07-28-41 Regular :1757 OOUNCIL CHAJ.lBlm Ju4r 28, 1941 The Croncil JD3t in re~lar session at 7:30 P.M. with the City Attorney and the follawing members present: Mr. Jacobs, lIr. Miller, Mr. Sabath and Mr. scott. Mr. Hill was absent. By motion of Mr. Sabath, seconied by Mr. Miller and un- aniously caITled the ridnutes of the regular meting of July 14th were approved as read. A comnunication was receiVe d and read from Mrs. FSTe Johnson askiq: special consideration in the matter of license fee to be paid for operation of her beaul;yparlor for the last two months of the fiscal year. The Ci"liY Attorney advised that there was no legal way in which the license' fee could be adjusted, therefore the CQ1l1Cil took no action in the matter. Too follaw1ng recollmm'da.tion and estimate of costs for the rebuilding of S.E. First :Avenue, to eliminate staniing water between the Alley and S.E. First Street was submitted by the City Engineer. ,\,,'i a; TO 'lllE MEMBmS OF 'lllE cm COUNCIL: In accCll'daroe with your instroctions, I have surveyed the water hole on S.B. First Avenue between S.E. First Street and the alley north of S.B. First Street. In order to properly eliminate this coniitio n ani to furnish the best drainage possible, it will be necessary to raise the law point at least eighteen inches (18") ani resurface the balance of the road. I estimate. this work will cost in the neiglborhoodof three hundred ($300.00) dollars. Respectfully sulmitted, /s/ H. Crollllr Ci"liY Englneer , I c Mr. Miller, Chainnan of the Street Conmittee, having been absent from the last meeting, statsl he wa s unfamLliar with the condi tion and yould Hie an opportuni"liY to look into it. It was therefCll'e moved by Mr. Sabath that too matte r be referred back to the Street COllDlittee for reoonmendation at next meeting. Mr. Jacobs seconded the motion and on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. Itiller yes, Mr. Sabath yes, Mr. Scott yes. The motion carried. A letter from Calgon, In~ was read with reference to use ~1~~ :.1.(<)'" COUNCIL CHAMBER - July 28,1941 of Calgon in the City's water to keep iron in solution. }'rom too various analyses received on the water, the Ci"liY Engineer stated 00 wculd not recomnend the use of Calgon, and Councilman :Mi11.er said he was unfavorable to such treatment of the water. No action was taken ani the letter was ordered filed. The foll owing let te r wa s als 0 read: Mr. HO?a rd L. Cromer Delray Beach, Fla. Dear Sir: Replying to yours of the 26th., inst., will say that we would cut the price of 8" pipe to 80 cents per foot and the price of 6ft to remain as it is 70 cents per foot. If this is not satisfactory let JIll knaw as I can dispose of it elsewhere. , Yours very truly, Port Sewall Realty Co., /s/ Arth ur L. Noble Box 603 Sfuart, Fla. After discussion, it was moved by Mr. Miller tha t the City Enginee r be ins trn: tad to l:uy both the 8-inch ani 6-inch pipe at the prices q.1oted. Mr. Sabath seccnded the motion and on roll call the vote was as follaws: Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. Miller yes, Mr. Sabath yes, Mr. Scott yes. TlJe motion carried. Tre City Eq;:lneeI' stated that Mr. Noble also had tees and valves needed J:w the City, which were as good as new, and could be purchased at ccnsiderably reduced prices. After discussion it was finally mo~d by Mr. :Mi11.er that the Water CaII1littee be authorized to purchase fittings, valves ani tees at the best possible price obtainable. Mr. Sabath seccnded the motion, and on roll call the vote was as follcws: Mr. Jacore yes, Mr. Miller yes, Mr. ~abath yes, Mr. Scott yes. The motion carried. The follawing awlication for specialbuilding permit \\ll.S presented J:w the Building Inspector: City Ccuncil Gen t1. emen : , Mr. C.D. Dickey contenplates l:uying lots 20,21 22 Bllock 1, Del Ida Park. L These lots are in Zore A which limits occq:>ancy to single family. :1759 COUNCIL CHAMBER - July 28, 1941 Mr. Dicley Ie cpests pennission to erect a gueBt cottage in connaction with resideIX:e he prcposes to build on lot Z2 ani East ! of lot 2l and desire s to install cooking facilities in guest cottagl. I.J. Sinks, Bldg. Inspector It does not seem advisable to grant tre above request as it would be detrilllmtal to entire Zoni~ Ordinance. , Mr. Dickey, who was pre sent, requested also that he be gl. Wn a concession in the matter of front line set-back, stating that wilding restrictiore called for a 35 foot set-back, but that such a restriction wculd place his house bauk of the exist- ~ wildings in that block and would worka hardship on him because of the shallow depth of these lots. After discussion it W!lsmoved that !1pon paynent of the required $5.C:O fee, the awlication be referred to the Zoning Comnission, with re cOlllllend- ation that a meeting be called fCll' action on the request, at the earlie st possible d&te. Mr. Sabath seconded the motion, and on roll call the vote was as follaws: Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. Miller yes, Mr. Sabath yes, Mr. Scott yes. The moti on carried. I , , The Buildiq: Inspector also presents d appli.cati on of Mrs. J.W. Gearhart for permission to operate a private school in the Weeks' house on N. Swinton Avenue. The members stated they saw no objection to such, and upon Mr. Sinks' statement that Zona restrictions permitted such use of re sidence "B" prcperiU, it was regularly moved, seconded QlXl carried that. permission be granted. The following request for special pennit to erect a frame truck tenninal was also presented: City Ga1ncil I' GentlEmen: Mr. Foy Shivers plans to erect a trn:k tenn1nal on lots 6,7,8 Block 83, Corner of N.E. 2nd Avenue and N.E. 1st Street. Building will be aJfeet by 100 feet which he desire s to c onstro ct of wood. Tre building code re<pires IlBSOnry wall for a wilding of this character in described location. However, owing to grea ter strength of frame cCllstruCt- ion far wilding of thts we it is recaIlllended that Mr. Shivers be granted special peIlllission to erect building of all wood except fou ndati ore and that he be require d to se t back from properiy lines to allow fCll' fire \\ll.ll if occasion arises to separate his building from any t.hat may be erected on adjoin- ing pro party. I.J. Sinks, Bldg. Inspector :1760 COUl(:IL CHAMBER - July 28, 1941 After discussion, it was moved by Mr. Sabath that special permit be granted for frame construction. Mr. Miller seconded the motion and on roll call the vote was as follcws: Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. Miller yes, Mr. Sabath ,es, Mr. Scott yes. The motion carried. I. At the re<pes t of the Building Inepector, it ?a s moved by Mr. Miller that PeWY Smith be employed full time, unier the N.Y.A. Project, to index building perml.ts, at a salary of $34.00 per month, half of which is to be paid by the City ani ha1i" by the Goverrment under the N.Y.A. Proiject. Mr. Sabath seconded the motion, and on roll Call, tre vet e wa s as follows: Mr. Jacobs ,es, Mr. Miller yes, Mr. Sabath yes, Mr. Scott yes. The lIOtion carried. It was moved J:w Mr. Sabath that the Building Inspector be authorized to l:uy the following authCll'itative books ani nrmuals providing they are suitable for use in the Inspector's and Eq.;ineerl s department s. < 1 Kidier Architect's Handbook 1 Merrinan's Civil E~neer's Handbook 1 Standard Graphs Handbook { , 1 Singleton Manual of Structural Des~n At a Total ex> st of $a>.00 In compliance with the COlIlCil's instructions at last meeting, the Building Inspector presented plans and specifications for the roofing over of the garage ~rQ.,. at an estinated cost of $573.16. It was accordingly moved"ti1B:t:'"'irl Sinks be authorized to f!P ahead and do the necessary YlOm as outlined. Mr. Sabath seconied the motion, and on roll call the vote was as follolfS: Mr. Jacobs ,es, Mr. Miller yes, Mr. Sabath yes, Mr. Scott yes. Tre motion carr1e d. > It was moved by Mr, Sabath that. the follCJrfing resolution be acbpted: / RESOLU'l'ION 408 A RESOLUTION OF 'llIE cm COUNCIL OF 'lHE cm OF DEmAY BEACH, FLORIDA, DESIGNATING CERTAIN STREETS IN THE CITY CF DELRAY BEACH, FL<lUDA, AS COrETITU'lING ROU'lES CF CCNNECTION BE'l'I'IEEN OR ElC'lErEIONS OF STATE roADS IN SAID MUNICP ALITY. .. I Mr. Mill er 58 conded the motion, and on roll call the vote was as follcws: Mr. Jacobs ,es, Mr. Miller yes, Mr. Sabath ,es, Mr. Scoott yes. The motion carried. It was :regular];r moved, seccnded and carried that the foll owing 0 rdJnance be placed on its firft reading: 1761 ~UN::IL CHAMBER - July 28, 1941 ORDINANCE 409 AN OIDINANCE OF THE C rry COON::IL OF 'lllE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FIDRIDA, CREATHV A DrvrSION CF TIlE MUNICIPAL COlRT, TO BE KNCl'JN AS TIE BICYCLE COURT; PROVIDING FOR THE HOIDING OF SAID COURT, '!HE OFFElBES TO BE TRIED 'lllEREIN AND THE PENALTIES TO BE IMPCSED. Tre ordinal1Ce, haviq: been read in full, it was moved by Mr. Sabath thatthe ordiname be passed on its first readirg. Mr. Miller Be conded the motion and on roll call the "IOte was as follaws: Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. Miller yes, Mr. Sabath yes, Mr. Scott yes. The IlIOtio n carried. Tre Clerl< brough t up the questl.on of requiring license from companies or indMduals ellp loye d in the laying of linoleum, and servic e men employed by Montgomery Ward, Sears Roebuck and similar concerns in the se rvieing of ice boxes and electrical equipJJl!n t sold J:w su:h conpanies. It was agree d that these ser- vice JIIln Should pay the required license for such work. Tre question of bill-lxlards and s:lgns als 0 came up for discussion and it was regularly moved, seconded and carried that tre follawing ordiname be placed on its first reading. ~- OIDINANCE 410 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF 'mE CITY CF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, REGULATIOO TIE ERECTION. ALTERATION, CONSTIDCTION, VOCATION, IDVIIG AID MAIN'IENArcE OF STIDCTURES FOR 'lllE DISPLAY OF ADVERTJSINC AID PUBLIC NOTlCES WrrHIN mE CITY LIMITS CF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLCRIDA. The ordinaroe, having been read in full, it was moved J:w Mr. Miller that same be passed on its first reading. Mr. Sabath seconied the IlIOtion, and on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Jaoobs yes, Mr. Miller yes, Mr. Saba th yes, Mr. Scott yes. The motion carried. The proposed water JIIlter Ordinmce, 406, then CSllll up for consideration azrj discussion. Several of the JIIlmbers were of the opinion that a greaternunber of fixtures should be permitted on the different sized meteI'll than specified in the ordinance. A letter fran the Palm Beach Water Conpany was also read setting forth a schedule of G.P.M dEllland, mich they estimated could be JJl!tered by the various sized meteI'll. Upon the recoffillllndation of Ccuncilnan Mille r, the ordinance was re ferred back to the Ord- inance ani Water CaII1littee for sfudyand cOllparison with the Palm Beach Water Company's sche<i11e, with a view to making recollmmdat- ion as to c:mnaes to be made in the proposed ordinaree. :1762 COUNCIL CHAMBER - July 28, 1941 Mr. Sabath also revived the matter of reducing water rates, for beautification purposes during the SUlllner months. Suggested discounts, awllcable to \\ll.ter consUJlllrs residing within tre co%'- pora te limits of tre CHi}', prepared by the City Engimer, as follows; were read: .$ Bills of $2. 00 to $4.99 N61t - No discount " " 5.00 to 9.99 -10% .. .. " 10.00 to 19.99 -10% " " " 20.00 to 29.99 - 15% " " .. 30.00 and up - 20% " After discussion this matter was also referred to the Water COIIDIittee for re collllendation back to the Council. The Chairman of the Sanitary Comnittee then brought up tre sub ject of sewer repairs, sta ting that the disposal tank was fill :lbg;.1lrLj:Ji sand.. He said the system was alright and would do the work it \\ll.S supp ose d to l:ut could not work properly with such a great deposit of sani goiq; into the tank. Mr. Jacobs reconmenied tbat the sewer line be fixed l:ut said it liaS wroq; to tax the general public for such sewer repairs, contending that tre City should designate a sey;sr district and levy a tax to be paid by that specific distric t for necessaJ:y sewer mintenance and repsirs. 'I It was sugge ste d by the Mayor too t t IE City go ahead and make the sewer repairos actually needed and then levy a millage for the eJq:len se, same to be paid by the bene fi ted proper"liY owm rs. It was accordingly /lOved by Mr. Jacobs that the, Engineering Department and Superintendent of Maintenance be instruc ted to proceed atearlisst possible tiJlll to repair sewer lines in the Ci"liY. Mr. Sabath seconded the motion and on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Jacobsyes, Mr. Miller yes, Mr. Sabath yes, Mr. Seott yes. The motion carried. It ?as recollmended that an ordinance setting up a sewer district and levying a millage to cover sewer repairs be drawn. It was move d by Mr. Miller that the City accept Mr. C.D. Dickey's offer to purchase the City's lot 22, Blodl: 1, Del Ida Park ata price of $300.00. Mr. Sabath seconded the motl.on and on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. Miller j'es, Mr. Sabath yes, Mr. Scott yes. The motion carried. It was /lOved by Mr. Sabath that Mr. Christensen be given water service comection, on the So.lIEl basis ani tenns as other out of town water con SU/le rs, with the understanding that this agreellll tIt may be te rmina te d any tillll, at the di screti on of th e City. Mr. Miller seconded the motion and on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. Miller yefJ, Mr. Sabath ye s, Mr. Scott yes. Tre moti on carried. It vas moved by Mr. Jacore that the Chief of Police be auth orized to purcha se a Be cond-OOnd "liYpewrl te r from Florence Cramp at a price of $15.00. Mr. Miller 99 conded the motion, 1-'763 COUNCIL CHAMBER - July 28, 1941 and on roll call the vote was as follows: lliller yes, Mr. Sal:ath yes, Ur. Scott yes. clared carried. Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. The motion was de- It was moved by Mr. Miller that the Mayor be authorized to have street signs replaced and repaired l'here needed. Mr. Sabath seconied the motion and on roll call the vote vas as follows: Mf'. Jacobs ;yes, Mr. UiJiler ;yes, Mr. Sabath yes, Mr. Scott yes. The motion carried. It was moved by Mr. Sabath that bills nuni>ered 7199 to 7243, having been ar:proved by the Finance Conmittee, be returned to too Council ani ordered paid. It wa s re gularly moved, seconded ani-carried that Council adj 0= . ~-~ City Clerk APPROVED: ~~ Jlator