08-04-41 Special
August 4, 1941
The Counoil met in speoi81 session at 7:30 P.X. on oall
ot the Mayor tor the purpose ot ""ing into the metter ot
supplying water to out.ot...town oustomers. and to tllte up
any other business needing the Counoil's attention at
this time.
In opening the discussion on the water question, Mr.
Miller stated he had gone back to his orig1na1 conolusion
held two or three years ago and was :1.11. tavor ot merely
installing a master meter and selling water to the Town
ot o\tltstream at the city line, 8llowing the town to take
oare ot its own distribution sptem; or it 111 is a question
ot mainta:l.nin8 the mains and servioea within said territor,.,
then he would be agreeable to Del1'8Y doiDg this work: tor
O\tltstream. at a stipulated prioe to be apeed upon. He
said he was DOt in tavor ot entering into aD? kind ot an
agree.nt to buy pipe from the Bessemer ConpaD7.
Mr. laoobs said he telt that IlIII7 kindot a franohise or
agreemen t the Couno il might enter into would COWl' a p..iod
of years and theretore should be submitted tor the lIpprOYal
of Delrs1 oithens, either by a vote or at a mass meeting,
and in order to intelligently vote on such an issue be seld
the people sho\tld be thoroughly informed as to what the Oit,.
intends to of tel' and what oonsideraUon is to be peld by
these outaide distr1ots. He stated he would not be favor...
able to guaranteeing a oertain supply of water tor an,.
detillite period. All members expressed themselves aa willing
onl,. to supply water. so long as the City's supply elloeeds
the demand ot its own oitizens. and stated they would want
to be in a posit Son to terminate any agreement entered into
at any time, atter giving reasonable nothe ot SIlloh intention
to these outaide oonsumers.
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Atter disoussion. it was moved by Mr. Killer that the CU,.
Clerk be authorized to notify Beasellllllr PrcperUes, :mc. that
the City is willing to enter into llIIl agreement to serve tbam
water at. the City line tor 28 oents per thousand gallOns, and
will furnish IIIIllters. billing. meter reading. maintenanoe of
water lill8ll and such other necessary service at an agreed
additioB81 cost; over sd above the 28 cents a thousand charged
for the water oonsUlllllld, as the Council does not feel. just now
that theC1ty is in s posl" Son to enter into aD? long time
contraot, or pay tor improvements outside the City limits, and
that this is tbe best otter pOSsible at this time. Mr. Hill
seooDlled the motion aDd on roll call t bB vote was aa tollows:
Mr. 11111 :yes. Mr. laoobs :yes, Mr. Miller yes, Mr. Sabath :yes.
Mr. Scott :yes, '!'he motion carried.
August 4, 1941
It wasturther mOTed by Mr. MlllQ that the City Engineer
and other employees ot the Water Dept be instructed to wcrk
out a schedule f4 lFioes aDd ooste l'eoODllllended as servioe
oharges to be made I'he Bessemer Company, in addition to
the actual priot; oharged tor water ~DIRIJIl.Ption. Mr. Hill
seconded the motion and on roll call the vote wall as :t0110_:
Jl1'. Rill yes, Jl1'. Jaoobs :res, Mr. I&iller yes. Mr. Sabath yes,
Jl1'. Soott yes. '!'he motSon oarried.
'!'he ..,or reported that Police Cbief Kelson had received
Doti:tioation trom Attorney OSneral, Tom watsonJof II ,eaoe
Of tic en meeting in 'l'lIIIlPa on Friday 22nd :tor tDe PlU'Pese
o:t._~dering the formation ot a Sta"e radio network 8)'Stem
ot oo~ica"ion between the State Patrol. ~orida Sh.~it:r.
and J'.B.I authorities. Mr. Nelson had requested permission
to attend and an appropriation ot t10.00 to covel' the
expense ot his trip. '!'he Members signified the jr approval
or granting the request. aDd it was so authorized.
Counoilman .iller asked Mr. Nowlin it he had done anything
towards establishing the City'S olaim to an alley through
Block 98. as dedioated by the original recorded plat ar
said blook. Mr. Bowlin advised that it was questionable, in
his mind. as to whether it was more desirable to retain the
alley shown in the first plat, or the 4O...foot street, dedicated
in the more ~ecent plat. !be JIllltter was discussed an'!. it
was decided preferable to recoenize the I.teat plat aDd alsO
obtain an easement throughtthe center of .he block :tor utility
pU1'Poses. To this eDd. it was moved by Mr. HUl that the City
Attorney ascertain price paid tor Lots 22 & 23, Block 98, and
contaot Mr. :Elliott to see '/bat kind ot a deal can be made tor
the purchase ot the requ ired 16.foo", alley was8llllllnt, running
through Block 98 from Second to '!'hud Streets, aDd report baek
at next regular meeting of the Counoil. Mr. Sabath seconded
the motion, aDd on roll call the vote was as :tollQW8: Mr.
Hill yes, Mr. Jacobs yes. Jl1'. Miller yes, b. Sabath yes, Mr.
Scott yes. The motion carried.
Mr. lIiller. Chairman ot the Street COJDittee, stated he wanted
to see anotbe1' railroad crDSS ing provided at N.E. First Street
betore tbe Season begins. . !Ie also recommended paving the. alley
at the rear of Simon's and Beseem.. Properties' Lots in Blocfr: 84,
as well. as the paving of the alley to the South of Lots I to ",
Blook 109. !be City Engineer submitted approximBte figures on
the costs ot psving of these two ameys. as fol10118:
} (:
August 4, 1941
S.E. 15th Ave. to S.E. 6th Ann.
515 Sq. ~. 0 .70 cents
R.E. 2nd Avenue to :Railroad st.
450 sq. tds. 0 .70 tents
In regard to the proposed railroad crossing at First street.
U was moyed b1 Mr. Miller that a letter be addressed to "he
proper F.E.C. 'Railway authorUies. stat"q that in order to
relieve traftic !)n Atlantic Avenue this oaning Winter. it will
be neoessary to open up a new crossing at R.E. First Street.
Mr. Hill seconded the motion am on roll call the vote was as
fol101ll!l: Mr. Hill yes. Mr. lacobs~"&r. Miller yes, Mr.
Sabath yes. Mr. Soott no. The motion carried.
:m regard to the alley improvemea.ts, it was pointed out by
Mr. lacobs. that owing to a j08 in the alley running East ana.
West through Block 109, it 'WOuld be impractical tor traftic
unless sutticient fOotase was purclhased trom Jl1'. Berg tor the
purpose of straIghtening out this right..ot.way. It".s theretcre
mared by Mr. Itiller that the City Engineer and City Attorney
'lDrk out the neoessary to 01; age required. am negotiate wi'tlh
prope:rty owne:rs tor its purchase repcrting am making reoolDlllendation
back to the Council at its next meeting.
Councilman laoobs enquired again wlBt the City was going to do
about Us sewer s)'Stem a m disposal tank. The Ci'IV A.torney re.
ported there was nothing particular in ~r City OlBrter tlBt
provided tor the oreation ot a sewer district am tb!l levying
ot a tax tor repair SllIld maintelll18Dce ot sewers therein, all ret.
erences seeming to apply only to the oonstruotion ot new sewers.
It was moved by Mr. laoobs that the City hgineer be instructed
to draw up plans and speoitica tSons tor the reoClllll18ndecilJsawer
repairs. Mr. Milier seconded the motion ani on roll call tba vote
was as tollowa; ltr. Hill yes. Mr. J'aoobs yes. Mr. Miller yes, Mr.
Sabath yes, Mr. Scollt yes. '!'be motion oarried.'
'!'be City Attorney also apeed to look into the possibility ot
oreating a sewer distriot. in order that a speoi81 tax levy might
be made to cover such repair work.
August 4, 1941
The Mayor informed tbe Oounc il that t-he :Fire Ohiet had
requested to meet with the Oounoil at an earlY' date tar the
purpose at going into the deteJ:l,oe prog1'llIIl, Olltl1ned at
the reoent session ot :Fire Oollege whioh he attended.
'!'he Oity Tax Assessor also asked tor another meeting
of 1l1e Oouncil. as a Board ot Equalization, to take up
mare recent tax oomplaints and to make tin81 ad3ustlllll nls
on the 1941 roll betore submitting same for 1"inal approval
ot the OOl1Doil.
There being no further business to come before the Counoil
it was re~arly moved. seoonded and carried tlBt Oouncil
ad3oarn. .
~~~ ~J'
City Olerk.
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