09-01-41 Special 1.789 COUNCn. CHAMBER September 1, 1941 The Counoil met in special session at 7,30 P.M. as a Bord ar Equalization, with the Oi ty Attorney and the following members present: Mr. Jaoobs, Mr. Miller, Mr. Sabath end Mr. Soott. Mr. Hill was absent. The only oompla mantto appear, personally be:f'o re the Board was George Pinokney who aslald re-oonsideration of the appraisal'on Zoeder's Tourist Oamp, the total assessment of whioh had been placed at $16,000. After discussion, it was IIlOved by Mr. Jacobe tba t this appraisal be reduced to $10,000, the land being assessed at $6,800. and the buUdi~s at $3,200" Mr. Miller seoonded the IIlOt ion , ad on roll call the vote was as f'ollows: Mr. Jaoobs yes, Mr. MUleI' yes, Mr. Sabath yes, Mr. Scott yes. The IIlOtion carried. It was moved by Mr. Sabath that the pearoy house in Block 71 be reduoedfrom $3,800. to $3,400. Mr. Miller seoonied the IIIOtion, which carried unanimously on roll call. It was moved by Mr. Miller, seoonded by Mr. Sabath ani 1nlanl1nously carried that Charlotte EllX'd's two houses on Lot 7 Blook 100 be reduoed from $1,674 to $1,200. It was moved by Mr. Sabath, seoonded by Mr. Miller and unanimously oarried that the E. Clarke Stevens house, Lot 17, Blook 109, be reduced from $2,450. to $l,80S. It was moved by Mr. Miller ,that the Zuokerman oottaae on the rear of Lot 1, Blook 100, be reduced from $1,218 to $1,000. Written objections were reoeived f'rom J.B. Evans in re- gard to the assessments plaoed on his home property in !l1OCk 66 and on his beach property. The oomplaint was considered and disoussed but tm Board was of the opinion that these properties were 'fairly and equitably assessed compared to similar properties in these looations. A oomplaint from L.B. Arnold was also read, asking some reduction in the valuation placed on his home loosted on Lots 9-10-11, Blook 3, Dell Park. This was alLso given consideration but no ohange was made as the Board felt no reduotion to be due, sinoe tm valuation thereon oompared <favorably with other similar properties. Reductions as previously requested by owners were not reoommended by the Board on the f'ollowing properties, sinoe the members were all of the opinion that the assessments plaoed thereon '\..... ) :1790 September 1, 194+ were fair ani equitable. Dr. King'S residence property in Dell Park Frank P. Gracey's residenoe pmper1!y in LakevielJ' Heights Samuel Ogren's vacant property in BlockJ29 E.C. Hall's Theater pI' operty in BlOCk 100 nor in E.C. Hall's business pI' operty in tm N.E. Cor Blook 101 The Oounoil regularly Eidjou'med as a Board of Equalization, having heard and considered all oomplaints, presented on the 1941 tax assessment roll. CJ.~~'~~' APPROVED : Mayor. ~~ .... 1.791. COONCn. CHAMBER September 1, 1941 The Oounoilmet in special session at 9:00 P.M. W[th the City Attorney and all members present, except Counoilman Hill. The City ~gineer appeared before the members asking authority to employ, on full time basis, f'our of' the N.Y.A. boys during the ooming week, at 25 cents per hour, to oomplete the mapping of the Delida and Dell Park water lines. Mr. cromer stated the full number of hours allotted by the N. Y.A. project had already been put in far the month, and since several of the boys were going of'f to sohool right wway, he considered it advisable to complete these reoords and maps ot pipeline locations whUe the boys were available. It .waa acoordingly moyed by Mr. MUler tha1t these boys be put on full time sohedule for a week or ten days, to oomplete this VltIrk. Mr. Sabath seoonded the motion, Whioh oarried unanimously. '[ The Mayor asked if Jaok Gibson had been oontacted in regard to oompleting his oaulking job on the City R1l1+, 1ibloh Mr. Soott said was important in order that the painting might be proceeded wi. tho The Mayor also reported that bids had been received as follo'lllS for the furnishing of labor and material to do a oomplete stuooo job on the west end of the Oity Hall, adjoining the shed, all work and materials to oon"torm w:l;th 'tm present building. Fred Sellers W.M. Waters $70.00 56.00 It was suggested by Councllmarn Sabath that the City Engineer write J.P. Carroll and have him oome down to see about the reoently instal.led We1mnan pump whioh has not yet operated satistactorU:v. CouncUman Miller also urged that the master meter, purchased a month or so ago, be installed immediately at the water plant and the Oi ty Engineer agreed to have it hooked up Tuesday night. A letter was read trom John Ad!llIs protest mg the construotion ot Thomas Street, for a width of 20-feetonly, and advooa'ttlng the acquiring of additional right-ot.,.way and the improvement of'said street without cost to abutting property owners, in excha:tge for the required right-of-way. It:o .-tion was taken. Mr. Sabath asked What tb:! Council intended to do about improving the yacht basin as proposed some time ago, and whether some method of financing had been worked ou t. It was stated tha t the Chairman of the Finance Oonmittee, had reported on the matter at last meeting but that no satisfaotory method pt payment had been found. It was suggested that money in the Water Meter l!'und 1.792 S~tenller 1, 1941 , be used for this purpose. Mt. Sabath said that permit for this work had been approved by the War Departnent and he felt it should be started on immediately if the workwa~ to be oompleted for this season. It was therefore agreed that the City Engineer proceed to have the neoessary piling out ani peeled and preliminary work started on the project, and that further plans for this improvement be made a special Drder of business at next meeting of the Counoil. There being no :f'urther business to come before the members, it was regularly moved that Counoil adjourn. ~dl W C. tnWQ City Clerk. -U- 1 . , APPROVED : MaY~~ >,