08-11-41 Regular
August ll, 1941
The Council inet in regular session at 7:'30 P. M. with the
following JlJlnbers present: Mr. Hill, Mr. Jacobs, Mr. Miller, Mr.
Sabath, and Mr. Scott. The City attorney was absent.
After correcting Page 1762 of the minutes of July 28 to
quote Mr. Jacobs as stating that the septic tark was "filling" with
sand, and Page 1770 to show Mr. Miller as making the motion authoriz-
ing Mr. sinks to proceed with garage work, it was regularly mowd,
secon:ied and carried that minutes be approved as co n-ected.
r -
A letter fran the Lake Worth Public Library Board, inviting
the citizens of Delray to attend the opentng of Lake Worth's new
municipal Library Building, was read and ordered fUed.
A letter wa s re ceived fran Matt Gratey, age nt for Robt. .E.
McCabe, recent purchaser of Ocean Beach Lot 9, requesting that Thomas
Street be paved from Arxirews Avenue to the Boulevard, and sta ting that
Mr. McCabe was prepare d to pay cash for his half of the construction
cost upon completion of this improvement.
Councilman Miller stated he had written Mr. Fox, the otblr
property owner involved, regarding the prcposed lmprovenent but had
received no reply so far, but since ~% of the property had petitioned
for the street, it was noved by Mr. Miller that the following Resolut-
ion be adopted:
llESOLlIl';J:ON J.ll
Mr. Hill seconded the motion fer adoption, and on roll call the vote
was as follows: Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. Miller yes, Mr.
Sabath yes, Mr. Scott yes. The motion carried.
Tbl follCllYing request, submitted by the Building Inspector,
was read to the Council:
City Council
Mr. Foy Shi vers requests pennission to ere ct an
office building 14'x24', of concrete block construction
on property lines of Lot 8 Block 83.
August ll,1941
This location is South of the Ocean City's Millwork
Plant which ab.lts property lines on Sooth side of
S.E. -lst.Street and S.B. 2m. Avenue.
It is reccmnended that permit be granted for
14'x24 two story office builaing with the understand-
ing that the 10 foot required set-back will be required
on the N.E.Seccnd Avenue property line.
/s/ I.J.Sinks, Bldg. Insp.
In discussing the reques t, Mr. Miller sa 3-d that the 5 foot set-back
required on First Street would be of smail benefit to the property
ClIYner, mile it ;o.ould Dean a great deal to the City, should it ever be
found necessary to widen First Street. Mr. Jacobs considered 'the
practice ~ building out to prop erty lines at street intersections,
created traffic hazards, and therefore should not be encouraged. Mr.
Sabath finally moved that the requested special permit be denied, and
the building be required to be b.lilt in accord with ordinance require-
ID3nts. Mr. Miller seconded the motion, and on roll call the vote' was
as follows: Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. Miller yes, Mr. Sabath
yes, Mr. Scott yes. The motion carried.
The following request was also received fran the Building
Insplctor's office:
City CouncU
Mr. S. H. Bur1ll?:(ne requests permission to add
kitchen to his residence located on Lot 2 Seestedt-
Stevena Subdivision.
This pennit was issued May 27, 1941. am complied
.with Zone "A" requireJlJlnts.
!fr. Burgcune' s request is based upon the fact that
Zone A" was not in force and is not now in force and he
is tblrefore enti tle8 to have two family occupanc;r.
It is recommended that request be referred to
Zoning Conmission.
/s/ I. J. Sinks.
The m6IIbers sts ted that since the property in question, had IXlt, so far,
bsen ch~ed fran Zone "B" to Zone "A" there was no reascn to refer the
permit to the Zcning Comnission, but that the Council was obligated to
grant sane, as per request, am the Bui lding Inspector was so instru:: ted.
The Clem pointed out that property owners in the Seestedt-
Stevens Subdivision had petitioned for a change of Zone on Jan. 6th last,
and that a meeting of tre Zoning Collllllission to consider the request had
been held on Jan. 15th, and after a public hearing on the same, held
February 13th, the following recomnendatial, upon motion of Mr. Gracey,
secomed by Mr. Ewing, and unanimously carried, was returned to the
Council: "That lots 2 to 17, and 2l to 29 Seestedt-Stevens Subdivision,
am Block 139 West of the C anal be change d from Residence "B" to
Residence "A" zone classification."
Augua,t ll, 1941
It was stated that the Council had never acted upon this
recommendation, and that some ac-t;ion to dispose ~ the lIBtter, ms in
order at this time. It was further explained that the Zoning Commission's
report carried with it the recomnendation that front line set-backs in
this district be '30 feet instead ~ the usual 35 feet required in Zone "A",
since a 3)-foot set-back woold confonn with other buil~s already exist-
ing on the street. It was therefore IIDved by Mr. Jacobs that the City
Attorney bs instructed to draw an Ordinance amendment, cha~ing the
afore-mentioned district to Zone "A" with a special set-back of ally
'30 feet, in accord with the Zoning Commission's reccmnendation of Feb-
ruary 13th, 1941. Mr. Miller seconded the motioo and on roll call the
vote was as follows: Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. Miller yes, Mr.
Sabath yes, Mr. Scott yell. 'lhe motial carried.
It was nowd by Mr. Miller that the City Eng:ineer be authorized
to buy 2 tons of fertili zer, which Mr. Croner recamlended as being needed
for city uee, one ton for the football field, am one ton for fIil neral
beautification purposes. Mr. Hill seconded the motion, and on roll call
the vote was as follows: Mr. Hill Yes, Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. Miller yes,
Mr. Sabath yes, Mr. Scott yes. The motion carried. The Chairman of the
Parks Comnittee stated, as he was leaving on vacation imnediately, he
would appreciate it if Mr. Jacobs would reconmend the kind of :fertilizer,
most suitable for this purpose.
A bill,from the Port Sewall Realty Company covering second
hand pipe purchased, aJIl:)unting to $1,312.85 was submitted, toflilther with
the following letter from the City Engineer:
August ll,1941
Honorable City Council
Delray Beach, Fla.
Attached is the bill of the Port Sewall Rea:Jty
Company for ten inch pipe and fittings.
Mr. Chas. Woodruff' acting as agent for this
canpany told the writer that the City had been notified
that because of the price of the ten inch pipe, it would
he necessary for us to take all nipples as well as the
regular pipe; however I am not aware of any such notifica-
tion, and therefore reconmenda reduction fran this bill
of $27.00 which is the amount of nipples at $1.00 per
foot, and which niwles are valueless to us.
Other items on the bill are correct as to quantity.
Very truly yours,
/s/ Howard L. Cromer, .
City Engineer.
It was moved by Mr. Miller that the City Engineer be in structed to
reject the niwles, which the City has no use for, and to pay only for
the pipe, which is ail the City ordere d. Mr. Hill seconded the motion
August ll, 1941
and on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Jacobs yes,
Mr. Miller yes, Mr. Sabath yes, Mr. Scott yes. The motion carried.
The following estimate of costs for suggested work at the
Rifle and Pistol Range was sutmitted by the City Engineer.
$(J;) .00
. Mr. Jacoos questioned the advi sability of spending eity moneys
on property which the City does not own. and recClllJDended that some kind
of title be acquired thereto. After discussion, it was roved by Mr.
Miller that the City spend $60.00 and make the sugge sted re rairs in
readiness for the scheduled Peace Officers Match, on August 20th. l4r.
Hill seconded the motion, and on roll cail it was carried unanillDUSly.
Repairing background and adding 2 wings...
Grubbing and sprigging shooting space . . .
Grubbing and spriggl.ng space between
shootil"E space and background
. ..
It was then noved by Mr. Jacobs that the City proceed to acquire
title or tax deed to property at this loca.tion, as authorized by a
previous Council, years ago. Mr. Hill seconded the motion, and on roll
call the vote was as follows: Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. Miller
yes, Mr. Sabath yes, Mr. Scott yes. The motion carried.
The following camnunication fran the City Engineer was read:
August 6, 1941.
City Cooncil of Delray Beach
Delray Beach, Florida
In accordance with the opinion expressed in a
letter from the State Board of Health, it is recomnended
by the writer that the 6" test well drilled by Layne At-
lantic Company be hooked up to the present well field by
the Public Works DepartJlJlnt a,t the earliest practicable
time .
It is my opinion that this hOOk-Up will cost the
city in the neighborhood of $175. This represents the
necessary pipe, fi-t1t.irigs, labor and manholes.
At the previous meeting of the council, I was
authorized to mi!l.ke a production test on this well at
an est:lmated cost of $100. The final cost for this
test !mounted to approxinately $~ and showed the well
capable of producing sufficient water to justify the'
Very truly yours,
/s/ Howard L. Croner,
City Engineer.
In accord with the reconmendation, it was moved by Mr. Hill
August 11, 1941
that the Water DepartJD3nt be instructed to tie this test well in with
the City's we II field. Mr. Jacobs seconded the motion, which on roll
call, carried unanimously. It was recannlended by Mr. Miller however,
that before the City Engineer proceeds with this hook-in, that we
ascertain from the City Attorney just what the legal status of this
well is, and whether or not it is advisable for the City to appropriate
and use this well.
Samuel Ogren presented a cottage-court arrangenent of four
l-bedroom detached apartlmlnts John B. Reid asked pennission to erect
on Ocean Park lots 4 & 5 block 1, on the boulevard. The Building
Inspector advised that the space allowed between these units did not
lIIlet cottage court requirements, therefore it was moved by Mr. Miller
that the plan, as submitted, be rejected. Mr. Sabath seconded the
motion, stating that he was IXlt in favor of granting any more special
permits or making exceptions to the zoning ordinance, as written.
On roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Jacobs yes,
Mr. Miller yes, Mr. Sabath yes, Mr. Scott yes. The motion carried.
The folloong estimate of costs for transplanting and
rellX>val of trees at the City Park was read:
Aug. 8, 1941
City of Delray Beach
Delray Beach, Florida
Att: Mr. H.L.CrolD3r
We are pleased to submit the following
estimate for proposed work:
Taking down 1 large coconut palm
Taking down 1 large Australian pine
Transplanting 1 coconut palm*
(*City to refill hole at Shuffleboard
Court where coconut palm is taken up)
This price includes all responsiblity as to breakage,
if any, and the cleaning up of city streets and
premises where trees are taken out.
Yours very tru~,
/s/ Mike 1.. Blank
Mr. Scott and Mr. Jacobs disapproved of planting more trees
in the city right-of-~ , stating it would probab~ not be long
before these would have to be IlX>ved to allow :fro street widening.
However, Mr. Sabath finally moved that the City Engineer be
instructed to have Mr. Blank do the work, as above outlined. Mr. Hill
August ll, 1941.
seconded the motion and on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Hill
yes, Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. Miller yes, Mr. Sabath yes, Mr. Scott yes.
The motion carried. 0
Estimates were received froa the Gate City Sash & Door Company
and the Palm Beach Woodwork Company for millwork, sashes, window franes
&c for thO l'Q~it and glassing in of the upstairs swinming pavllioo.
porch. It was moved by Mr. Sabath that the low bidder, Palm Beach
Woodwork Company, be awarded contract at a price of $266.40. The
additional installation costs were estimated at $90.00. Mr. Hill
seconded Mr. Sabath's motion, which on roll call, carried unanimously.
An offer to purchase the City's lot, No 22, Block 1, Del
Ida Park at a price of $300.00, was received fran L.C.Hand. The
question of title arose, and it was recamnended by the ~r that
this matter be referred to the City Attorney, and that he look up the
records and make report back to the Council as to status of title.
The City Engineer reported he had looked into the matter of
aCl!Uiring additional footage for straightening out the alley r=ing
East and West throu€J:l Block 109, and found it would require a trian-
gular parcel of land, 15 feet square, from both Mr. Berg and Mrs.
Tippins, property owners on the North and South sides of the alley,
and it would therefore be necessary to make a trade with these owrers.
Mr. Berg had indicated his willingness to make some sort of trade for
this property, Mr. Craner said but Mrs. TiWins, so far, had not been
contacted in regard to tI-e matter. It was therefore reccmnended that
someone get in touch with Mrs. TiWins, explaining to her what the
City proposed to do, and endeavor to obtain title to the required
ri€J:l t-ot' -way.
The City Engineer requested authorization on work to b e done at
the football field, stating the City had been hauling marl and was about
fini:shed with that part of the work. Mr. Sabath said he bslieved that
the hauling of the marl and the. furnishing of a tal of fertilizer about
fulfilled the City's agreement to aid. in this work and he therefore
IIDved that the City Engineer do no further work untU some def'ini te
request for assistance is received. Mr. Hill seconded the motion and
on roll call the vote was as follOW's: Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Jacobs yes,
Mr. Miller yes, Mr. Sabath yes, Mr. Scott yes. The motion carried.
The Clerk read a letter from the Florida League of Municipal-
ities, in which Mr. Owens re conmended W.D.Outman as a man experienced
and capable of making a conplete 1942 re-appraisal of property for
the City. Mr. Sabath said he thought it advisable to communicate 1d th
Mr. Outman in order to get an idea as to ma t such an appraisal might
cost, so that this expenditure might be included in the coming years'
budget appropriations. It was stated also that Mr. Harry Blanck of
this city had reque sted an opportunity to tall:k to tIE Council in
regard to this contemplated assessment work, as he was experienced
in this line, having made appraisals for Ft. Lauderdale. The names
August ll, 1941
of frank and A. S. Anderson, of West Palm Beach mre also suggested
in comecticn with this appraisal work.
The Clerk reported that J. F. Riley of BesselD3r Properties had
requested a meeting with the Council, this week, for further discussion
of the proposed water agreement to be entered into by the City and said
Corporation. Mr. Sabath eJqJressed himself as being unfavorable to my
canpromise. The Clerk was authorized to advise Mr. Riley that the
Council woold meet with him on Wednesday night, August 13th.
Pete Snow llBde the City a proposition for bUlkheading streets
which abut the canal, with a nel( type of bulkhead composed of sand-and-
cement-filled bags, at a price of $4.15 per foot. This bulkh<nd was
recomnended for N.E.First Court, and for N.E.First, Second and Third
Streets. However, it was decided that the City would defer bulkheading
until alch time as property owners on both the North and Sooth sides of
these streets had completed their bulkheads.
It was reported that water pressure was very poor in Park Court
Subdivision, and at Wreidt's house in Ocean Breeze Estates.
f ~,
It was reported that Frederick Cook had requested that the lots
just Sooth of his apartIlE>nt house becJeared. Mr. Miller stated these
lots had been cleared cnly a year ago, aln he did not consider they were
now in objectionable ccndition. He suggested that the matter be referred
to the Sanitary Comni ttee, and Mr. Jacobs agreed to look into the matter
and make report back to the Council.
l_ ;
It was moved I:u Mr. Jacobs that ail emplcuees, who have_ been
with the City for one year, be given a two weeks' vacation with pay.
Mr. Hill seconded the motion and en roll call the vote was as follows:
Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. Miller yes, Mr. Sabath yes, Mr. Scott
ye s. The nntion carried.
It was agreed that the CouncillD3et finally as a Board of
Equalization, Momay night, September 1st, for the purpose,of finally
disposing of all complaints and approving the 1942 tax roll.
Mr. Sabath bI-ought up the matter of yacht basin improvements,
sta ting he had received requests for reservations for the entire seasen
from November to April, am would like to see the work procee d as soon
as possible. It was stated the pennit had not COJlJl back from the War
DepartlD3nt. altrough it had been O.K'D by the Miami office and would
undoubtedly be approved. Mr. Sabath stated it was now a question of
finances and wondered what could be done in the way of issuing revenue
certificates. He asked for a recomnendation fran the Chairman of the
Finance Committee, and Mr. Hill stated he would try to have a report
to bring in as a special order of business at next JlJleting.
It was moved by Mr. Sabath that bills numbered 7244 to 7'309,
inclusive, be approved and returned to the Council for payment.
August ll, 1941.
It was regularly moved, seconded and carried that Council
adjoum to meet in regular adjourned session, Wednesday A~ust 13th,
at 7130 P.M.
City Clerk