09-08-41 Regular :1793 COUHC IL CHAMBER September 8, 1941 The Council met in regular session at 7:30 P.M. with the City Attorney and the following members present: Mr. Hill, Mr. Jacobs, Mr. Miller, Mr. S abath and Mr. Scott. By motion regularly made, seconded and carried the minutes of the regular meeting of Aug'lSt 25th and the special lOOeting of September 1st were approved as read. A letter from C. L. Beals, General Superintendent of the Florida East Coast Railroad, with reference to the City's request for a crossing at N.E. First Street, was read and ordered filed. A letter from J. B. Reid, applying for a liquor license to operate a cocktail bar and package store on Lot 1, Block 1 Ocean Park, was read. It was reccmmEtlded that said request be submitted on specified application blank and that applicant accomfiany saroo with a check cover- ing license fee, in compliance with ordtnance requirements. It was further recomnended that the usual practice be followed in advertising said application in the Delray Beach News. J The following letter addressed to Mr. Carroll, agent for the Weinman Company, with reference to DeJray's difficulty with its new pump recently purchased l'rom said company, was read: Columbus, Ohio August 29, 1941 Mr. J. P. Carroll 206 First St. West Palm Beach,Fla. Att: Mr. J.P.Carroll Sub: City of Delray Beach Dear Carroll: This aCknowledges receipt of your letter of the 23rd with reference to bottom bearing on the 8" vertical split case pump 110.26282. , On the sketch you returned, you have indicated that the flinger looks as though it !'l,,"' be smaller in diameter than the drawing cs.lls for. Won't you please have someone take a pair of cali "ers and ei. ve ~ the exact diameter -- thfLt is, the largest diameter of this flinger? 1.794 COUNC IL C IlAllBER September 8, 19h1 Ordinarily, when water <3ets into a ball bearing, and the pump is used any length of time at all, the bearing goes completely bad in just a very short ti'lle. ::1iat is the condi tion of the bearing now and how long have they been operating since water was discovered in the bearing? After securing the dimension asked for above, please advise whether or rot it would be good policy to send them a new ball bearing for them to have on hand just in case this present bearing should fail. We await with interest your further advices. Yours truly, THE WEmMAN PU1lP MFG. CO. /s/ D.G.LEAR Engineering Dept. The City Engineer stated that Mr. Carroll ex,':Jected to attend the evening IS meeting of the Council to discuss the situation. Members were of the opinion that the Company should give the matter inmediate attention and Councilman Sabath recanmended that if Mr. Carroll did not show up before the conclllSion of the rreeting that the Mayor write him in sistine that he give same his immedi,'ite attention. J. The following IOOvine request was received from O. D. Priest,Sr. Septe!'\her 8, 19U Mr. I. J. Sinks, Bldg. Insp. Dear Sir: I have purchased the house which is now located on Lot 12, Block ll9. I want to move this house on to Lot 7, S~ of Block 5h, and I would appreciate a permit for sarne. I intend to cut the house down to 1 story, replacine all decayed or rotten material which may be in the building, additional bracing where necessary, and putting building on a foundation accorning to City code. Building will be painted inside and out. I intend to put en a slate roof. ,.yori<: will be completed on house within 60 days after house is lIDved on Lot 7 Block 5h. Yours truly, /13/ Mr. O. D. Priest :1795 COUNCIL CHAMBER September 9, 19h1 The Building Inspector stated that Mr. Priest had promised to IIDve and remodel the building in full canpliance with building and code reeulations, which he believed he would do. It was accordingly moved by Mr. Sabath that the IIDving permi t be granted, subject to ordinance requirements and in accord with agreement outlined in above request. Mr. Miller seconded the motion, which carried unanimously on roll call. The Building Inspector submitted application of Foy Shivers for permit to erect a small frame garage and office building on the N.Eo corner of the intersection of Second Avenue and First Street, Lot 8 Block 83, in the second fire zone. The Building Inspector said the original application had been for a masonry office building and. the front of the lot and a fralOO truck shed in the rear, and stated that this new permit called for no masonry at all, and since it did hot confonn with ei ther the Building code or fire regulations he could not recomnend the granting of same. It was therefore moved by Mr. Miller that the request be rejected. Mr. Sabath seconded the motion, and on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. killer yes, Mr. Sabath yes,"'r. Scott yes. TEe moti8n carried. L, Upon wri tten approval of Orlo Billings, the adjoining prcperty owner, and members of the Zoning Conmission, it was regularly moved, seconded and carried that Mrs. Irene Moore be nermi tted to encroach one foot on the North line of Lot 16, Block 67: for a d:i.stance of 21 feet East and West, parallel to said North lot line. The following request of the Building Inspector was read: September 6, 1941 City Council Delroy Beach, Florida Gentlemen: Owing to the increasing shortage of many building materials, it has become necessary to adjust the require- ments of the Building Code to meet the present require- ment and not sacrifice our good construction. It is therefore recomrnended that the City COlillcil appoint an Adjustment Board composed of Mr. Samuel Ogren, Mr. Robert Blake, Mr. VI.V.Peterson, local architects, and your Building Inspector, to adjust any departure from the Building Code. The suggested Adjustment Board would not be the regular Board of Adjustment. Very truly yours, /s/ Irwin J. Sinks Building L~spector. v~ :1796 COUNCIL CHAMBER Septenher 8, 19U Mr. Sinks explained that it was desired to increase the size of concrete beams in buildings, to take the place of iron rein- forcing specified by the building code, because of the inability, at the present time to obtain the usual types of rein! orcing. This board was rccomnended for the testing of untried mterials to be used as substitutes. It was accordingly roved by Mr. Sabath that a board to be known as "The Emergency Building Board" be appointed, composed of tte members recoDrnended by the Building Inspector. Mr. Miller secoIXled the motion, and on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. flill yes, Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. Miller yes, llr. Sabath yes. The motion carried. read: The following request by the Building Inspector, was also September 8, 1941 City Council Gentlemen: The Building Code provides that Building Inspector may cause tests to be mde on materials when deemed necessary to ascertain the strength and quality of mterial\S. Your Inspector wishes the authon ty to employ a registered Engineer to conduct such test on concrete as thought necessary. The cost of structural or material test to be borne by contractors. Yours truly, /s/ 1. J. Sinks Building Inspector. , It was moved by Mr. Jacobs, seconded by Mr. Hill, and on roll call unanimously carried, that the request be granted, and Mr. Sinks be authorized to employ a registered engineer to make these tests on concrete, when considered necessary. At 8:00 0' clock the follcming bids were opened for the I'eco>natruction of the cement sidewalks around the swinming pool. . 19~ per foot or $392.00 for entire job. Joe Prie st Gulfstream Engineers 17~~ per sq. ft. It was moved by Mr. Hill that contract be awarded the low bidder, Gulfstream Engineers. Mr. Sabath seconded the motion, which carried unanimously en roll call. This bidder agreed to relOOve all :1797 CJUN::IL CHAMBER September 8, 19h1 old ceMent a'1d build new walks with wire mesh re-inforc?-ng, under the direct:iiOh of the City Engineer, at the price of 17~~ per sq. ft. , The following request for re-roofing l.Irs..J.R.Cason's residence was received. September 8, 19h1 The Honorable City Council of Delray Beach, Florica Gentlemen : , I wish to make application for a permit to cover awroximately three fourths of the roof on the residence of Mrs. J.R.Cason, whiCh is located on W.Atlantic & S.W. 1st. Avenue. This roof VIas partially recovered on a special permit sore time ago and Mrs. Cason wished to recover the rest of the main roof again with wood shingles. All the lover roof over porches etc., will be re-covered wit h composition roofing. I trust that you will see f:it to grant this requested permit. Respectfully yours, Thieme Construction Co. /s/ John I. Thieme 1 '. Considerable disctlSSion ensued as to the wisdom and right of the Council in allowing special concession in the mtter of wood shingles in the fire zone, but it was finally moved by Mr. Hill that special permission be granted Mrs. Cason to re-cover said roof in compliance with her request. Mr. Sabath seconded the motion, and on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. Miller no, Mr. Sabath yes, Mr. Scott yes. The motion carried. Bids were received on piling for the yacht basin project as follows: From O.D.Priest,Jr. 1500 ft of piling peeled & treated @ 12M per ft. ., From Eltm Harvel l?OO ft of piling peeled & treated )'nth 1 coat of water gas tar, 14~ per ft. It was moved by Mr. Sabuth that O.D.Priest,Jr., the low bidder be awarded the contract. Mr. Miller seconded the motion, which on roll call,carried unanimausly. In connection with same, the City Engineer reported that Mr. Foote had offered the use of his vacant lot on the canal for the peeling and painting of this piling. 1.798 ,~, COUNCIL CHAMBER September e, 19U , At this point a delegation representing the Delray Beach Library Association arrived, and 1ir. Foote and Mrs. Vogler acting as spokesmen for the organization asked that the City appropriate in its 19/.l-h2 budget a sum equal to $50.00 per month for the next fiscal year as a contribution towards the operation and extension of this library activity. It was stated that the Government's aid in this connection was to the extent of arOtmd $800.00 per year, which they expected to be approximately matched by the City. It was finally moved by Mr. Hill that the City Council include in its budget the sum of $800.00 to be used for the library, payable at $50.00 per month begiming October 1st. Mr. Miller e:;qressed himself as being willing to aid the Library but recommended the appropriation of only $50.00 per month, as requested by the L.i.brary Committee. Mr. .I.lill's motion, however, was seconded by Mr. Sabath, and on roll call the vote was as as follows: Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Jacobs not voting, Mr. Miller no, Mr. Sabath yes, Mr. Scott yes. The motion carried. ~ . The Clerk presented the following list of personal property taxes for 19'10, which appeared un)aid because such concerns had eone out of business.or moved away, leaving noth.ine on which to levy. Gearhart, J;./m. Bowling alley Gregg, Maurice, Chiropractor Mclaren's Sign Service Seacre st Garage $3.36 4.32 .72 1.00 $9.1,0 ! It was accOl'dingly mved by Mr. Miller, seconded by Mr. lIill, and on roll call unanimously carried that the Clerk be authorized to abate these taxes. It was rroved by Mr. HiE, seconded h", Mr. Miller and on roll call unanimously carried that. the f6.llowing rElSolilticinbe adqpted: RF..Q[) T J rTr 01>! Ll r; 'c A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, OIlDERIIIG THE CONSTRUCTION OF CERTAIN STREET IMPROVEUENT CN THOMAS STREET FROM THE OCEAN BOUIJ;.'VARD TO ANDRE't5 AVENUE. '- and that same be duly advertised, together with a notice topropi'rty owners, calling for a meeting fro the hearine of objections thereon, at 8:00 O'clock Monday night, October 13th. Mr. Miller seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous vote of the Council. . By motion regularly m3.de, seconded and carried, the following ordinance, which had been amended to allow for an increase in the number of outlets permitted on the .various sized meters, was placed on its llecond reading: .. :1799 ~ . COUNCIL (}!A1!BER September 8, 1941 I , f___ ORDINANCE NO. h06 - .. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 152, AS AMENDED BY ORDINANCE No. 220, THE SAME BEING AN ORDilllANCE REGULATII'U THE SALE AND DISTRIBUTION OF WATER FURNISHED, PROVIDING FOR A L'uUN'lENANCE AND SE1WICE CHARGE FOR SERVICE RENDERED TO OWNERS AND COli> UMERS BY THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FIffiIDA; REGULATING THE RATES THEREFOR, AND REGULATING THE MANNER IN 'SHICH WATER CONNECTIONS AND METERS SHALL BE FUfu'USHED AND PROVIDING PENALTIES Frn VIOLATION THEREOF; CREATIDN OF LIENS FOR PAST AND UNPAID ACCOUNTS; AND REPEALING ALL ORDD1A!{;ES OR PARTS OF ORDlllANCES IN CONFLICT HERElVITH. After discussion and reading of the ordinance, in full, for the second time, it was moved by Mr. Miller that it be adopted on its second reading and final passage. Mr. Hill seconded the motion, and on. roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. Miller yes, Mr. Sabath yes, Mr. Scott yes. The notion was declared carried. Passage of ordinances numbered 409 and 414, which were submttted by the Clerk for second reading, was deferred by the Council, to allow for further stu<tr and amendment, if deemed necessary . . { By motion regularly made, seconded and carried the following ordinance was placed on its secon dreading: ORDINANCE NO. hlO AN ORillNANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLffiIDA, REGULATING THE ERECTION, ALTERATION, CONSTRUCTION, &.oCATIDN, MOVING AND MAINTENANCE OF STRUCTURES FOR THE DISPLAY OF ADVERTISING AND PUBUC NOTICES WITHm THE CITY UMITS OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA. . ~_"l and having been read in full, for the second time, it was moved by Mr. Miller that it be adopted on its second reading and final passage. Mr. Hill seconded the motion, mich carried unanimously, and the ordinance was thereby adopted. By motion regularly made, seconded and carried the following ordinance was placed on its second reading: :-.-~,_..'" OiIDINANCE 4.13 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DEIRAY BEACH, FLQRIDA, DESIGNATING ALto PR(1'ERTY m SEESTEDT-STEVENS SUBDIVISIill AND BLOCK 139 WEST OF THE FLORIDf\ mTRACOo\STAL CANAL . AS BEING IN RESIDENCE" A"IlI5TRICT AND DESIGNATING THE FROm YARD REQUIRJ!1.!ENTS THEREOF. :1800 COUN:;IL CHAMBER September 8, 1941 The ordinance having been read in full, the second time, it was moved by Mr. Hill that it be adopt ed on its second reading am final passage. Mr. Miller seconded the motion which carried unan- imously on roll call. Upon the Mayor's recommendation, it was moved by Mr. Jacobs that J. L. Helvinston be offered a position as assistant to John Gregory, at a salary of $llO.CO per month. Mr. Sabath seco1!Ided the motion, and on roll calL the vote wal as follows: Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. Miller not voting, Mr. l:>abath yes, Mr. Scott yes. The motkln carried. Mr. Nowlin also reported on the cost of indemnity insurance for the City Pool stating that the actual rate for such insurance was based on the nwnber of admissionBj. to the pool, but that the minimum premium was $120.ctl a year for such public liability insurance on swimming poo 1s . It was moved by Mr. Sabath, seconded by Mr. Jacobs, and on roll call unanimously carried that bills nwnbered 7333 to n08, having been approved by the Finance Committee, be returned to the Council and ordered paid. I The matter of budget appropriations came up, and was discuss ed briefly, it being pointed out that the Council was .. required to meet for such purpose on the second Monday in Sep~rnber. The Clerl<: reported that the state Comptroller had advised that his returns for the cOl1'orations and railroads would be delayed somewhat therefore the 1941-1'011 could not be presented for the Council's approval, or the operating levy made until these returns had been received. It was therefore regularly IOOved, seconded and carried that Council adjourn to meet again in agjourned session, at 7:30 P~M. Friday, September 12th, for further consideration of the 1941-19h2 budget and for any other businwss found necessary to take up at that time. . ~-(~PAJ ~A~ City Clerl<: APProVED: ~~ Mayor '>- -";._- ~