FOR A LICENSE FEE FOR THE PRACTICE OF PHOTOGRAPHY, AND PROVIDING FOR PENALTIES FOR VIOLATIOn OF THIS CRDmANCE. The or"iinance having been read the second time in full, it was moved by Mr. Hill, seconded by litr. Sabath, and on roll call unanimously carrie d that the ord inance be adopted on its second reading and final passage. It was regularly moved, secomed and carried that tb! 1'olldlW- ing ordinance be placed on i:ts second reading. , ORDINANCE 392 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORmA, REGULATING THE SELLING OR TAKTTG ORDERS FOR GOODS, W~RES aND MERCHANDISE FOR J!'U'l'uHE DELIVERY'. AND FOR THE mmDIATE SALE OF GOODS, WARES AND MERCHANDISE, BTFJER THAN m AN ESTABLISHED PLACE OF BUSJNESS IN THE C JTY OF DEL 'lAY BEACH, FLORIDA. '';; , t 1748 June 23, 1941 The ordinance having been read in full, the second time, it was moved. by Mr. Hill seconded by Mr. sabath, ani on roll call unanimously carried that it be adopted on its second read ing and final pass age. At this point Hr. Hill left tre meeting. It was regularly moved, seconded and carried that the following ordinance be placed on its first reading: ORDINANCE 'io06 AN ORDlllAN:::E OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORmA, AJv'EI'TDING ORDINANCE NO. l52, AS AMENDED BY ORD JNANCE NO. 220, THE SAME BEING AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE SALE AND DISTRIBUTION OF NATER FURNISHED, PROVmING FOR A MEINTENANCE AND SERVICE CHARGE FOR ,'3ERVICE IlENDERED TO OWNERS AND CONSm.lERS BY THE CITY OF DELRAY, FLORmA; REGULATllm THE RA 'C'ES THEREFOR, AND REGULATING TIlE MIlliNER IN 7/HICH WATER CONNECTIONS AN:) METERS SHALL BE FURNISHED AND PROVmJNG PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION THEREOF: CREATION OF :LIENS FaR PAST AND UNPAID ACCOUN1.'S: AND REPEALING ALL ORDTIJANCES OR PA.l1TS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWrrH. The ordinance havi~ been read in full, it was moved, by Mr. Miller that it be :passed on its first reading. Mr. Sabath secona"ed the motion, and on roll call tre vote was as follows: Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. Mille ryes, Mr. Sabath yes, Mr. Sc ott yss. The motion carried. . House :Bill 192 9 co veri ng charter changelll, as finally passed by the State Legislature, was presented by the City Attorney. He s.tated the b ill had become a Law upon its pass age by the Legislature, Ii iree same did. not require a referendum vote of" the people. Mr. Cromer, stated that in going over the 'bids submitted on the caUlking job for city buildings, he found that the South Florida Roofing Co~any had bid only on, the City Hall Building .ani had overlooked tre fact that caulking was required on the bath house also; therefCll'e Mr. GHrson had submitted a furth er bid of $89.00 on the Swimming pool. It was regularly moved, seoonded and carried. that this bid for the siWinming pool aalllking be accepted. Mr. Jacobs recommended the clearing of a portion of Block 7 in Osceola Park and assessing liens therefor against the abutting property. He asked Mr. Nowlin if he was quite sure the city could foreclose on such improvement assessments. It was agreed to give this matterf'urther consideration after the present alley oleaning program had been completed. 1.749 -~ June 23, 1941 "} It was moved by Mr. Sabath that b ills numbered '1044 to 7095 having been approved by the J!'inance Coml'!littee, be returned to 1;he Council am ordered paid. It was regularly !lOved, secomed am carried thai; Council adjourn. Wh~ ~ f~f CITY CLERK <.' JU>PROVED: MA~~ r' 'l .~