07-30-41 Special
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The Cooncil mat in spec:l.al session at 7f30 P.1\. on call
or the Mayor, for the purpose or again discussing the lpest.ion of
supplying out-of-town custaners with water, and to take up any
other matters or bu stness needing attention at this time.
The Ci'lQr Attorney and all nembers of the Council 'Were
pre sent..
As a firs t item or blsins ss the fall CllIi.ng house moving
.request was subld.tted and readf
DeJ.ray Beach, Florida
July 30th, 1941.
To the Members of the City coonc:l.l
I wish to make application for pexmit to reroove a
dwelling house from Lot 12, Block 119 1D Lot 22,
Block 104.
Thanking yoo for any consideration, I an
Very t~ yours,
/s/ O. D. Priest.
It was recCJllllEllded by the Buildil'€ Inspector, that before
such moving pennit is gzarted, Mr. Priest be required to submit p-lans
for remodelling or said l:x1llding in accord w.i.th building code regula-
tions and to state the approximate date or conpletien. It was there-
fo re mow d by Mr. Hill that th/l Building Inspector's re ccmnendation
be ccmplied wi. tho Mr. Miller seconded the IlDtion, and on roll call
the vote was as fallows: Mr. Hill yes, Ur. Miller yes, Mr. Jacobs
yes, Mr. Sabath yes, Mr. Scott yes. The IlDticn ca rried.
The following letter was read from the Building Inspector,
with reference to constxuction of a house in Seestedt-Stevens Sub-
division, where a recanmended change by the Zcm.ng ColllUissien to
Zone "An is pending action of tm CC1lncil:
City Cowcll
Mr. W. 1(. Waters has a contract for :&recti~ a
residence en lot 9 Seestedt-Stevens Subdivision N.E. 2
l~. __..>
cro NC:q:, (}!AM!3ER
July )), 1941
street for Mr. Davenport.
Mr. Ogren,Architect was rot acquantted with the proposed
change in the Zoning of this subdivision and desilJled house
to meet Zone "B" requirement.s. The proposed building will
be 107 square feet under the Zone "A" re qui rements or 1080
scpare feet.
It is recomnended that peIlllit be granted fer the ere ction
or this muse of 973 slpare feet.
/s/ I.J.sinks,
Bldg. Inspector.
Estimated cost of muse $5,000.00
Upon theaseumption that said property is:ln "B" Zone, it was moved
by Mr. Mill er tha t peIlllit be gra nted as per re quest. Mr. Hill
seconded the motion and on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr.
Hill yes, Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. Miller yes, Mr. Sabath yes, Mr. Scott
ye s. The 11IO lIon c arri ed.
A long comnunication was read from Samuel Ogren, :In which he
sta ted that he had re centJ;y drawn plans for an apartment house on the
beach to cost awroXimately $60,000.00, on which bids had been asked
for from both local and out-af'-town contractors. The low bid, which
had been $8,000.00 under any others submitted, had been received frcm
a Hollywood cont.ractor. But upcn application for a contractor's
examinatiOn this contractor had been infer med that he would have to
wait until the next examining date, somet.ine in Septeni>er. This
wC11ld maan a date tco late for the conpletion of the buildir:g, and
the owner thereupcn becama exasperated and called the entire build-
ing progmm off. Mr. Ogren expre ssed re gret that this condition
eXisted, and submitted th:l letter, he said, in hope that something
could be dore to prevent similar occurrences :In the fuwre, so that
wilding and expaIll ion would not be re stricte d by unrea sonable .
regulat ion s.
The Build:lng Inspector stated that Mr. Thcmpscn, the
cont.ractor in CJ.lestion, was familiar with Delray's regulaticns am
had had anple tine to cone in end qualify before the date of the
last regular examination.
Mr. J.M.Craner, who was present, stated that his client.
Mr. C.S. Dickey, was also affected by the regulation under discuss-
icn. Mr. Craner was of the opinion that contractors should be perm-
itted to qualify and receive examination .at any time, and not have
to wait thirty or ninety days. A long discussion followed in regard
to this matter, and finally Mr. Miller IlDved that .the ordinance be
amerrled to read nThat examinations w.i.ll be given within thir'lQr days
after awlication is recei.ved.n Mr. Hill seconded the motion and
on roll call. the vo.te was as follows: Mr. Hill yes, lolr. Jacobs no,
July 30, 194L
Mr. Miller yes, Mr. Sabath yes, Mr. Scott yes. The motion carried
and the ordinmoe was referred back to the City Attorney for
amen dne nt.
The Building Inspector submitted a request from the George
Washington Hotel of West Palm Beach for pem. ssion to reP!rlr their
sign just north of the Germantown Road on tm FederaJ. Highvay.
Because of the pending frl.gn ord:lnance, alreaqy passed on its first
read:lng, the members were unfavorable to the renewing or the requested
pexmit, and it was tmrefore IlDved by Mr. Hill, seconded ~ Mr. Sabath
and on roll call UllBlli.l1lOUSly carried, that the re quest be denied.
The following recannend!l.tion of the Zoning-Plaming Comnission
on the request of C.S. Dickey for peIlllit to erect a residence and
guest house en lots 2)-21-22 JP,ock 1 Del Ida Park, was subnitted
by Mr. Garner:
nIn regard to special pennit to waive ZonenA" requirement
as to set-back of the build:ing from the street, of 35 feet,
and to allow a 2) foot set-back instead, the Comnlilsion has
decided that in aanuch as the property is bounded on the
West by a lot fac:lng Swmtcn Avenue on which a 17 foot
set":back en the Sth. Avenue side is permitted under the
classitic ation, and all the :other lots in the block on the
sane side are occupied by blildings with enly an 18 foot
set-back except those :In which Mr. Dick~ is interested,
and on whidl he requests permission fer a 20 foot set-back,
it would seem that the circumstances warrant a departure
from the 35 fco t set-back rule, and the Colllllission so
re Caml ends.
In regard to special permit for erectim of a separate
cottage with independent living quarters in the re ar of the
main residEl1Ce, to provide for two famiq occupancy on the
premises, the Zcning COllDlission ushes to advise that since
"A" requirenents do not permit the erection of separate
l:x1ildings for tRio-fami ly occmpancy 00. the sane lot, we
cannot favorably consider this request."
A lo~ discussion ensued between Mr. Dickey, his agent J. M. Craner
and malb ers of the CC1lncil in regard to the request for gues t muse
with separate occupancy facilities, mcst of the mente rs expressing
themselves as being fa=rable to the idea but as unwilling to
violate the Zoning restricti ens wi. thC1l t a public hearing m the
Mr. Sabath made a IIlOtion that special permit be given allow-
ing for a 25 foot set-back, also special permit be grsn ted for a
guest muse as per floor plans submitted. This motion was seconded
July )), 1941
by Mr. Hilllnt later w.i.thdrallIl tv LIr. Sabath with Mr. !ll.ll's
consent. Mr. D:Ie key stated he would rot want the matter to come
up at a publi c hearing and preferred to wit hdraw his request, with
tm re sul t that no action was taken by the Council.
Mr. Sabath wanted to go on record as sayil'€ he considered
change s necessary in the City's Building and Zcning ordinances,
ani he th:ugp. tit was iDportant that these be taken up am amended
ilDllediately by an emergency amendment.
An informal. discussion was then entered into bet.ween Yr.
Harry Edwards of BessellEr Properties and the City Cooncil in regard
to fumish:lng water to the Tom of Gulfstre8m and o1her out-ot-
town propertQ owners. The .1IBni>ers stated they were not satisfied
entirely with the proposition previously subm!.tl;e.d by the Bessemer
COIIpany, and would like to come to some compromise agreement if
possible. It 1BS finally recanmended that Mr. Edwards advise his
company that the Council would go into the matter at an earJ;y date
and be prepared to give him some definite pr oposition by August
15th next.
It was regularly moved, seconded and carried that Council
City Clerlt
1Ia.yor )